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13 unkommonlaw [episode63] at talkshoe com show#127469 [garbles/comments in brackets]

5:00 [ guy won car in vegas, tax man standing right there saying give us 20k and you can have car. He
said no, i will pay tax when its due on april 15, took it to gaming commission, they had to give him car.
When you send me the bill i will pay my taxes.]
16: the way i did it i sued the person in charge of the corporation and when they failed to respond or
they wont take responsibility for their corporation i will then make a claim for the corporation, if
nobody wants to claim liability or the claim that they have control over this monster i will claim the
monster and i will take control. Somebody will answer this, believe me. Theyre not gonna want you to
make a claim for it.
21: they [guv] dont have any rights. They have duties, privileges, obligations and responsibilities. They
have ordinances, policies and regulations. They have no such thing as a right.
24: hale versus hinkle [was about importing bananas, why would i want to quote/use that? Maybe if i
was in import/export biz but only as a comparison; cf]
31: the way you stylize your claim is exactly like mine, they knew exactly what i was going to do,
if they failed to respond i was going to claim the agency as mine. So if you write it correctly they will
answer, they are not going to walk away from a billion dollar agency.
39 caller; blocking driver license because of taxes.
Since theyre blocking you from trying to carry out their wishes then you have no other alternative then
to [ ] common law. You want to comply to their statutes policies ordinances codes but everytime you
try to do something theyre blocking you because theyre putting up a hindrance. So [youre going to have
to rely on] common law and youre a man and you have the right to travel so what youre gonna do is
youre going to make sure you have a bond.. youre in maryland, you dont even need insurance do you?
44: page 4 three quarters of the way down its says; all state courts are common law courts
caller; actually they revised that site about a month ago and they took that out. I went to the archive site
and it was still there [what archive site?].
Of course they did. What do you think theyre crazy? Thats why i photocopied it, downloaded it and and
mass emailed it out to like a billion people.
Caller; post that on your site karl.
Yeah when i rebuild the site. Keep reminding me.
56: caller got ticket on purpose
1:03 the guv has no authority whatsoever to order a man to do anything.
1:05 its copyrighted, its trademarked, its patented.. youre infringing on intellectual property. Youre
stealing their stuff. Done use their stuff... dont put police badges all over your shirt and walk around
town and not think youre going to get in trouble.
1:11 hand em paper and shut up [even on the side of the road]
1:14 caller; have you guys got UCC filed? no... i operate under full liability as a man.

1:29 [karl breaks to eat. Sounds like dan telling a looong story till about 2:15]
[2:20 still talking over each other]
2:25 dan; when the court is quiet and shuffling papers around they dont know what to do.
2:26 when the plaintiff does not show up the case gets dismissed.
2:34 you did not break the code. You shall [in the future] have a driver license. Go ahead mr officer
read the code in court. You shall have a dl. There you go, bye bye judge.
dan; thats how you beat a traffic ticket right there.
2:36 caller; how do i get my check?
Stop worrying about the check, because you cant even handle the word shall.
You shall have insurance.
The guv cannot order a man to do anything.
Your in complete compliance [with shall]
2:40 bring their law into the court!
2:41 [last few minutes karl retells traffic court experience, excitedly]
2:42 their code always says shall and will, both in the future.
2:44 karls dictionary
2:47 earliest calls sep and oct on angelas my private audio at talkshoe com she kept muting me...
2:48 thats all they did the states outsourced and made a group iof people that were going to monitor
activity between the states. Thats all. Nothing to do with me. Im a man. im not a state, well im not their
state, i am a state, im not part of their state.
This is simple and you guys are making too much of this.
Caller; isnt that contract.. well youre not a part of that contract, arent they supposed to uphold the rights
of a man or..
no. i couldnt care less what that piece of contract says, i couldnt care less what they do or dont do, i
dont care if theyre [ ], all i care about is im going to come after them when they cause me harm.
Thats universal. I dont care if we had a constitution, i dont care if they didnt. ..
the way i operate? The country has been around for 500 years. The way i operate is the way the people
operated for the first three hundred years before there was a constitution. The old way never went away
[aint been outlawed either].
2:58 why not claim the name especially if theres an offer attached to it. What happens when a
contractor they place an order with me and they tell me to do something. Somebody gives me an order
of course im gonna claim it because thats where i make my money. If i find an order laying around with
my name on it im gonna pick it up, carry it out and hand the guy a bill. Why wouldnt i want to take the
name thats on the order. If i saw an order laying on the ground that said Felix Bobcat id say hey man
does anybody want to claim that order? no. can i claim that order? Well i guess. I will claim im Felix
and acting on or behalf of Felix. i will act on or behalf of Felix. And then i will carry out his burden and
then im gonna hand you [ ] order the bill on or behalf of Felix and i will be his agent and i will claim
all the equity in that order. Whats the problem with that?
2:59 theyre trying to license or permit his business. Did he charter it? UCC it? Record it with the
county recorder. How do they know thats a business. How do they even know to even appear there?
What gave them an indication that he was doing something on that particular place on the map?

