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David Maule

with Madeleine du Vivier


Answer Key


What does Antonio not like?

9 Whos taking the early bus?
Which bus is Ted taking?
10 How would Angie like to pay?
Who would like to pay by cheque?
11 Whose coat is lying on the floor?
Wheres Donalds coat lying?
12 Who wants the smallest slice?
Which slice does Norma want?

Q1 page 4
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
, 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
Q2 page 4
1 I dont agree with you.
2 Is John going out with Judy tonight?
Q1 page 6
3 She doesnt live around here.
1 wake up, rings 2 have, wash 3 dressed, brush 4
4 Im not going to the party.
put on 5 have 6 catch, get, at 7 from, go, in 8
5 Do you like hamburgers?
work, up, to 9 out, at 10 on, in, rent 11 at, do,
6 Peter doesnt believe in horoscopes.
housework 12 go
7 Do you want to know the answer?
Q3, Q4 and Q5 page 7
8 Is she having lunch at the moment?
meaning of
your example
9 Were not going on holiday this
10 Does Michelle want some coffee?
write it again
Q3 page 5
1 will have
2 play
more than one
speak several
3 is going to agree
after having a baby
4 Are you seeing
5 is going to pay
in a competition
6 arrives
not aware of
7 s going to lose
something happening
8 s going to lose
something out of the supernatural
bigger than usual
ordinary world
9 will pass
10 ll say
Q6 page 7
11 re planning
1 d, 2 e, 3 g, 4 j, 5 h, 6 I, 7 a, 8 b, 9 f, 10 c
12 are you going to
Q8 page 8
Q4 page 5
1 organise
1 Whos flying to Australia?
2 optimistic
Where is Charlie flying?
3 integration
2 What starts at 8 oclock?
4 conservative
When does the film start?
5 antiseptic
3 Where does Harvey live?
6 physical
Who lives in the city centre?
7 suicide
4 Where does Bobs aunt live?
8 broadcast
Whose aunt lives in Bristol?
1 conservatory 2 discrimination 3 broadcast
5 What is Beth in love with?
4 physician 5 insecticide 6 realistic 7 organise
Whos in love with chocolate?
Q9 page 9
6 Who wants to go by train?
1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b also to call (in) on someone; to
call at somewhere meaning to visit,
How does Robert want to go?
5 c, 6 b also call it quits, 7 d, 8 a, 9 c, 10 a
7 When is the taxi coming?
Q10 page 9
Whats coming in five minutes?
1 d call round
8 Who doesnt like cheese?
2 j call in
What doesnt Antonio like? or

<<< 2

Crime and Punishment

3 b call out
4 g call the wedding off
5 c call for
6 i on call
7 h call him back
8 e call
9 a call her attention to
10 f call it a day

Q3 page 13
1 less 2 some 3 a little 4 some 5 a 6 a 7 more 8 an
9 more 10 some
Q4 page 14
1 advice 2 luggage 3 information 4 cheese
5 sheep
Q5 page 14
1 staff 2 base 3 crossroads 4 Japanese
5 Germans 6 series 7 headquarters 8 aeroplanes
9 government 10 billiards 11 athletics 12 navy 13
money 14 step 15 old-fashioned


Use of English
Paper 3, Part 1 page 11
1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 C, 8 D, 9 D, 10 B,
11 C, 12 A, 13 C, 14 A, 15 A

Crime and

Q1 page 14

shop college

principal human



vehicle scientific

principle humane


street industrial

economy eminent



tribute industrious
car city
development debt
person incredible


conditions incredulous


belief luxury

Q1 page 13
1 was chatting, walked
2 stood up, came
3 met, was living
4 packed, was going
5 said, was coming, got
6 didnt pack, was staying
7 spent, was living, died
8 was sitting, ended
9 looked up, heard
10 was talking, happened
Q2 page 13
1 a I was going to see the film when the bus
broke down.
b I went to see the film when I heard that Claire
had enjoyed it.
2 a I had a shower when I got back from football.
b I was having a shower when the doorbell
3 a He spoke to Louise about turning up in time
for work.
b He was speaking to Louise when he suddenly
4 a I was having lunch when I heard the terrible
b I had lunch when I finished the letters.
5 a He was cleaning the flat when I arrived.
b He cleaned the flat because his mother was

country pinstripe

student imminent


councillor eligible


counsellor illegible


amount s ensible


observers sensitive
suit literate


suite literal


Q2 page 15
1 robbed, stole 2 lend, borrowed 3 lonely, alone
4 worthless, priceless 5 dead, died 6 various,
varied 7 expect, hope 8 damage, harm
Q3 page 15
1 a rob
5 a died
b steal
b dead
2 a lend
6 a a varied
b borrow
b various
3 a be alone
7 a a hope
b feel lonely
b expect
4 a priceless
8 a a harm
b worthless
b damage
Q4 page 15
1 witness 2 jury 3 judge 4 lawyer 5 barrister
6 solicitor 7 probation officer 8 clerk
Q5 page 16
1 made off with 2 broke out of 3 beat up 4 called
off 5 looking into 6 to stood up to
Q6 page 16
a to stand up to b to break out of c to make off
with d to beat s/o up e to call off f to look into
Q7 page 16
1 repetition, expansion, achievement, addition
2 strengthen, deepen, purify, lengthen
3 repetitive, suitable, comfortable, acceptable


