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Feel - by R Williams/g Chambers

___________ and ___________ my hand

I wanna ____________ the ______________
Not ______________ I ____________________
This _______________ I've been _______________
I ____________ and _____________ to God
And he ___________ laughs at my ______________
My ____________ speaks a __________________
I don't _______________________
I just __________________ to ____________ real _____________
Feel the _______________ that I live _____________
'Cause I ______________ too ______________ life
Running ___________________ my veins
Going to ________________
I don't want to ___________
But I ain't keen on _______________ either
_______________ I ______________ in love
I'm ___________________ to _______________ her
I ________________ myself to _______________
That's ________________ I keep on ____________________
Before I've ________________
I _______________ see _______________ coming
I _________________ want ____________ feel ______________ love
_______________ the home that I ___________________ in
'Cause ____________ got _______________ much _________________
Running through _____________ veins
_____________________ to waste
And I _________________ to feel ____________________ love
And a life ________________ after
I ___________________ give it _____________
__________ just ____________ to feel real love
Feel ___________ home ___________ I live ____________
____________ got ____________ much love
________________ through my veins
To __________ to __________________
I just _____________________ feel real ________________
In a _______________ ever _________________
_________________ a _________________ in my ______________
You _______________ see it in _____________ face
It's a real _____________ place
_________________ and _________________ my hand
I want to ___________________ the _____________________
______________ sure I understand
_______________ role I've ______________ given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand

see (verb) / leave ( verb) / fill (verb) / before ( preposition ) / waste (verb) / roll (noun) /
contact (noun) / keen ( adjective) / can (verb) / laughs (verb to laugh) / much ( adjective) /
talk ( verb) / come ( verb) / die (verb) / need (veb) / scare (verb) / hold(verb) / role(noun) /
running(verb to run) / keep (verb) / hole (noun) / just ( adverb)/ feel (verb) / speak (verb) /
imderstand(verb) / plans (noun) / living (adjective)
________________ = to have in ones hand(s) or between one hand.
________________ = an idea of how to do something a method of doing something.
________________ = to move quicky; fast than walking.
________________ = to move etc towards the person speaking or writing or towards the
place being referred to by him.
________________ = to became of ( something) by the sense of touch.
________________ = to go away or depart from; often without intending to return.
________________ = to fail to use (something) fully or in the correct or most useful way.
________________ = to able to ; to have permission to.
________________ = to require.
________________ = to lose life.
________________ = an opening in or through something.
________________ = physical touch.
________________ = to have the power of sight; to look at.
________________ = only; merely.
________________ = having life, being alive.
________________ = to make sounds with the voice in showing happiness; amusement.
________________ = to see or know the meaning or (something)
________________ = a (great) amount or quantity.
________________ = to speak ; to have a conversations or discussion.
________________ = eager or enthusiastic.
________________ = to make full; to became full.
________________ = to frighten.
________________ = a part played by an actor or actress in a play; the actions or functions
of a person in some activity.
________________ = earlier than.
________________ = to move (ones eye) round or actress in a play; the actions or
functions of a person activity.
________________ = earlier than.
________________ = to move (ones eye) round in a circle to express fear.
________________ = to have for a very long or indefinitive period of time.
________________ = to say (words) or talk.

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