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제1장 Introduction


2014. 12. 22

제1장 Introduction


EtherCAT Overview

Slave Implementation Guide

ARM Board Guide

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Layer Model: Physical, Data Link, and Application Layer

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Physical Layer
Shielded twisted pair of wires
RJ45 connector standard
PHY for auto negotiation and auto crossover recommended

Frame Processing: Auto Forwarder and Loop Back

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Data Link Layer
Links physical and application layer
Operate based on EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC)
SPI interface/
Parallel interface

Process Data
EtherCAT Address Space


EtherCAT Slave Controller

(ESC) SyncManager

EtherCAT Processing Unit


Block diagram of EtherCAT slave contronller

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Data Link Layer
Frame Structure

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Data Link Layer
Memory/Registers: Divided into registers and DPRAM
Registers: first 4 kByte of memory
DPRAM: up to 60 kByte, start at 1000h

제1장 Introduction

EtherCAT Overview
Data Link Layer
Both master and local microcontroller access DPRAM in the ESC
SyncManager is a mechanism to protect data in the DPRAM from
being accessed simultaneously

FMMU(Fieldbus Memory Management Unit)

FMMU map data from the logical address in the master to the
physical memory in the slave devices

제1장 Introduction

Application Layer
State Machine: Init, Pre-Op, Safe-Op, and Op
Slave checks ESC register settings received from master and
mailbox. When appropriate, go next sate in AL status register

제1장 Introduction

Application Layer
EtherCAT State Machine Registers

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제1장 Introduction


Slave Implementation Guide

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제1장 Introduction

Slave Implementation Guide

Component to develop for EtherCAT Devices

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제1장 Introduction

Slave Implementation Guide

Application Layer Communication Protocol
CoE, SoE, EoE, FoE and AoE

Slave Stack Code Overview ESC Structure for CAN Application

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제1장 Introduction

Slave Implementation Guide

Object Dictionary

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제1장 Introduction

Slave Implementation Guide

Process Data Interface
SPI: PDI type is set to 0x05 in PDI control register 0x1400
Parallel: PDI type is set to 0x05 in PDI control register 0x1400

ADR [15:0]
DATA [15:0]
MOSI EtherCAT Slave EtherCAT Slave
Microcontroller Microcontroller
Controller (ESC) RD Controller (ESC)
MIS0 ARM Cortex-M3 ET100
ARM Cortex-M3 ET100 WR



SPI Interconnection 16 bit asynchronous interconnection

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제1장 Introduction


ARM Board Guide

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제1장 Introduction

ARM Board Guide

Modify XML file of FASTECH from SPI interface to 16 bit
asynchronous interface

Copy this file to EtherCAT folder of TwinCAT

SPI Interconnection 16 bit asynchronous interconnection

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제1장 Introduction

ARM Board Guide

Open TwinCAT and Configure ESI (EtherCAT Slave
Information) for EEPROM via TwinCAT
Chose Slave  EtherCAT tab  Advanced Settings


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제1장 Introduction

ARM Board Guide

In Advance Settings, chose ESC Access  EEPROM 
 Hex Editor  Download from List  Download file
After downloading, close TwinCAT and Open again

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제1장 Introduction

ARM Board Guide

After configuring ESI, download EtherCAT slave source
code to ARM
Change Position Demand Value in TwinCAT by changing
in COE_InputMapping function of chnappl.h

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제1장 Introduction

ARM Board Guide

In TwinCAT, Chose Action tab  set and reset TwinCAT
to Config Mode

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제1장 Introduction


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