4 championship, suspicion, friendship,
5 legalise, modernise, soften, centralise
6 family, equality, selfishness, sensitivity
7 useful, hopeful, harmful, worthy
8 refusal, survival, investment, removal
Q8 page17
1 repetitive 2 lengthen 3 suspicion 4 modernised
5 unacceptable 6 sensitivity 7 refusal 8 envious
9 friendship 10 expansion
Q9 page 17
1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 b, 5 a, 6 b, 7 c, 8 c, 9 b, 10 b
Q10 page 17
1 come about 2 come by 3 come up 4 come to
think of 5 come round 6 come in handy 7 come a
long way 8 come off 9 come out 10 come back
info fashion

Paper 4, Part 4








page 18






<<< 4

Of course, one of the approaches to

crime thats getting a lot of publicity at
the moment is zero tolerance. Briefly, I
suppose, it means that you follow up
every crime, no matter how small. You
chase the youth who sprays graffiti on a
wall as hard as the bank robber the
theory being, I suppose, that if you stop
him doing graffiti, he wont grow up to
rob banks. What do you think, Stella?
We l l , i t d o e s s e e m t o h a v e b e e n a
remarkable success in New York. The
crime rate has dropped steadily. Yes, I
think it works and I think we should
definitely try it here in Britain.
How do you feel about it, Matthew?
Now, let me get this right this zero
tolerance is whats led to kids being
banned from some American schools
because they played at soldiers in the
playground. No, I dont think Id like to
see that happen here.
We l l , y o u h a v e t o s e p a r a t e t h e t w o
things. Every time a new idea comes
along, some people take things too far.
T h a t d o e s n t m e a n i t s a b a d i d e a . I
m e a n , l o o k a t l i t t e r. We v e h a d l a w s
against dropping litter for over for ty
y e a r s , b u t h a v e y o u e v e r h e a rd o f
anybody being charged with dropping
litter? And meanwhile our streets are
probably the dirtiest in Europe.
Yes, but to be fair, Stella, theres no proof
t h a t re d u c i n g t h e n u m b e r o f p e o p l e
dropping litter is going to have any effect




on, say, crimes of violence.

No proof except the New York crime
figures, you mean? Crimes of violence
have dropped steadily there since this
policy came in. In fact, Im told that New
York is safer than London these days.
I cant believe that. I mean, look at the
number of shootings in the United States.
We dont have anything like that level in
Not yet, but the figure is going up every
Well, thats because our cour ts have
gone soft. What do you get for murder
today? Fifteen years maybe, with a good
chance of being out in ten on parole.
Thats hardly a deterrent.
Yes, but many states in America still have
the death penalty for murder and that
doesnt seem to make much difference.
Well, you cant tell, but what I do know is
that when we had hanging this country
was a much safer place. Look, Im not
saying that we should bring back the
death penalty its too late for that. But a
life sentence should mean life, like it
used to.
But prison officers would tell you that its
only the thought of getting out earlier that
keeps some prisoners under control.
And we have to allow for the possibility
that they might change their ways.
You mean we let them out if they promise
t o s t o p m u rd e r i n g p e o p l e ? T h a t s
nonsense. The fact is that most murders
in this country are still domestic most
victims know the murderer. Generally,
were not talking about a bad habit that
they need to give up. What we have to do
is stop them doing it in the first place.
Well, I think were going to have to leave
it there for this week. Join me, if you can,
at the same time next week when the
topic will be

1 B, 2 S, 3 M, 4 M, 5 B, 6 M, 7 S

The Unknown
Q1 page 20
1 f, 2 a, 3 c, 4 h, 5 c, 6 d, 7 g, 8 e, 9 h, 10 b
Q2 page 20
1 may 2 cant 3 mustnt 4 neednt 5 have to
6 must 7 can

