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State provides easy-to-use tool to check out charities

IckSBURG - In a December is based op giving as a son. So how do you tell if a donation that gratitude. In turn, they do very pose.

V mood? Feeling generous? Wal-

let empty?
Not a problem, says Bill Moak,
- percentage of income
reported to the Inter-
nal Revenue Service.
will actually do what you want it to
A first step could be called the
little, if anything, to actually sup-
port law enforcement or first
If a report shows a charity spent
75 cents or more of every donated
dollar on overhead - and a surpris­
president of the Better Business The fact we are a state "name test." Here it is: The more The second step is using a tool- ing number do - wary donors
Bureau of MississippL Givetime. with a lot of low- emotion-packed words in the orga- an invaluable tool-the Mississippi might choose to give their checks to
"The personal rewards for volun- income people and a nization's name, the more likely the Legislature has made available to organizations that minimize their
teering, especially during the holi- Mitchell lot of church-going organization is not a charity at -all. the public through the secretary of internal costs to maximize their
day season, can be as important to VICksburg tithers provides part Hence, if the mailman brings you a state's office ( effect.
charities as a cash contribution," Post of the explanation. solicitation from the "Society to for several years. If people have money to give, the
Moaksaid. But not all ofit. People Provide Kittens to the Blind Babies An annual report on all charities best advice is to give it close to home
And he's right. There are very few in this state will really of Deaf Veterans," a questioning registered to ask for money from to known, trusted individuals and
service groups that couldn't use a rally. eyebrow should go up . There are Mississippians (and registration is organizations. Any group soliciting
hand, especially from someone who It's impressive how neighborly plenty of legitimate charities. But required) is available online in full a gift by mail, telephone or other-
has a bit of expertise. Mississippians can be. there are also plenty of con artists. and searchable formats. Most public wise should be checked out. The
, 'If nnthing'else, buy or b,'lke some Others have noticed, too, and, Another term bogus groups like libraries have printed versions. state makes it pretty easy to do.
cookies and take them to the office sadly, the world of charities has to employ is "law enforcement" or What the annual reports do show •
of an organization you think is doing become infested with predators. "first responders ." Every honest is how much money a group raised Charlie Mitchell is executive edi­
good work in your community. There are groups and individuals person is grateful for law enforce- in the most recent year, the cost of tor of The Vicksburg Post. Write to
Mississippians are the most phil- who make fortunes by using decep- ment and knows first responders raising the money, the cost of him at Box 821668, Vicksburg MS
anthropic people in America. We've tion to gain the compassion of oth- save lives. So it follows that scam- administrative staff and the amount 39182 or e-mail cmitchell@vicks­
been told thatforyears. The ranking ers. Christmas is their feeding sea- mers are not shy about tapping into actually spent for the stated pur-

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