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Stage Aims of the stage What T does and what Materials Grouping Timing

the Ls do

▪to introduce the T shows pictures , asks Appendix 1 Whole class 5’

topic some questions about Visuals and
▪to activate pictures and Ss answer realia, some
background them. pictures
Pre- knowledge related to the
speaking ▪to motivate Ls and topic
encourage them to
▪to create
predictions and to
arouse curiosity
▪to make Ls think T shows the grammar Appendix 2 Whole class 3’
about the topic structure Ls have learned
Pre- ▪to make Ls before. Ts summarizes the
speaking remember what rules and the fuctions of
they have learned the structure and gives
some examples.
▪to create T explains the game. T
expectations and makes Ls be groups of six. Appendix 3 Groups of 20’
predictions Each group chooses one S. six
▪to improve Ls’ Those chosen Ss are
creative thinking detectives and the rest
While- ▪to encourage Ls to members are witnesses. T
speaking speak gives each group a
▪to develop Ls’ situaiton. The witnesses
speaking skills. suggest concrete evidences
▪to make Ls without mentioning the
practice language situation and detectives try
structure to deduce it from
▪to make Ls to be
creative T wants Ss work in pairs. T Appendix 4 In pairs 7’
▪to demonstrate explains Ls what to do. Ss
Post- their skills write a dialogue according
speaking ▪ to develop Ls’ to given situation. Then Ss
writing skills act it out.
▪to enable Ls to use
the functional
language they just
have learned

What is this? What is this?

Is there anyone who uses it? Why do people use it?

*Do those two items recall you anything?

* Generally who uses them?

Why do people need detectives? Did you see this movie?

Is there anyone who went to a detective? What is it about?

What are they doing?


(Expressing degrees of certainty

• We use “must” and “can’t” if we don’t know the truth certainly but if we have some
powerful evidences and proofs. We use “must” in positive sentences and we use
“can’t” in negative sentences.

For exmple;
* - Why is the baby crying?
- She must be hungry. She hasn’t eaten anything for three hours.

* - Tim says he is very hungry.

- No, he can’t be hungry. He ate a huge meal just half an hour ago.

GAME: Students work in groups of six. Each group chooses one stundent to come to the
board. Those student will be “detectives” and the rest member of the each group will be
“witnesses”. Teacher have several situations and groups will choose a situation. The decetives
don’t see the situations. Each group suggest orally, evidences (sounds, sights, smells, etc…)
without mentioning the situation itself. According to evidences, the “detectives” try to deduce.
Each team takes turns. The “detectives” will change in each turn. If “detectives” guess the
situation truly, his group will get one point. At the end of the game, which group has more
points will win the game.


• The child must be ill.

• It must be a public holiday.
• Someone must be at the door.
• He can’t be in a good mood.
• The weather can’t be cold.
• ………………………….
• …………………………… etc.

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