Q3 page 21
1 mustnt 2 mustnt 3 neednt 4 mustnt 5
neednt 6 have to 7 must 8 have to 9 must
10 must
Q4 page 21
1 have to 2 may 3 can 4 can 5 mustnt 6 neednt
7 cant 8 can
Q5 page 21
1 C ironing board
2 D chair cushion
3 B remote control
4 A bin liner
Q6 page 22
A glass bowl B corkscrew C scarf D pair of scales
E telescope
Q7 page 22
1 cute, little, black
2 tall, middle-aged, French
3 high-quality, Swiss, ladies
4 big, new, cookery
5 round, white, Italian
6 little, square, cardboard
7 huge, modern, Spanish
8 expensive, grey, English, woollen
9 expensive, new, American, mountain
10 big, white-painted, wooden, summer
Q8 page 22
1 :-( 2 :.( 3 :,( 4 :-( 5 :-) 6 :( ) 7 ;-( 8 ;-)
9 ;-( 10 ?-( 11 !-( 12 !-)

h They invented a long story

Q6 page 24
1 make up 2 made of 3 make a go of 4 make time
for 5 make out 6 make do 7 make up for



Paper 1, Part 2

page 25

1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8 D

Use of English
Paper 3, Part 3

page 27

1 I have not visited London for five years.

2 He had trouble (in) assembling the bookcase.
3 Gerry has a full-time job as well as working
in a bar at weekends.
4 Alan might have left the bag on the bus.
5 My brother insisted on speaking to the boss.
6 I studied in the afternoon in order to be able
to go out in the evening.
7 Has she got used to the local customs yet?
8 I last saw him over a week ago.
9 Shona never pays (any/much) attention to
what I say.
10 Im surprised Jane said that because its not
like her to be rude.


Q1 page 23
Across 1 three-day 3 warm-hearted
6 overpriced 8 manmade
Down 1 time-consuming 2 second class 3 well
paid 4 rundown 5 left-handed 7 right-handed
Q2 page 23
1 horror 2 premonition 3 superstition
4 apparition 5 telepathic 6 supernatural
Q3 page 24
A astrology B palm reading C horoscope
D fortune teller
Q4 page 24
1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b
Q5 page 25
a they were going in the direction of
b Hes spent all week being nice to his boss
c What do you think of our new teacher?
d The thieves stole 40,000 worth of jewellery.
e It made me very happy when I heard that
f He pretended that he didnt understand
g that I couldnt see where we were.

Q1 page 28
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
Q2 page 28
1 s used to 2 used to 3 s getting used 4 used to
5 used to 6 are used to 7 didnt use to 8 getting
used to 9 m used to 10 used to
Q3 page 28
1 has lived 2 went 3 has started 4 picked 5 have
only eaten 6 happened 7 have never seen 8 did
9 has been 10 Did you go
Q4 page 29
1 for 2 since 3 Since 4 ago 5 for 6 ago 7 since
8 ago 9 for 10 for
Q5 page 29
1 could 2 mightnt 3 couldnt 4 didnt have to
5 mightnt 6 might 7 had to 8 might 9 couldnt
Q6 page 29
1 He may be working for the police.
2 This bill cant be right.
3 She must have gone home early.



He could have left if he wanted to.

Hell be eating too much.
She neednt have been seeing him.
Ann could have stolen the shoes.
He might have been right about this.

Q1 page 30
1 morale 2 alcove 3 khaki 4 dungaress 5 bravado
6 elite 7 charlatan 8 grime 9 hazard 10 ghetto
11 shawl 12 dinghy 13 loiter 14 guerrilla
Q2 page 30
1 mineral water 2 central heating 3 computer
games 4 nail scissors 5 work experience 6 dry
cleaning 7 letter box 8 driving licence 9 jobsharing 10 writing paper
Q3 page 31
1 boasting about 2 object to 3 complain about
4 insists on 5 telling the truth 6 speak your mind
7 tell the time 8 do you speak 9 talk business
10 say your name
Q4 page 31
1 done me good 2 do away with 3 what to do with
4 do up 5 could do with 6 do up 7 do 8 did
something to 9 done 10 to do


Use of English Paper 3, Part 4

page 32

1 of 2 3 in 4 much 5 just 6 7 at 8 to 9 far

10 of 11 the 12 all 13 14 be 15 it


Paper 4, Part 2

page 33

Good evening, and Id like to thank you for inviting
me here tonight. Its nice to see so many young people
in the audience, particularly since the subject of
tonights talk is the English of young people today.
Now, I think you can say that, probably since human
language began, a number of things have been true:
language has always changed, it is the young
generation which has made the changes and their
parents have complained about it. However, what we
might say today is that due to the global nature of
communication, changes may be happening faster
than before.
Lets get down to some specifics. Reported speech
its a fact that very few young people use the word
said any more, par ticularly when repor ting a
conversation. Instead of this, they use like, and a
typical exchange might be, Im like, Do you want to
go out tonight? and hes like, Not really. Theres some
football on the telly, and Im like, Thats all you ever
think about. We havent got to the point yet where

