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To the future reader of this book.


This book is a compilation of the Academic Essays written as

a completion to the subject General Psychology of the Computer
Engineering students in Colegio de Montalban. The writers focuses
on different issues that are related to some controversial topics such
as sex, anger, and crab-mentality. The subject of this essays falls
within the scope of their lessons and supported by the information
found in the internet.

The subject is selected in cooperation with the members of

the group as well as the title of this book. Eyes Wide Shut means
seeing something you cannot tell to anyone. We tend to classify sex,
violence, lust and anger as sins commit by human. We are exposed
to this kind of matters but the mere fact that we keep this as taboo
and sensitive issues to be discussed in public, leads us in knowing
the truth and reality but doesnt have the ability to tell it to

We hope you enjoy reading this book and may help you in
further researches in the future. Disclaimer: We dont own our fornt
cover of this book. All copyrights are directly credited to the owner, 2015.




Table of Contents

To our parents. For giving us financial and moral support,

and for believing in us in every possible way.

Table of Contents.4

To our instructor. For guiding us in writing our essays and

giving us enough time to finish this book.

Paraphilia (Sadomasochism)
Written by: Christina O. Pastorfide...5

To our classmates. For sharing us

information that might help us in our essays.




Written by: John Carlo R. Formentera..19


To the owner of the photo we used as a cover of this book.

No copyright infringement intended. All rights and credits goes
directly to

Written by: Arnold T. Pardilan..32

Crab Mentality (Isip-Talangka)

Sa panulat ni: Jefferson V. Cordero..............................43

To the authors of those written information and articles we

used as a reference here in our essays. We do not claim anything
that is credited found in the Bibliography.

Sa panulat ni: Jonas E. Calleja...54

And lastly, we thank God for giving us the chance to finish
this and giving us strength and guidance for continuing this
academic essay.

Sa panulat ni: Jaymar M. Rosario..69

About the Authors..84




I decided to choose this topic because I personally have an
interest to this sexual problem. Sadism and masochism
(Sadomasochism) are two of the behaviors in a group of sexual
problems called paraphilia. Paraphilia are associated with sexual
arousal in response to stimuli not associated with normal sexual
behavior patterns. This sexual problems are actually one of the most
intriguing topics in psychology today. In fact, many people believe
that this practice is not only for the purpose of sexual pleasure but
also to convey violence through their emotional and physical
We all know that sex plays a major role in today's society. It
seems for me that all forms of media use sex to help sell their
products. From television, radio, music, and advertisements, to video
games, the Internet, and even art and pictures, sex rules our society.
In addition, many newspapers have recognized the attractiveness of
sexual aggression as crime news, and therefore as prime news,
lately. Some of these sexual acts are said to promote criminal
behavior subconsciously among certain individuals. As rape and
sexual assault became a more serious social problem in the world,
this prime news story helped many papers to sell more copies in the
competitive news market, while creating an impression of responsive
and responsible reporting. In our present day, sexual acts started to
become more relaxed and doors were opening to the public eye. The
public was soon seeing variations of sexual activities that seemed to
be a little dark and mysterious to the everyday normal human being.
Now in the near future and the years to come, some sexual acts


Written by: Christina O. Pastorfide



might in fact become normal to our everyday living. Everywhere you
look nowadays sex is there slapping you in the face, however sexual
activities have changed dramatically from that of the past.

himself as pleasure as well. A sadist is simultaneously a masochist,

though, either the active or the passive side of the perversion may
be more strongly developed and thus represent his dominating
sexual activity. The tendency to cause pain to the sexual object, and
its opposite, the tendency to seek out and suffer pain from the
sexual object, is designated sadism in its active form, and
masochism in its passive form. Sadism and Masochism are two terms
that you will hear quite often in the upcoming years.

According to studies, the increasing clinical experience has

allowed the formulation of three psychodynamic viewpoints about
the nature of the paraphilia disorder. Paraphilia is a disorder of
sexual identity development, often solely of the intention
component, that has three characteristics: a long-standing, highly
arousing, unusual erotic preoccupation; a pressure to act upon the
erotic fantasy; sexual dysfunction with a partner during conventional
sexual behavior. Paraphilia is also a disorder of self-regulation
characterized by a considerable gap between personal aspirations
and behaviors. Finally, paraphilia is a dramatic impairment in the
capacity to love. Two rarely recognized issues complicate the
nosology of paraphilia: Many related sexual problems are often
confused with paraphilia, and some paraphilia manifest themselves
as variations in gender identity and object choice. The defensive
functions of paraphilia are discussed and common terms used in
conjunction with paraphilia are redefined.

According to the book I have read, BDSM is a practice that

has been historically misunderstood, stigmatized, and even feared. It
is often assumed by the general public and clinicians alike that
practitioners of bondage-discipline, dominance-submission, and
sadism-masochism must engage in such behaviors as a result of a
mental illness, past trauma, or an inclination toward criminal activity.
Others assume it must be a precursor to or replacement for sexual
activity, or its just kinky sex. Finally, its assumed that BDSM is all
about the experience or inflicting of pain. For these reasons
practitioners have been stigmatized and discriminated against, even
when seeking therapy for matters not concerning BDSM, or are
presumed to have a paraphilia or other psychiatric diagnosis.

In this day and age, sex is a much more talked about topic
then it used to be. With all this openness about sex, we have also
seen a rise in some of the not so popular sexual activities. However,
let's face it, the perpetuation of life all falls down to one act, the act
of sex. There are many different meanings to sex. Sexual intercourse
can be exercised through intercourse as a means of procreation,
emotionally or for the simple pleasure of the act itself. However, sex
can also be performed with different techniques or variations.
Sadomasochism is just one of these variations of techniques that a
person can use to reach their sexual peak.

Research has shown that practitioners of BDSM do not fit with

these assumptions at all; in fact they are more psychologically
healthy than controls in almost all domains examined, and it has
been shown the practice is more about sensory pleasure than sex.
Many practitioners have referred to the practice as a lifestyle, or a
leisure activity. Additionally, what keeps people going back? This
paper will examine the current perceptions clinicians in the field
have of BDSM practitioners and discuss what researchers have found
about their actual psychological state, and use this to clearly
distinguish a practitioner from a person with a paraphilia. Then
motivations for the practice of BDSM will be discussed, as well as the
role of pain.

Sadomasochism is a term that combines two words, Sadism

and Masochism. Sadism has to do with inflicting pain during sexual
intercourse and Masochism is the enjoyment of receiving pain during
sex. The most striking peculiarity of sadomasochism is the fact that
its active and passive forms are regularly encountered together in
the same person. He who experiences pleasure by causing pain to
others in sexual relations is also able to experience pain inflicted on

A Sadist is a person who derives sexual satisfaction from

experiencing pain. The word sadism, or sadist is derived from the
name of the historical character, Marquis de Sad who lived around
the time of the French Revolution. "Krafft-Ebing (1900), who first
described sadism as "a pathological elaboration of a normal,


aggressive component of male sexuality." However, we cannot
confuse sadism as merely a male trait. Females can and have
demonstrated their ability to take on this role as well. For men, the
sexual act is very similar to that of rape, and thus they can perform
domineeringly in such a relationship. With men, the mentality is
usually focused around the concept of destroying the woman. For
females, the mentality centers on the same notion, the destruction
of men. Therefore, both males and females can exhibit this sadistic
quality in whatever relationship they may hold. Sadism is the sexual
pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon
another person.

many people think of only as "rough" sex also contain elements of

Sadomasochism can be defined as the giving or receiving of
pleasure, often sexual, from the infliction or reception of pain
or humiliation. It can feature as an enhancement to sexual pleasure,
or, in some cases, as a substitute or sine qua non. The infliction of
pain is used to incite sexual pleasure, while the simulation of
violence can serve to form and express attachment. Indeed,
sadomasochistic activities are often initiated at the request of, and
for the benefit of, the masochist, who often directs activities through
subtle emotional cues.

The counterpart of sadism is masochism, the sexual pleasure

or gratification of having pain or suffering inflicted upon the self,
often consisting of sexual fantasies or urges for being beaten,
humiliated, bound, tortured, or otherwise made to suffer, either as
an enhancement to or a substitute for sexual pleasure. Sadists enjoy
inflicting pain whether or not it is sexual in nature. Masochists enjoy
receiving pain, which, again, may or may not be sexual. Dominance
and submission is a way of looking the sadistic-masochistic
distinction, a power dynamic rather than a set of acts. Not all
masochists are submissive, and not all submissive enjoy pain. Not all
sadists are dominant, and not all who enjoy dominating others are
sadists. There is frequently a strong emotional aspect to the sexual
desires, taking the form of a need for domination (to control another)
or submission (the desire or to be controlled) as opposed to a simple
desire for pain. The words sadistic and masochistic are now
commonly used to describe personality traits in an emotional, rather
than sexual sense.

Consensual sadomasochism should not be confounded

with acts of sexual aggression. Moreover, while sadomasochists seek
out pain and humiliation in the context of love and sex, they do not
do so in other situations and dislike simple, unfettered violence or
abuse as much as the next person. In short, and in general,
While psychopathy,
or antisocial personality disorder, is a diagnosable mental disorder,
sadomasochism is not diagnosable unless it causes significant
distress or impairment to the individual or harm to others.
Some surveys have suggested that sadistic fantasies are just
as prevalent in women as in men. However, it seems that men with
sadistic urges tend to develop them at an earlier age. While some
sadomasochistic people are purely sadistic and others purely
masochistic, many are varying degrees of both, and may describe
themselves as switchable.
Freud remarked that the tendency to inflict and receive pain
during intercourse is the most common and important of all
perversions, and ascribed itas so much elseto incomplete or
aberrant psychological development in early childhood. He paid
scant attention to sadomasochism in women, either because sadism
was thought to occur mainly in men, or because masochism was
thought to be the normal and natural inclination of women.

Sadism and masochism, often interrelated (one person

obtaining sadistic pleasure by inflicting pain or suffering on another
person who thereby obtains masochistic pleasure), are collectively
known as S&M or sadomasochism. BDSM is a short-hand acronym for
many subdivisions of the culture: (B&D) bondage and discipline,
(D&S) domination and submission, (S&M) sadism and masochism.
The term BDSM describes the quite common activities between
consenting adults that contain sadistic and masochistic elements.
Many behaviors such as erotic spanking, tickling and love-bites that

The same can be said for sadomasochism in general.

Sadomasochism is hard to understand. Here, I propose several
understandings. While some may hold in some circumstances and


not others, none are mutually exclusive. Indeed, many of our
strongest emotions result from more than just one impulse. Most
obviously, the sadist may derive pleasure from feelings of power,
authority, and control, and from the suffering of the masochist. The
sadist may also harbor an unconscious desire to punish the object of
sexual attraction for having aroused his desire and thereby
subjugated him, or, in some cases, for having frustrated his desire or
aroused his jealousy.

Many 'normal' behaviors such as infantilizing, tickling, and

love-biting contain definite elements of sadomasochism. It is
possible to read this article and think that this sort of stuff only
applies to a small number of deviants, but the truth is that each
and every one of us harbors sadomasochistic tendencies. In the
words of the Roman playwright Terence, I am human, and consider
nothing human to be alien to me.
In almost every relationship, one partner is more attached
than the other, leading the less attached partner to become
dominant, while the more attached partner becomes infantilized and
submissive in a bid to pacify, please, and seduce. Eventually, the
less attached partner feels stifled and takes distance, but if he
ventures too far, the more attached partner may simply go cold and
shut-out or leave. This in turn provokes the less attached partner to
flip and become the more enthusiastic of the partners. Eventually,
the balance re-establishes itself, until it is upset again, and so on ad
infinitum. Domination and submission are elements of most
relationships, but that does not prevent them from being tiresome,
sterile, and, to echo Freud, immature.

By objectifying his partner, who is thereby rendered

subhuman, the sadist does not need to handle the partners
emotional baggage, and can deceive himself that the sex is not all
that meaningful: a mere act of lust rather than an intimate and
pregnant act of love. The partner becomes a trophy, a mere
plaything, and while one can own a toy and perhaps knock it about,
one cannot fall in love with it or be hurt or betrayed by it.
Sadism may also represent a kind of displacement activity or
as anger and guilt are displaced and projected onto another person.
Scapegoating is an ancient and deep-rooted impulse and practice.
According to Leviticus, God instructed Moses and Aaron to sacrifice
two goats every year. The first goat was to be killed and its blood
sprinkled upon the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest was then to
lay his hands upon the head of the second goat and confess the sins
of the people. Unlike the first goat, this lucky second goat was not to
be killed, but to be released into the wilderness together with its
burden of sin, which is why it came to be known as a, or the,
scapegoat. The altar that stands in the sanctuary of every church is
a symbolic remnant and reminder of this sacrificial practice, with the
ultimate object of sacrifice being, of course, Jesus himself.

Rather than playing at cat and mouse, lovers need to have

the confidence and the courage to rise above that gameand not
just by getting married. By learning to trust each other, they can
dare to see each other as the fully-fledged human beings that they
truly are, ends-in-themselves rather than mere means-to-an-end.
True love is about respecting, sharing, nurturing, and enabling, but
how many people have the capacity and the maturity for this kind of
Sadomasochism is a sexually deviant behavior that is
practiced by many people within todays society. It is the
combination of two paraphilia, sadism and masochism, which are
usually always linked together. An occasional mild or light form of
sadomasochism (or S& M for short), is considerably common among
the general population. Many people often enjoy being mildly
dominant or submissive during lovemaking. They believe that it
makes the experience more enjoyable. But when S&M becomes the
dominating feature of a persons sexuality, which is when he or she
is considered deviant. Unlike other paraphilia, sadomasochism

For the masochist, taking on a role of subjugation and

helplessness can offer a release from stress or the burden of
responsibility or guilt. It can also evoke infantile feelings of
dependency, safety, and protection, which can serve as a proxy for
intimacy. In addition, the masochist may derive pleasure from
earning the approval of the sadist, commanding his full attention,
and, in a sense, controlling him.



includes a large population of women as well as men. They are
nearly equally balanced in number.

search for the origins of sadomasochism reveals a lack of specific

precursors for this final outcome which itself lacks specificity. This is
the reason that most commentators agree that there are many
precursors, many pathways, and many outcomes on the road to the
sadomasochistic spectrum.

Individuals with sexual sadism derive sexual excitement from

physically or psychologically administering pain, suffering, and/or
humiliation to another person, who may or may not be a consenting
partner. They may experience distressed or impaired functioning
because of the sadistic behaviors or fantasies. This distress or
impairment may be due to the fact that the partner is not

To generalize, I therefore think that a person with sexual
sadism or masochism or both rarely asks for help until someone
becomes an unwilling partner or is injured. The seriousness and
intensity of these behaviors often increase over time. The outlook for
improvement varies depending on the depth of the underlying
dynamics and the motivation of the patient. As with other types of
problems, improvement is largely dependent on the persons desire
for, and willingness to, change.

The diagnosis of sexual sadism is complicated by several

factors, beginning with the fact that most persons with the disorder
do not enter therapy voluntarily. Some are referred to treatment by a
court order. Some are motivated by fear of discovery by employers
or family members, and a minority enter therapy because their wife
or girlfriend is distressed by the disorder. The diagnosis of sexual
sadism is based on the results of a psychiatrist's interview with the
patient. In some cases, a person with sexual sadism may be referred
to a specialized clinic for the treatment of sexual disorders. In the
clinic, he will be given questionnaires intended to measure the
presence and extent of cognitive distortions regarding rape and
other forms of coercion, aggression, and impulsivity.

Several different types of therapy have been found helpful in

positive behavioral
therapy approaches, reality
treatment, reconditioning and restructuring techniques. This
techniques can be helpful to some people with the help of other
relatives and love ones. We need to deeply understand them in order
to really help them be treated properly. They need emotional help as
well as social help.

