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Name:__________________ The weather is _________________

Date: Today is __________________________________________

The Universe is a large and unimaginable expanse of dust, gas, stars, clouds, galaxies
and life.

In the Universe we can find different groups of stars. A star is a bright object made
of very hot gases, so the star sends heat and light.
Groups of stars form Constellations and Galaxies.

Constellations are a group of stars.

These stars are connected like a 'dot-to-dot' puzzle.
If you use your imagination, the constellation form a picture.
People gave names to the constellations according to
these pictures. The most important constellations are: Orion is a
hunter with a
Ursa Major and Ursa Minus, Orion, Andromeda, Pegasus, and Zodiac Constellations.
sword and a
Astronomers use constellation to locate stars. shield

Activity 1: Dot – to – dot puzzle. Match and discover the constellation

Ursa Major (the Great
bear or the Big Dipper)

You can see all of these constellation in the night sky but, depending on the month and
the part of the planet where you are in.
Sky Map:

Galaxies. There are thousands of Galaxies. One is The Milky Way.

The Milky Way is our galaxy. In every galaxy there are millions of stars, so in a galaxy
we can find lots of solar systems. The main star in every solar system is called Sun.
Activity 2: What's this? Choose and make sentences.

Universe - Galaxy - Star - Constellation - Solar System

A b c d e

A Picture A is a _____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________________________
C ____________________________________________________________
D _____________________________________________________________
E _____________________________________________________________
Activity 3: True or False T F

There are just one galaxy in the universe..........................

The Milky Way is a galaxy.....................................................

In every galaxy there are one star......................................

The sun orbits around the planets.......................................

A Constellation is a group of stars …..................................

A star is a rocky object …......................................................

Activity 4: Art Crafts. Make your own Star Finder

Activity 3: Computer Time!

Puzzle: Make 'The Whirlpool Galaxy'
Name:__________________ The weather is _________________
Date: Today is __________________________________________

The Solar System contains 8 planets and its satellites, 2 dwarf planets, comets,
asteroids, gas and dust that orbit around the Sun. The Sun is the main star in the solar
system and produces gravity which atracts all the other objets towards it.

Activity 1: Can you name the eight planets of our Solar System?
Find them in the wordsearch and write them in the right order.

The first planet is _____________

The second planet is ___________

The third planet is _____________

The fourth planet is ____________

The fith planet is _____________

The sixth planet is ____________

The seventh planet is __________

The eighth planet is ___________

The first four planets in the solar system are called The Inner Planets. The
Inner planets are Rocky planets. They are small planets. The other 6 planets are called
The Outer Planets. The outer planets are bigger. They are Gaseous planets.
They all have rings and lots of moons (satellites)

Between the Inner and the Outer planets is the Asteroids Belt.
Computer time!: Take a look to your Solar System and learn more:
cuanto pesas y cuantos años tienes en los otros planetas
(aquí dicen las principales caracterisicas de cada planeta cuando lo juegas)

The Solar System is made up of dust, gas, asteroids, comets and all the planets that
orbits around The Sun.
There are 8 planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune.

There are more planets. These planets are called Dwarf Planets because they are
too small. Pluto and Eris are dwarf planets.

Meet these friends. They are from different planets. First learn about their planets
and then guess who's the one who live in each planet.
Juego: llevar con la nave hasta jupiter sin chocarse con los cristales y los asteroides


The rocky planets

The four planets closest to the Sun are:
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
These are called the 'rocky' or 'terrestrial' planets. They are small by planetary standards and made
of similar materials to the Earth.

The gas giants

The next four planets are:

• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
They are known as the 'gas giants'. They all have rings and lots of moons. The gas giants are made
up mostly of hydrogen, helium, frozen water, ammonia, methane, and carbon monoxide.

The Dwarf Planets

The International Astronomical Union redefined the term planet in August 2006, so Pluto is now classified
as a dwarf planet. There are two other dwarf planets in the solar system, Ceres and Eris.

What Is The Solar System?