<<< 6

newspapers print, The Prime Ministers like, This is a

serious matter, but, who knows? One day like may
become part of written English as well.
Another interesting feature is the use of the
expression, innit. Now, as a version of isnt it? this
has been around for a number of years, particularly in
working-class London speech. However, with the verb
be, it is now coming to be used in the first and second
person as well. You might hear, for example, Im not in
charge here, innit? or, Youre pleased about it, innit?
Its also used with other verbs He lives around here,
innit? - and even with other tenses She was away
last week, innit? It still tends to be a working-class
form and its particularly associated with ethnic minority
speech. In fact, you find it a lot in rap. And I think,
What a great idea! I mean, one of the difficult things
for learners of English, as Im sure a lot of you know, is
those silly question tags dont you?, isnt he?,
doesnt she?, have we? and my personal favourite,
arent I?, which, when you think about it, isnt even
logical. Now, not all languages use these. For example,
Turkish has one word, mi /m?/, which does the job
perfectly adequately. Wouldnt it be nice if all question
tags in English could be expressed with one word
innit? Well, Id certainly wecome it.
Another feature gaining ground quite rapidly in
teenage speech is what we call AQI Australian
Questioning Intonation. This seems to have started in
Australia in the 1980s. It simply means that you use a
rising intonation on statements the type you would
normally use on questions, so you might hear things
like, I work in the shoe factory, Shes going to the
supermarket, Thatll be five pounds, please. Theres a
theory that this developed at a time when a lot of
people who didnt have English as a first language
were moving to Australia, and that it was a way the
locals used to check understanding. Nobodys really
sure, but it has since spread to Canada, to parts of the
United States, and to Britian, where you can hear it
now in the speech of younger people in London and
the south east.
Now, lets look at some typical expressions in the
speech of younger people ...
1 young people 2 generation 3 faster than/quicker
than 4 replaced 5 isnt printed/isnt used 6 a number
7 minority 8 question 9 1980s 10 spread to

Clothes and
Q1 page 34
1 b, 2 g, 3 h, 4 a, 5 d, 6 e, 7 c, 8 f
Q2 page 34
1 had told 2 had hidden 3 had bought 4 had been

Clothes and Fashion





5 had just arrived 6 had left 7 had buried 8 had

been delayed 9 had taken 10 had told
page 34
1 This books out of date - it was published ten
years ago.
2 I think the team will be beaten/is going to be
beaten tomorrow.
3 The police have just closed the club. Wed
better get out of here.
4 The bill is being discussed in parliament at
this moment.
5 I cant understand the instructions they
are written in Chinese.
6 Most of the houses were destroyed by last
years earthquake.
7 This medicine should be taken three times a
8 The last time I was here this hotel was still
being built.
9 The car park was empty - her car had been
10 The cinema has been shut for about ten
page 35
1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 a, 5 b, 6 b, 7 a, 8 a
page 35
1 It is said that that caf is used by drug
2 He was believed to be a good president.
3 She is said to have been in prison.
4 It was said that this treatment worked.
5 You are understood not to be responsible.
page 36
1 The next game is The Netherlands versus
2 Lake Superior is bigger than the Dead Sea.
3 Well book you into either the Hilton or the
4 The United States has borders with Canada
and Mexico.
5 Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic
and Slovakia.
6 He started climbing in the Alps then went on
to the Himalayas.
7 He said that Eiger was a more difficult climb
than Everest.
8 Shes leaving Africa tomorrow and flying to
the Far East.
9 The Hague is the capital but Amsterdam and
Rotterdam are bigger.
10 He left Cambridge University and went to live
in Paris.
page 36
1 the 2 a 3 the 4 a 5 no article 6 a 7 the 8 no
article 9 a 10 the

Q1 page 36
































































Q2 page 36
-ly adverbs
-ive adjectives
-ic adjectives
-ate verbs
-ion nouns
Q3 page 37
1 matches 2 suit 3 go 4 clashes 5 has grown
6 worn 7 try on 8 take in 9 put up 10 take up
Q4 page 37
1 bracelet 2 buckle 3 heel 4 necklace 5 brooch 6
cuff 7 seam 8 sole 9 braces 10 sleeve 11 laces
Q5 page 37
1 denim 2 tight 3 plain 4 scruffy 5 unfashionable
6 high-heeled
Q6 page 38























Q7 page 38
1 heavy 2 strong 3 dark 4 light 5 strong 6 weak
7 deep 8 deep 9 strong 10 weak
Q8 page 38






fog material
smoke bread
clothes soup
cloud walls

soup cloud
wall layer




Q9 page 38
1 heavy 2 weak 3 dark 4 strong 5 light 6 weaker 7 heavy 8 strong 9 light 10 dark



Paper 4, Part 1

page 39

1 Woman:

So what do you think?

