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104. When we throw confetti on New Years Eve, the

pieces of paper fall _________ to the ground.
a. greatly
b. through
c. quickly
d. reasonably
105. Panda bears _________ bamboo shoots in the
wild, and therefore must be brought this type
of food when in captivity.
a. eat
b. eating
c. ate
d. having eaten
106. _________ the professor was late, the class
had to stay late so he could finish his prepared
a. Though
b. Since
c. But
d. Nor
107. The day was _________ and warm, so we
decided to go swimming.
a. rainy
b. sunny
c. stormy
d. saturated
108. When _________ down, please take care to
tuck your feet under you so that other people
dont trip on the way to their seats.
a. sit
b. having sit
c. sitting
d. sat


109. The conference was about to start and

everyone fell _________, anticipating the
guest speaker.
a. awake
b. asleep
c. numb
d. silent
110. When washing dishes, _________ them
carefully to avoid leaving soap residue on
your dinnerware.
a. having rinsed
b. rinsing
c. rinsed
d. rinse
111. Be sure to _________ the quarterly report
prior to the conference call this afternoon.
a. reveal
b. review
c. revive
d. revoke
112. _________ we were late for the lecture, we
were still able to get the complete notes we
needed for the exam.
a. But
b. Only
c. Neither
d. Although
113. He decided to _________ in the marathon
because he wanted to raise money for cancer
a. running
b. run
c. ran
d. rue

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114. When baking a cake, mix together softened

butter and sugar first, then stir _________ to
combine the two.
a. certainly
b. rapidly
c. surely
d. distractedly

119. The accountant was very _________ because

his computer files were lost and he could not
do his job.
a. mild
b. upset
c. nice
d. professional

115. When he was _________ for mayor, he made a

lot of promises about education.
a. run
b. ran
c. jogging
d. running

120. Could you please _________ me to the airport

a. driving
b. dive
c. drive
d. drove

116. She had to prepare a sales _________ for the

annual meeting this year.
a. career
b. report
c. marathon
d. job

121. Please open this package _________, as I think

it might be very fragile.
a. careful
b. slow
c. care
d. carefully

117. Professionals who prepare a _________

resume have a greater chance of getting a job
than those who do not have a resume.
a. strong
b. sent
c. posted
d. blue

122. I think a virus just erased five _________ on

this computer.
a. notebooks
b. files
c. printers
d. Internet

118. He started _________ every day because he

heard it was the best way to lose weight.
a. exercise
b. exercising
c. breathe
d. exercises

123. We _________ on a holiday to France next

year to look at some of the places where
famous authors lived.
a. going
b. will go
c. go
d. went


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124. He _________ all his books using notebooks

and pens because he did not trust computers.
a. is writing
b. wrote
c. write
d. writes
125. Pizza is my favorite food because it is so
_________ that I want to eat it all the time.
a. delicious
b. disgust
c. greasy
d. horrible
126. _________ so cold outside that I had to wear
three sweaters under my jacket today.
a. Its
b. Its
c. It
d. Its

130. Your ability to complete this project successfully could _________your ability to land that
a. affect
b. effects
c. effect
d. affects
131. He _________ care whether we finish the
report on time, so we shouldnt rush.
a. doesnt
b. dont
c. do
d. do not
132. Eating _________ meat can lower your
cholesterol levels and may help you lose weight.
a. less
b. fewer
c. lesser
d. few

127. Rather _________ seeing the movie later in the

evening, we saw an earlier film and went out
for dinner.
a. then
b. than
c. when
d. where

133. We decided to run an _________ for the new

product in the local newspaper this week.
a. add
b. ad
c. aesthetic
d. commercial

128. _________ car seems to be making a strange

noiseshould I drive you back to work?
a. Youre
b. Your
c. You
d. Us

134. The new workshop is supposed to be very

helpful, so we should all _________ part in it.
a. taking
b. taken
c. take
d. takes

129. _________ is very little chance of convincing

customers to buy our product in this way, so
lets find a new way of selling.
a. Their
b. They
c. Theirs
d. There

135. After looking for some time, he found his

_________ toys under the chair.
a. cats
b. cot
c. cat
d. cats


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136. My employer told me that my best skills are

