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leBA and Bank of Yazoo offel

tips for safer online shopping

Annette Costello of Flo ra does some las l minute on li ne Christmas shopping.

!) .
" Was hin g ton, D .C. (N ov. 24 , 5. Look for secure sites with an " s" in the
2009) - More than half of consumers are URL (https://) and a closed-padlock icon
expected to do their holiday shopping over on the Web page.
the Internet (his year. The Independent 6. Always double-check the URL to be
Community Bankers of Ameri ca (re BA) sure you are shopping with the company
and Bank of Yazoo today issued tips to you intend ed to shop with. A simple typo
help consumers stay safe and secure when can help identity thieves.
ordering online . 7.If you ' re using a company's site for
"A few simple precau tions can th e first time, consider checking it ou t
make a big di fference," said R. Michael with the Better Business Bureau (WWw.
Menzies, rCBA chairman. " Community
banks are co mmitte d to making sure 8.Never respond to an offer by way of a ·
that our customers have the info rmation spam or bulk e-mail. If something sounds
they need to shop safel y and securely too good to be true, it usually is.
anyw he re , a nytim e . It's e ve n mor,.!;. 9.Coo§umerlJ..!'otections in the.f ederal Fair
important at thi s time of year to remind Credi t Billing Act appl y to online credi t­
peo ple of the steps th ey can ta ke to card purchases. Keep records of all your
protect th eir personal infom1ation when purchases in case there 's a pro bl em.
shopping online and lessen the likelihood I O.Avoid pro v iding unne ce s s a ry
offraud ." informa tio n su c h as annu al income,
I. Make sure your computer and browser spe nding habi ts , hobbies and lifes tyle
are secure. Set your fi rewall, anti-virus and data.
anti-spyware softwru'e to automatically II .Shop with U.S .-based comp a ni es.
update and scan your Pc. Domestic st8te and federal con sume r­
2.Don ' t c re ate passwords that include protection laws apply. You ' ]] be protected
easil y accessed personal inform atio n, and have recourse should something go
such as mother's maid en name or date of awry.
birth . Instead , use someth ing un ique that 12 .Register your credit and debi t cards
only you know. at www.veri fiedb yvis a .com o r www.
3.Don' t give personal in fo rmation over mastercardsecurec ode .com for a mo re
th e phone, throu gh the mail or on the secure onlin e shoppin g exper ien ce.
Internet unless you know who you're Some credit-card companies offer vilt ual
dea lin g with and prefe rably o nl y if account num bers that are generated each
you' ve initiated the conta ct. Never give tim e you make a purchase, and some
out Social Security or driver 'S licen se e-mail pro vid ers let you create several
numbers. If you mu st share personal aliases to protect your person al e-m ail
in fo rmation, confirm that you are dealing address.
with a legitimate organization. " The Int e rnet o f fe r s i nc r e dibl e
4.lf you receive an e-m ail asking for co nv eni e nce , a nd m ost bu s ines s es
person al information, do not hit the reply online are legi timate, " Griffin Norquist,
button or cli ck on any link in th e e-maiL President, Bank of Yazoo said. " We just
In stead, go directly to the sender 's Web urge our customers to us e th eir good
site by typ ing in its Web-site address. CO lTIlnOn sense."

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