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The Chronological Gospels by Michael J. Rood

This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your
computer. Books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device.
The Chronological Gospels Bible reorganizes Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Acts and The Revelation in
chronological order. You can see what the Messiah was doing each day of his ministry. You can follow along the
timeline of his sermons, his miracles and the last days, hours and moments before his crucifixion. The
Chronological Gospels also explains the religious debates and issues at the forefront during the Messiahs
ministry and really reveals why he was so hated by those that wanted to kill him.
When reconstructed in this manner, the Gospel records synchronize beautifully. Any apparent contradictions
that have bothered you are resolved, and the Messiahs message to his disciples then and what we can take
away from it now becomes clear and that much more powerful.
No longer do you have to try to piece together the Messiahs life from four separate accounts from different
authors with different perspectives. It is done for you! Now all sides of the story are combined and organized so
you can watch the motion picture of the Messiahs ministry unfold before your eyes like youve never been able
to experience before. If you have ever longed to truly know your Messiah, this is what you have been awaiting.
Best book ever written ABOUT the best boo ever written!
The Chronological Gospels by Michael Rood is easily the best book ever written ABOUT the best book ever
Broken up into a chronological sequence of "events", every time the narrative of the gospels shift in time and
space, you are reading a new event.
Michael gives expounding notes between the events which strongly reinforce a Hebraic mindset & world view
for the reader, which often lead to sayings like "So THAT'S why that was important enough for the writer to
document it!" out loud.
Michael changes a few statements in the KJV, and dubs it "Corrected king james Version", such as referring to
"a feast of the Jews" as "Shavuot, a Feast of YHVH", and capitalizing each feasts name, as well as the Sabbath.
These are welcomed changes to those of us who live by every word from the mouth of our Creator, and honor
His wishes that we cherish and give his Mo'ed (feasts) and Shabbat the respect they deserve.
These few sentences could hardly do Michael Rood's life-work justice, but what I can do is highly recommend
this book to anyone who ever wanted to go through the spiritual boot camp along with the disciples under the
Teacher of teachers, Yeshua.
I would have preferred the physical book over reading on an iPhone, but for the price difference, the iBooks
version works just fine.
Take this humble advice, and read the best book ever written ABOUT the best book ever written! Not 3 1/2
years... but 70 weeks !
The Chronological Gospels: The Life and Seventy Week Ministry of the Messiah presents an opportunity to
read the Gospels and the teachings of Yeshua in the order in which they transpired and in a fresh Hebraic
context, returning life and passion to the words on the page. The Chronological Gospels solves many of the
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problems that stem from Western gentile misunderstandings of the language, land, and culture of the ancient
Hebrew Scriptures. This is the paradigm shift for which you have been waiting an entire lifetime.
Excerpt From: Michael J. Rood. The Chronological Gospels. iBooks.
Come and find out why/ how Eusebius who popularized a 3 1/2 year timeline for Yeshua was wrong, and how
Yeshua really only had only...
"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and for your set-apart city, to put an end to the transgression, and to
seal up sins, and to cover crookedness, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and
prophet, and to anoint the Most Set-apart." Daniel 9:24
This book is essential reading to unlock the confusion of 2 millennia of Churchianity (that gradually and
unapologetically distanced themselves from anything "Jewish") and to sift through to the "Emet"- the truth that the Hebraic root supports us, we do not support the root.
Looking at the gospels from a "western gentile" mindset will only keep you in confusion for a lifetime- this
book, however, will unlock the secrets that had in the whole of the books all along, and re-introduce you the
Hebrew speaking Jewish Messiah , the Lamb of , who takes away the -penalty- for the sins of the
Todah Rabah, Michael Rood, for your lifetime of dedication to produce this work, and for making this available
on iBooks format !by Jason S. Sanford The most accurate chronology of the gospels. Perfect for study and for
bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world!

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