Because it is sometimes unclear whether sadomasochistic

behavior is within the realm of normal experimentation or indicative
of a diagnosis of sexual sadism, prevention is a tricky issue. Often,
prevention refers to managing sadistic behavior so it never involves
non-consenting individuals and it primarily involves the simulation of
pain and not real pain. Also, because fantasies and urges originating
in childhood or adolescence may form the basis for sadomasochistic
behavior in adulthood, prevention is made difficult. People may be
very unwilling to divulge their urges and discuss their sadistic

Another treatment method that is often offered is social

skills training. It is thought that some people develop sadistic and
masochistic behavior may, in part, do so because they do not know
how to form healthy relationships, whether sexual or nonsexual, with
other people. Although social skills training is not considered a
substitute for medications or psychotherapy, it appears to be a
useful adjunctive treatment. Twelve-step programs for sexual
addicts has been shown to be very helpful in many cases. Couples
therapy or family therapy is particularly helpful for patients who are
married and whose marriages and family ties have been strained by
their disorder. There is no universally accepted cause or theory
explaining the origin of sexual sadism, or of sadomasochism.

From my descriptive point of view, there are many similarities

in the activities that are self-destructive or harmful to others
throughout our childhood and adult life. The same kinds of behavior
can disclose a wide variety of meanings in different people and in
the same person at different times. Since terms like masochism and
sadomasochism cannot be used precisely, it is not surprising that the


In a general way, the childhood experiences organized around
pain fit the classic model of trauma. The organizing situation, and
presumably the experience, is one of being overwhelmed and
helpless while being subjected to pain. In the traditional model, the
response is an effort at mastery followed by the elaboration of
fantasies serving libidinal gratification. The activities may involve
direct sexual satisfaction and may be elaborated, in any case, as
sexual fantasies. Children whose usual relationship with some other
person is the source of pain (physical or mental) are also familiar to
us in the common pathogenic experiences of later childhood that we
often hear about in analysis. For them, sadomasochistic fantasies
are both the vehicle and the product of the resolution of conflicts
generated in the object relations.

character of sexuality later in life. Sadomasochistic desires, however,

seem to form at a variety of ages. Some individuals report having
had them before puberty, while others do not discover them until
well into adulthood. According to one study, the majority of male
sadomasochists (53%) developed their interest before the age of 15,
while the majority of females (78%) developed their interest
afterwards. Like sexual fetishes, sadomasochism can be learned
through conditioningin this context, the repeated association of
sexual pleasure with an object or stimulus.
For me, being a sadist or a masochist is a decision. I have
been prone to this information since I was six from television, books
and newspapers. This gives me the idea that people varies from their
point of view. In my view, I tolerate both this tendencies because it is
normal to be in pain and to hurt others. By sex, giving pain and
receiving pain is a pleasure to be hold. It gives more excitement and
can build up the confidence of those who perform a scene or a play.

All in all, we should not judge those people who have

experience this sexual behavior as a threat to their health and
wellness. If some people may found enjoyment on giving and
receiving pain then we should not make fun of them. Instead, we
need to understand and respect them for we do not have the right to
violate their freedom.

If I will be giving the chance I want to experience a scene that

plays both sadist and masochist. They call the women who performs
a scene a Dominatrix, and I want to be one someday. I want to
explore my dark side and perform it to someone I really trust. And for
that case, I would like it to be my future husband. Well, I hope he
agree to me.

I conclude that there are a number of reasons commonly
given for why a sadist or masochist finds the practice of S&M
enjoyable, and the answer is largely dependent on the individual. For
some, taking on a role of compliance or helplessness offers a form of
therapeutic escape; from the stresses of life, from responsibility, or
from guilt. For others, being under the power of a strong, controlling
presence may evoke the feelings of safety and protection associated
with childhood. They likewise may derive satisfaction from earning
the approval of that figure. A sadist, on the other hand, may enjoy
the feeling of power and authority that comes from playing the
dominant role, or receive pleasure vicariously through the suffering
of the masochist. It is poorly understood, though, what ultimately
connects these emotional experiences to sexual gratification, or how
that connection initially forms.


It is usually agreed on by psychologists that experiences

during early sexual development can have a profound effect on the


I recently found myself wondering what makes people want to
have sex. Having sex is, of course, an act which is supposed to
generate pleasure. But it is by now 'common knowledge' in American
culture that sex is equally likely to generate pain, or humiliation, or
even mocking laughter certain sexual acts, like rape, are in fact
now rightly understood to be forms of brutal assault. And yet, I think
it is undeniably the case that ultimately conceive of sex as that
pleasurable act by which all other pleasures can be measured. That
is, we tend to express a sense of pleasure in sexualized terms; and
non-sexual forms of gratification often come to be associated with
sexual pleasure. For instance, 'eating' is both a non-sexual form of
pleasurable satisfaction and a slang term for any number of oral
sexual acts. The concept of nymphomania dates back to Victorian
times. It was then described as a female pathology of overstimulated genitals and an illness of sexual energy levels gone
awry, as well as the loss of control of the mind over the body.


Some of the behaviors that lead to this classification, such as

women taking of their clothes in public or grabbing at the first man
who came into sight, are consistent with the manic states of bipolar
disorder, among many other pathologies. In fact, in those days,
women run the risk of being treated for nymphomania if they bore
children out of wedlock or were discovered masturbating. Historians
and medical researchers today argue that the concept of
nymphomania was largely derived from the tension of Victorian
gender oppression, and it might have had little to do with an actual
medical condition. Popular culture has embraced the concept of
nymphomania, and the description of the symptoms in the collective
consciousness today doesnt much differ from that of Victorian
times: a nymphomaniac is a woman who constantly wants to have
sex with any man that crosses her path, more or less. Many films and
books in popular culture have helped maintain this tradition; for
example, the best-selling novel Diary of a nymphomaniac, the
autobiography of a rather contented prostitute.

Written by: John Carlo R. Formentera



The term nymphomania resonates with a sense of the
insatiable sexuality of women, devouring, depraved, disease. It
conjures up an aggressively sexual female who both terrifies and
titillates men. Surrounded by myth, hyperbole, and fantasy, the
twentieth-century notion of a nymphomaniac is embedded in the
popular culture: referred to in films, novels, music videos, and sexaddiction manuals, as well as in locker rooms and boardrooms. In the
nineteenth century, however, nymphomania was believed to be a
specific organic disease, classifiable, with an assumed set of
symptoms, causes, and treatments. Like alcoholism, kleptomania,
and pyromania - diseases that were identified in the mid-nineteenth
century - a diagnosis of nymphomania was based on exhibited
behavior. "Excessive" female sexual desire is, however, a much
more ambiguous concept than habitual drunkenness, shoplifting, or
setting fires. Consider the following cases of nymphomania
diagnosed in the second half of the nineteenth century.

all thought to stem from a woman's "immature" inability to enjoy

vaginal orgasms. By the mid-20th century, scientific evidence of
female sexual response led to even more confused theories of
nymphomania, as "sex experts" sought to reconcile evidence of
multiple orgasms and easy arousal with notions of morality.
Groneman, a professor of history and co-editor of To Toil the Livelong
Day: America's Women at Work, 1780-1980, sketches the historical
and social contexts in which nymphomania was considered, and
enlivens her text with numerous medical and legal case histories.
She exposes the historical association of nymphomania with "lower"
classes and new immigrants, and documents the disturbing
tendency to blame rape and incest on the alleged provocation of the
victim. Groneman concludes, "Even though the sexual revolution
appears to have changed the double standard about who gets to
enjoy sex or how much sex is normal, a deep ambivalence still exists
toward female sexuality." Groneman's anecdotal history stimulates
thought and supports her feminist perspective, but remains more a
general overview than a complex analysis.

Doctors in the nineteenth century treated nymphomania as

an organic disease, while in this century psychologists and
psychoanalysts have looked to low self-esteem or an unresolved
complex to explain it. Nymphomania found its way into courtrooms
when defense attorneys painted rape victims as so sexually twisted
that they fantasized a sexual attack, or so voracious that they
provoked it. Some sex experts dismissed the label altogether: Kinsey
claimed that a nymphomaniac was simply "someone who has more
sex than you do." Contemporary popular culture considers a
woman's desire for sex so healthy that "nympho" can be a teasing
compliment. At the same time, female sexual addiction has captured
the public's imagination and entered the therapist's vocabulary.
Carol Groneman explores the idea of nymphomania over the last two
hundred years, unraveling questions about how much is too much
sex for women and who decides.

In the Victorian period, both doctors and the patients who

sought medical help believed that strong sexual desire in a woman
was a symptom of disease. Self-control and moderation were central
to the health of both men and women, but women's presumably
milder sexual appetite meant that any signs of excess might signal
that she was dangerously close to the edge of sexual madness. Not
surprisingly, physicians registered the greatest concern when the
disease appeared in "refined and virtuous" women. Many different
medical theories attempted to account for the causes of
nymphomania: overwrought nerves, brain inflammation, spinal
lesions, misshapen heads, as well as irritated genitals and enlarged
clitorises. But the physicians' concern was also a moral one. They
understood nymphomania to be about sexual indulgence and excess,
about sexual desire uncontrolled by the will, about succumbing to
temptation. While attempting to define excessive sexual desire as a
disease, physicians continued to identify the patient's lack of moral
restraint and willpower as central to the malady. The first full-length
study of the disease, Nymphomania, or a Dissertation Concerning
the Furor Uterus, written by an obscure French doctor, Bienville, and
translated into English in 1775, emphasized that particular
connection. Eating rich food, consuming too much chocolate,

The dictionary still defines nymphomania as "excessive

sexual desire in a female" yet, as Groneman shows, the condition
may not even exist. Nymphomania, she argues, is a metaphor
reflecting society's ambivalence toward and discomfort with female
desire. Victorians considered nymphomania an organic disease. In
the early 20th century, psychoanalytic theory associated
nymphomania with frigidity, penis envy, lesbianism and prostitution


dwelling on impure thoughts, reading novels, or performing "secret
pollutions" (masturbating), according to Bienville, over stimulated
women's delicate nerve fibers and led to nymphomania.

pleasure and fertility were connected remained intact. And yet by

the nineteenth century, an ideology was firmly established: women
by nature were less sexually desirous than men; the wifely and
maternal role dominated their identity.

Bienville's successors continued to repeat these same

concerns, and exhortations to virtuous behavior intensified
throughout the nineteenth century. Without any medical
breakthrough or discovery concerning "excessive" or "ungovernable"
sexuality, and with very few cures for nervous and mental diseases
in general, the physician's best weapon remained a combination of
common sense and moral proclamations, administered along with
traditional remedies. In the last quarter of the century, as we will
see, some gynecologists thought they had finally found the answer
to curing nervous and mental disorders by surgically removing
female reproductive organs.

Some historians argue that the rise of evangelical Christianity

in the late eighteenth century helped to transform attitudes about
female sexuality, encouraging an ideology of female "Passionlessness." The revitalized churches demanded moral restraint of women
as evidence of their noble character. Women themselves, these
theories suggest, adopt this link between Passionless-ness and moral
superiority as a means of enhancing their status, gaining some
control over their lives, and, ultimately, expanding their
also contributed
to this
transformation. The development of urban industrial capitalism
leading to a separation of work from home resulted in a hardening of
the divisions between men's and women's roles, particularly among
the middle classes. This growing sexual division of labor was
underscored by medical-scientific theories that posited the
naturalness of this divide by arguing that women's passive nature
left her ill-equipped for the rough and tumble, competitive public
world of work and politics. Thus, women's too delicate nervous
systems, monthly "illness," smaller brains, and specific reproductive
organs all made it unhealthy - indeed unnatural - for women to work,
write, vote, go to college, or participate in the public arena.

Medical discussions of satyriasis, the presumed counterpart

of nymphomania, provide additional insights into the construction of
femaleness. Professional
encyclopedias often declared that satyriasis was the equivalent of
nymphomania, but at the same time most doctors believed that
satyriasis occurred far less frequently. 23 In addition, they were
much more likely to assume that the vast majority of
nymphomaniacs were severely diseased, while positing that many
cases of satyriasis were very mild. The consequences predicted for
the nymphomaniac were generally worse than those for the
satyriasis: the outcome for nymphomaniacs was prostitution or the
insane asylum, while satyriasis might go through life without getting
into trouble if they learned to control themselves.

At the same time, according to several recent historical

studies, a new representation of the female as profoundly different
from the male was promulgated. From the Ancient period to the
eighteenth century, they argue, the female body was seen simply as
an inferior male body, one whose genitals had not descended
because of lack of heat. This one-sex model mirrored the
cosmological understanding of the social order. As that world view
was transformed by revolutions, both scientific and political, a new
model of the body that posited difference rather than sameness was

Belief in female irrationality continued to inform the medical

discussions of nymphomania into the nineteenth century;
Renaissance notions of the normality of female sexual desire did not.
Sweeping changes in the assumptions about female sexuality
occurred in the Western world in the late eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. Well into the eighteenth century, both popular notions and
medical understanding retained vestiges of the belief that women
were as passionate, lewd, and lascivious as men were. While some
doctors had begun to question whether female orgasm was
necessary for pregnancy, the popular assumption that female

Profoundly suspicious of passion, Enlightenment and postrevolutionary writers argued that women had less sexual desire than
men and thus were uniquely suited to be a civilizing force; male


passion would be controlled by the strength of woman's moral virtue.
The development of medical specialties such as gynecology,
neurology, and psychiatry over the course of the nineteenth century
led to turf wars in which each specialty promoted its own
physiological explanation and treatment for women's diseases. Yet
nymphomania remained elusive, despite attempts to classify its
symptoms and to categorize its causes on sound scientific principles.
Some medical specialists, such as neurologists and alienists (the
earlier name for psychiatrists), looked for a physiological cause of
nymphomania in cerebral lesions, changes in the brain's blood
vessels, thickening of the cranial bones, or overexcited nerve fibers.
They generally took issue with the "uterine theory," which argued
that diseased genitals caused the malady. By doing so, they hoped
to be able to diagnose, treat, and perhaps cure nymphomania,
staking out their particular medical specialty's claim to expertise.

nymphomania, alienists remained confident, until later in the

century, that positive change could be brought about through this
new, humane approach.
During the early part of the century, phrenology at the time
thought to be a serious sciencetook another approach to the
question of sexual excess. Phrenologists believed that mental
faculties could be determined by measuring the shape of the skull:
an enlarged cerebellum (the part of the brain located at the back of
the head, which controls muscle coordination and bodily equilibrium)
indicated inordinate sexual appetite. But a particularly sensational
case, mentioned in the 1840s in both the American Journal of
Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology and the British medical
journal, Lancet whose tantalizingly few details were cited throughout
the nineteenth century dramatically refuted this claim: an autopsy
report on a twelve-year-old girl diagnosed as a nymphomaniac
declared that she had no cerebellum. No further details were given,
and we do not know why she was diagnosed with nymphomania, but
without a cerebellum the girl would presumably not have been able
to walk.

Neurologists looked to the relationship between the brain and

the nervous system to explain cases of oversexed men and women.
Through postmortem examinations of spinal fluid, for example, they
hoped to find some evidence that might help them sustain their
claim to treat these disorders. But autopsies that showed no
significant alteration in the brains of those defined as
nymphomaniacs critically challenged the nerve doctors' theories.
Neurological research found little organic evidence linking
nymphomania to the brain. Even so, for lack of alternatives,
neurologists continued to recommend treating the disease with cold
compresses, long periods of enforced inactivity, and other remedies
directed at the brain and the nervous system.

