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Selecting charity difficult

as needsdwarfdonations

By s2!~Block ratios. food, medicine and other items

USA Today S om e ques - d onated by co rporate part­
For thefirsttimeini~25-year tion to ponder ners.
history, the Mississippi Food before you give: In some cases, though, the
Network d i d n't distribute Wh e re do I charities inflate t he val ue of
turkeys to needy Mississippians want my dollars these items to make it look like
this Thanksgiving. to go? they're spending more of their
The charity is wrestling with With so many budgets on programs than they
the same dilemma facing other people going really are, says Dan iel Boro­
food banks and pantries across hungr y i n the choff, president of the Ameri­
the country: While the econom- U.S., you may prefer 'upport- can Institute of Philanthropy, a
ic down turn has increased the ing charities in this country, or charity watchdog.
need for social services, dona- even your hometown . Even more troubling, some
tions have dropped. Bu t hunger is a worldwide in-kind donations are of limited
Nearly 50 million Americans, problem that has been exacer- use to the people the charity
including 17 million children, bated by the global recession. pur ports to help.
were at risk of going hungry last
year, an increase of 36 percent
No safety net "S ome h ave g iven aw ay
cookies and crackers and soda
from a year earlier, according to While many believe the U.S. pop to hungry people,» Boro­
a su rvey by the Agriculture safety netis frayed, many devel- choff says.
Department. oping countries have no safety Feeding America, which dis-
The situation has probably net for starvi ng people, says tributes more than 2 billion
worsened since the survey was Kimberly Wright-Violich , presi- pounds of food a year, does a
conducted. . dent of Schwab Charit ble, a good jo b of ex plain ing how
Feeding America, a national donor-advised fund. donations from grocery compa­
hunger relief organization, says In addition, Wright-Violich nies are valued and distributed,
average demand at the nation's says, your contributions may go Borochoff says.
food banks increased 30 percent
this year.
furt her i n p oor c ou n tr i es
bea- use the cost of living i so
Ins'lde vl'ew
If you're in a position to help, much lower. Should I also donate mvtime?
the need is clearly great. But Likewi e, consider whether Volunte e ring prov-ides a
selecting a charity will be even you want to donate to organiza­ great way to assess whether a
harder than usual this year. tions t hat support immediate charity is fulfilling its mission .

Rat'los eased needs, such as food pantries, or

those that work to alleviate the
When yo u vol unteer, "You
get a real sense about whether
Many donors and watchdog long-ter m cause of poverty, a place is well-run and what
groups look at how much chari­ Wright-Violich says. ki nd of culture and a t mo s­
ties spend on fundraising and A charity that provides loans phere it has when making a
overhead wh en evaluating a to entrepreneurs in developing funding decision," Wright-Vio­
group's effectiveness. countries would fall into the Iich ays.
T h e B.e .tler Business second category, she says. Pl us, volunteering help
Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance's Ultimately, the choice is a donors develop long-term rela­
accountaliility standards, for personal one, says Ken Berger, tionships with charities, says
example, require that charities president of Charity Navigator, Sarah Libbey, president of the
spend at least 65 percent of a charity watchdog group, Fidelity Charitable Gift fund , a
their total exp en ses on pro­ "I'm uneasy considering one donor-advised fund.
grams and no more than 35 per­ type of organization more wor­ Americans who donate their
ce nt of co n t ri buti on s o n thy than another because it's time and skills con tribute an
fundraising. local or internalional," he says. average of 10 times more money
But many charities have suf­ "That's something each person to charity than people who don't
fered a sharp drop in donations has to decide for themselves in volunteer, according to a new
this year, which could negative­ ternlSof where their heart leads urvey by the fund.
ly affect such financial ratios, them." To find volunleeringopportu­
the alliance said last week. nili es in yo ur ar e a, g o to
To avoid penalizing other­ Valueinflated
wise good charities, the BBB Does t he cha rity di close
said it's giving the charities it information about in-kind dona­ Sandra Block writes for USA •

evaluates a 10 percent devia­ tions? Today. E-mail her al sblock@

tion from its standard financial Many ch arities di -t ribu te

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