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ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit

h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A

ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided

(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered

and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m

issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.

ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit

h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided

(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered

and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m

issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that fo
llows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warhea
ds to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are ungu
ided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be conside
red rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajecto
ry is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere
). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered
flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a
steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the
atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere.
ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory wit
h the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A
ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well:
9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) during relatively b
rief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by
gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise mi
ssile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontine
ntal ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight traje
ctory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballis
tic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile
(rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering on
e or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided
(there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may
well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of flight, and most
of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air resistance if i
n the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically g
uided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) a
re launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend most of their fl
ight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles stay within the Ear
th's atmosphere. ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballisti
c trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predeter
mined target. A ballistic missile is only guided (there are unguided ballistic m
issiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, although these may well be considered rockets) dur
ing relatively brief periods of flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered
and governed by gravity (and air resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrast
s to a cruise missile which is aerodynamically guided in powered flight. Long ra
nge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbi
tal flight trajectory and spend most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shor
ter range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth's atmosphere. ballistic missi
le is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective
of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missil
e is only guided (there are unguided ballistic missiles as well: 9K52 Luna-M, al
though these may well be considered rockets) during relatively brief periods of
flight, and most of its trajectory is unpowered and governed by gravity (and air
resistance if in the atmosphere). This contrasts to a cruise missile which is a
erodynamically guided in powered flight. Long range intercontinental ballistic m
issiles (ICBM) are launched at a steep, sub-orbital flight trajectory and spend
most of their flight out of the atmosphere. Shorter range ballistic missiles sta
y within the Earth's atmosphere.

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