It looks fine.
Yo u d o n t t h i n k i t m a k e s m e l o o k
overweight? You said that red dress I
bought looked fine and Ive never felt
right in it.
No, it suits you it really does
Woman: Im not sure and I think the colours
wrong for me too.
Well, if youre really not happy with it,
lets just leave it.
2 And the lastest thing is, shes had her tongue
pierced. As if the tattoos werent bad enough. I
mean, shes only 16 and shes got this big stud
right through the middle of her tongue. She told
me she was going to have another one put through
her nose. Well, I told Agnes that if she was a child
of mine Id have her locked up.
3 I went back into the office and looked for them
everywhere. I went right through my desk then
checked at the front desk to see if theyd been
handed in. In the end I just had to leave it in the
street and take the bus home. Ive got a spare set in
the house so it wasnt a big problem, but it was
4 Man 1:
So you survived?
Sure I didnt anticipate being stuck
Man 2:
next to the boss all night, but he was
OK. Its just a pity about the restauarnt.
Man 1:
Yes, I dont know how we always end up
in the same kind of place.
Man 2:
I know - bland English food served up
with a bit of French suace. And such
small portions.
Man 1:
I know. Why cant we just go out for a
curry like everyone else?


Sport, Health
and Fitness
Q1 page 41
1 has lived 2 has just spilled 3 has been seeing
4 has dropped the ball 5 have been crying 6 has
been getting 7 has been ringing 8 have cut
9 have been telling 10 has stolen

<<< 8

5 Hes just great and he gets on fine with the older

one. Oh, they fought for a week but now theyve
settled down together. Its like he thinks shes his
mum. Hes a bit naughty, of course. He tried to
climb the curtains the other day and got most of
the way up, but thats the way they are at that age.
6 Woman: You know, when I got off the plane from
Rome it was raining, and it rained for the
next three days. But since then Ive been
a bit surprised to find that it isnt usually
as bad as that.
I dont know. Compared to the south of
Spain well, its so cold and wet. Much
worse than I thought it would be. I try to
ignore it but it depresses me.
Woman: I cant ignore it. I try not to go out unless
the sun is shining which means I spend
a lot of days inside. That can make you a
bit sad. Ill be glad to get home.
Me too.
7 I got interested in it after the films came out. Theres
a shop in the High Street that sells all the stuff. Its
great there. They have these big boards with
landscapes on hills and bridges and buildings
and you can fight battles on them. So Ive got a lot
of figures now and Ive painted all of them.
8 Now this particular part of the graveyard is said to
be haunted. I dont want to alarm you, but some
odd things have happened here in the past few
years. Weve had people saying they felt that
theyd been scratched by something, or feeling
cold and numb. It may be because the person
buried here was a very evil man. He was a judge
and Im told he hanged a lot of people in the old
days. Now lets move on quite quickly.
1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 B, 8 C

Q2 page 41
1 met 2 had 3 been flashing 4 died 5 been reading
6 been seeing 7 fallen 8 struck
Q3 page 41
1 Tokyo is a bigger city than London.
2 Its later than you think.
3 This game is better than last weeks.
4 I have less money than I used to have.
5 There are more questions than answers.
6 Its further away than I thought it was.
7 His elder brother plays for Ireland.
8 Weve got much less time than we need.
9 This is much worse than I thought.

Q4 page 42
1 the most beautiful 2 worse 3 ugliest 4 less
5 worst 6 more interesting 7 further 8 the least
Q5 page 42
1 well 2 hardly 3 more often/oftener 4 better
5 more quietly 6 worse

Q1 page 42
1 tennis





Its up to him to make the next

2 football
He keeps changing the rules.
3 baseball
That isnt even approximately
4 golf
Thats as long as you would
5 cricket
Charlies in a difficult situation.
6 sailing
I dont feel Im making any
7 riding
He was free to run the company in
his own way.
8 boxing
Dont give up.
9 running
Thats happened quickly.
10 swimming You have to start without
page 43
page 43
1 bow 2 trainers 3 gloves 4 club 5 cue 6 oar
7 paddle 8 skates 9 stick 10 bat
page 43
1 pick up 2 come down with 3 get over 4 cut
down on 5 cut out 6 give up 7 take up
page 43
1 fit and healthy 2 put on some weight 3 quite
run down 4 in good shape 5 in peak condition
6 feel myself



Paper 1, Part 4

page 44

1 A, 2 D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 E, 6 C, 7 B, 8 C, 9 A, 10 C, 11 T,
12 B, 13 T, 14 A, 15 C

Use of English
Paper 3, Part 1

page 45

1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A, 9 D, 10 C, 11 A,
12 B, 13 C, 14 A, 15 C

