Characterizing & Classifying Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes PE

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Characterizing & Classifying Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

1. What is the size of a prokaryotic cell?
2. What is the size of a eukaryotic cell?
Write P for prokaryote and E for eukaryote and B for both:

True nucleus consisting of a nuclear membrane and nuclei

Flagella consists of 2 protein building blocks
Glycocalyx present in some cells that lack a cell wall
Cell wall when present is chemically simple

Write B for bacteria, A for archaea, and E for Eukarya

7. Fungi
8. Thermotoga
9. Cyanobacteria
18.Contains peptidoglycan
19.Varies in composition, contains no peptidoglycan
20.rRNA loop
21.common arm of tRNA
22.first amino acid in synthesis is methionine
23.first amino acid in synthesis is not methionine
24.what are 2 examples of prokaryotic habitats?
25.Draw binary fission
26.What are 6 different shapes of bacteria?
27.Draw 5 arrangements of coccus
28.Draw 5 arrangements of bacillus
29.Which of the following is NOT true about endospores?
a. Highly durable
b. Dehydrated cells
c. Thin walls
d. Not metabolically active
30.What produces endospores?
31.Each _____________ germinates to form one vegetative cell
32.Why endospore?
33.What is concerning to endospores?
34.The most authoritative reference in modern prokaryotic systematics is
35.What does volume 4 contain
36.What does volume 3 contain?
37.What does volume 1 contain?

38.What are the 3 common features of archaea

39.T/F Archaea cause disease
46.Name some Firmicutes
47.What is clostridia?
48.What is bacillus
49.What are mycoplasmas?
50.Name 2 Actinobacteria?
51.Give some examples of the characteristics of
a. Corynebacterium
b. Mycobacterium
52.Why do mycobacterium grow slowly?
53.What phylum is pneumonia
54.What class is pneumonia
55.What phylum is mycobacteria?
56.What contaminates dairy products
57.Which of the following is not caused by Chlostridium
a. Tetanus
b. Botulism
c. Gangrene
d. Severe diahrrhea
e. All of the above
58.What phylum are mycoplasma?
59.Which of the following belongs in the phylum actinobacteria?
a. mycobacterium
b. mycoplasma
c. bacillus
d. listeria
60.T/F Proteobacteria is a very large group of gram +ve bacteria?
61.What is the classification of Neisseria?
62.What is the classification of Psydomonas
63.What is the classificiation of helicobacter?
64.What is the classification of Brucella
65.Describe chlamydias
66.Describe spirochetes
67.Cescribee bacteroids
68.What aare mycoses
69.What are the 3 characteristics which define protozoa?
70.Which of the following human pathogens can be sourced from water?
a. Acanthomebs
b. Balamuthia
c. Cyclosopra
d. All of the above
71.What ae 3 clinically significant groups of helminthes?
72.How are trematodes manifested in humans?


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