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Name: John Peter C. De Lumen

Course/Section: BSCriminology 2204
Professor: Mrs.Jolly Miguel


Name: Leny Rose M. Gacutan

Course/Section: BSCriminology 2204
Professor: Mrs.Jolly Miguel

A. Discuss the significance of Magellan Expedition

Answer: Magellan "rediscovered" the Philippines.
Magellan's main goal was to find the Spice Island,
currently named Malaku Island. He accidentally

"discovered" an island in Eastern Visayas, part of the

Philippines, and was later killed in a neighboring
island, Mactan. The significance of his expedition to
find Spice Island was that he proved that the world is
B. Give the characteristics of educational system
during the Spanish period. And compare with the present
educationa system
Answer: There was separate school for boys and girls ,
the wealthy Filipinos or the Ilustrados were
accommodated in the schools, Colonial education brought
more non-benificial effects to the Filipinos.
Education Decree 1863
1. The first educational system for students in the
country was established.
2. Provide school institutions for boys and girls in
every town.
3. Spanish Schools started accepting Filipino students.
4. The Normal School was also Established.
5. The friars controlled the educational system during
the Spanish times.
6. The missionaries took charge in teaching,
controlling and maintaining the rules and regulations
imposed to the students.
7. The schools before were exclusive for the Spaniards,
The Filipinos were only able to inter the school in the
late 19th century

Education in the Philippines

The friars were effective in evangelizing the catholic

religion to the Filipinos
One major failure of the educational system of the
religious congregations was the withholding of the
Filipimos to learn other bodies of knowledge.
Education during the Spanish regime was privileged only
to Spanish students
Several educated Filipinos referred to as ilustrados
began movements directed towards change in the system
of government in the Philippines

C. Discuss the significance of the social structure in

the Political system of the Philippines during the
Colonial period.
Answer: The Spanish quickly organized their new colony
according to their model. The first task was the
reduction, or relocation of native inhabitants into
settlements. The earliest political system used during
the conquista period was theencomienda system, which
resembled the feudal system in medieval Europe. The
conquistadores, friars and native nobles were granted
estates, in exchange for their services to the King,
and was given the privilege to collect tribute from its
inhabitants. In return, the person granted
the encomienda, known as an encomendero, was tasked to
provide military protection to the inhabitants, justice
and governance. In times of war, the encomendero was
duty bound to provide soldiers for the King, in
particular, for the complete defense of the colony from
invaders such as the Dutch, British and Chinese.
The encomienda system was abused by encomenderos and by
1700 was largely replaced by administrative provinces,

each headed by an alcalde mayor (provincial governor)

The most prominent feature of Spanish cities was the
plaza, a central area for town activities such as the
fiesta, and where government buildings, the church, a
market area and other infrastructures were located.
Residential areas lay around the plaza. During
the conquista, the first task of colonization was the
reduction, or relocation of the indigenous population
into settlements surrounding the plaza.

D. Why was it difficult for the Spaniards to colonize

Answer: because they had to fight wars against the
various islamic kingdoms such as Brunei that controlled
the area. the natives were belligerent and resisted
colonisation. plus the terrain was difficult to work in
and desise was common amoung the spanish who were not
used to the enviroment. they were a long way from home
and support from the crown was minimal meaning they had
very little recorces to colonise the area. also it ment
any help would take months to arrive

E. Discuss the impact of Gomburzas Death in the

development of Filipino nationalism.
Answer: Their execution had a profound effect on many
Filipinos; Jos Rizal, the national hero, would
dedicate his novel El filibusterismo to their memory
F. Discuss the KATIPUNAN and the Philippine Revolution

Answer: The Philippine Revolution (called the Tagalog

War by the Spanish), (Filipino: Himagsikang Pilipino)
was an armed military conflict between the people of
the Philippines and the Spanish colonial authorities.
The Philippine Revolution began in August 1896, when
the Spanish authorities discovered Katipunan, an anticolonial secret organization. The Katipunan, led
by Andrs Bonifacio, was a liberationist movement whose
goal was independence from Spain through armed revolt.
The organization began to influence much of the
Philippines. During a mass gathering in Caloocan, the
leaders of Katipunan organized themselves into a
revolutionary government, named the newly established
government "Haring Bayang Katagalugan", and openly
declared a nationwide armed revolution. Bonifacio
called for an attack on the capital city of Manila.
This attack failed; however, the surrounding provinces
began to revolt. In particular, rebels in Cavite led
by Mariano Alvarez and Emilio Aguinaldo (who were from
two different factions ofKatipunan) won early