The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to planets, the Solar System also
consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and dust and gas.
Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves around the Sun. The Sun contains around 98% of all the
material in the Solar System. The larger an object is, the more gravity it has. Because the Sun is so large, its
powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards it. At the same time, these objects,
which are moving very rapidly, try to fly away from the Sun, outward into the emptiness of outer space. The
result of the planets trying to fly away, at the same time that the Sun is trying to pull them inward is that they
become trapped half-way in between. Balanced between flying towards the Sun, and escaping into space, they
spend eternity orbiting around their parent star.

How Did The Solar System form?

This is an important question, and one that is difficult for scientists to understand. After all, the creation of our
Solar System took place billions of years before there were any people around to witness it. Our own evolution
is tied closely to the evolution of the Solar System. Thus, without understanding from where the Solar System
came from, it is difficult to comprehend how mankind came to be.
Scientists believe that the Solar System evolved from a giant cloud of dust and gas. They believe that this dust
and gas began to collapse under the weight of its own gravity. As it did so, the matter in this could begin
moving in a giant circle, much like the water in a drain moves around the center of the drain in a circle.
At the center of this spinning cloud, a small star begin to form. This star grew larger and larger, as it collected
more of the dust and gas that were collapsing into it.
Further away from the star that was forming in the center were smaller clumps of dust and gas that were also
collapsing. The star in the center eventually ignited forming our Sun, while the smaller clumps became the
planets, minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.

A Great Storm

Once ignited, the Sun's powerful solar winds began to blow. These winds, which are made up of atomic
particles being blown outward away from the Sun, slowly pushed the remaining gas and dust out of the Solar

With no more gas or dust, the planets, minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids stopped growing. You may
have noticed that the four inner planets are much smaller than the four outer planets. Why is that?
Because the inner planets are much closer to the Sun, they are located where the solar winds are stronger. As a
result, the dust and gas from the inner Solar System was blown away much more quickly than it was from the
outer Solar System. This gave the planets of the inner Solar System less time to grow.
Another important difference is that the outer planets are made up largely of gas, and water, while the inner
planets are made up almost entirely out of rock and dust. This is due to the same reasons. As the outer planets
grew larger, their gravity had time to accumulate massive amounts of gas, water, as well as dust.

The Solar System Has Over 100 Worlds

It is true that there are only eight planets. However, the Solar System is made up of over 100 worlds that are
every bit as fascinating. Some of these minor planets, and moons are actually larger than the planet Mercury.
Others, such as Io have active volcanoes. Europa has a liquid water ocean, while Titan has lakes, rivers, and
oceans of liquid Methane. You can read more about these amazing worlds by clicking here.

The Asteroid Belt, The Kuiper Belt, And The Oort Cloud

You have probably heard about the Asteroid Belt. This band of asteroids sits between the orbits of the planets
Jupiter and Mars. It is made up of thousands of objects too small to be considered planets. Some of them no
larger than a grain of dust, while others, like Eros can be more than 100 miles across. A few, like Ida, even
have their own moons.
Further out, beyond the orbit of the minor planet Pluto sits another belt, known as the Kuiper Belt. Like the
Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt is also made up of thousands, possibly even millions of objects too small to be
considered planets. A few of these objects, like Pluto, are large enough that their gravity has pulled them into a
sphere shape.
These objects are made out of mostly frozen gas, with small amounts of dust. They are often called dirty
snowballs. However you probably know them by their other name... comets.

Escribir que son los asteroides y decir que tienen diferentes

formas . Poner los nombres de las formas y lado de tal
planetaun asteroide triangular, grande o pequeño
dar farther and closer
sunspot: sun storm
Poner el planeta en su sitio

Games: hangman (una vez vista las palabras)

Make a planet (with their characteristics and make it in a paper with their
Our Sun

This is our sun. It is a star. Our planet, Earth, orbits, or

circles, the sun. The sun gives us light and heat.

Plants and animals need light and heat to live and grow. All
the other planets go around the sun, too, but Earth is the
only planet where we can live. The sun gives us just the
right amount of heat and light.

Earth is the planet that we live

on. It is the 3rd planet from the
It is called a “Rocky Planet,”
because it is made of rocks.

