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Beware of holiday cyber scamrners
Ridgeland. MS, ~ e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 card) scam. messages are being fraudulent web sitc where any
-During this holiday season the sent via spam and appear to be information they enter then falls
Better Business Bureau (BBB) from a family m e m k r or friend. into the hands of the scammers.
has leanled of new, aggrsssive Generally. the sfam directs the Thc FBI offers the following
\lays that cyber scammers uss as rscipienttoclickonalinkprovidsd rips toavoidfallingvictimtocyber
lhc! attempt to steal mane!, and in the email to vie\\ the e-card, fraud:
p s r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n . Thesc, !\'hen thc recipient clicks on the 'Do nor respond to unsolicited
include: the sendinz of e-cards in link. they are unknojvingly taken ispam) ernail messages.
elnail mzssages that contain to a malicious \veb pays. D o not click on links contained
mal~vare (malicious softn arc): Spoofing Scammcrsireate falss \vithin an unsolicited email.
sstting up spoofing web sitcr that or shadon copy of a 1 z ~web l sire .Avoid filling out forms in cmail
look like legitimate comrncrci~l or email in ordsr ro mislead the messages that ask for personal
sites: and unleashing email and recipisnts. All net\vork traffic information.
phone"attacks"whrreindividuals hetneen the victim'sbrowserand .Log on to official web siles
r e c s i v e m ? s s a g e s a s k i n g for ths shadow page are ssnt through insteadof"linkingV tothemfrom
person" data. the spoofer's rnachinc to enable an unsolicited message,
"Thess cyber scammers \vill d o thecaptureofpasswords,account .Conlacl thc actual business that
\ihatcvrr thzy can to steal monc! numbers, etc. supposedly sent the message to
and persunal iiformation. Phishingl~ishing individuals ~ e r i f yits validity.
especially during the holiday have reported recei\.ir.g email or The BBB has k e n serving
season."saidBillMoak.Prssidsnt/ tznt m e s s a ~ e s i n d i c a t i aprohirm
n~ \Tississippi c o n s u m e r s a n d
CEO of r h e BBB s s r v i n g with their account. The): drs businesses since 1964. Contact
Slississifpi. "They continue to dircc~ed\ofollc:vthelinkprovidcd rhe BBB online at
de\.ise new and different ways to in the messagc to update thsir w \ \ \ v . m s . b b b . o r g <http:/f
commit their crimes.'' account o r correct ths problem, \\\v\> or by phone
E-cards In the e-card (greeting The link actuallydirscts them to a at 800-957-8280.
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