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o n11558

cl note of these #ft- buying tips
., S
~ ~ d GThe
r o~ e r d d
Attorney General Jim Hood
informed purchase decisions.
ESRB ratings have two parts:
rating symbols suggest age
the games they purchase for
'As a parent, I know it can
were relea
games rate & by ESRB for all
ce July 1,2008,
provide brief,objective descrip >One of the t o ~ c o m ~ l a i n t s purchases.
urged Mississippi parents and appropriateness for the game, sometimes feel overwhelming tions of thecontent and sur- rece deo by B_ej
_ erB.&ess i Don't miss the oead ~ne.kor-
rounding costext that factored B.rea.s, especia vi d,rlnaMe ma1 v, ourin0 hol.oays, retailers
other consumers to check the
Entertainment Software Rating
and wntent descriptors indicate
elements in a game that may
trying to manage the media that
ourchildrenconsume, but video i n t o a vid o game's r a t i n g ' h m y s , isihat "he storiwont edend the length oitheir return '
Board (ESRB) rating before pur- have triggered a particular rat- games are actually among the assignment!_Parents and other ' aive me mvmonev back." policies.
chasing c o m ~ u t e ror video ingand may be of concern. easiest to control," saidPatricia intereste4individuals may '~nfort,na~ely they don1 haie iPay arlent~ontoonlane rerurn
games a i gifts. - 'More than 40 percent of Vance, president of the ESRB. access these summaries on the lo.' raid Bil. Moakof Madison polic,es.
"Every Christmas1 review the Americans expect to purchase a 'The ESRB ratings are easy to ESRB website (, pres,oenVCEOof t i e Mississ p p b S a ~ ereceiprs W t h o d a
ratingsto determine what is computer or video game this understand, and provide valu- via a new mobile a d d r e s s BBB:'Gene'alty. eitn a rece cr. receipt, yo.r rel-nd may be equal
appropriate for my children," year and a majority of those able guidance about the age (, o r through you canal leasigelan exchange. tothecurrentpr~ceoltre~remin
said Attorney General Jim games are purebased during the appropriateness and content of ESRB's rating search widget. BUI com~aniesaren't oblWle0 rhestorei~steaoofthe p-rchase
Hood. 1want other parents to holiday shopping season," said video games s o parents can The Entetainment Software to g..ea'retund or rxcha+at al price.Also, the refund may bein
know the ratings are as follows: Michael D. Gallagher, CEO of determine which games are kssoeitiod is the U.S. associa- unless thepro0,crisdefect Jeer theform of an in-storecredit.
EC/Early Childhood (ages 3 the Entertainment Software appropriate for their children. I tion d e d i c e d to serving the nas been misrepresented." Keep tags, boxes, etc. Be
and older), EAveryone (ages 6 Association (ESA), the trade strongly encourage parents to business Lad public affairs The BBB sewing Mtssissipp aware that some businesses
and older). ElO+ (ages 10 and association representing U.S. remember to check Ole ratings needs of companies publishing oflen mefo low~ngr~ps tcmane require restocking fees.
older). T/Teens (13 and older), wmputer and video game pub each time they buy o r rent a interactive games f o r vldeo theret-rn Drocess nore~leasanl B e nice. Be politeandfirm.
M/hlature (17andolder)." lishers. "Asparentscbmse titles game for their child." game consoles, handheld and hassle-free: Relax if you can't makea
T h e ESRB ratings a r e hum the broad range of enter- The ESRB recently supple- devices, personal computers. P Checkout the store'sreturn return. Many stores havea "no
designed to pmvide information tainment choices our industry mented its rating system by andthelutemet. policy. Thelaw requiresthatthey return, no exchange"po1icy on
about computer and video game offers, we urge them to use the launching new ratings sum- For more inlormation, visit I be ~ o s t e dinevew business itemssoldasafinal sale. So just
content. so consumers can make ESRB ratings system to ensure maries. The summaries, which establishment orbnlinefor web re-giftthe item.

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