If some nineteenth-century doctors located women's diseases

in as-yet-undiscovered lesions in the brain or in too highly strung
nervous systems, gynecologists emphasized the central role played
by the reproductive organs, not only in diseases of the body but in
those of the mind as well. Gynecology, not yet a respected medical
specialty in the first half of the nineteenth century, had to fight to
establish its professional status and to counter the unseemliness of
male doctors examining female genitalia. Social mores combined
with female modesty to limit what a doctor could see or touch. In the
early part of the century the physician generally viewed the patient
fully clothed, asked probing questions, looked at her face, hands, and
feet, made a diagnosis without ever physically examining her

Alienists, while identifying suppressed or disordered

menstruation and similar symptoms as connected to female nervous
and mental illness, also looked to the brain and the nervous system
as the location of the disorder. As superintendents of newly opened
mental asylums, they espoused the then modern idea that mental
illness was curable. The most progressive advocated that it be dealt
with by "moral treatment": maniacs and others diagnosed insane
were no longer to be restrained in basements and attics, but placed
in institutions and treated with a pleasant environment, simple work,
and a "regular mode of living." Although uncertain of the causes of

By midcentury, gynecologists very tentatively began to use

the speculum (forerunner to today's instrument, which is inserted
into the vagina) and to undertake more elaborate physical
examinations, although moralists of all stripes protested this
invasion of women's bodies. One critic even feared that the use of


the speculum itself might so excite a woman's passions that it could
cause nymphomania. Medicine was not a monolith in the nineteenth
century and doctors did not speak with one voice about women's
diseases. In addition, patients and their families had treatment
alternatives from which to choose: homeopathy, hypnosis,
hydrotherapy (water cure), and folk remedies. Various medical
specialties developed competing theories, definitions, and
nymphomania. As we will see, women patients also influenced the
concept of nymphomania by the way they described their symptoms
to the physician.

them 'extraordinary.' Not having sex in order to be exceptional also

reinforces the idea that the sex act is something every 'normal'
person performs. In a nominally secular country, not having sex or
not planning on having sex at some point is deemed quite
aberrant indeed.
If having sex is not something that everyone needs to do in
order to ensure their own health or the survival of our species, what
does it mean that most people believe everyone should have sex at
some point? Other kinds of pleasure which are unnecessary to
survival are rarely cast as social injunctions in the way sex has been.
While it is known that some people enjoy coffee, or basketball, it is
hardly considered suspicious if a person does not plan to drink coffee
or play basketball in their lives. It might be unusual, but it would be
no cause for shame or avid speculation. If, for instance, I said to my
friend, 'I have never played basketball, nor do I intend to either,' he
would no doubt offer a fairly neutral rejoinder. But if I were to say to
this same friend, 'I have never had sex, nor do I intend to either,' he
would probably experience shock, bewilderment, and even
embarrassment. He might offer me condolences, since such an
admission would inevitably be associated with grief or loss. However,
if I were to say to my friend, 'I want to have sex all the time! I have
to have sex at least once a day or I'm not happy!' I think he might
laugh or shrug this would be a little over-enthusiastic, but normal.
Now imagine that I tell my friend, 'I want to shoot heroin all the time!
I've got to have it once a day!' He would call me an addict.

To generalize this, having sex is largely divorced from the act
of procreation and therefore from the realm of necessity. What I
mean by this is that human beings no longer need to have sex in
order for our species to survive. In fact, our species at this point has
a serious global overpopulation problem. Unlike eating or sleeping,
then, having sex is not a biological necessity by any means; certainly
some people need to procreate, but the vast majority of sex acts do
not and probably should not serve this purpose if our species
wants to remain healthy. Furthermore, bio-technological procedures
which enable humans to reproduce without having sex already exist.
All this is to say that people are having sex in the late 20th Century
for reasons that have almost nothing to do with biological necessity.
While one might offer a range of reasons for the continued
widespread pursuit of sexual activity in human beings, I would argue
that it is most important to understand that people are having sex
because it has become a desirable idea, rather than a necessary act
in itself.

I've walked you through this series of imaginary
conversations to make an obvious point: while we evaluate pleasure
in terms of sex, the sex act is not evaluated in the same way other
pleasurable acts are evaluated. We know sex is not necessary for
everyone, and yet we behave as if it is; we know sex can be an
addictive hence self-destructive pleasure, and yet we rarely
recognize it as such. Nymphomania (sexual addiction), while one of
the few most commonly recognized medical terms for a mental
illness, is rarely classed as a socially destructive addiction like
alcoholism or cigarette smoking. It is, in fact, not generally
recognized as an addiction or illness at all. Nymphomaniacs are

Part of the sexual idea is that everyone should have sexual

intercourse. Most cultures do have a tradition of excluding particular
people or institutions from the sex act (for example, the clergy in the
Catholic Church), but this should heighten our sense that sex
functions largely as an idea rather than a biological 'need.' Excluding
oneself, or being excluded from, participating in sex is a profoundly
cultural and social act; people who do this in a given culture
generally occupy a specific social position which is supposed to make


called 'sluts,' 'promiscuous,' 'sexually liberated,' or 'studs' depending
on their gender and/or social context. That is, nymphomania is
considered a kind of character trait in some people, rather than a
possible form of pathological self-abuse. Moreover, there is no
recognizable social equivalent to 'being on the wagon' for the
nymphomaniac; celibacy is not understood as a kind of 'recovery,'
but rather another possible behavioral aberration.
What I propose to investigate here is a peculiar constellation
of effects the sexual idea has generated and to a certain extent,
global culture. Sexual relations have come to stand in for all the
social relations people value most highly: those associated with love,
affection and respect; those associated with the family; and those
associated with our sense of a shared history or tradition. I would
argue that believing sex should be 'mandatory' is therefore in many
ways idealistic, for it signals that most people are confident that
everyone should enjoy happiness in social relationships with others.
But to the extent that people end up confusing a sexual encounter
with other kinds of pleasurable social encounters, our need to
impose sex upon everyone is also an indication of certain
fundamental failures in our ability to achieve truly satisfactory social





Exposure therapy means repeated exposure to your phobia or the
frightening object.

Written by: Arnold T. Pardilan

How do you feel about heights? We know there are a lot of

daredevils out there who think they can handle any challenge. But
everyone has their limits, right? Acrophobia will take you right up to
that line and then drop you from it. Take a look above you. This
mind-blowingly tall tower soars 200 feet straight up. This is no
ordinary free fall. Usually on those types of rides, you at least have
the benefit of a floor to rest your feet on as you scoot up to the top
of impossible heights. But not this time, because youre going
floorless. Riding a tiny harness thats similar to a bicycle seat, your
feet will just be dangling below you as you pulse up 20 stories. But
dont spend the whole time looking down. Acrophobia rotates you as
you rise up, so if you have the nerve to keep your eyes open youll
be able to see 360 degree views for miles. When you get to the top,
brace yourself for another innovation as you are tilted past vertical
to directly face the ground below you. Youve got a couple of seconds
to work up your courage as you stare straight down at the 200 foot
drop below you, and then its time to do what a drop tower does best
drop you. You plummet down the whole length of the tower in just
over three seconds so fast youll barely have time to scream. A
cutting-edge system of rare earth magnets is in place to catch your
fall. Hopefully youve conquered your fear of heights.

People have had some fears since the beginning of the
humanity. They have found different and unnatural things
frightening. Actually, these fears affect people starting from their
childhood, because people cant see the difference between unreal
things and real things when they are children. So this situation can
lead people to have some fears which are called phobia. Not all
fears are phobias. Being scared of something like falling, is not a
phobia, because there is a real danger and there is a need for
survival in the individual. Only when the fear becomes irrational does
it become a phobia ( Phobias can be
divided into three main types, these are social phobias, panic
disorder and specific phobias. As it was said earlier, phobias are
unreal fears. Describing phobias with their causes and treatments
and also describing one of the most common phobias with causes
and treatments are really necessary to show how they are unreal
things. To begin with how phobias affect us. It is possible to have a
phobia of anything at all. There are some explanation why phobias
occur. For instance, they are caused by a frightening event. The
memory is locked in and held with the frightening feelings so that
when a similar event is experienced, the fear is brought out
automatically ( or they may not be
direct or single reasons. They can be related to unconscious anxiety
or unusual is apparent that they catch us in our
childhood, because of lack of consciousness. There are some ways of
treatment to get rid of them. These are behavioral therapy, exposure
therapy and drugs. These can be often used together. Behavioral
therapies are a proven effective approach to treating phobias.

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a

persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits
to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual
danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the
phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the
situation or object with marked distress and significant interference
in social or occupational activities. The terms distress and
impairment as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, should also take into account the context of the
sufferer's environment if attempting a diagnosis. The DSM-IV-TR
states that if a phobic stimulus, whether it be an object or a social
situation, is absent entirely in an environment .a diagnosis cannot be
made. An example of this situation would be an individual who has a
fear of mice but lives in an area devoid of mice. Even though the
concept of mice causes marked distress and impairment within the


individual, because the individual does not encounter mice in the
environment no actual distress or impairment is ever experienced.
Proximity and the degree to which escape from the phobic stimulus
is impossible should also be considered. As the sufferer approaches a
phobic stimulus, anxiety levels increase (e.g. as one gets closer to a
snake, fear increases in), and the degree to which escape of the
phobic stimulus is limited has the effect of varying the intensity of
fear in instances such as riding an elevator (e.g. anxiety increases at
the midway point between floors and decreases when the floor is
reached and the doors open). The term phobia is encompassing and
usually discussed in the contexts of specific phobias and social
phobias. Specific phobias are phobias to specific objects or
environments, such as arachnophobia or acrophobia, and social
phobias are phobias within social situations, such as public speaking
and crowded areas. Some phobias, such as xenophobia, overlap with
many other phobias.

driving phobia will try his best to avoid being seated in the drivers
seat. He would prefer staying dependent on others for his travelling
needs to avoid confronting his phobia.
Specific phobias like new places, high bridges, and old
elevators may make all of us a bit uneasy or even frightened. We
might try to avoid things that make us uncomfortable, but most
people generally manage to control their fears and carry out daily
activities without incident. But people with specific phobias, or
strong irrational fear reactions, work hard to avoid common places,
situations, or objects even though they know there's no threat or
danger. The fear may not make any sense, but they feel powerless to
stop it. People who experience these seemingly excessive and
unreasonable fears in the presence of or in anticipation of a specific
object, place, or situation have a specific phobia. Having phobias can
disrupt daily routines, limit work efficiency, reduce self-esteem, and
place a strain on relationships because people will do whatever they
can to avoid the uncomfortable and often-terrifying feelings of
phobic anxiety. While some phobias develop in childhood, most seem
to arise unexpectedly, usually during adolescence or early
adulthood. Their onset is usually sudden, and they may occur in
situations that previously did not cause any discomfort or anxiety.
Specific phobias commonly focus on animals, insects, germs,
heights, thunder, driving, public transportation, flying, dental or
medical procedures, and elevators. Although people with phobias
realize that their fear is irrational, even thinking about it can often
cause extreme anxiety.

An irrational and persistent fear of a particular object,

activity, or situation. A fear, however, cannot be classified as a
phobia unless it causes unreasonable distress or interference with
normal functioning. Phobia is a learned response; we are not born
with it. Phobia may originate from an unpleasant experience; often
they appear without apparent cause. But it doesn't necessarily have
to have been caused by a terrible trauma; it can stem from
something that now seems insignificant but made an impression on
you when you were a child. Or it can be as simple as a mistaken
reaction that has become a habit or a reaction caught' from your
parent or someone you admire or even from someone you don't like.
Phobias can be of anything imaginable, or even unimaginable.
Phobic know that their fears are unrealistic, and sometimes even
absurd, but such facts do nothing to lessen the distress. Phobic do
not imagine their fears, they are afraid.

Social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is an anxiety

disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear
of social situations. Anxiety (intense nervousness) and selfconsciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged,
and criticized by others. A person with social anxiety disorder is
afraid that he or she will make mistakes, look bad, and be
embarrassed or humiliated in front of others. The fear may be made
worse by a lack of social skills or experience in social situations. The
anxiety can build into a panic attack.

Phobias can be classified into three major groupings. First

there are Specific Phobias, Specific phobia is a type of phobia which
gets triggered due to a specific stimulus. For instance, an individual
can experience panic attack while driving, taking an elevator or by
merely viewing an insect. It could also be a fear of being trapped in a
closed room. Specific phobia can disrupt ones day to day activities
because of the nature of the phobia. For example, a person with a

As a result of the fear, the person endures certain social

situations in extreme distress or may avoid them altogether. In


addition, people with social anxiety disorder often suffer
"anticipatory" anxiety -- the fear of a situation before it even
happens -- for days or weeks before the event. In many cases, the
person is aware that the fear is unreasonable, yet is unable to
overcome it. People with social anxiety disorder suffer from distorted
thinking, including false beliefs about social situations and the
negative opinions of others. Without treatment, social anxiety
disorder can negatively interfere with the person's normal daily
routine, including school, work, social activities, and relationships.

of heights experience breathlessness, dizziness, excessive sweating,

nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, and the
inability to speak or think clearly. Other symptoms of acrophobia also
include a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation
of detachment from reality or even a full blown anxiety attack.
Many psychologists think that the fear of heights enters your
life at some point in your past. There was probably an event that
happened to you that linked heights or high levels with some type of
emotional trauma. They think that the original event may have been
a real-life scare of some kind that you no longer consciously
remember. They think the condition can also be triggered by multiple
events like seeing something in movies, TV, or perhaps even seeing
someone else experience trauma involving heights. The popular
belief is that this phobia comes from the normal fear of injury or
death due to a fall. Unfortunately, when this fear gets so extreme as
to be a phobia, the panic that can result could cause the very thing

People with social anxiety disorder may be afraid of a specific

situation, such as speaking in public. However, most people with
social anxiety disorder fear more than one social situation. Other
situations that commonly provoke anxiety include. Agoraphobia is a
type of phobia where in a person fears open spaces. These
individuals are more prone to suffer from panic attacks. More than
often, the victims try to avoid crowded and public places to cope up
with their fear. An agoraphobia victim would usually shy away from
visiting airport, gymnasium, clubs, busy stores, restaurants and
other prominent places, thereby killing loads of joyful moments in his
life. Today, individuals go out of their way to avoid an object or
situation that can scare them by giving life to their biggest fears.
Remember, all the phobias out there are nothing but illogical dread
of touch. However, every phobia out there requires personal
attention and different kinds of treatment for an effective cure.
Specific phobias can be handled effectively with the aid of a therapy;
however agoraphobia and social phobia cure might require additional
aid such as anti-nervousness medicines.

About Health states, Unlike a specific phobia like aerophobia

fear of flying and other specific phobias, acrophobia can cause a
person to fear a variety of things related to being far from the
ground. Most people recognize a fear of heights as the definition of
acrophobia. Some experts include vertigo when they define
acrophobia, but not all sufferers experience dizziness with the fear of
heights. The typical acrophobia definition includes an irrational fear
of heights from any surface like a ladder or a rooftop. Acrophobia
synonyms include a morbid fear of being high up or a high anxiety
level concerning heights According to Health Research Funding,
Between 2% and 5% of the entire population suffers from
acrophobia, most of which are women. Their acrophobia statistics
also show that twice as many women suffer from acrophobia
symptoms compared to men.

The medical definition for the fear of heights is acrophobia.

