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Caution gives seniors protection from fraud ..

By Patti Drapala home, and those who The Xo. 1 place scam ma. "Keep recordings of
Live alone may be hun- artists obtain ~ e r s o n a l conversations or write
to prevent "~cissed' m e attoney general's
opportunity or ask $2: oflice is developing two
Communications gry for attention, said information is the tt?m down because the any type of persocal publicatiocs to help
Bobbie Shaffett, family garbage can, Hedgepeth more information we information. senior citizens fight
Senior citizens are resource management said. have, the more likely we To draw attention to financial abuse and
more likely than people specialist with the Scam artists don't are to catch the perpe- consumer fraud ia:oi-:- fraud. The first, a 43-
inother age groups t o Mississippi State a o r r y about getting trators." ing senior citizens. pay- page manual, targets
report fraud, but they ~ n i v e r s i t ~ - T x t e n s i o ncaught because most Seniors should be wary day loans and identitj- issues that seniors are
remain attractive tar- Service. M a n i o f them peopie do not notice or of allowing strangers theft, ShaEeti and other most likely to face. The 1
gets because of life sirn- have home equity and camot discern who has inside their homes aith- financial advisers second is a manual for
ations that scam artists investment wealth. she been rummaging. They out proper identitication waged a consumer edn- b&c to assist employ-
can exploit. said. use any information or legitimate purpose. cation protection cam- ees in protecting the
"Seniors generally are "People generally have the:- find to con their Shatfett added. Most paign in February. financial idormation of
no more at risk of being the most money they may into someone's telephone or cable Extension agents with customers. Both pubh-
defrauded than the rest ill earn in their life- home or steal someone's repair representatives. family resource man- cations should be avzil-
of the population." said times right before they identity without taking for example, secure an agement responsibiliiies able soon, Bedgepeth
Grant Hedgepeth, direc- retire." Shaffett said. to the person. appointment time. also provide educatiocd said.
ror of t h e Consumer 'Seniors should bpespe- --Adenti@ khefi-is no--..Om%-automatically ~ ~ -programs about fraud =~ - = h ~ bm*eeaa\<c-c-
~ d ~ -
Protection Division for cialiy protective of their the most common mime openthe door if someone d y i n g the year. tim,even the police offi-
the state Office of the nest egg because they in the United States and shows up unexpectedly' ,'The importance of cers, attorneys and
Attorney General. are no longer earning a surpassed the number SnaEett said. saving money. especiany reporters who uork
'Feople who suffer steady income.' of drug cases nationally Eie said seniors for emergency needs. together to protect dl
because of physical or Seniors oRen fee! they in 2OC'i. Hedgepeth should hear aarning cannot be emphasize; citizens. he said. 'Ke're
emotional distress are w-ill need as much cash noted. si5nals when pushy enough,' ShafFett said. from the Sourh and
the ones who are sus- as possible to pap some- 'One in six Zaericans. strangers steer soclsl "Peopie oftec i u m to rve're taugh; to be
ceptible. and unfortu- one to take care of them including senior ciri- conversation to m':e?:- payday l e n d ~ r sbecaus? poliis. but don't a3ow
zately. a large number as they age, but ShatTett zens. has been \<ctim- r!tilts or Sr,mcea, ure? :ney don't hare morr:: 9 . 2 3 3 axistd to put your
of seniors fall in this encouraged seciors to ized by identity theft:" qlllck decision mahr.: and are vu1nerabie.- name on ihe sucker list.'
gToup." exercise healthy skepti- he said.
The t 3 pnonty
~ of the cism in money matters. SeLiors can get help by
ai:orn?s.. zezerafs oEce
is the protection oi soci-
'?.lany of :he people in contacting ihe attoney
tha: age group were generays office toll free
eiy's most vuinerable raised in an era where at 1-800-281-Ui8. They
citizens. people :rnsted others can aiao contact the
-1 want to help our because theli had to rely S e c r e t a r y 2 Siare's $
~ e n i o r citizens avoid- on each other,' Shaffett Office, t b Better '
ever becoming victlms of raid. BilsinessBureau or a
fraud," s a ~ d State u iqvestments cannot locai Law enforcement
Attorney Geceral Jim be converted 'at0 cash agency They should
Hood. "Eyer;- single quickly. seniors may report a scam even if
zhing we do; from crack- panic when they sud- they don't fa11 for it io
ing down on home denly need money. At assist law enforcement . .
rspair fraud and id en^- this point. desperation in apprehendinp c:im-
ry theR to elucabhg the and a s n c o t h - i a l ~ i n g nale.
public about letters. scam artist can cloud 'If a person receives a
scams arrd ildail fraud. good judgment and cre- e-mail or prixed ma;er-
has t>is 'nteni.' aie a faise secse of secu- la1 b: mail. save it aild
Seniors often star 11i:;. get it to us." H ~ d e ~ p e r h

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