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scams haunt,season,~
BBB warns

peets and may come with ongoing to be billed even aiter telling the be wary of pop-up boxes. the information is being encrypted
Tips: Read fine print, monthly charges that hear she didn't company they want to cancel. • Check for a physical address. (turned into code that can only be
authorize and can't get stopped_ read by the seUer). Your browser
pay with credit card Better Business Bureaus across
I stopped at " Dunkin Donuts
store in Jackson. Teen., a few weeks
phone numbers and a refund policy.
It's amazing how many great-looking may also signal that the information
the country are receiving an on­ ago after taping ",ine TV inter­ Web sites only have ane-mall address is secure with a symbol, such as a
B-1' R.uroy HUI'CHtNSON slaught of complaints about teeth views. The coumer lady there for contacting the seUer. Be sure you broken key that becomes whole or a
Spec! to The Commercia! Appeal whiteners and products made from knows I'm with the BBB and reJayed understand the refund policy. padlock that closes.
the acai-berry. l'biquitous ads for her own acai~beITY ~alf! of woe. • Read the fine print and be sure • Keep your computer secure for
Fore;:asts for hoUday sales are all these products can be found on She saw an ad on the Internet and you understand all of the lenns of a safe shopping and other online ac­
over the board, but there's little many weU-known Web sites, on so­ pro,ided her crecii t card number to free trial. tivities. Protect your computer with
doubt that many shoppers will con­ dal networking sites ilke Facebook pay $3.95 in shipping and handling • Get all tbe details on your pur­ spam filters, anti-virus and anti·spy·
tinue to forgo the trip to the store and in spam e-mails. for a free trial. !\Q\\' she's getting chase - how much the product or ware software, and a firewall, and
and tick off the names on their Thev offer a no-risk free trial with charged $70 month and can't get the senice costs, what's included for keep them up to date.
"nice" list from the comfort of their a guaranteed refund ofyour money if charges stopped. The product came that price, whether there are ship­ • Pay with a credit card. l;nder
homes. you aren't happy with the product. in a plain brown Wfopper with no ping charges, and the de'ivery time. federal law, you can dispute the
l'nfortunately, online scammers AU you have to Co is pro,ide your return address. Print out the confirmatjon page. charges if you didn't authorize them
will be waiting for them, credit or debit card number to pay a What can you dol V~ protect your­ • Look for signs that online pur· or didn't get what you were
Some crooks are simply looking to small shipping and handling charge. self when you're shopping online? chases are secure. At the point lhat promised.
gamer personal and financial infor­ Consumers have complained to • Know who you're dealing with. you're pro\iding your payment in­ Rcn4l; Hutchl1lS01l is presuJmi and
mation to commit identity theft, the BBB that the\" start recching Check out any company with the fonnation, the beginning of the Web CEO if the Bater Business Bureau of
Others are really selling a product, montlliycharges belOre the free trial BBB. Don't buy something in re­ site address should change from the MUl·South. He elm be rt!aciwi at
but it isn't what the consumer ex· period ends and that they continue sponse to UllsoliciteG e-mails. and httptoshttporhttPS,indicatingthat

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