So what exactly is acrophobia? It is an abnormal and persistent fear
of heights. The word acrophobia is derived from the Greek words
acron (height) and phobos (fear). Acrophobia, the fear of heights,
is a natural fear. To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with
having a fear of heights. It is a healthy God given defense against
doing things like walking off a cliff. The problem is when the natural
healthy instinct becomes a morbid (unsound or even paranoia) fear.
This type of unhealthy fear, acrophobia, is usually overwhelming and
debilitating (it will freeze you in your tracks). If you suffer from a fear
of heights, don't think that you are alone. Many people with the fear

This means that women are more likely to suffer from the
extreme anxiety that prevents them from participating in normal
activities like riding roller coasters and Ferris wheels. Did you know
that Six Flags in Georgia has an acrophobia ride? Sadly, it is called
acrophobia, and many sufferers may not get a chance to take the
plunge from several stories high on the famous ride. Acrophobia can


be treated medically with a variety of drugs. Others have tried
hypnotherapy. Of you suffer severe acrophobia and have been
unable to make progress at home, it is advisable to seek a doctor's
help. Please see to it that the doctor combines the medicine with a
therapy designed to free you of this phobia and the medicine
eventually. The word phobia originates from a Greek word that
translates as morbid fear. Phobias present themselves in different
intensities. For example, one person may show negligible symptoms
of claustrophobia while another could be completely conspicuous
and avoid enclosed spaces altogether.

can't forget it because their minds relive it over and over again.
Second Agoraphobia, fear of spaces or public places, it is more likely
to occur in public transportation or shops. People who have this type
of phobia avoid being outside home because they feel like they will
lose control and can't do anything. Third, social phobias like fear,
anxiety or provoking from social activities, those people can't deal
with other people; they feel shy of speaking or acting". Phobia can
be developed as a traumatic experience in three situations. First,
direct exposure to a traumatic event means a direct learning
experience. For example, some people have dog phobia because
they have bitten by a dog, so the reason of their phobia is a direct
experience to a traumatic event (dog bite). Second, Witnessing a
traumatic event, or in simple word (observational learning

In general, phobia is one of the famous psychological
disorders and many people suffer from it, therefore we choose it as a
topic of our research. Moreover, phobia is an attractive topic because
it is a personal disorder. Although phobia is spread widely, many
people do not know what the word means, so if we want to give a
definition for phobia, we can say it is "an irrational fear that produces
a conscious avoidance of the feared subject, activity, or situation".
Not all phobias have a name, but that doesn't mean that they do not
exist, they exist and need to be cared. People who suffer from phobic
disorder are different in their own type of phobia; also those people
may live in different environments or in the same environment. In
our research, we are trying to know if the environment plays a role in
having phobia or not. So we made a survey on adults in different
places, the reason of their phobia and the procedures to overcome
phobia in their opinion. There are three classifications of phobic

When someone fears from specific thing or situation because

of traumatic event of that thing or situation, some others may suffer
from phobia from the same thing or situation. For example, when
parents fear from heights or they have tragic experiences on it,
which can cause a phobic behavior on individual who grows with
them towards heights. Another environment factor can develop a
phobia is hearing or reading about any dangerous situation or events
(informational learning). Anyone can get or have a specific phobia
when hearing or reading about these kinds of situations. For
example, a fear from flying could be caused by repeatedly listening
to any news talking about plane crashes. Also any child could get
phobia from an animal when their parents warn them all the time
about the danger from it. Also phobia can cause by combine two
elements together one is neutral stimulus and the other is an anxiety
response like someone driving in the highway (neutral stimulus) and
suddenly he got sudden attack , he will panic ( anxiety response)
that make him develop avoidance of highways and become a phobic.

First, specific phobia which for example, spiders, snakes,

dogs, thunder, for example, when a few friends walk around and
suddenly a big snack show up, perhaps some of them will get little
fear and the others will have extreme fear. For those people who get
little fear, maybe they will shock or they will feel fear or terror, but
will they be snaking phobic?! Perhaps the snake will step back while
they are standing steady. Their feeling of fear or terror will decrease
or refulgent, and if there are wary about snack, they will not feel
phobia but for the others who feel so scared, they can't see snakes.
They even cannot accept the concept of biting and poisons. They

I think fear is an inevitable bodily defense mechanism that
has been around since the beginning of human evolution. Every
human being experiences fear intermittently throughout their


lifetime, in some, their fear(s) are so severe that they interfere with
daily activities. An irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity
that a person feels obligated to avoid is considered a phobia. Studies
show that the reason for phobias to arise comes from traumatic
events that took place in a persons childhood. The definition of a
phobia is interpolated into two parts: indirect phobias and direct


As with all phobias, our brains "overreact" to a fear

generating event. In this case, heights. Often, by facing these fears a
little at a time, we can retrain our brains to react normally. This can
be done with acrophobia by gradually working our way up a ladder,
up exterior flights of stairs, using see through elevators, gondolas,
ski lifts, para sailing, ballooning, airplanes. You start with a small,
comfortable height and work your way up, slowly. I still have to
remind myself I'm not in danger every time I speak publicly. If you do
it gradually and repeatedly, you should be able to overcome this



Sa panulat ni: Jefferson V. Cordero



Base sa aking titulo na CRAB MENTALITY ang ganitong uri ng
sakit ay hindi mawawala sa isang tao. Aminin na natin na minsan
tayo ay nainis o di naman kaya ay nakaramdam ng pagka inggit sa
ating kapwa kapag tayo ay nakakakita na unti-unting umaasenso
ang ating kapwa. Aminin na nating mga Pilipino na marami tayong
negatibong komento sa ating kapwa. Naryan ang mababang kalidad
ng kanilang trabaho,ugaling mahirap pakisamahan at isama narin
natin ang kanilang personal na pangangalaga sa kanilang katawan.

Sa panahon ngayon na sobrang hirap ng buhay hindi natin
maiiwasang mga Pilipino na gawin ang lahat makaraos lang sa araw
araw. Pero marami din namang mga Pilipino ang maunlad dahil
narin siguro sa kanilang sipag at tiyaga. Pero dahil din sa mga taong
mauunlad mayroong mga tao na hindi natutuwa dahil umiiral sa
kanila ang inggit at pagnanasa sa isang bagay. Ang mga crab o
alimango, kapag nilagay mo sa timba ay nag-uunahan makapunta sa
bunganga ng timba, ngunit kapag malapit na sa bunganga ang mga
ito ay hinahatak naman ng ibang almango para hindi makalabas sa

Madalas nating ipagmalaki ang ating mga katangian bilang

masayahin,mataas ang antas ng trabaho,mapamaraan, o madiskarte
at halos lahat na yata ng magagandang ugali ay pwede nating

Kawawa naman ang mga talangka at nadadamay pa sa ugali

nating mga Pinoy. Ang tinatawag na utak talangka o crab mentality
ay ang kaisipang kailangan siya ang laging magaling at kung
mayroon mang ams magaling pa sa kanya ay kailangan niya itong
mapabagsak o masira. Masakit man isipin pero totoo ito. Sino ba
naman sa atin ang hindi nakaranas na maitsismis ng ating mga mala
reporter na kapitbahay. Magdala ka lang sa bahay ninyo ng mga
bagong kaibigan o kaya magtagal kayo ng hanggang gabi ay marami
na silang sasabhin kesyo mga adik, kesyo mag-aasawa na at marami
pang iba. Isa pang halimbawa ay kung may isang dating karaniwang
tao ang biglang uunlad o mararating ang tagumpay, asahan natin na
bukod sa mga pupuri ay nandun din ang sangkatutak na kung anuano ang sasabihing hindi maganda sa kanya. Kawawang tao
kalimitan ay wala naming kasalanan, mabuti na nga ang kalooban
siya pang masama at kinakawawa.

Ngunit hindi natin maipagkakaila na tayo ay may mga

kapintasan din sa ating sarili at kapwa Pilipino na maaari nating
ituring na malubhang karamdaman na mahirap hanapan ng lunas
dahil ang ganito ay nasa sarili natin mismo. Ang susunod na aking
sasabihin ay base sa aking nasaliksik at sariling opinion. Hindi ko
nais na magparinig sa ating kapwa na nagtataglay ng ganitong uri
ng karamdaman..
Sa pang araw-araw nating buhay siguro naman may nakita na
kayo o hindi naman kaya ay narinig sa trabaho, sa bus, sa tren, sa
kalsada, sa mall at mga pasyalan at kahit saan kayo mapunta. Sa
sobrang dami talaga ng tao na nakikipag sapalaran sa pang arawaraw ay hindi ko mapigilan na obserbahan ang pag-uugali ng ilang

Malimit din ang ganitong tagpo sa mga lugar ng trabaho.

Sangkatutak na apakan at siraan ang nangyayari para maiangat lang
ang sarili sa kanilang mga employer. Andyan yung mga patimplatimpla ng kape kuno, yung mga kunwari e subsob sa trabaho (may
mga subsob naman talaga at masipag at di kayo kasama run.. sorry)
pero sa totoo lang eh nagpapaangas lang pala at intrigahin pa ang
mga kasamahan sa trabaho. Sa halip na magtulungan at makuntento
sa pag-unlad ng mga kasama ay nagngingitngit sa inggit upang
maungusan ang iba. Kawawa naman an gating bayan kung puro tayo
ganito. Aba anu pa mararating natin kung magaapakan tayo di ba?

Una marami sa ating mga kababayan ang tumaas ang tiwala

sa sarili o sabihin na nating yumabang mula ng makarating sa ibang
bansa. Kadalasan kapag sila ay naguusap pinangangalandakan kung
ano ang mayroon sila, mga nabili o naipundar anong trabaho nila,
magkano ang sahod kahit lugar na napuntahan at pati kung saan at
ano ang kinain nila na may pagmamayabang .
Sa mga jeep, bus at kahit sa tren ko karaniwang napapansin
ang ganitong eksena at napapatawa nalang ako dahil tama bang pag
usapan ang sahod o di naman kaya ay ipangalandakan nila na
nakakain na sila nang ganitong pagkain at ang kausap nila ay hindi


pa madalas ko rin Makita ang ganitong klaseng eksena sa mga
sosyal media tulad ng facebook. May mga nakapaskil na kung anoanong larawan at ipag malaki na may bago silang gadget, pagkain
na kinain, damit at sapatos na nabili pero utang naman pala at
halatang walang katotohanan at pagyayabang lang ang lahat.

walang kamalay malay sa mga ginagawa nila makuha lang ang

atensyon ng lahat at maging sentro ng atraksyon.
Ikalima ang SAKIM mahahalintulad natin sila sa mga hayop sa
laman sila yung mga taong sabik o gutom sa papuri at parangal
lahat gagawin mapansin lamang sila.

Ikalawa masakit mang isipin pero numero unong tsismosa

ang mga Pilipino siguro mali ako pero alam ko naman kahit papaano
may sasang ayon din sakin.

Lahat ng magagandang gawa ay aangkinin o di naman kaya

ay makiki saw saw kahit wala naman silang naitulong makakuha
lamang ng magandang komento mula sa kanilang amo.

Subukan mong makipag usap sa mga kaibigan mo

panigurado ako na may masasabi at maku kwento sila tungkol sa iba
pa ninyong kaibigan (tayo pa naman mahilig sa patalikod na
paninira) at kung dati mga babae lang ang binabansagang tsismosa
ngayon wala na itong pinipili na kasarian. Kadalasan kung anu ano
ang kinukwento sa usapan may masabi lang. hindi nila
namamalayan na nakakasira na sila ng pagkatao ng kanilang kapwa
hindi nila naisip kung anu ang mang yayari kapag gumawa sila ng
kwento na hindi naman pala totoo sa kanilang kapwa.

Ang masama pa rito sa oras ng kagipitan ay lulusot at lulusot

sila malinis lang ang pangalan nila kahit alam naman nilang na
huling huli na sila ang may mali pilit paring itatangi huwag lang
mapagalitan at ang nakaka tawa pa rito kahit huling huli na sila ay
mag sisinungaling pa.
Kung ating susuriin mahahalin tulad natin ang gaya nila sa
TALANGKA. Hindi naman siguro bago sa inyo ang kasabihang ito.
Dahil gaya ng mga talangka na inilagay sa balde ay nag uunahan
silang umakyat sa itaas upang makawala at makalabas sa balde
ngunit walang nag tatagumpay dahil kahit anung pilit gawin ng
ibang talangka inahatak lang sila ng ibang talangka pabalik hindi ko
alam kung bakit nila ginagawa iyon imbes na matuwa sila sa
narating ng iba at maging inspirasyon nila sila pa mismo ang
naninira at naghahatak dito pabalik imbes na magtulungan sila
makalabas para sa ganun lahat sila makawala. ngunit hindi nila ito
ginagawa. Siguro naman alam nyo na ang ibig kong sabihin may
mga tao talagang ganyan kung mag isip at ganyan ang pag uugali.
Hindi ko alam kung bakit kailangan magyabang sa kung anong
mayroon sila. Siguro nga natural na sa pag uugali ng isang tao ang
ganyan kung mag isip lahat gagawin nila upang hindi mapahiya at
upang umangat sa buhay wala silang paki kung makasakit sila ng
ibang tao basta sila ay masaya at matagumpay.

Isa ito sa maraming dahilan kung bakit nag kakaroon ng

samaan at hindi pagkaka unawaan ang mga magka kaibigan. Paano
ba naman kasi lahat ng kilos ng ibang tao ay binabantayan at
magiging topic nila kinabukasan. Kawawa dito ang mga madaling
magtiwala at nagbahagi kagad ng buhay nila sa akala nila na
kaibigan na nila yun naman pala tinitira na sila patalikod.
At ito naman ang pangatlo mga taong TRAYDOR na pinsan ng
mga tsismosa. Pinaka matinding pinsala na naidudulot nito sa tao ay
ang pag kakawasak ng iyong pagkatao pati narin sa mga kaibigan
mo. Hindi na talaga mawawala ang ganitong klase ng tao.
Sila yung mga naiinggit sa mga natatamasa mo sa buhay na
imbes na maging Masaya ay kamumuhian nila ang kaibigang may
magandang natamasa sa buhay at imbes na matuwa sila sayo sila
pa yung mag lalaglag sayo papunta sa kapahamakan o sisiraan ka
nila sa iba mo pang kaibigan gawa ng inggit sayo.

Pero sabi nga ng isang tao na natanong ko. dito sa Pillipinas

kung gaano ka dapat kataas ngayon ay siya ring dapat mong
mapagkumbaba at sa tingin ko tama naman sya dahil yun daw ang
kanyang sikreto kung bakit sa matagumpay sa kanyang propesyon.

Sila yung taong hindi kuntento kung ano ang meron sila at
akala siguro nila ay magaling sila sa lahat ng bagay. Dahil kadugo
niya si inggit at traydor ay aatake sila patalikod at sisiraan ang mga


Hindi ko rin maintindihan kung bakit kailangan pang gumamit
ng ibang tao upang maging sikat o mapansin ng iba. Kung ating
itsitsismis ang ibang tao magkakaroon ng negatibong impresyon ang
ating mga kaibigan at kakilala na ganoon ang iyong pag uugali. Ang
resulta hindi ka nila magagawang pag katiwalaan ng kahit anong
maliit na bagay tungkol sa kanilang buhay at ang kalalabasan ay
paplastikin ka nalang ng iyong mga kaibigan at ka trabaho para lang
hindi kayo magkasamaan ng loob at marahil sasama lang ang iyong
loob pag nalaman mong pinaplastik ka lang nila.

nagsasabi sayo makikita at makikita rin nila ang husay mo sa iyong

propesyon. Matuto lang tayo na mag hintay nang tamang panahon
para satin. Marahil kasi hindi pa sapat ang iyong ginagawa ibig
sabihin kaunting effort pa at hindi mo mamamalayan may mga pag
babago na mangyayari sa iyo hindi lang sa propesyonal na aspeto
kung hindi pati narin sa sarili mong pag katao.
May mga tao lang talaga na hindi kuntento sa pamumuhay
nila at nag hahangad pa ng mas mataas. Kaya may mga tao talaga
na hinahambing nila sa mga hayop sa kagubatan o di naman kaya
mga hayop sa karagatan dahil kung ano ang ugali nang hayop na
iyon ay ganun din karaniwan ang ugali ng ibang tao. siguro naman
base sa titulo na ginawa ko alam nyo naman siguro ang ugali ng
isang TALANGKA diba. Yun yung mga tao na mahilig nang hahatak sa
ibang tao pababa para sila ang umangat o mas madaling sabihin na
naiingit sa iba kaya sinisiraan nila. Gaya nga nang halimbawa ko
kanina sa isang balde na puno ng talangka hinahatak nila yung iba
umangat lang sila sabihin na natin ung balde ung pillipinas at yung
talangka na nasa loob nang balde yun naman tayo. Mapapansin nyo
naman kung ano ang ginagawa nang ibang talangka sa iba pa nilang

At bakit kaya may mga tao na hindi nakukuntento sa kung

anong mayroon sila sa kanilang estado. Bakit hindi nila magawang
masaya para sa mga natamasa nang kanilang kapwa. Dahil ba sa
paghahangad din nila nang papuri at mataas na posisyon ay
magagawa pa nila na ipahamak ang kanilang kapwa at dahil lang ba
sa mga bagay na natamasa nang iyong kapwa gagawa ka nang hindi
masama at dahil sa ingit kailangan mong manira nang iyong kapwa.
Kaya mo rin naman makamit ang mga bagay na gusto mo. nang
hindi mo kailangang manira at gumawa nang masama. Kung sila nga
nagawa nila dahil sa sipag at tiyaga ikaw kaya mo rin.
Aanhin mo naman ang lahat nang iyon kung nakakasagasa ka
naman ng ibang tao. mas maganda na yung mapuri ka dahil sa sipag
mo at hindi dahil sa gumawa ka ng hindi maganda. Masarap maabot
ang ating tagumpay kung alam nating pinaghirapan natin ito ayun
na siguro ang pwede mong ipagmalaki sa lahat. Dahil wala kang
naargrabyado kaysa naman umangat ka nga pero alam mo naman
sa sarili mo na hindi patas ang ginawa mo kung baga sa test
nangodigo ka lang upang tumaas ang iskor mo.