Q1 page 47
1 is, will speak 2 did, would tell 3 wins, will buy
4 starts, wont go 5 saw, would be 6 will happen,
was 7 would be, was 8 did, would buy
Q2 page 47
1 gets 2 has been 3 is seeing 4 is being 5 has left
6 works out 7 are having 8 have told
Q3 page 47
1 b, 2 e, 3 d, 4 c, 5 a
Q4 page 48
1 Its time 2 wish 3 imagine 4 suppose 5 Id rather
6 if only
Q5 page 48
1 could 2 should 3 might 4 should 5 could 6 would
7 could 8 would
Q6 page 48
1 might 2 could 3 could 4 should 5 could 6 ought to

Q1 page 48
1 grow fonder 2 than words 3 flock together
4 think alike 5 is lost 6 try, try again 7 than sorry
8 a rainy day 9 the better 10 spoil the broth
11 the spice of life 12 new tricks
Q2 page 49
1 J, 2 A, 3 I, 4 C, 5 E, 6 B, 7 G, 8 K, 9 D, 10 F, 11 H,
12 L
Q3 page 49
1 terrifying 2 depressed 3 embarrassing
4 interesting 5 boring 6 amused 7 exhausted
8 confusing 9 relaxed
Q4 page 49
1 here 2 anything 3 there 4 give 5 no 6 all 7 full
8 alone 9 better
Q5 page 49
1 b, 2 d, 3 e, 4 a, 5 g, 6 c, 7 f


Use of English
Paper 3, Part 2

page 50

1 of 2 that 3 out 4 for 5 and 6 to 7 of 8 in 9 by

10 being 11 more 12 were 13 is 14 having 15 than



Paper 4, Part 3

page 50

1 The area I cover is quite big and there are parts of
it that I cant do in a one-day trip, so I have to stay
in hotels. I think on average, that would be two or
three nights a week. Its quite boring and it can be
lonely too. So youd think Id avoid hotels on
holiday, but, no, I love them. For a start, Im with
my family, and I dont have to get up to work.
Thats one thing I usually do on holiday sleep
late in the mor ning. I ver y seldom get up for
2 Quite often, when Im not at work Im on call.
Theres an emergency and I have to come in, even
in the middle of the night or at weekends. So when
I do get a holiday, I have to get away. I often think
Id like just to be around the house for a few days,
but I know that if things got difficult they might
give me a call. So its best to be away. I like to go
walking, but it doesnt matter much as long as Im
not at home.
3 Last year was the first year I was able to go on
holiday without my parents. They said I could go
o ff w i t h m y f r i e n d s , a s l o n g a s w e d i d n t g o
abroad. So we went camping up in the Lake
District. It was great fun. We did a bit of walking


as well, from camp site to camp site and in the

mountains, but not too much. Mind you, it was still
pretty cold at night. I think next year we might try
the youth hostels instead.
4 Everybody talks about the long holidays we have
in this job, but what they dont mention is that the
salaries are so low that you cant afford to do
much. I managed a week in Spain with a couple of
girlfriends but that was it. We enjoyed ourselves
though. Of course, I did the usual silly English
thing tried to get a sun-tan inside five days. I
came home looking like a tomato. For the rest of
the summer, I just did things in the flat and had
the odd day-trip here and there.
5 Its quite difficult for me to have a normal holiday
because I get recognised. However, Im only
known to people who watch British TV, so if we
can pick a place where not many British people
go, its a bit easier. But even thats getting more
difficult because the series is shown in quite a few
countries these days. We were in Romania last
year and a Russian family came up and asked for
my autograph. Maybe I should dye my hair and
grow a beard before I go away again.
1 F, 2 C, 3 D, 4 A, 5 E
Q5 page 54
1 If only 2 wish 3 its time 4 wish 5 suppose 6 Id
rather 7 imagine 8 its time 9 If only 10 Id rather

Q1 page 52
1 m 2 wouldnt 3 had turned up 4 try 5 d kept
6 lived 7 lend 8 d 9 s 10 wasnt
Q2 page 52
1 might 2 ought to 3 should 4 might 5 should
6 could 7 could 8 might 9 should 10 could
Q3 page 52
purpose so that, in order to
contrast but, however, though, despite,
in spite of
as, since, due to, because of
so that, such a that
Q4 page 53
1 However 2 because of 3 in order to 4 so that
5 so 6 As 7 Despite 8 but 9 though 10 such a
that 11 Since 12 Because 13 due to 14 Although
15 so 16 so as to
Notes page 53
in order not to / so as not to