_________, working, and learning.
a. listen
b. listens
c. listening
d. listened
137. When _________ the room to give your
speech, look right at the audience and then
walk confidently up to the stage.
a. enter
b. has entered
c. entered
d. entering
138. He _________ so ill that he has not been able
to come to work for more than a month.
a. been
b. has
c. has been
d. be
139. This suit is a little _________ in the waist, so I
am thinking of taking it to a tailor for alterations.
a. loose
b. lose
c. looses
d. loses
140. He liked the movie _________, so he went
back and saw it again and again until he knew
parts of it by heart.
a. a lot
b. lots
c. lot
d. alot

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or

phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the
best answer to complete the text. Then mark choice a,
b, c, or d on your answer sheet.
Questions 141 through 144 refer to the following memorandum:
Employees of the Wong Advertising
From: Wong Advertising Agency President
Donald Wong
Date: November 15, 2009
Subject: Our Holiday Party
I would like to wish all our employees a very
happy holiday season. As many of you (141)
_________, we hold a holiday party for our staff
members each year. This year, the theme of our
party will be Holidays in Hawaii, and festivities
will be held at the Delta Hotel on Main Street.
Please (142) _________ a costume or outfit
appropriate to the theme. Hula skirts, Hawaiin
shirts, and other outfits are all appropriate, but
please remember our company dress code.
Allies Party Rentals on Water Street has
costumes (143) _________ , if anyone would like
to rent one. I have arranged for a company discount of 10% at the store for every employee.
I would also like to extend a warm invitation to all friends and family of The Wong Advertising Agency. When attending this years
holiday party, please feel (144) _________ to
bring spouses, friends, and children. However,
please RSVP and include the total number of
guests so that we can order the appropriate
amount of refreshments. If you have any questions, Marie Clay in Human Resources is organizing the event and will be more than happy
to answer any queries you might have.
Happy holidays to all our employees and

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141. a.


142. a.


143. a.

for rent

144. a.

no charge

Questions 145 through 148 refer to the following essay.

Kangaroos are large animals native to Australia.
Kangaroos belong to a species known as marsupials, which carry their young in pouches. Although
many smaller marsupials are on the endangered list,
kangaroos are thriving. They are not harvested or
(145) _________ hunted, although some are killed
as pests or are killed for meat in some areas. In the
wild, kangaroos can (146) _________ four to six
Kangaroos are known for hopping. In fact,
kangaroos are the only large animals that hop as a
primary means of locomotion. These animals can
hop at up to 70 km/h (44 mph). Kangaroos hop
(147) _________they have very long rear feet and
small front paws, making crawling and walking
All kangaroos eat a vegetarian diet, although
some species prefer fungi or grasses (148) _________
shrubs. Most species are active at night, although
kangaroos have few natural predators and are not

nocturnal to avoid enemies. Most kangaroos can

cover large distances, largely to find food and water.
145. a.


146. a.


147. a.

because of
even though

148. a.


Questions 149 through 152 refer to the following.

Good evening, and welcome to our panel discussion.
Today, we will be discussing how to get organized.
Remaining organized in the workplace is crucial, since the only way to manage multiple projects
and deadlines is to manage time and information effectively. Many people think, If only I (149)
_________more time, I could easily stay organized.
However, organization is a skill you (150) _________
learn; even if you have limited time, you can still
manage all your work and personal responsibilities
To get organized, you need to keep all your papers and information in one place. At the very
(151) _________, you should have only three
places where you keep information and papers that
you havent looked at or worked with: your e-mail
inbox, your inbox tray, and a planner or notebook.

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Work to empty these three containers each day.

Convert each piece of paper into an action step on
your calendar or a piece of information you have
filed away in a filing system.
You will also need a planner or calendar to
keep track of appointments and to-do items and
lists. In your planner, you will want to write anything and everything you need to take care of, so
that you forget nothing. I personally like a zippered
planner with lots of dividers. A lot of information
and scraps of paper (152) _________ in my planner, but the zipper keeps everything organized and
in one place.
149. a.


150. a.


151. a.


152. a.

get placed

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of

texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters,
and advertisements. Each text is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer for each question
and mark choice a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet.
Questions 153 through 156 refer to the following menu.
French Onion Soup $5
Brochette $6
Vegetable plate (served with pita bread and
hummus dip) $5

Soup and sandwich (sandwich choices are
vegetable or ham and cheese) $8
Sandwich (served on either whole wheat or
white home-style bread with vegetables
or ham and cheese) $6
Soup (chicken noodle is the house specialty;
ask your server about the soup of the
day) $5
Noodle stir-fry with sweet-and-sour sauce
(includes vegetables and either tofu
or chicken) $8
Small Greek or Caesar salad $5
Large Greek or Caesar salad $7
In addition, we have a daily lunch special
please ask your server for todays special.