At kung makakahuli ka naman nang talangka gaya nang

ginagawa dito na tinatali ang sipit o panipit nito upang hindi na ito
makapanakit pa. gugustuhin mo rin ba na ganun ang gawin selfdefense nang tao sayo? Syempre ayaw naman natin nang ganun
kaya nga dapat marunong tayong makontento sa kung anung meron
tayo pwede naman tayo na mag hangad ng mas mataas pa ngunit
hindi na nating kailangan manira o mag gawa ng tsismis para lang
umasenso nasa tao nay an kung paano nya gagawin at sa pag uugali
narin ng tao kung magiging tamad ka wala talagang mang yayari
sayong maganda pero kung mag sisikap ka naman at mag-tyatiyaga
may mararating ka sa buhay.

Ang lahat ng bagay ay nangyayari sa tamang panahon at

hindi ito minamadali. Luma na itong kasabihan pero sasabihin ko
parin. Sabi nga nila Kung para sayo, para sayo kung hindi man
mangyari agad ay maghintay ka lang malay mo dahil sa sipag mo at
tiyaga mas maging matagumpay kapa kaysa sa taong kina iinggitan
mo. Hindi naman kasi lahat ng bagay ay minamadali mo dapat
marunong kang mag antay at mag pasensya. Kung magagawa mo
lang ang lahat nang ito magiging matagumpay ka rin.

Sa titulo na ginawa ko alam nyo naman siguro ang ugali ng
isang TALANGKA diba. Yun yung mga tao na mahilig nang hahatak sa
ibang tao pababa para sila ang umangat o mas madaling sabihin na
naiingit sa iba kaya sinisiraan nila. Gaya nga nang halimbawa ko

At kung sa tingin mo naman na hindi ka nakikita o hindi nila

napapansin na magaling ka o capable sa isang posisyon. Ako na


kanina sa isang balde na puno ng talangka hinahatak nila yung iba
umangat lang sila sabihin na natin ung balde ung pillipinas at yung
talangka na nasa loob nang balde yun naman tayo. Mapapansin nyo
naman kung ano ang ginagawa nang ibang talangka sa iba pa nilang
kasama. Sa panahon ngayon na sobrang hirap ng buhay hindi natin
maiiwasang mga Pilipino na gawin ang lahat makaraos lang sa araw
araw. Pero marami din namang mga Pilipino ang maunlad dahil
narin siguro sa kanilang sipag at tiyaga. Pero dahil din sa mga taong
mauunlad mayroong mga tao na hindi natutuwa dahil umiiral sa
kanila ang inggit at pagnanasa sa isang bagay.

nagsasabi sayo makikita at makikita rin nila ang husay mo sa iyong


Base sa aking titulo na CRAB MENTALITY ang ganitong uri ng
sakit ay hindi mawawala sa isang tao. Aminin na natin na minsan
tayo ay nainis o di naman kaya ay nakaramdam ng pagka inggit sa
ating kapwa kapag tayo ay nakakakita na unti-unting umaasenso
ang ating kapwa.

Ang alam ko sa isang crab o alimango ay tagilid ang lakad.

Ang tanong kasi sa isang batang crab kung bakit siya ay kung
lumakad ay patagilid, ang sagot ay Kasi ang tatay ko at nanay ko,
tagilid ang lakad.

Aminin na nating mga Pilipino na marami tayong negatibong

komento sa ating kapwa. Naryan ang mababang kalidad ng kanilang
trabaho,ugaling mahirap pakisamahan at isama narin natin ang
kanilang personal na pangangalaga sa kanilang katawan. Ngunit
hindi natin maipagkakaila na tayo ay may mga kapintasan din sa
ating sarili at kapwa Pilipino na maaari nating ituring na malubhang
karamdaman na mahirap hanapan ng lunas dahil ang ganito ay nasa
sarili natin mismo. Ang susunod na aking sasabihin ay base sa aking
nasaliksik at sariling opinion. Hindi ko nais na magparinig sa ating
kapwa na nagtataglay ng ganitong uri ng karamdaman. Nais kong
imulat ang kamalayan ng bawat isa hingil sa ating nagiging paguugali sa ating organisasyong kinabibilangan at kapwa Pilipino.

Kaya, mga magulang, matututo tayong lumakad nang tuwid

para ang ating mga anak ay tuwid din sa kanilang paglakad. Kung
nakikitang palamura ang magulang, namumulaklak din sa labi ang
pagmumura ng anak. Kung nakikitang binububog ni lalaki ang
kanyang asawa, marahil, lalaki (will grow up) rin ang bata na
mambubugbog ng asawa.
Sa ating paglaki, matututo sana tayong mamulot ng mga
tuwid na asal. Binigyan tayo ng free will ng Diyos. Piliin natin yaong
tama at matuwid. Kung nakikita nating mali ang ginagawa ng ating
magulang, o ng kung sino man, huwag sana nating pulutin ito
bagkus tayo ay pumanig sa tuwid. May mga tao lang talaga na hindi
kuntento sa pamumuhay nila at nag hahangad pa ng mas mataas.
Kaya may mga tao talaga na hinahambing nila sa mga hayop sa
kagubatan o di naman kaya mga hayop sa karagatan dahil kung ano
ang ugali nang hayop na iyon ay ganun din karaniwan ang ugali ng
ibang tao.

At kung makakahuli ka naman nang talangka gaya nang

ginagawa dito na tinatali ang sipit o panipit nito upang hindi na ito
makapanakit pa. Gugustuhin mo rin ba na ganun ang gawin selfdefense nang tao sayo? Syempre ayaw naman natin nang ganun
kaya nga dapat marunong tayong makontento sa kung anung meron
tayo pwede naman tayo na mag hangad ng mas mataas pa ngunit
hindi na nating kailangan manira o mag gawa ng tsismis para lang
umasenso nasa tao nay an kung paano nya gagawin at sa pag uugali
narin ng tao kung magiging tamad ka wala talagang mang yayari
sayong maganda pero kung mag sisikap ka naman at mag tyatiyaga
may mararating ka sa buhay.

Madalas nating ipagmalaki ang ating mga katangian bilang

masayahin,mataas ang antas ng trabaho,mapamaraan, o madiskarte
at halos lahat na yata ng magagandang ugali ay pwede nating
banggitin. At kung sa tingin mo naman na hindi ka nakikita o hindi
nila napapansin na magaling ka o capable sa isang posisyon. Ako na



Sa panulat ni: Jonas E. Calleja

Ang libido o libog sa pangkaraniwang paggamit ng salita ay
nangangahulugang simbuyo, udyok, gana o pagnanasang
seksuwal ng tao subalit may mas teknikal na mga kahulugang
katulad ng mga matatagpuan sa mga gawain ni Carl Jung na mas
pangkalahatan o malawak, na tumutukoy sa libido bilang isang
malayang malikhain o lakas, enerhiya, o gana ng isipan na
kailangang ilagay ng isang indibiduwal patungo sa kaunlaran ng
sarili o indibiduwasyon. Sa pangkaraniwang pakahulugan, nagiging
katumbas ito ng libog, kamunduhan, pangungutog, o "kati ng ari"
(kagustuhang makipagtalik).


Walang maayos na salin ang salitang Lust sa Tagalog ang

pinakamalapit rito ay matinding pagnanais sapagkat hindi lang
kalibugan ang ibig-sabihin nito. Maaaring mag-anyo ito bilang
pagnanais para sa agham, pagtatalik, kapangyarihan, at iba pa. Ang
matinding pagnanais na itoy isang puwersang malakas na
sikolohikal. Sa karamihan ng mga relihiyon, lalo nat sa
Kristiyanismo, ang matinding pagnanais ay hinati sa dalawa
pagkahumaling at kalibugan. Ang kalibugan ay sekswal na matinding
pagnanais ngunit sa sobrang lakas nito itoy nagiging makasalanan.
Ngunit ang pagkahumaling para sa tamang dahilan ay hindi
Ang pagtatalik, pagsisiping,
o pag-uulayaw,
biyolohikal na kahulugan, ay isang pamamaraan ng isang babae at
isang lalaki upang
magiging supling sa pamamagitan ng kanilang mga ari. Sa Tanakh at
sa Bibliya, ginamit ang salitang nakilala (o sumiping), kung kaya't


ang proseso ng pagtatalik ay ang pagkilala ng lalaki sa kaniyang
asawa, gayon din ng babae sa kaniyang esposo. Ang pamamaraang
pisikal na ito ay ang pagsiping at pagniniig ng diwa, isipan, katawan
at puso na bunga ng pagmamahalan ng dalawang tao. Ang
pagkakaroon ng anak ang resulta ng prosesong ito. Sa mabuting biro
at makatang paghahambing, tinatawag din itong "luto ng Diyos". Sa
pabiro at makatang paraan ang pagsisiping ng mag-asawa na may
pagtatalik. Sa ibang kahulugan na bukod sa pakikipagtalik,
nangangahulugan ang pagsisiping ng pagtabi, pagpiling, at pagdais,
katulad ng sa pagtulog, pag-upo, o paghiga.

lalaki at babae, sapagkat may kalakasan ang tawag ng damdaming

magtalik, na hindi pinaplano, sa mga kabataan. Isang dahilan ang
pagiging mausyoso at mausisa ng mga kabataan sa tawag ng
damdaming ito, bagaman mayroon din silang pangamba at takot
kaugnay nito: kabilang ang pagpapaganda ng batang babae upang
makahanap siya ng nararapat na asawang lalaki sa hinaharap na
panahon; samantalang umaasa naman ang batang lalaki na maging
malakas siya at mapatunay ang kaniyang pagiging lalaki o
pagkalalaki upang masiyahan at mapakibagayan ng mabuti ang
kaniyang magiging asawang babae.

Bawat nilalang ay may kakayahang mag-anak at

magpakarami. Ngunit dumaraan sa pamamaraan ng pagtatalik ang
mga hayop - partikular na ang mga mamalya. Katulad ng mga
mamalya, kailangan din ng dalawang taong magtalik para
magkaanak.Sa gawaing pagtatalik ng dalawang nasa hustong gulang
na tao, may maliit na bilang ng natatanging pluido na may
mga semilya ang nasasalin mula sa aring panlalaki hanggang sa
pag-aari ng babae. May katangian ang mga selulangpunla o semilya
na mabilis na makapaglakbay patungo sa bahay-bata ng babae. Sa
tulong ng pagsilip sa mikroskopyo, makikitang kahawig ng
mga butete ang mga punla (sperm) na may tila-sinulid na buntot.
Gumaganap ang buntot na ito bilang isang propeler. Kung may
selulang itlog (ovum) na lumabas mula sa bahay-itlogng isang babae
sa kapanahunan ng pagtatalik. At kung nagkataong patungo ang sa
bahay bata, magtatagpo at magsasanib ang itlog (ang proseso
ngpertilisasyon) at punla na nagiging sanhi ng simula
ng pagdadalang-tao ng
napunlaang itlog (fertilized egg) ang siyang pinakasimula ng pintig
ng buhay sa loob ng katawan ng babae, na sa lumaon ay magiging
ganap na sanggol sa loob ng sinapupunan ng isang magiging ina.
Larawan ng isang selulang semilya (sperm) na sumasanib sa isang
itlog (ovum).

Isa sa mga nagiging katanungan ng mga kabataan, lalaki man

o babae, hinggil sa panahon ng kanilang pagbibinata at pagdadalaga
ang: "Normal ba ang nararadaman kong ito?"; "Maganda ba ang
itsura ko?", "Maging kaakit-akit kaya ako sa kaniya?" o kaya "E,
paano kung gusto niyang makipagtalik?" Sa paglaon at sa kabila ng
kanilang mga pangamba, kapag sumapit na ang mga binatilyo't
dalagitang ito sa hustong edad, at dumaan na sila panahong
natugon na nila ang kanilang mga personal na katanungan hinggil sa
paksa ng pagtatalik at ibang mga kaugnay na paksa, nagiging mas
responsable sila at nagtatalaga ng mga pamantayan at ng mga
pangmatagalang layunin. Iibigin nilang iwanan ang mga panandalian
at medaling makamit na mga kasiyahang pangkatawan sapagkat
iniisip nilang mayroong pang ibang mas mahahalagang bagay kaysa
rito. Sa pagbibigay ng pagpapahalaga sa kanilang sarili at mga
positibong hangarin at pangangailangan, mas nakapagbibigay rin
sila ng angkop na halaga sa ibang mga tao. Mas nauunawaan na nila
ang pangangailangan ng pagpili ng tama at nararapat na mga
desisyon sa buhay, sa halip na magpadala na lamang sa mga silakbo
ng damdamin, upang hindi nila masaktan ang sarili ang ibang tao.Sa
pagkakaedad o pagtanda din ng mga kabataan, mas naiisip din nila
ang mga maaaring maging panganib, suliranin, at kabutihan ng mga
gawi sa pakikipagtalik at ibang mga pag-uugali at gawi. Naiisip nila
ang mga maging dulot ng kanilang mga gawain. Isa sa mga
mahalagang magagawa ng kabataan ang kung paano maisasali sa
kanilang buhay at pagkakaroon ng kasintahan, sa nararapat na
kaparaanan, ang seksuwalidad.