<<< 10

Q1 page 54
1 grows up 2 going out with 3 brought up 4 takes
after 5 get on 6 split up 7 puts up with 8 settled
down 9 broke off
Q2 page 54
1 c, 2 e, 3 I, 4 f, 5 a, 6 h, 7 j, 8 b, 9 d, 10 k, 11 g
Q3 page 55
1 complexion pale, suntanned
2 eyes
blue, green
3 hair
bald, curly, receding, shoulderlength
4 hair colour auburn, blonde
5 face
heart-shaped, oval
6 lips
7 nose
turned-up, hooked
Q4 page 55
1 loyal 2 punctual 3 trustworthy 4 dull
5 stubborn 6 crafty 7 vain 8 extroverted
9 monosyllabic 10 hesitant
Q5 page 55
1 honest 2 interesting 3 introverted 4 confident
5 disloyal 6 talkative 7 unpunctual 8 flexible
9 untrustworthy 10 modest

A Place to Live


Paper 1, Part 2

page 56

1 C, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 B, 7 C, 8 B

A Place
to Live


Q1 page 59
1 Maria said that she wanted to buy a new
2 I dont have any more money, she said.
3 Ive lived there for years, he said.
4 Mike said that nobody liked his flat.
5 I was thinking of leaving home at the time,
Ivan said.
6 She said that shed just sold her house.
7 Do you like bungalows? she asked.
8 Max said that he was living in a cheap hotel.
Q2 page 59
1 Get out of my room, she said.
2 Kevin cant afford to live in town, Bob said.
3 Stella asked if I wanted help with the
4 He told me to lock the door.
5 Ill buy a new flat, Irene said.
6 She said that she would leave as soon as she
7 Turn down the music, my landlord said.
8 Shona asked me what my house looked like.
Q3 page 60
1 asked (them) what they were doing
2 were from the citys tree-planting unit
3 said (that) I didnt understand
4 asked me what I didnt understand
5 said (that) I couldnt see any trees
6 he said (that) that was because Bert wasnt
7 asked who Bert was
8 said that Bert was the guy who planted the


Paper 4, Part 1

9 (that) he was ill that day

Q4 page 60
1 anything 2 Nobody 3 everybody 4 nowhere
5 Somewhere 6 something 7 somebody
8 anybody 9 nothing 10 everything 11 anywhere
12 everywhere

Q1 page 61
1 a cottage 2 a semi-detached house 3 high-rise
flats 4 a mansion 5 a detached house
6 a bungalow 7 a bedsit 8 a slum 9 a terraced
Q2 page 61
1 i, 2 d, 3 f, 4 g, 5 h, 6 j, 7 a, 8 e, 9 c, 10 b
Q3 page 62
1 huge 2 spacious 3 cramped 4 handy 5 gloomy
6 dingy 7 damp 8 cosy 9 draughty 10 luxurious
Q4 page 62
1 rented 2 tenant 3 landlord 4 estate agent
5 suburbs 6 city centre 7 canal 8 re-developed
9 surveyor 10 offer 11 accepted 12 DIY 13 sockets
14 electrician 15 plumber 16 re-fit 17 heating
engineer 18 re-decorating
Q5 page 62
1 turned down 2 carry on 3 do up 4 knock down
5 put up 6 put in 7 turned out
Q6 page 63
1 make, type, model 2 factory 3 up-to-theminute 4 roll-call 5 marvellous, fantastic
6 perspire, sweat 7 label 8 sensitive 9 check
10 teachers 11 agitated, disturbed, upset
12 construct, build 13 review 14 nice 15 physics
Q7 page 63
1 eventually 2 ideally 3 currently 4 effectively
5 actually 6 finally 7 basically



Man 2:
Man 1:

page 64

1 I, 2 A, 3 G, 4 H, 5 E, 6 B, 7 D extra F

Use of English
Paper 3, Part 4

page 65

1 it 2 3 was 4 that 5 in 6 if 7 the 8 much 9 by 10

been 11 3 12 they 13 had 14 15 away

page 66

1 Man 1:

Paper 1, Part 1

Well, I couldnt believe it when the first

half ended without any scoring.
Yes, I thought wed be about three goals
down at that point.
At least. At half-time I had this crazy idea

Man 2:
Man 1:

that we might even win.

Yes. But we got back to normal in the
second half.
True two goals down. But it was no
disgrace. Im surprised how well they



2 The thing that set Gibson-Brown apart from his
contemporaries was his fascination with texture.
They were primarily interested in colour, and he
shares some of this, but he worked in oils while they
were generally interested in watercolours. And you
can see from this canvas that the work has largely
been done with a knife rather than a brush.
3 So then you hear a voice saying, If you wish to do
this press button 1; if you wish to do this press
button 2, and finally it says If you wish to speak
to one of our customer advisers press button 5, or
6 or whatever. I always just wait and press that
button, even if its a simple thing, just to make the
point that I want to talk to a human being.
4 Andrew: Hi Maria. Did you get to the party on
Friday night.
Maria: Andrew - hi. No, I had a really bad cold.
How was it?
Andrew: Oh, I didnt go either too busy. But Luisa
told me that Susan was there with a new
boyfriend. His names Freddie, apparently. I
think she wanted you to meet him.
Maria: Really? I wonder what hes like.
Andrew: Well, Luisa said she thought he was a bit
old for her.
5 Wed more or less given up looking for this year but
Elaine spotted this place and went to see it. She liked
it so we both went round the next day. It had been on
the market for a couple of weeks and there were one
or two people interested so we made the best offer
we could manage and they accepted it.