G. Discuss/Explained the declaration of Philippines

Answer: The Philippine Declaration of Independence was
proclaimed on June 12, 1898 in Cavite II el Viejo
(present-day Kawit, Cavite), Philippines. With the
public reading of the Act of the Declaration of
independence (Spanish: Acta de la proclamacin de
independencia del pueblo Filipino), Filipino
revolutionary forces under General Emilio
Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and independence
of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of
H. The commonwealth period
Answer: The Commonwealth era is the 10 year transitional period
in Philippine history from 1935 to 1945 in preparation for
independence from the United States as provided for under the
Philippine Independence Act or more popularly known as the
Tydings-McDuffie Law. Manuel L. QuezonThe Commonwealth era was
interrupted when the Japanese occupied the Philippines in January
2, 1942. The Commonwealth government, lead by Manuel L. Quezon
and Sergio S. Osmea went into exile in the U.S., Quezon died of
tuberculosis while in exile and Osmea took over as president. At
the same time, the Japanese forces installed a puppet government
in Manila headed by Jose P. Laurel as president. This government
is known as the Second Philippine Republic. On October 20, 1944,
the Allied forces led by Gen. Douglas MacArthur landed on the
island of Leyte to liberate the Philippines from the Japanese.
Japan formally surrendered in September 2, 1945.

I. Research Report in the Highlights of Political

career pf President Benigno Simeon Aquino III
Answer: Noynoy, as he is fondly called, was born in
Manila to a clan of politicians. He is the only son of
Benigno Aquino, Jr. and former President Corazon C.
Aquino. He has four other siblings, Kristina

Bernadette, Maria Elena, Aurora Corazon and Victoria

He completed his elementary, secondary, and college
education at the Ateneo de Manila University where he
obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics in 1981.
After graduation, he joined his family in Boston in
exile. He became a member of the Philippine Business
for Social Progress in 1983. He also worked humbly as a
retail sales supervisor for Nike Shoes and as an
assistant for advertising and promotion for Mondragon
Philippines, both in 1985 to 1986.
In 1986, he joined Intra-Strata Assurance Corp. as
vice-president of the family-owned corporation. He also
was the vice president and treasurer for Best Security
Agency Corporation from 1986 to 1993 and served as
executive assistant for administration (1993-1996) and
fields service manager (1996-1998) for Central
On 28 August 1987, eighteen months into the presidency
of Corazon Aquino, rebel soldiers led by Gregorio
Honasan staged a coup d'etat in an attempt to siege
Malacaang Palace. Noynoy was two blocks from the
palace when he came under fire. Three of his four
security escorts were killed. The last was wounded
while protecting him. Aquino was hit by five bullets,
fragments of a bullet are still lodged in his neck.
The Presidency of Benigno S. Aquino III began at noon
on June 30, 2010, when he became the fifteenth
President of the Philippines, succeeding Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo. Aquino is the third-youngest person
to be elected president, and the fourth-youngest
president after Emilio Aguinaldo, Ramon Magsaysay and
Ferdinand Marcos. Aquino is the first president to be a
bachelor, being unmarried and having no children.

Aquino is the second president not to drink alcoholic

beverages; the first president not to drink alcohol was
Emilio Aguinaldo. Aquino is the eighth president to be
a smoker. Aquino is the first graduate of Ateneo de
Manila University to become president.[2] Aquino is the
third president who will only hold office in Malacaan
Palace, but not be a resident, following Corazon Aquino
and Fidel V. Ramos.Aquino is the first president to
make BahayPangarap his official residence. Aquino is
the third president to use his second given name,
Simeon, as his middle initial, as Manuel L. Quezon and
Jos P. Laurel did. Aquino is the second president to
be a child of a former president, his mother was former
President Corazon Aquino; the first president to be a
child of a former president was President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo, who is the daughter of former
President DiosdadoMacapagal.

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