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• U.s. Census workers
will not ask for your Social
Security number or any in­
formation about bank or
credit card accounts .
• U.s . Census workers
will not ask you for money
BILLMOAK or say that you owe money.
• U.S. Census workers will
not harass or intimidate you.
1'+ BBB
• U.S. Census workers
will not contact you bye­

mail - only by phone, by
mail or in person.
For more information re­
garding the 2010 Census,
visit www.census.gov.

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Online coupons The BBB has issued some

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U.S. Census workers Top 5 online coupon tips
will be surveying the popula­ • Don't divulge personal
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As the 2010 census process access sites publishing on­
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Bureau serving 1V!ississippi you are buying from needs
aci-V'ises-citizens to cooperate this information, so be sus­
carefully in order to avoid
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sus-related scams.
citizens are required by law
picious of any other site ask­
ing for such details .
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formation. Census data will coupon code site.
be used in allocation of more • Assume that e-mail '
than $300 billion in federal
coupons might be fake. un-j
funds ·as well as in determin- I less you subscribe to a le~ti
ing the number of Congres­ mate store or coupon site s
sional representatives that e-mail newsletter, you
each state is allowed. should avoid coupons (or
Most people are cautious claims of such) coming to
about giving out personal you via e-mail.
information to unsolicited • Understand where the
phone callers or visitors, but coupon is coming from. Is i
the Census is an exception being offered by a store or b
to the rule. Scammers know a third party? If by a third
that the public is more will­ party, do you need to buy
ing to share personal data anything else or sign up for
when participating in the membership to use the on­
Census, so they take advan­ line coupon? If so, be wary.
tage of this opportunity by The long term cost could bl
posing as government work­ higher than the present
ers to get access to personal value of the coupon.
financial information. The
• Make sure that you re,
BBB offers the following ad­ the fine print. As with all
vice to help distinguish be­ other transactions , you
tween bona fide Census should make sure that you
workers and con artists: understand the terms and
• U.S . Census workers conditions before using an
will have identification, a online coupons.
handheld device and a con­
fidentiality notice. Caution: Bill Maak is president of Be
never invite strangers into ter Business Bureau of Mis!
your home. sippi .

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