CAPE 2012 (Unit 1)

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e. rest cove 02101020 FORM TP 2012127 MAY/UNE 2012, CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ACCOUNTING UNIT 1 ~ Paper 02 2 hours and 45 minutes (0S,TUNE 2012 (a.m) | READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: | 1, This paper comprises THREE questions. EACH question is worth 35 marks | 3. ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 4. Begin EACH answer on a new page | |S. Youmay useasilent,non-programmable calculator answer questions DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTILYOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All Rights Reserved. 1 AG) beeween their roles Intemal and external auditors often liaise on various matters but there sre diff (@) Copy and complete the following table which compares and contrasts the scope and objectives of the work of internal au extemal auditors tors fora public company with those of ‘TABLE 1: THE ROLES OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AUDITORS, Internal Auditors External Auditors Appraise the effectiveness with which organisational units Give an opinion onthe far presentation of. Report to Report 10 ‘Study and evaluate accounting and administrative Limit themselves to reviewing accountng controls asthey affect te figures onthe. Employees oF he na Independent ofthe company they (& marks) Gi) Explain BRIEFLY the extent to which EACH type of auditor should be expected to detect fraud in a company. (marks) (b) _Bemice Inc was incorporated in t Barhs on 30 November 2010. Anumber of transactions ‘occured over the next wo years. However, no entries were made in the books with respect to any of these transactions. The director has hired you to make the necessary journal entries to bring the books up to date. The following transactions occurred over the two years + 15 June 2011, Bemice Inc issued 15 000 shares of $10 par value common sick in exchange for land with a fair market valve of $60 000 and a building witha fair ‘market value of $180 000 + 15 October 2011, Bemice tne purchased 38% of the outstanding shares of $2 par value common stock of Fly Corporation for $700 000. + 30 November 2011, Fly Corporation paid a total cash dividend of $120 000, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE © @ + 31 December 2011, accrued the interest on an $80 000 6-month 10% note payable ‘aken on 01 October 2011 (Note: do not make any entry for the actual loan). ‘+31 December 2011, the company has estimated accumulated retained earnings of $5 million. The board of directors declared a stock dividend by issuing 9 000 additional $10 par shares of common stock Prepare journal entries with narratives to record the above transactions, (7 marks) Intemational Accounting Standard 1 (LAS 1) states that there are certain considerations ‘that must be taken into account if fnancial statements are tobe fel presented and if the financial statements are tobe in compliance withthe International Accounting Standards. Briefly explain the following terms as used in JAS 1 ©) Consistency (@ marks) (i) Materiaity @ marks) Gli) Going concer (@ marks) “Total 35 marks Copy and complete Table 2 by putting tick (1) to indicate whether the characteristic is applicable to the Corporation or Partnership. ‘TABLE 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION AND A PARTNERSHIP Characteristics | Corporation | Partnership ‘Taxation ofthe entity Ease of transfer of ownership | ‘Owners’ lability for debts ofthe business | Continuity oFexistence [Separate egal enty marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE © ‘Kendal and Kwame are in partnership in publishing business sharing profits and losses ‘equally. They decide to admit Janet nto the partnership. Janet brought S80.000 tobe used forexpansion. Profits in the future would be shared equally among Kendal, Kwame and. Janet. Immediately prior to admission of Janet, the Balance Sheet of Kwame and Kendal ‘was as follows: s s s Assets Current assets Cash at bank 2.000 Accounts Receivable 12.000 Inventory 19.000 ‘Total current assets 24 000 (Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $000 16000 Fixed Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Building 180.000 Plant and Machinery 20,000 200 000 ‘Total net assets 216 000 Kwame 120000 Kendal 96 000 216 000 Revalvation of assets reveals goodwill tobe valued at $18 000, Buildings at $200 000 and Plant anid Machinery at $16 000. Inventory and Accounts Receivable are considered to have fhe value equal to book value. (Prepare the Capital Adjustment Account which shows the charges tothe Plant and Machinery Account, Building Account, Goodwill and the Partners Capital ‘Accounts just before Janet is admitted. (10 marks) (ii) Prepare the Balance Sheet to show the opening position of the new partnership of| Kwame, Kendal and Janet. (10 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE © William Barker organized Fancy Beachwear Inc early in 2009 with an authorized share capital of $00 000 shares a $5 each, + On 15 Ianuary 2009 the company issued to William and other investors 40 000 ordinary shares + The investors paid $6 foreach share + The Income Statement prepared at 31 December 2009, showed a pre-tax profit of $120 000, + No dividends were declared in 2009. + In2010, the directors ofered a1 for 2 rights issue at $5 per share + Allthe rights were taken up. +The pre-tax profit for 2010 was $625 000, ‘+ InJune 2011, the directors gave a bonus issue of 1 share for every share in + ‘The pretax profit for 2011 was $750 000, + The corporation tax rate was 38% for the period 2009-2011 Prepare the Shareholder Equity section of Fancy Beachwear Ine at 31 December 2011, (10 marks) “Total 36 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3. Youhave been presented with the following Trial Balance of Portsmouth Home & Office Depot 30 June 2011 DR cR $°000 000 Fitings at cost 226 Fitngs, accumulated depreciation ~01 July 2010 8 Buildings af cost 32 ‘Buildings, accumulated depreciation —O1 July 2010 8 and, at cost 188 Bank 30 ‘Retained Earnings ~01 July 2010 104 Tong term loan « Loan interest 4 Dividend paid 20 Sales 1510 Retums inwards 28 ‘Wages and salaries ra Insurance 6 Uilities 70 Tnventory —01 July 2010 128 “Allowance for bad debis —01 July 2010 3 ‘Administrative expenses o Purchases 384 iscounis received 76 “Acsounis payable 200 ‘Accounts receivable 256 Directors fees 56 SI Ordinary shares 570 ‘Share premium account o 2704 2708 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE eniannnie ape 2019 Te Additonal information available as at 30 June 2011 + Ending inventory is valued st $60 000 + Invoices for utilities NOT received for une is $12 000. + Insurance expense includes $2 000 for July and August 2011 + Fitings are tobe depreciated at 25% per annum using the reducing balance method + Buildings are depreciated at 5% per annum on the original cost + Land was revalued on 30 June 2011 to $200 000 + 10.000 of the longterm foan is due tobe paid inthe next accountng period + Tax hasbeen calelated a $40 000 forthe year Prepare the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the Company for the year ended 30 June 2011 in accordance with Intemational Accounting Standard | (IAS 1). ‘Total 38 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST,

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