Ice Cream (served in a dish or cone) $3
Pie (we make our pies from scratch, four
different flavors each day) $4

Coffee $2
Soda $2
Tea $2
Hot Chocolate (made with milk, whipped
cream, and real cocoa) $3


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153. What sort of establishment is this menu most

likely from?
a. a four-star fine-dining restaurant
b. a catering business
c. a formal restaurant with lots of dinner
d. a casual diner specializing in lunch
154. What meals change daily?
a. pie, soup, and lunch special
b. lunch special and dinner
c. drinks
d. breakfast and lunch
155. What sort of bread products are available for
a. buns and wraps
b. multigrain bread and sourdough
c. white and whole wheat
d. gluten-free and white
156. What is special about the establishments pie?
a. It is made by hand and is offered in a variety
of flavors.
b. It is expensive.
c. It is served with ice cream.
d. It is served hot.
Questions 157 through 160 refer to the following article.
Investing in real estate is a great opportunity
for those who want to generate a passive income. Anyone can get started in real estate investing, simply because so many products and
services exist to help homebuyers purchase and
pay for property. Investors can use these same
services and mortgage products to develop
their businesses.
There are many ways to get started in real
estate. You can act as a real estate scout, gathering information for other investors. This is a


low-risk way to get started with no money

down. You can also buy homes to rent or lease.
Another option is to buy homes, renovate
them, and resell them at a profit. This is sometimes called property flipping.
If you want to get started today, you may
want to read more about real estate investing.
There are many wonderful online resources, as
well as books about the subject. Research as
much as you can before you get started. This
way, you will know all the best ways to maximize your profits. You may also join a local
investment club to learn more about real estate
investing from other investors in your area.
157. How many options does the author give to
someone just getting started in real estate?
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
158. Who can invest in real estate?
a. anyone
b. professional investors
c. real estate agents
d. mortgage lenders
159. What does the author suggest that potential
investors do first?
a. talk to a mortgage specialist
b. research real estate investing
c. save money for real estate
d. buy a house
160. According to the author, what is the best way to
invest in real estate without taking on large risks?
a. research loans
b. save money
c. become a real estate scout
d. talk to other investors to learn more

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Questions 161 through 164 refer to the following e-mail.

Hi Allen,
I just wanted to check to see whether you are
still on board for Davids party next week.
Anyway, we thought it would be fun to surprise
him for his birthday on Friday. He always picks
up Betty from work and I was thinking that
when he comes up to accounting to get her on
Friday, we could all hide behind the partition
that divides Bettys desk from the rest of the
office. That way we could really surprise him.
When he walks in, well jump out and shout,
Surprise! Then well have cake and refreshments. Ill take care of those. As I told you at
lunch, we wont be exchanging presents. All I
need you to do is NOT tell David about the
party. Also, I have a card for David here in my
office. If you could sign it, that would be great.
Ill take care of all the organizational details.
161. Who is the party for?
a. Allen
b. David
c. Bob
d. Betty
162. What is the point of the party?
a. David and Betty are having a baby
b. David and Betty are getting married
c. Davids birthday surprise
d. David has a new job

163. What is Bobs responsibility?

a. Signing the card
b. Yelling surprise
c. Getting David to visit Betty so that the party
can happen
d. Organizing the party and getting refreshments
164. What is Allens responsibility?
a. To get balloons
b. To not spoil the surprise and to sign the card
c. To get the cake
d. To buy a gift
Questions 165 through 168 refer to the following article.
Public speaking is an important skill to develop,
but almost everyone is frightened to speak in
front of an audience. In fact, many studies have
shown that public speaking is the most common fear people havethey tend to fear public
speaking more than they fear death! If you are
terrified of speaking in front of a group, there is
hope for you. There are many good ways to
overcome a terror of giving speeches.
Many professional speakers find that they
get less nervous simply by giving many speeches,
so practice seems to be a key way of reducing
speaker stress. There are local groups known as
Toastmasters that help people to develop their
public speaking skills. These supportive groups
are one place where you can give speeches and
get encouragement and feedback. Theyre a
great place to practice that sales presentation or
thank you speech.
There are other ways of minimizing your
fears. Some speakers find it useful to picture
audience members naked. This helps to reduce
the intimidation factor of most audiences!
Some professional speakers practice speeches
before a mirror and many strongly advocate
writing down and memorizing key points or
entire speeches so that you will never be at a
loss for what to say next.

