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The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of what to expect during the structured interview process
What is a structured interview?
The Boeing Structured Interview process is a standardized method of evaluating applicants. During structured
interviews, behavioral questions are asked of all applicants. Behavioral questions are based on relevant past
experiences. After the interview, the interview panel will rate and evaluate the responses to each question.
They will do this for all the interviewees for a particular job.
Why use a structured interview?
The structured interview format allows interviewers to systematically evaluate each applicants responses to
interview questions using the same rating system. This provides a fair and systematic way of evaluating all
applicants responses for a given position.
Some key features of a structured interview include:
All applicants are asked the same questions One or more interviewers record and evaluate responses
Job-related questions asked
Responses are evaluated using job-related rating scales
How am I to respond to structured interview questions?
The behavioral questions asked in a structured interview evaluate your past experiences as they relate to the
job for which you are interviewing. This is your opportunity to highlight your job-related skills and experiences
and to give the hiring team relevant information that they need to make effective hiring decisions.
Your response to each question should be thorough and detailed. It should include a description of the situation,
actions you took, and results or outcomes of your actions.
It is best to use examples from work experiences. However, you can also use examples from non-work
experiences, such as volunteer and school activities.
The use of any materials containing Proprietary or Confidential information during the interview is strictly
prohibited. If you bring in Proprietary or Confidential information you will be asked to put it away.
If you bring in prepared notes, your rsum, or any materials to reference during the interview, and if the
panel observes you taking notes on these materials, the panel will collect and dispose of these materials from you.
Be advised the panel is discouraged from accepting revised/new rsums, portfolios, work samples, etc.,
from applicants.
What are some examples of the questions that may be asked?
Below are some examples of the types of questions you may be asked:
Describe a time when you were working on a team project and you had to motivate your teammates to
accomplish their tasks. What was the situation? What role did you play? What was the outcome?

Tell me about a time when you had to meet multiple deadlines. What was the situation? What did you do?
How did you handle this situation and what was the result?

What if I need an accommodation to participate in the Structured Interview?

During this interview, a series of questions will be read aloud and you will be asked to provide verbal responses.
The interview will last approximately 60 minutes.
Should you need any accommodations for this interview that are consistent with the Americans with Disabilities
Act, please contact the individual who scheduled your interview BEFORE the interview.
Will I have a chance to ask questions of the interviewers?
The recommended time for you to ask questions is after the structured interview is completed.

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