Dahil rito, isang responsibilidad at pribilehiyo ang kakayahang

magtalik ng dalawang taong nagmamahalan at nagkaisang dibdib sa
sakramento ng matrimonyo. Ang pagtatalik ng mag-asawa ang
simula ng pagkakaroon ng mag-anak na kasapi ng isang lipunan.
Mahalaga ang pagpaplano ng pamilya. Kadalasang nagdudulot ng
suliranin ang paggiging magkasintahan ng dalawang nagbibinatang

Ayon sa Katekismo ng Simbahang Katoliko (Catechism of the

Catholic Church), ang seksuwalidad ay isang mapagkukunan o


pinagmumulan ng kasiyahan at kaligayahan. Nilarawan pa sa aklat
na ito na inilunsad ng Manlilikha ang gawain ng pagtatalik na para sa
tungkulin ng pagpaparami o pag-aanak upang makaranas ang magasawa ng kaluguran at katuwaan sa katawan at sa espiritu.
Ipinaliwanag pa rin ng aklat na ito na walang masama sa
paghahanap ng kasiyahan at kaligayahang ito sapagkat tinatanggap
lamang ng lalaki at babae ang kung ano ang itinakda at inilaan ng
Diyos para sa kanila, subalit kailangan lamang na panatilihin ng
lalaki at babae ang kanilang mga sarili sa loob ng mga hangganan
ng makatuwirang katimpian. Bilang karagdagan, nilarawan pa rin ng
Katekismong ito ang pagtatalik bilang matalik, banal, dalisay,
marangal, at dakilang pagdadaop o pagsasanib. Ayon sa aklat, ang
tunay na makataong pagganap o pagsasagawa ng pagtatalik ay
nagtataglay at lumilinang ng pagbibigay ng sarili na nagpapayaman
sa katuwaan at pagpapasalamat o utang ng loob ng magasawa. Kaugnay ng mga naunang paglalarawan, sinasabi pa rin ng
Katekismo na nakakaapekto ang seksuwalidad sa lahat ng mga
aspeto o tabas ng pagkatao ng tao na nasa loob ng pagkakaisa ng
katawan at ng kaluluwa. Nakatuon ang seksuwalidad sa pagkaantig
ng damdamin, sa kakayahang magmahal at magkaroon ng anak ng
tao, at sa kakayahang makabuo ng matibay na ugnayang may
pakikilahok at pakikiisa sa ibang tao.

pubertad, o pagdadalaga o pagbibinata. Ayon sa mga eksperto, mas

mainam ito kaysa pakikipagtalik na walang proteksiyon. Sa gawaing
ito, maibibigay ang ginhawang sekswal nang walang panganib na
dulot ng pagkakasakit o pagkamatay. Ginagawa ito upang
matugunan ang sekswal na pangangailan ng hindi nakikipagtalik,
katulad ng pagbabawas ng tensiyong natatanggap mula sa mga
pang-araw-araw na mga trabaho o iba pang gawain.
Sa pananaw ng medisina Iba-iba ang antas ng gawaing
sekswal ng mga kabataan. Nakapagdurulot ng oportunidad para sa
eksplorasyon ng sarili ang masturbasyon, at nababahiran ito ng
impluwensiya ng kultura o kalinangan at mga inaasahang magiging
gampanin nilang kaugnay sa sekswalidad at pangkasarian.
Karaniwang nagsisimulang magsalsal ang mga batang lalaki sa
kaagahan o umpisa ng kanilang pagbibinata, samantalang nag-iibaiba naman ang edad kung kailan ito ginagawa ng mga
nagdadalagang babae, ngunit marami ang nagmamasturbeyt
pagkaraan lamang makaranas ng pagtatalik.Marami na ngayong
iba't-ibang paraan kung paano isinasagawa ang masturbasyon.
kalalakihan: hinahawakan ang ari sa isang kamay na may langis
(upang hindi masugatan) at hinahagod sa isang ritmikong pataasbaba o kaya ay hinahagod dahan dahan ang ulo ng ari.
Ipinapagpatuloy ito hanggang labasan. Karaniwang naglalabas
ng tamod ang mga kabataang may gulang na labing-tatlo pataas.
Karaniwang ginagawa sa kama at kung madalas sa banyo. Halos
siyamnapu't siyam na bahagdan ng mga lalaki ang nagkakangkang,
halos apatnapung porsiyento ang mga batang mula 1323 taon ang
edad. Sa kababaihan: Karaniwang ginagawa ang pagpasok ng isa o
ilang daliri sa loob ng ari, at itinutulak paloob at hinihila ng palabas
ng ilang saglit. Karaniwang ginagawa rin sa kama at sa banyo.
Maaari rin itong ritmikong paraang naglalabas-masok ng daliri ngunit
di-madalas. Halos limampung porsiyento ang nagsasalsal sa mga
babae. Karaniwang may pinapasok sa mga ari ng babae upang
mapadali ang pagsasalsal.

Kabilang din dito ang pagbubusi o pagsalsal ay ang sekswal

na paraan ng pagbibigay ginhawang sekswal sa sarili ng hindi
nakikipagtalik. Ginagawa ito ng mahilig mag pantasya o kaya ng
mga taong sobrang malilibog. Tumutukoy ito sa estimulasyon ng
sariling aring pang-reproduksiyon (masturbasyong pansarili) na
kalimiting umaabot sa sukdulan o orgasmo, at ginagamitan ng
kamay (katulad ng paghipo sa ari) o ibang bahagi ng katawan
(maliban sa pakikipagtalik), o kaya ng ibang mga bagay o
kasangkapan, o kombinasyon ng mga pamamaraang ito.Ito ang
pinakapangkaraniwang anyo ng awtoerotisismo o pagbibigay ng
magkasingkahulugan (sinonimo) ang dalawang salita, bagaman
karaniwan din ang masturbasyon na may kaagapay o katulong
(masturbasyong mutwal). Nagaganap din ang masturbasyon sa
daigdig ng mga hayop, likas man o alaga ang mga ito.
Pangkaraniwan itong gawain ng tao, mapalalaki man o babae,
partikular na ng mga kabataan o mga batang papasok sa yugto ng

Itinuturing na malaking kasalanan sa Simbahang Romano

Katoliko ang masturbasyon, at maging sa iba pang mga relihiyon.
Ayon sa Bibliya, pinarusahan ang mga lungsod ng Sodom at Gomora



dahil sa matinding sekswal na pamamamaraan at adiksiyon ng mga
tao doon. Pinarusahan ang karakter na si Onad dahil dito.

sa sukdulan at hanggang sa labasan ang lalaki. Ang gawaing ito ay

katulad ng pagsasalsal o masturbasyon ng lalaki, bagaman ang
pagsasalsal ng lalaki ay ginagawa lamang ng lalaki sa kanyang sarili.
Ang kinakamay na estimulasyon ng puki, tinggil, o bulba ng babae
ay tinatawag na pagdadaliri ng puki, habang ang kinakamay na
estimulasyon na kinalalahukan ng mga nagtatalik at sabayan ang
paggawa nito ay tinatawag nanagbibigayang pagsasalsal o
masturbasyong mutwal (sabayang pagsasalsalan).

Ayon sa turo ng simbahan, dapat na ginagawa ang seks sa

paraan lamang ng pakikipagtalik ng mga mag-asawa o ng mga kasal
na sa simbahan. Walang sinuman ang maaaring makipagtalik sa
hindi niya asawa at wala rin maaring magsagawa ng seks sa paraang
pagsalsal. Sa larangan ng pananampalataya, itinuturing na ang
ginhawang dulot ng seks, maging ng masturbasyon, ay biyayang
makukuha lamang kung ginagamit ang seks para magparami ng lahi.
Ginagawa ng halos lahat ng kalalakihan ang masturbasyon, anuman
ang relihiyon, nasyonalidad, kultura, o antas nila sa lipunan. Praktikal
ito at isang ligtas na paraan upang matugunan ang sekswal na
pangangailangan. Hindi tulad ng sa pakikipagtalik, walang panganib
ng pagkakasakit o pakikiapid na kaakibat sa gawaing pakikipagtalik.
Hindi kailangan ng espesyal na lugar o kagamitan upang maisagawa
ito. Tanging sekswal na pagnanasa, mga kamay, at lokasyong
pribado ang mga elemento upang maisagawa ito. Ayon sa mga
doktor, nakatutulong ang madalas na pagmamasturba upang
maiwasan o labanan ang pagkakaroon ng kanser sa prostata.
Nakapagdurulot din rin ito pagkakaroon ng normal na sirkulasyon ng
dugo, na nakakabuti sa kalusugan ng sistemang kardiyobaskular.

Sa diwang legal, ang terminong obsenidad ay pinaka

kadalasang ginagamit upang ilarawan ang mga ekspresyon (mga
salita, mga imahen o larawan, mga kilos) na lantad na likas na
pangseks. Ang salita ay maaaring gamitin upang magpahiwatig ng
isang malakas na pagtaliwas, katulad ng sa kalanturan, kakirihan,
kalandian, o kahaliparutan. Ang pakahulugan ng diksyunaryo sa
kalibogan ay masidhi at walang kontrol na pagnanasang sekswal o
hindi mapaglabanang pagnanais o pagkagusto. Ipinaliwanag sa
Bibliya ang kalibogan sa ibat ibang paraan.Huwag kang
mangangalunya. Huwag mong iimbutin ang bahay ng iyong kapuwa,
huwag mong iimbutin ang asawa ng iyong kapuwa, ni ang kaniyang
aliping lalake o babae, ni ang kaniyang baka, ni ang kaniyang asno,
ni anomang bagay ng iyong kapuwa, o sa Datapuwa't sinasabi ko
sa inyo, na ang bawa't tumingin sa isang babae na taglay ang
masamang hangad ay nagkakasala na ng pangangalunya sa
kaniyang puso. At Kung ang aking puso ay napadaya sa babae, at
ako'y bumakay sa pintuan ng aking kapuwa: Kung magkagayo'y iba
ang ipaggiling ng aking asawa, at iba ang yumuko sa kaniya.
Sapagka't iya'y isang mabigat na sala; Oo, isang kasamaan na
parurusahan ng mga hukom. Ang kalibogan ay nakasentro sa
pagbibigay kasiyahan sa sarili, at lagi itong nagbubunga sa hindi
kanais- nais na aksyon upang pagbigyan ang pansariling kasiyahan
ng hindi isinasaalang-alang ang mga konsekwensya. Ang kalibogyan
ay tungkol sa pag-ibig sa sarili at kasakiman. Ang Kristiyanong
pananampalataya ay tungkol sa pagsasakripisyo para sa iba at
kinakikitaan ng banal na pamumuhay Ang layunin ng bawat taong
naglagak ng pananampalataya kay Hesus ay maging kawangis Niya
sa bawat araw. Nangangahulugan ito ng pagtanggi sa mga dating
nakagawian mula sa dating pamumuhay na nasa ilalim ng kontrol ng
kasalanan at ng pagbabago ng isip at gawa ayon sa pamantayan na
itinakda ng Kasulatan. Salungat ang kahalayan sa pamantayang ito.

Ayon sa mga sikolohista, nakakaalis ng tensiyon ang madalas

na masturbasyon, maging ng pagaalinlangan, lalo na sa mga
kalalakihan. Nakapagbibigay ito ng panandaliang ligaya at tiwala sa
sarili, lalo na sa mga nag-iisa o wala pang asawa o katipan. Ayon sa
mga sosyolohista, antropolohista, at guro, isa sa mga pangunahing
interes ng mga nagbibinata ang paksang masturbasyon. Sa mga
estudyante sa hayskul, ang gawaing ito ang madalas pag-usapan ng
mga magkakaibigan, na pinagmumulan ng tukso, katuwaan, at iba
pang interaksiyong panlipunan na mahalaga sa mga dumaraan sa
panahon ng pubertad.
Ang Pagtatalik
pangkamay o pagtatalik
kinakamay (Ingles: handjob, wristie)
isang gawaing
pangpagtatalik na ginagamitan ng kamay ng isang katalik ang
estimulasyon ng titi ng kaparehang lalaki. Ang humahawak at
nagsasagawa ng estimulasyon ng titi ng lalaki ay maaaring isang
katalik na lalaki o kaya babae, na karaniwang sumasapit


Walang sinuman ang maaaring maging perpekto o maging
ganap na banal habang naririto sa lupa, ngunit ito ang layunin na
ating nais na marating. May matibay na pamantayan ang Bibliya
tungkol sa bagay na ito sa Sapagka't tayo'y tinawag ng Dios hindi
sa ikarurumi, kundi sa pagpapakabanal. Kaya't ang nagtatakuwil,
hindi ang tao ang itinatakuwil, kundi ang Dios, na nagbibigay sa inyo
ng kaniyang Espiritu Santo. Kung hindi pa naaapektuhan ng
kahalayan ang iyong isip at puso, ihanda mo ang iyong sarili na
mamuhay ng walang dapat ikahiya upang mabantayan ang tukso ng
kahalayan. Kung kasalukuyan kang nakikipaglaban ngayon sa
kahalayan, ito ang oras upang ipahayag sa Diyos ang iyong
kasalanan at hilingin ang Kanyang pagkilos sa iyong buhay upang
ang iyong buhay ay kakitaan ng kabanalan.

kababaihan; habang sa kalalakihan ay ang pagkakaroon

maluluwang na mga balikat at paglalim ng mga tinig nila.


Ang katagang seksuwal na nilalang ay mayroon ding iba pang

mga kahulugan, na maituturing na negatibo ayon sa kultura,
relihiyon, pananaw at iba pang mga aspeto. Naririto ang ilang mga
kahulugan ng "seksuwal na nilalang" mula sa Urban Dictionary.
Maaaring tumukoy ang kataga sa isang tao na kadalasang may
mataas na kalikasang seksuwal o katangiang seksuwal, katulad ng
pagiging malisyoso o napaka malibog. Maaari ding tumukoy ang
pariralang seksuwal na nilalang sa paglalarawan ng isang
napakakaakit-akit na lalaki o nakapakabigha-bighaning babae, batay
sa pangangatawan, kilos, o iba pang katangian ng nilalang na
tinutukoy, kasama na ang kaasalan sa pakikipagtalik o "kahusayan"
o pagiging maalam sa gawaing ito. Maaari ring tumukoy ang
katawagang seksuwal na nilalang sa isang tao o ibang nilalang na
nasisiyahan sa madalas na pakikilahok sa o pagsasagawa ng
mga gawaing seksuwal. Bilang huli, maaari rin itong tumukoy sa
kagalingan o talento ng isang tao hinggil sa lahat ng mga bagay na
seksuwal, katulad ng salitang seksuwal (bastos na pananalita),
pakikipagtalik, sexting, masturbasyon, at iba pa.

Ang hiperseksuwalidad (literal na "labis na seksuwalidad")

o pagkalulong sa pakikipagtalik ay ang kalagayan ng pagkakaroon
ng masidhing kagustuhang makiisa at magsakatuparan ng mga
gawaing may kaugnayan sa pakikipagtalik at mga galaw na
seksuwal, na nasa antas na sapat na maituturing na isang
ng panggagamot o pagtatama. Kalibugan, isang paglalarawan o
pagbibigay ng katauhan sa labis na paghahangad o pagkauhaw sa
laman.Kung magkagayo'y ang kahalayan, kung maipaglihi ay
nanganganak ng kasalanan: at ang kasalanan, pagka malaki na ay
namumunga ng kamatayan.

Ang pakahulugan ng diksyunaryo sa kahalayan ay masidhi at

walang kontrol na pagnanasang sekswal o hindi mapaglabanang
pagnanais o pagkagusto. Ipinaliwanag sa Bibliya ang kahalayan sa
ibat ibang paraan. Exodus 20:14, 17, Huwag kang mangangalunya.
Huwag mong iimbutin ang bahay ng iyong kapuwa, huwag mong
iimbutin ang asawa ng iyong kapuwa, ni ang kaniyang aliping lalake
o babae, ni ang kaniyang baka, ni ang kaniyang asno, ni anomang
bagay ng iyong kapuwa, o sa Mateo 5:28, Datapuwa't sinasabi ko
sa inyo, na ang bawa't tumingin sa isang babae na taglay ang
masamang hangad ay nagkakasala na ng pangangalunya sa
kaniyang puso. At Job 31:9-11: Kung ang aking puso ay napadaya
sa babae, at ako'y bumakay sa pintuan ng aking kapuwa: Kung
magkagayo'y iba ang ipaggiling ng aking asawa, at iba ang yumuko
sa kaniya. Sapagka't iya'y isang mabigat na sala; Oo, isang

Ang seksuwal na nilalang o nilalang na pampagtatalik ay ang

likas na katangian ng mga nilalang na kasama ang mga hayop at
mga halaman. Sa hayop, nabibilang sa mga nilalang na seksuwal
ang mga tao, kulisap, ibon, at isda. Kabilang sa pagiging katauhan o
pagkakakilanlan ng mga nilalang na seksuwal ang pagkakaroon ng
pagnanais na umibig at ibigin din, pagmamahal, pagsuyo, at
pagsinta, pagtanggap sa sarili, ang pagkagusto na matanggap ng
iba, pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng pakikipag-ugnayan o pagkakaroon
ng relasyon sa iba, at eksplorasyong seksuwal, kasama na
ang gratipikasyon (maibigay at matanggap ang kasiyahan o hilig).
Tinagurian ang pagiging seksuwal na nilalang bilang ang "agham ng
sarili. Kabilang sa pagiging seksuwal na nilalang ng tao ang pagdaan
niya sa panahon ng kanyang kabataan kung kailan siya nakakaranas
ng pag-unlad ng dibdib o paglaki ng mga suso at pagreregla sa


Ang kahalayan ay nakasentro sa pagbibigay kasiyahan sa
sarili, at lagi itong nagbubunga sa hindi kanais- nais na aksyon
upang pagbigyan ang pansariling kasiyahan ng hindi isinasaalangalang ang mga konsekwensya. Ang kahalayan ay tungkol sa pag-ibig
sa sarili at kasakiman. Ang Kristiyanong pananampalataya ay
tungkol sa pagsasakripisyo para sa iba at kinakikitaan ng banal na
pamumuhay. Ang layunin ng bawat taong naglagak ng
pananampalataya kay Hesus ay maging kawangis Niya sa bawat
araw. Nangangahulugan ito ng pagtanggi sa mga dating nakagawian
mula sa dating pamumuhay na nasa ilalim ng kontrol ng kasalanan
at ng pagbabago ng isip at gawa ayon sa pamantayan na itinakda ng
Kasulatan. Salungat ang kahalayan sa pamantayang ito.