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165. What does the author suggest is the best way to

get over the fear of public speaking?
a. practice
b. get support from speakers on Internet
c. read about public speaking
d. talk to professional speakers
166. Why is it important to get over a fear of public
a. Fear is bad for your health.
b. Fear makes you look weak.
c. Public speaking is an important skill.
d. Public speaking makes you stronger.
167. What resources are available for public
a. books
b. toastmasters clubs
c. online chat groups
d. PowerPoint presentations
168. How can speakers remember what they want
to say?
a. get comfortable with public speaking
b. develop better memory
c. write down their presentations
d. picture audience members naked
Questions 169 through 172 refer to the following article.
Volunteerism is a great way to build your resume, improve your communication skills, and
make a positive difference. No matter who you
are, your skills are in demand somewhere. Many
nonprofit organizations and small businesses
rely on the generosity of volunteers to help them
help others. Volunteers organize projects, work
with those who need help, and help manage
organizations. Volunteer work helps charities
and charitable groups help far more people.
Volunteers benefit from offering their
time, as well. Volunteering time often means

more experience and more letters of recommendation for a resume. As they help others,
volunteers often build their skills, meet interesting people, and get the satisfaction that comes
from helping others.
It is easy to volunteer. All you really need
is some time. There are groups that match volunteers with organizations that need help. If
there is a specific skill that you would like to
develop or share, this is often a good way to
find a group in need of your services. You can
also contact individual charity groups and ask
about their volunteer opportunities. Homeless
shelters, animal shelters, the Red Cross, community groups, hospitals, schools, and many
other organizations all rely on volunteer help.
169. Who can volunteer?
a. anyone
b. people who are legally adults
c. those who have lots of free time
d. those who do not have jobs
170. What are the career benefits of volunteering?
a. letting your employer see that you are a
caring person who deserves a raise
b. learning to budget your time
c. building your skills, improving your resume,
and getting letters of recommendation
d. You may be hired by a group that takes you
on as a volunteer.
171. What does the text suggest a potential
volunteer do if there is a specific skill the
volunteer wants to develop?
a. find an organization looking for volunteers
through the phone book
b. find a group that pairs volunteers and
charitable organizations
c. ask friends whether they volunteer
d. look in the newspaper

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172. What skills do businesses need in a volunteer?

a. speaking skills
b. listening skills
c. all skills
d. compassion
Questions 173 through 176 refer to the following label.
This product contains enough medication to
seriously harm a child. Always keep this and
any other medications well out of reach of children. Do not use this product if the security cap
is broken. Always close the childproof cap of
the bottle after using the product.
Do not use this medicine if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have high blood pressure. If your symptoms persist for more than
three days, consult a physician. Never take
more than four pills in any 24-hour period.
In the event of accidental overdose, do not
induce vomiting. Drink a glass of milk and
contact your local poison control center
Store this product in a cool, dry place.
In rare cases, this medication may cause
allergic reactions or side effects in some patients. If you notice a rash, itching, difficulty
breathing, or swelling in the throat area, discontinue this medication immediately and get
immediate medical attention. If you experience stomach upset after using this product,
take this product with meals.

173. Why does the label warn users to keep the

product away from children?
a. The medicine may not be effective on
b. Children do not understand how to open
the bottle.
c. Children may be harmed by eating the
d. The medicine is designed for adults only.

174. What measures has this manufacturer taken to

prevent children from accidentally eating the
a. a childproof lock
b. a seal that cannot be broken
c. a bottle that cannot be opened
d. an unpleasant taste
175. What form does this medicine take?
a. liquid
b. syringe
c. cream
d. pills
176. What should someone NOT do if they have
taken too much of this medicine?
a. lie down
b. vomit
c. eat food
d. apply an ointment
Questions 177 through 180 refer to the following article.
The public library is a resource available to
everyone, but today few people take advantage
of the materials and programs that libraries
have to offer. Todays public libraries are much
more than just collections of books. Most
libraries offer online resources, reading rooms,
after-school programs, volunteer opportunities,
audio books, music, and classes. The library is
no longer a place just to find books. Today, its a
place to find information of all types. Its also a
place to meet people and pursue any interest.
If its been a while since you have been at
your local library, maybe its time to find that
library card. Log on to your local librarys
websitejust about every library now has one.
Most library websites let you get audio and
video content, renew books, and even get a
library tour. Its a great place to get familiar
with your library again.

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