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Tablet of Kull Badí‘


The first translator of the tablet is wrong in indicating that the copy of it, made by Mirza
Muhammad-‘Ali, is in the New Scripture, as wrong as he is in his self-smart comments.
Some friends doubted of its authenticity, not because clear evidence but, because of the
source from where you obtained it. As we say:

En boca del mentiroso,

Lo cierto se hace dudoso.

We must appreciate all the efforts made by our dear friend Dr. Ahang Rabbani, to have the
most of we can of primary documents and translations, and soon not have to go to the sour
The somewhat disturbing part of the Tablet is the presence of Mirza Aqa Jan in it, vs.
the Kitab-i-Ahd and the affirmation of one of the witnesses to its reading, i.e. Mirza
Muhammad Javad-i-Qasvini. We can leave this as it is and have the Aqdas as supreme
arbiter, after all, everything must be measured against it, including other writings of the
Manifestation. Estrange it is that those same Aghsan that produced the tablet, try to get rid
of the Servant in order to appropriate themselves of his property and mementos.

Allow me to make some notes that could be considered just curiosities.

“No name amongst the names of God is equal to Mustaghath as regards its number…”
Persian Bayan 7:10

By gematria:

M:40 + u:0 + S:60 + T:400 + a:0 + GH:1000 + A:1 + TH:500 = 2001

By applying the Pythagorean triangle to that value:

2 2 2 2
20 2 0 2 20
200 2 0 0 2 200
2001 2 _ 0 _ 0 _ 1 3 2001
8001 2+2+ 2+ 2+ 0 +0 1 = 9 2223
{8+0+0+1=9} 9=B H A ’ {2+2+2+3=9}

Applying the Pythagorean triangle directly to the name, and then contraction:
40 40
40 60 100
40 60 400 500
40 60 400 1000 1500
40 60 400 1000 1 1501
40 60 400 1000 1 500 2001
40+ 40+ 100 + 100 + 500 + 500+1460 +1400+ 1001+ 1+500 = 5642

[5+6+4+2=17]{1+7=8} 8=BHA

40 40
40 60 40 60
40 60 400 40 60 400
40 60 400 1000 40 60 400 1000
40 60 400 1000 1 40 60 400 1000 1
40 60 400 1000 1 500 40 60 400 1000 1 500
________________________ __________________________
240 +300+ 1600+3000+2+500= 5642 = 40+100+500+1500+ 1501+2001

According with the cabbalistic Rule of Colel, One (1) can be added or subtracted without
changing the meaning resulting from the calculations, since that One is ALLaH.
It is not surprising that “x” can be 8 and 9 at the same time, as dear Ahang showed
before. Try this quadratic equation, just for fun:
x2 - 17x + 72 = 0 [x2 is x square]

Baha is 8 and 9 and Baha’u’llah is 19, the Manifest and the Occult, Allah and Baha’, i.e.
Baha’Allah. The calendar is made up of 19 so that according to Psalm “19” (Baha’u’llah’s
Psalm): “The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands”,
that is, at all time the firmament is chanting: Baha’u’llah, Baha’u’llah, Baha’u’llah…

As to Ghiyath: (Gh:1000 + y:10 +A:1 + Th:500) = 1511

1000 1000
1000 10 1010
1000 10 1 1011
1000 10 1 500 1511
___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ____
1000 1000 1010 1010 11 1 500 = 4532
1000 1000
1000 10 1000 10
1000 10 1 1000 10 1
1000 10 1 500 1000 10 1 500
________________ ___________________
4000 30 2 500 = 4532 = 1000+1010+1011+1511


BaHA’ is also 14 ( BaHA’ : 2+5+1+6= 14 ), because Baha’u’llah explains that the letter
hamza (’) is graphically the same as the number 6 in Arabic. The second contraction gives
five (1+4=5 = BAB). Also, the number 95 renders 9+5=14 (BaHA’), besides meaning the
eternal union of the Twin Manifestations of God. Also, 9x5=45 (4+5=9), or 95=5 x 19
(BAB x BaHA’ALLAH). The expected Year Nine is not much for 1269 AH., rather
because the Bab points to the name of the Promised One; contrary to the names of the days
and the months, the year nine is named BaHA’. Incidentally, for the month of ‘Abdu’l-
Baha, the Bab gave the name Azamat, honoring the Ghusn-i-Azam.



M:40+N:6+Y:10+Z:900+H:5+R:200+H:5+’:1+L:30+L:30+A:1+H:5 = 1233
( 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 9)

B:2 + H:5 + A:1 + ’:1 = 9


1 1 1 1
12 1 2 3 12
123 1 2 3 6 123
1233 1 2 3 3 9 1233
____ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
4663 1369
(4+6+6+3 = 19) 1 + 1 + 3 + 3+ 5+ 3+ 3 19 (1+3+6+9 = 19)

V:6+H:5+D:4 = 19
( 1 + 9 = 10) { 1 + 0 = 1, the ONE }

So, BaHA’ is MaN YuZ.HiRu’LLAH

BaHA’ is MuSTaGhATh
BaHA’ is GhiYATh
BaHA’ is VaH.iD
As the Bab writes: “No name amongst the names of God is equal to Mustaghath as regards
its number, and that is the supreme fruit of the Names which has reached the Extreme of
Manifestation, and wherein naught is manifest but the first Vahid. And in the first Vahid is
naught but the Primal Vahid,…and after the Bayan it will be He whom God shall make
manifest.” Persian Bayan 7:10

There are so many clear, outward and manifest proves given by the Bab that Baha’u’llah
is the Supreme Manifestation of God, that the use of old and sometimes suspicious
techniques, now that the Sun is in its plenitude, appears to be little constructive, although it
could be appealing.
To use some cabbalistic devises is as entering the veiled and concealed language that
could be dangerous for the malevolent. This touchstone has been extensively used by the
Bab. The followers of the Sour Fruit were deprived of the favors of God just because they
trapped themselves within the simple word Mustaghath,

“… The Birds of Heaven and Doves of Eternity speak a twofold language.  One
language, the outward language, is devoid of allusions, is unconcealed and unveiled;
…The other language is veiled and concealed, so that whatever lieth hidden in the
heart of the malevolent may be made manifest and their innermost being be
disclosed. …This is the divine standard; this is the Touchstone of God, wherewith He
proveth His servants.” Kitab-i-Iqan


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