Ang kahalayan ay nakasentro sa pagbibigay kasiyahan sa

sarili, at lagi itong nagbubunga sa hindi kanais- nais na aksyon
upang pagbigyan ang pansariling kasiyahan ng hindi isinasaalangalang ang mga konsekwensya. Ang kahalayan ay tungkol sa pag-ibig
sa sarili at kasakiman. Ang Kristiyanong pananampalataya ay
tungkol sa pagsasakripisyo para sa iba at kinakikitaan ng banal na
pamumuhay. Ang layunin ng bawat taong naglagak ng
pananampalataya kay Hesus ay maging kawangis Niya sa bawat
araw. Nangangahulugan ito ng pagtanggi sa mga dating nakagawian
mula sa dating pamumuhay na nasa ilalim ng kontrol ng kasalanan
at ng pagbabago ng isip at gawa ayon sa pamantayan na itinakda ng
Kasulatan. Salungat ang kahalayan sa pamantayang ito.



Ang kahulugan kung ano talaga ang bumubuo sa obsenidad

ay magkakaiba sa iba't ibang mga kultura, sa pagitan ng
mga pamayanan sa loob ng isang kalinangan, at sa pagitan din ng
mga indibidwal sa loob ng mga pamayanang ito. Maraming mga
kultura ang nagsagawa ng mga batas upang bigyan ng kahulugan
ang pagsesensor (censorship) ay kadalasang ginagamit upang
subuking pigilan o tabanan ang mga materyal na mahalay sa ilalim
ng mga kahulugang ito: karaniwang kasama, subalit hindi limitado,
sa materyal na pornograpiko. Dahil sa ang ganyang pagbabawal o
pagsesensor ay naghahangga ng kalayaan ng ekspresyon, ang
paglikha ng legal na depinisyon ng obsenidad ay naghaharap ng
isang paksang may kaugnayan sa mga kalayaang sibil.

Para sa akin ang pagkakaintindi ko sa salitang libog ito isang

pagnanasa sa isang tao o bagay na gustong-gusto makamit ng isang
tao.Napapaluob dito ang sekswal, sensuwal, kahalayan, pagsasalsal
at iba pa.Ang sekswal ito ay pagtatalik ng dalawang tao o hayop
kung saan ang bawat isa ay nagiging agrisibo.Ang kalibogan naman
o tinatawag itong kaliboganito ay isang karamdaman o
nararamdaman ng isang ta okung saan ito ay may hinahangad na
isang bagay o tao mapalalakiman o babae. Kalibogan, isang
paglalarawan o pagbibigay ng katauhan sa labis na paghahangad o
pagkauhaw sa laman.Sa karamihan pagkahumaling, at kalibugan.
And kalibugan ay sekswal na matinding pagnanais ngunit sa sobrang
lakas nito, itoy nagiging makasalanan. Ngunit, ang pagkahumaling
para sa tamang dahilan ay hindi ng mga relihiyon, lalo nat sa
Kristiyanismo, ang matinding pagnanais ay hinati sa dalawa

Ang kalaswaan o obsenidad (Ingles:

nakapagpapagalit o nakapang-aalimura sa nangingibabaw na
(kalapastanganan o kabastusan), o kaya isang pagbabawal o
taboo, hindi disente, nakaririmarim, kasuklam-suklam, nakamumuhi,
nakakainis, o natatanging walang kasuwertehan. Ang kataga ay
ginagamit din sa isang bagay na nagsasanib ng isang pagpapahayag
o pagpapakita ng pagkamalaswa.

Ang lahat ng mga tao ay mga nilalang na seksuwal mula sa

pagkabata hanggang sa pagtanda. Subalit bahagi lamang ng
pagiging tao ang pagiging nilalang na may seksuwalidad, at hindi
lamang ito nakatuon sa kasangkapang pangkasarian ng tao at sa
paggamit ng mga ito. Kung kaya't ang pagtatalik ng mga seksuwal
na nilalang ng tao ay isang maliit na bahagi lamang ng kahabaan ng
larangan ng seksuwalidad. Ito ay dahil sa nakaugat ang
seksuwalidad sa maraming mga larangan, katulad ng henetikang
pambiyolohiya, kimika, sikolohiya, sosyolohiya, at pagpapadama ng


pang-araw-araw na kaasalan o pag-uugali ng tao, kaakibat ang
pananalita, pananamit, pag-iisip, at pagtugon sa mga sitwasyon sa
pangkasalukuyang kapaligiran ng mga, katulad ng sa mga
patalastas, ay maituturing na isang komunikasyong may kamalian,
hindi makatotohanan, at may negatibong impluwensiya sa isipan ng
tao. Maitatama ang ganitong mga uri ng mensahe batay sa
katalaban ng pagiging isang magulang (kasama ang pagiging
modelo para sa mga anak, ang pagkaalam kung paano gumamit ng
disiplina at pleksibilidad, pakikinig sa mga anak, pagtanggap ng
mahinahon sa mga anak, pagbibigay ng pagmamahal, damdamin,
atensiyong positibo, at suporta; mga bagay na kasinghalaga ng
pagkain, tubig, at tahanan o "masisilungan") at sa edukasyong
seksuwal, katulad ng isinasagawa sa mga paaralan. Nakasalalay sa
mga halimbawang ito ang paraan ng pagbibigay ng tamang
paghahanda at suporta upang umunlad ang mga kabataan patungo
sa pagiging angkop at responsableng mga adulto o mga taong nasa
tamang edad.



Sa panulat ni: Jaymar M. Rosario



matutong makinig hanggat maaari. Ang tao kasi, padalos-dalos sa
mga sinasabi, hindi muna pinag-iisipan kung ano ang magiging
reaksyon ng mga taong pinagsasabihan niya. Bakit hindi na lang
nating hayaan na tao na din mismo ang tumuklas sa mga kulang ng
kanilang buhay.

Alam niyo ba kung ano ang kinaiinisan ko sa mundo? Ang
mga TAO. Mga hayop na biniyayaan ng mahusay na pag-iisip pero
hindi ginagamit sa tama. Bakit, ano ba ang naging tama para sa
kanila? Di ba puro mali lang. Nakakapanghinayang, ang tao binigyan
ng dalawang mata upang kaniyang makita ang kagandahan ng
mundo sa mas malawak na pamamaraan. Siya ay binigyan din ng
isang ilong upang maamoy ang halimuyak at bango ng mundo. Isang
bibig upang kaniyang mailabas ang idinidikta ng isip sa mas
naiintindihang paraan at dalawang tainga upang kaniyang pakinggan
ang ibat ibang tunog at tinig mula sa kalikasan at maging sa kapwa
tao rin. Bakit kaya hindi na lang ginawang dalawa ang bibig? Di ba
mas magaling naman ang tao sa pagsasalita kaysa sa pakikinig?
Ganyan naman palagi eh, ginagawang dalawa ang bibig at ang
tainga ay nagiging isa na lamang. O kaya minsay 0.5 na lang ang
tainga. Ang lupet talaga ng tao.

INITIATIVE nga ang word na babagay dito. Hindi na kami bata

upang sabihan pa ng kesyo ganito at kesyo ganyan. At kung
tutuusin, ang mga taong nagpapasimula ng mga walang kabuluhang
conference ay sila mismo gumagwa ng problema. Hindi ko alam
kung ano gusto nilang palabasin sa kanilang mga winiwika, ngunit
gusto ko lamang sabihin na, Ano na ba ang nagawa niyo para sa
binabalak niyo? Ang galing mag-suggest. Ang galing din ng bibig.
Ang galing din ng amnesia at short-term deaf personality. San ka pa?
Ganyan ka-talented ang mga tao ngayon. Ah basta, konsensya na
lamang ng tao kung ano ang kaniyang gagawin. Hindi masamang
magbago Ngunit magbago ka sa ibang pamamaraan at siguraduhing
balanse ang buong pagkatao mo. Balansehin ang 2:1 ratio ng tainga
at bibig.

Nababago ang istruktura at gamit ng bawat parte ng kanilang

katawan. And take note, SENSE ORGANS yan. Kaya nga ginawang
dalawa ang tainga ng tao ay para matutong makinig sa mga
winiwika, hindi para pumasok at lumabas lamang ng basta-basta.
Dalawa ang tainga dahil mas nakabubuti ang pakikinig kaysa sa
pagsasalita. Kung minsan ang tao, bibig lang ang pinagagana. Hindi
ang kanilang tainga. Ano pa ang silbi ng pagkakaroon ng dalawang
tainga kung hindi rin naman gagamitin sa ayon? Nasaan na ang
kabuluhang inilaan ng Diyos para rito? Isipin na lamang: Ganoon ba
talaga kahalaga ang pagsasalita kahit hindi naman kailangan? I
suppose, Action speaks louder than words. Di ba mas maganda
kung makinig na lamang at kumilos ng nararapat. Ano ba ang tainga
kung hindi gagamitin sa tama? At ano ba ang isip kung hindi magiisip ng tama? Kung ano ang ating naririnig ang siyang magdadala
satin sa rurok ng tagumpay.

Sa Bibliya, ibat ibang salitang Hebreo at Griego ang

ginagamit upang tumukoy sa galit. Ang pinakakaraniwang salitang
galit ay aph, na
nangangahulugang ilong; butas ng ilong ngunit kadalasang
ginagamit sa makasagisag na paraan para sa galit dahil sa
malakas na paghinga o pagsingasing ng isang taong nagngangalit na
nangangahulugang magalit. Sa Hebreong Kasulatan, ang galit ay
madalas ding iniuugnay sa init at sa gayoy sinasabing lumalagablab
ito. May iba pang mga salitang Hebreo na isinasalin bilang
pagngangalit, poot, at pagkagalit. Sa Kristiyanong Griegong
Kasulatan naman, ang orge ay karaniwang isinasalin bilang poot,
samantalang ang thymos ay kadalasang isinasalin bilang galit.
Ang poot, ngitngit, o galit ay ang pagkasuklam, pagkayamot,
pagngingitngit, pagkamuhi, pagpupuyos, pangungupinyo, at
indignasyon ng isang tao sa iba. Sa paglalarawan, karaniwan itong
mayroong pagtitiim-bagang, pagsulak ng dugo, at panggigitil ng
mga ngipin.Sa Katolisismo, itinuturing ito bilang isa sa pitong
nakamamatay na mga kasalanan. Nakikita na tayong lahat ng taong
nagagalit, at tiyak na may mga pagkakataong nagalit na rin tayo.

Mga bagay na ating napakinggan at talaga namang may

kabuluhan sa ating buhay. Ang bibig ay nakakapatay ng tao. Kahit
sino ka pa at kahit anong kapal ng balat mo ay mas matalim pa ang
bibig diyan. Hindi masamang magsalita ngunit gamitin sa tamang
panahon (hindi ko sinasabing magsasalita na lang kayo kapag
nagugunaw na ang mundo). Mayroon pa kasing tainga ang tao,


Bagaman alam natin na ang galit ay isang negatibong damdamin na
dapat kontrolin, madalas tayong nagdadahilan na may katuwiran
tayo para magalit, lalo na kapag nilalabag ang ating pamantayan ng
katarungan. Sinabi pa nga ng isang artikulo ng American
Psychological Association na ang galit ay normal na damdamin ng
tao at karaniwan nang nakatutulong.

Nakakadulot rin ng stress ang culture shock na nararanasan

ng mga migranteng manggagawa na baguhang naninirahan sa ibang
bansa na iba ang kultura ng mga amo at katrabaho kumpara sa
nakasanayan. Kabilang na rito ang pagharap sa isyu ng rasismo
(racism) o iba pang uri ng diskriminasyon na maaaring nararanasan
sa kadahilanang orientasyong sekswal, edad, relihiyon, lahi, kultura,
at iba pa. Ang pangmatagalang stress ay lubhang makakaapekto sa
isang tao sa kanyang pampisikal at sa pagisip. Ito ay maaring
humantong sa sakit na lubhang depresyon o pagkalungkot, atake sa
puso, matinding pagsakit ng ulo, atbp.

Tila makatuwiran ang gayong pananaw kung iisipin natin ang

ipinasulat ng Diyos sa Kristiyanong apostol na si Pablo. Dahil alam
niya na may mga panahong nagagalit ang mga tao, sinabi niya:
Mapoot kayo, gayunmay huwag magkasala; huwag hayaang
lumubog ang araw na kayo ay pukw sa galit. (Efeso 4:26) Kaya
dapat nga ba nating ilabas ang ating galit o sikaping kontrolin ito?
Ang lahat ng tao ay nagagalit! Ang tamang sagot sa galit ay ang
patuloy nating paglapit sa Panginoon at pagninilay sa Kanyang mga
salita. Maaari mong basahin ang Reading Plan Trust kasabay ng
temang Galit. kapag naisabuhay ay makatutulong sa iyong
panghawakan ang sarili sa gitna ng galit. Hayaang ang iyong buhay
ay mabago sa pagsasaulo ng mga kasulatan ng Diyos!

Ang tuloy-tuloy na stress ay nakakaapekto sa pangaraw-araw

na gawain, nagpapababa ng pagpapahalaga sa sarili, nakakapanira
ng magandang relasyon sa tahanan at kaibigan, pagbabawas sa
gana at pagiging produktibo sa trabaho at humahantong sa
matinding pagsisi sa sarili.Bagkus ito ay parte na ng modernong
pamumuhay, may mga ilang hakbang na maaring makatulong upang
mabawasan ang masamang epekto nito. Ang ilan sa mga simpleng
hakbang ay ang sumusunod:

Ang Stress o Tensiyon at ilang paraan na maiwasan ito:

Ang stress o minsay tinatawag na tensiyon sa Filipino ay isang
sitwasyon na kung saan ay dumadaan sa pakiramdam na ikaw ay
nahihirapan, nababahala, labis na kapaguran at tila nawawalan ng
pag-asa. Ang stress ay bahagi na ng pang araw-araw na buhay para
sa maraming tao. May antas ng stress na hindi naman nakakapanira.
Ang katamtamang lebel nito ay nakakatulong sa katawan at isipan
na harapin ang mga hamon ng mahihirap na suliranin at tuwing oras
ng krisis.

Manatiling positibo:Magpokus sa mga magagandang bagay

tungkol sa sarili at kapaligiran. Ugaliing maging positibo sa pagiisip
sa mga hinahaharap at isiping malulutas rin ang mga problema.
Turuan ang sarili na matanggap na may mga bagay na sadyang di
mo kayang baguhin. Pahintulutan ang sariling malungkot paminsanminsan: Hindi lubusang masama ang pagpapahintulot sa sarili na
maging malungkot. Bigyan ang sarili ng sapat na panahon na
magdamlamhati sa kawalan at unti-unting mag-adjust para
malampasan ito.

Ang mga ilang sanhi ng stress o tensiyon ay maaring

magmula sa isa o kombinasyon ng mga sumusunod: problemang
pinansiyal, di pagkakasundo sa pamilya o sa trabaho, kawalan ng
balanse sa pangangailangan ng oras at atensyon ng pamilya at
trabaho, pagkaroon ng mababang sahod o ang kawalan ng tahanan,
pagkawala o pagkamatay ng isang mahal sa buhay o kaibigan, away
sa pamilya o labas ng tahanan, pagkasakit, aksidente, pagiging
biktima ng karahasan o iba pang trauma, pag-aabuso ng alak o
droga, o di sapat na nutrisyon.