Sometimes Earth is called the “Water Planet,” because it is the

only planet with the water we need to live. Earth orbits, or circles,
the sun in 365 days. While it is orbiting the sun, it also spins like a
top! It spins 1 time in 24 hours, and that is why Earth’s day lasts for
24 hours. Earth is the only planet where plants and animals live.

Color Earth's water blue.

cloud gas

Gas is something that is not solid like a rock,

A cloud is a white, gray, or black mass and it is not liquid like water. It cannot be
made of tiny water drops. seen. Gas can make a balloon float in the air.

moon orbit

Our moon is a body in space that circles

our Earth. Other planets have moons, Orbit means to circle around.
too. The planets orbit the sun.
star Solar System

A star is a body which looks like a bright Our solar system is the sun and all the
point in the sky at night. A star is not a planets, moons, and stars.
planet or a moon. Our sun is a star.

sun Earth

Our sun is a very bright star made of Earth is a planet.

gases. All the planets and their moons
orbit the sun.
Mercury Venus

Mercury is a planet. It is the closest

planet to our sun.
Venus is a planet. It is the second planet
from the sun.

Mars Jupiter

Mars is a planet. It is the fourth planet Jupiter is a planet. It is the fifth planet
from the sun. from the sun.
Saturn Uranus

Saturn is a planet. It is the sixth planet

Uranus is a planet. It is the seventh planet
from our sun.
from the sun.

Neptune Pluto

Pluto is a planet. It is the ninth planet

from the sun. This is Pluto and its moon,
Neptune is a planet. It is the eighth planet Charon
from the sun.
What are asteroids?
An asteroid is a large rock in outer space. Some, like Ceres, can be very large, while others are as small as a grain
of sand. Due to their smaller size, asteroids do not have enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a
ball. Astronomers group asteroids into different categories based on the way they reflect sunlight.

The asteroid belt is divided into an inner belt and an outer belt. The inner belt which is made up of asteroids that
are within 250 million miles of the Sun contains asteroids that are made of metals.

The outer belt, which includes asteroids 250 million miles beyond the Sun, consists of rocky asteroids. These
asteroids appear darker than the asteroids of the inner belt, and are rich in carbon.

Where did the Asteroid Belt come from?

Asteroids are left over materials from the formation of the Solar System. These materials were never incorporated int
proximity to Jupiter's strong gravity.

Name: ____________________________

Our Sun Comprehension Sheet

Directions: Circle the correct answer.
1. Our sun is a ______________.

A. star
B. planet
C. light

2. The sun gives us______________.

A. water
B. heat
C. animals

3. Orbits means__________________.
A. animals
B. circles around
C. a planet

4. We can only live on _________________.

A. Earth
B. the sun
C. other planets

5. This paragraph is mostly about__________________.

A. the animals
B. the sun
C. the planets

Name: ____________________________

Earth Comprehension Sheet

Directions: Circle the correct answer.
1. What does “orbit” mean?

A. to spin around
B. to circle around
C. to be alive

2. Why is Earth called a “Rocky Planet?”

A. It is made of rocks.
B. It looks like a rock.
C. It is not a star.

3. Earth orbits the sun in ___________ days.

A. 24
B. 265
C. 365

4. Why is Earth’s day 24 hours long?

A. It spins around 1 time in 24 hours.

B. It orbits the sun in 365 days.
C. It is made of rock.

5. Why is water important on Earth?

A. It is made of rock.
B. Plants and animals need water.
C. Earth spins like a top.

Name: ____________________________

Earth Comprehension Sheet

Directions: Circle the correct answer.
1. What does “orbit” mean?

A. to spin around
B. to circle around
C. to be alive

2. Why is Earth called a “Rocky Planet?”

A. It is made of rocks.
B. It looks like a rock.
C. It is not a star.

3. Earth orbits the sun in ___________ days.

A. 24
B. 265
C. 365

4. Why is Earth’s day 24 hours long?

A. It spins around 1 time in 24 hours.

B. It orbits the sun in 365 days.
C. It is made of rock.

5. Why is water important on Earth?

A. It is made of rock.
B. Plants and animals need water.
C. Earth spins like a top.

Find the planets


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