3:06 any time the state turns you down, its administrative nonsense and theres always a way to appeal
administrative decisions. So while its up on appeal to administrative supervisor or a hearing board or a
hearing supervisor or hearing something, while its in there you could like put a temporary injunction on
it and you just want to say while this is up for appeal im going to get an injunction on your ruling
because im going to freaking starve so im going to need the food stamps and if i dont qualify after the
hearing after the hearing send me the bill and i will pay you back for the free food you gave me.
[realizing i qualified i applied but didnt follow up (didnt really require it) and they mailed a denial,
made me wonder if they get funds anyway, like a 10K credit card application banksters use to get the
10 but tell you only qualify for 5. couldnt they just make a note in the file missed appointment so they
must need an actual 'denial record' for something]
3:11 what are you going to do with that seven hundred thousand dollar fine? He says i dont want to pay
it. Do you mind if i do something with it? [OMG could turn that into a business!]. How bout if i try to
make a claim on it? Would you mind? no. take it just to see what i could do with it. He dont want it. He
thinks he has got to pay it. So i will show that they filed a false claim against him and i will flip the
charges on them. Its an easy case cause his pigs have a curly instead of straight tail and dont comply
with code. Its so simple to destroy code. Define curly. Define straight. Is it always straight? [ambiguous
void for vagueness]. Or has anybody come forth with any claim of harm?
OJ case [again]
3:29 sec of state sends out thousands of dear petitioner letters. Melite send it back saying who the f are
you call petitioner?
3:39 to save your house.. sometimes i tell people bankruptcy is a damn good thing to do when you
have no clue what im doing and you gotta do something quick. And then the judge holds all of the
creditors, which theyre not really creditors we all know that, but it holds them all at bay. Then he tells
them they have to accept one dollar for the next three thousand years. The judge will tell the people
coming at you that theyre gonna be glad to get a penny on the dollar. So why cant you say hey mr bank
forecloser, mr bank of america be glad youre getting a penny on the dollar. Why cant you do it?
[his mom worked for irs, wrote letters to 'creditors and had best credit rating ever seen. Good story. I
cant type it again]
just send a letter to the bank i can pay you one dollar on this hundred and will pay the other ninety-nine
when i can.
She was good to her word and paid it all off.
3:45 my phone died. Youre gonna have to take over dan.
3:52 karl back on. Let me just wrap this up right quick. Whats the hierarchy of ownership. Owner is
down the list. Lien holder has first lien and then the person who titled it has an even higher superior
claim to that title than the lien holder.
Lien holder gets taken care of before owner gets title.
4:05 [remove VIN number.] Its your car. .. you must have changed the number. You got any first hand
knowledge of that event? You got a third party impartial witness to prove any of that? You want to take
me to court and prove i cant do what i want with my car? Are you going to have the state come forth
and testify under oath or affirmation that car is theirs? Good luck.
4:09 whats to keep you from doing it? Nothing. Man is unlimited in his capacity, man could do
whatever he wishes and theres no other man on the planet that can interfere with your right to do what
ever you wish with your property.

4:17 dont let the banking industry down. Thats what made us great. Or, go ahead and get in their way
and see whats gonna happen. We will wind up a third world country. Go ahead, hold them liable for
what theyve actually done. Theyre gonna leave. Do you think theyre gonna give up all their wealth?
Call ends 4:58

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