Dumalaw sa isang matalik na kaibigan o kamag-anak:Ang

isang mabuting kamag-anak o kaibigan ay makakatulong lalo pat
kung ito ay isang taong magaling makinig, puwede mong
paghingaan ng iyong saloobin nang walang pag-aatubili, at
makapagbibigay ng magandang payo.
Magmuni-muni o meditation:Ang yoga, arte at pagtugtog ng
musika ay nakakapang-relax. Ang mga diskarteng ito ay dapat na
makasanayan sa pagdaan ng panahon upang epektibong magamit
pagdating ng panahong may hinaharap.


Tumawa nang madalas at libangin ang sarili: Ika nga
nila, laughter is the best medicine.Maari itong makamit sa
simpleng pakikipagbiruan, panonood ng pelikulang nakakatawa o
nakakaaliw o pagbabasa ng mga librong nakakapagbigay halakhak o
inspirasyon. Ito ay napatunayan nang nakapagbibigay ng dagliang
pakiramdam ng paggaan tulad ng pagpawi sa matinding kirot dala
ng . Sa pangmatagalan, nakatutulong ito na mapaganda ang
immune system at sa paglalabas ng neuropeptides na nakabubuti sa

transportasyon o ruta. Kung hindi mo gusto ang mga balita sa

diyaryo, magbasa na lamang na novels o comics. Maging
mapagdasal: Ayon sa mga pananaliksik, ang mga taong spiritual at
madasalin ay mas mabilis na gumaling galing sa sakit at mas
magaling mangasiwa ng stress.
Mag-ehersisyo: Ang pisikal na pag-eehersisyo at paglanghap
ng sariwang hangin (deep, slow breathing) ay nagbibigay ginhawa sa
nervous system, nagpapanatili ng magandang pangangatawan,
nagpapabuo ng kumpiyansa at tumutulong sa pagpapahalaga ng
sarili. Mag-ehersisyo at magsaya kasama ng kaibigan, isang bata o
mga alagang hayop. Kumain ng tama at umiwas sa
bisyo:Pinapababa ng stress ang immune system ng tao na siyang
magbibigay daan sa sakit sa puso at ulcers. Ang mga taong
nakakaranas ng stress ay nagpapakita ng sintomas ng di pagkain ng
tama -- minsay labis at minsay kulang. Nakakapagpalala din ang
paninigarilyo, paginom ng alak, kape at soda na sa kalabisan ay di
maganda sa pangangatawan.

Umawit ka!: Ayon sa pananaliksik, ito ay mabisang

pangontra sa stress, nagpapababa ng presyon, nakapag release ng
mga mood enhancers na oxytocin at nakapagpapakalma ng
sympathetic nervous system. Maeehersisyo din ang daluyan ng
paghinga na makakatulong sa pagkamit ng mahimbing na tulog.
Matutong humindi o umayaw:Alamin ang sariling limitasyon.
Mapasapersonal o propesyonal na buhay, matutong umiwas sa
dagdag na responsibilidad pag kulang ang iyong oras na
magampanan ito.

Kontrolin ang galit. Nakakasama talaga ng loob kapag

pinakitunguhan ka nang hindi maganda. May ilan pa nga na hindi
nakapagpipigil ng kanilang sarili. Sa katunayan, may binabanggit
ang Bibliya na mga taong madaling magalit at madaling
magngalit. (Kawikaan 22:24; 29:22) Hindi ito dapat bale-walain.
Kapag nag-apoy ka sa galit, baka makagawa ka ng bagay na
pagsisisihan mo sa bandang huli. Kaya paano mo makokontrol ang
iyong damdamin kapag hindi maganda ang naging pagtrato sa iyo?

Ayusin ang sariling iskedyul:Huwag pahirapan ang sarili na

mapilitang magawa ang maraming bagay sa iisang araw. Matutong
iklasipika ang mga gawain sa gustong gawin at kailangang
gawin. Sa ganitong paraan, may pagpapahalaga sa mas
importanteng gawain (want to-do versus must-do). Iwasan ang mga
taong negatibo: Maaari mong bawasan ang mga oras na kasama ang
mga negatibong tao o di kayay lubos mo nang iwasan kung hindi
magbago ito. Iwasan ding makipagdebate sa mga tao lalo na sa mga
isyung kaugnay sa relihiyon o politika. Mas masarap at magaang
kasama ang mga masayahin at positibong tao.

Una, pag-isipang mabuti ang nangyari. Huwag maging

emosyonal. Tingnan kung kaya mo na lang itong palampasin.* (Awit
4:4) Tandaan, kung gaganti ka ng pinsala para sa pinsala, lalo
lamang lalaki ang problema. (1 Tesalonica 5:15) Pagkatapos
tingnang mabuti ang nangyari at ipanalangin ito, baka mapag-isipisip mong kaya mo naman palang pagpasensiyahan ito, at hindi ka
na gaanong maaapektuhan ng nangyari.Awit 37:8.

Matutong magpatawad:Tayo ay naninirahan sa isang

imperpektong mundo at sadyang nagkakamali ang bawat tao.
Palampasin ang galit na nararamdaman at ibasura na rin ang
pakiramdam ng pagsisisi. Sa pagpapatawad ng ibang tao at ng sarili,
mababawasan ang iyong negative energy.

Pero paano kung hindi mo mapalampas ang ginawa sa iyo?

Sinasabi ng Bibliya na may panahon ng pagtahimik at panahon ng
pagsasalita. (Eclesiastes 3:7) Puwede mo kayang lapitan at
kausapin ang taong nakasakit sa iyo? Kung hindi naman ito angkop,
baka mabuting sabihin mo sa iyong tatay at nanay o sa isang may-

Kontrolin ang kapaligiran na nagdudulot ng stress: Kung

sadyang malungkot o kahindik-hindik ang balita sa telebisyon,
patayin ito. Kung ang trapik ay nakakasira ng mood mo, planuhin
ang oras ng pagbiyahe at gumamit ng mas mainam na


gulang na kaibigan ang iyong nadarama. Kung sinasadya kang inisin
ng isang tao, magpakita ka pa rin sa kaniya ng kabaitan kahit na
mahirap itong gawin. Matutulungan ka ng tsart sa pahina 221 na
makaisip ng iba pang bagay na puwede mong gawin kapag
napapaharap ka sa mga situwasyong nakapagpapainit palagi ng
iyong ulo.

Ang mga sumusunod ay napatunayang epektibo para maalis

ang galit na dulot ng stress. Huminga nang malalimisa ito sa
pinakamabisa at pinakamabilis na paraan para mabawasan ang tindi
ng galit. Habang humihinga nang malalim, ulit-ulitin ang
pananalitang nagpapakalma sa iyo, gaya ng relaks, hayaan mo na
yon, o cool ka lang. Maging abala sa isang bagay na gusto mo,
gaya ng pagbabasa, pakikinig ng musika, paghahalaman, o iba pang
gawain na nakarerelaks sa iyo. Mag-ehersisyo nang regular at
kumain ng masustansiyang pagkain.

Manalangin kay Jehova na tulungan kang iwasan ang

magkimkim ng galit sa taong nakasakit sa iyo. Tandaan: Bagaman
hindi mo mababago ang nangyari, maaari mo namang kontrolin ang
iyong reaksiyon dito. Kung magngingitngit ka sa galit, para kang isda
na nahuli sa bingwitwala kang kalaban-laban. Hinahayaan mong
kontrolin ng iba ang iyong pag-iisip at damdamin. Hindi ba mas
maganda kung ikaw ang kumokontrol sa iyong damdamin?Roma

Hindi madaling maunawaan ang mga sanhi ng galit. Kahit
ang mga siyentipiko ay aminado na hindi gaanong naiintindihan ng
mga tao ang galit. Gayunman, naniniwala ang karamihan sa mga
propesyonal sa kalusugan ng isip na lahat tayo ay nagre-react sa
ilang partikular na mitsa ng galit. Maaaring maging sanhi ng galit
ang isang bagay na nakadidismaya o nakaiinis sa isa. Kadalasan na,
ito ay nauugnay sa di-makatarungan o di-patas na pagtrato.

Iwasan Mo ang Galit. Ang ideya ng pagkontrol sa galit ay

ipinahayag ng salmistang si David sa ganitong magandang
pananalita: Iwasan mo ang galit at iwanan mo ang pagngangalit;
huwag kang mag-init na hahantong lamang sa paggawa ng
masama. (Awit 37:8) Para hindi ka makapagsabi o makagawa ng
isang bagay na pagsisisihan mo sa bandang huli, makabubuting
iwasan mong mag-init. Siyempre pa, madaling sabihin iyan pero
mahirap gawin. Pero posibleng gawin! Talakayin natin ang tatlong
bagay na magagawa mo para makontrol ang iyong galit.

Posibleng magalit tayo kapag nadarama natin na tayoy

hinahamak, maaaring dahil ininsulto tayo o binale-wala. Puwede rin
tayong mapukaw sa galit kapag iniisip nating sinisira ang ating
reputasyon o hindi nirerespeto ang ating awtoridad. Siyempre pa,
ang mga mitsa ng galit ay ibat iba depende sa indibiduwal.
Depende rin ito sa edad at kasarian ng isa at maging sa kaniyang
kultura. At iba-iba rin ang reaksiyon ng mga tao sa mga sanhing ito
ng galit.

Bawasan ang Tindi ng Galit. Para mabawasan ang galit mo,

huminga nang malalim at kalmahin ang sarili. Iwasang sabihin ang
unang bagay na sumagi sa isip mo. Kung nadarama mo na parang
sasabog na ang dibdib mo at parang hindi ka na makapagpigil,
sundin ang payo ng Bibliya: Ang pasimula ng pagtatalo ay gaya ng
isang nagpapakawala ng tubig; kaya bago sumiklab ang away,
umalis ka na.Kawikaan 17:14.
Matutong Kalmahin ang Sarili. Ang pusong mahinahon
buhay ng katawan. (Kawikaan 14:30) Kung ikakapit ng isa
kaniyang buhay ang mahalagang katotohanang ito, makatutulong
para bumuti ang kaniyang emosyonal, pisikal, at espirituwal
kalusugan. Magsimula sa simpleng mga teknik para marelaks,
makababawas sa nadaramang galit.

Ang ilan ay bihirang magalit at agad na napalalampas ang

pagkakamali, samantalang ang iba naman ay madaling magalit at
nagkikimkim ng galit sa loob ng ilang araw, linggo, buwan, o mas
mahaba pa.Oo, kapag hindi nasunod ang gusto ng mga taong
makasarili, kadalasan nang nagagalit sila. May iba pang mga dahilan
kung bakit lumulubha ang problema tungkol sa pagiging magagalitin.


Malaki ang impluwensiya ng mga magulang sa personalidad

ng isang tao mula sa pagkabata hanggang sa pagkatin-edyer. Ayon
nga sa sikologong si Harry L. Mills: Sa murang edad pa lang,
natututo nang magpakita ng galit ang mga tao dahil ginagaya nila
kung ano ang nakikita nilang ginagawa ng iba. Kung ang isang bata


ay lumalaking kasama ng mga taong magagalitinna ikinagagalit
kahit maliliit na bagay langpara na rin siyang sinasanay na harapin
ang mga problema sa pamamagitan ng galit.

Kung sinasabi sa ilang pag-aaral na nakabubuti ang

pagmumura, bakit sinasabing hindi ito dapat ginagawa? Kung
tutuusin, pag minumura mo ang isang tao, hindi bat tila tinatapakan
mo rin ang kanyang pagkatao? Nagkamali lang ng kaunti, sasabihan
ng T. May ginawa lang na di maganda kahit di sinasadya, sasabihan
na agad ng G. Nakagalitan lang dahil sa isang bagay, sasabihan na
agad ng PI. Ang sabi ng iba, pag ang isang taoy nagkamali,
kundenahin ang kanyang ginawa at hindi mismo ang gumawa.

Maikukumpara ang sitwasyon ng batang iyon sa isang

halaman na dinidilig ng kontaminadong tubig. Llak nga ang
halaman pero maaari itong mabansot, at baka permanente na itong
mapinsala. Ang galit ay gaya rin ng kontaminadong tubig, at ang
mga batang may magagaliting kasambahay ay malamang na
maging magagalitin din paglaki nila. Napakaraming puwedeng
maging sanhi ng galit sa paligid natin. Bukod diyan, mas nagiging
sensitibo ang mga tao sa mga sanhing ito. Bakit? Ang isang dahilan
ay ang pagiging makasarili at kawalan ng malasakit sa iba na
laganap sa panahon natin.

Sa pagmumura kasi sa isang tao, sa pagkatao nya ito

tumatama. Kung iisipin mo, maraming bagay sa mga nagpapainis sa
atin ang madali naman sanang iwasan para di na tayo umabot pa sa
pagmumura at paggawa pa ng ibang masama. Maiiwasan sila
sapagkat nasa sarili natin ang pagbabagong kailangang gawin.
Baguhin ang sarili at tiyak na ang ilan sa mga ito ay hindi na
magiging sakit ng ating mga ulo. Sa kabilang banda, maraming
nakapang-iinis na mga bagay na nagpapaabot sa atin sa pagmumura
ay dahil naman sa ibang tao. Di man natin sila mababago, maaari
naman natin silang iwasan.

Mareklamo tayong mga tao, lalo na ang mga Pilipino. Mahilig
din tayong mamintas ng pagkakamali o pagkukulang ng iba. Mabuti
sana kung nakakaisip tayo ng paraan para solusyunan ang
maraming problema sa paligid pero karamihan sa atin, magaling
lang sa pagbato ng putik sa iba. Piliing maging parte ng solusyon.
Kumilos at pagbutihin ang ginagawa.


Ngayong alam na natin ang mga nagpapainis sa atin, isipin

naman natin kung paano ang mga ito masosolusyunan. Siguro,
pwedeng matulog at gumising ng mas maaga para hindi mahuli sa
pagpasok. Pwede ring iwasan ang mga taong ang hilig lamang ay
pag-usapan ang buhay ng may buhay o kaya yung mga taong
walang magandang maidudulot sa atin. Igihan din ang pagpapabuti
sa sarili, at idamay na ang iba sa pamamagitan ng pagiimpluwensiya sa kanila ng magagandang katangiang mayroon ka.
Dahil kapag nagagalit ang tao, minsan ay nakapagsasabi sila ng mga
di kanais nais na salita.
Ayon sa ilang pananaliksik, nakabubuti raw ang pagmumura.
Bakit? Para raw mas maibsan ang pisikal na sakit na nararamdaman
ayon sa isang artikulo ng TIME. May ilan ding nagsasabi na
nakakatanggal daw ito ng stress. Nakatutulong din daw ito para
maibsan ang namumuong galit sa isang tao upang maiwasan nyang
gumawa siya ng hindi maganda sa kapwa.





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Aquino, D. M. (June 01, 2004) Kahalayan:



Cordero, J.F. (September 16, 2014) Crab-Mentality/IsipTalangka





Christina Omayana Pastorfide

Shes a smart girl. Shes a very good leader and helps a

lot of people. Everyone treats her as a friend and she does the
same. I think she will be good engineer someday.


Formentera, John Carlo R.


John Carlo Rosco Formentera

Arnold Trogon Pardilan

Hes a good man with a big heart. Hes kind to his

classmate and never picks a fight. I think he will be a good
police officer someday.

Hes a cool guy with an easy-go-lucky attitude. Hes funny

and likes to prank his classmate. I think he can be a good
comedian someday.

Pardilan, Arnold T.


Calleja, Jonas E.


Jonas Endiape Calleja

Jefferson Velasquez Cordero

Hes a very witty person. Sometimes he takes jokes

seriously. He likes being alone and he works independently. I
think he can be good businessman someday.

He is a good friend to everyone. Hes always playing

games in his phone. Hes polite and funny. I think he will be a
good game developer someday.

Cordero, Jefferson V.


Rosario, Jaymar M.


Jaymar Maan-tus Rosario

He is a silent-type guy. He likes joking around and
playing computer games. Hes a good student and has a lot of
friends. I think he can be a good employee someday.

Pastorfide, Christina O.


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