6 It was just for a few weeks at the end of the summer,

after I came back from my holiday. I was mainly in
the kitchen washing dishes but because it was a
small place they didnt have a full-time porter so
they sent me out sometimes to carry bags for
guests. Id slip on a coat over my kitchen gear and
go and take their suitcases up to their rooms.
7 Im standing here in the High Street. This isnt the
busiest street these days because most of the
shops are now round the corner in Market Street,
but it is the medieval centre of the town. You can
see a number of the older buildings still survive.
And its also here that youll find Costas caf and
ice cream shop reputed to make the best ice
cream in the area. And thats what were going to
look at today how a tradition has not only
survived but flourished.
8 Man:
Its such a lovely part of the country, and
you can sit in the garden and look out
over the water.
Woman: Can you swim there?
Well, its a bit cold most of the time, but
its nice to swim in fresh water. You dont
get the taste of salt in your mouth.
Woman: Is there much to do at night?
Not a lot. Were so high up there are
hardly any other houses, but theres a
village about five miles away with a pub
and a small restaurant.

and Inventions

Q6 page 69
on duty / on the whole / in common
on strike / by hand / by accident
in fact / at random / at last
by far / on behalf of / on a diet
in conclusion / at first / in favour of
at once / on business / at all costs
by heart / at present / at random
on average / at least / on my own
in all / in tears / on fire
by air / by e-mail / in other words
by mistake / in German / in future
by oneself / on loan / by surprise
Q7 page 69
1 on 2 in 3 by 4 on 5 at 6 on 7 by 8 On 9 at 10 in
Q8 page 69
1 d, 2 g, 3 b, 4 j, 5 f, 6 i, 7 a, 8 e, 9 c, 10 h
Q9 page 70
1 Even if 2 even if 3 If 4 even if 5 If 6 even if

Q1 page 67
1 unless 2 as long as 3 furthermore 4 however
5 even if 6 if 7 in which case 8 on the other hand
9 because 10 with
Q2 page 67
1 by, about 2 in, at 3 over, on 4 near, on 5 across,
along 6 across, over 7 beside, next to 8 under, on
top of 9 at, in 10 with, for
Q3 page 68
1 brought 2 take 3 got 4 turn/put 5 put 6 set
7 brought 8 put 9 taken 10 turned
Q4 page 68
1 in 2 about 3 with 4 for 5 on 6 of 7 to
Q5 page 68
1 on 2 in 3 in 4 at 5 In 6 by 7 in 8 on 9 in 10 at
11 on 12 in

<<< 12

1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B, 7 B, 8 A

Q1 page 70
A calculator B dishwasher C answering machine

Discoveries and Inventions

D microwave E printer F hairdryer G camcorder
H fridge I speedometer J fan K palm PC L laptop
Q2 page 70
1 hammer 2 screwdriver 3 flex 4 plug 5 socket
6 switch 7 fuse 8 bulb 9 drill
Q3 page 71
1 windscreen 2 side mirror 3 windscreen wiper
4 bumper 5 bonnet 6 tyre 7 number plate
8 headlight 9 indicator 10 wheel
Q4 page 71
1 uneven road 2 traffic lights 3 slippery road
4 roundabout 5 no overtaking 6 no U-turns
7 pedestrian crossing 8 crossroads 9 T-junction


Paper 4, Part 2

Q5 page 72
1 allowed 2 waist 3 principal 4 steel 5 mourning
6 tail 7 hire 8 pears 9 blew 10 bare
Q6 page 72
1 hole 2 piece 3 correct 4 sees 5 mail 6 guest
7 correct 8 whose 9 practise 10 aunt
Q7 page 72
1 where 2 which 3 past 4 son 5 weather 6 male


Use of English Paper 3, Part 5

page 73

1 relatively 2 working 3 information 4 departure

5 obsession 6 developed 7 eventually 8 perfected
9 awarded 10 achievement

page 74

Interviewer: Now, Nathan, youre 17 years old.
Interviewer: And youre already responsible for a number
of inventions. One of them is actually in
commercial production, I believe.
Yes, the Find-me Torch. Theres also a
measuring device for giving medicine to
young children. Ive got a company
interested in that one but were waiting for
medical approval
Interviewer: Right well, tell me about the Find-me
Well, a lot of inventions are just a question of
putting a couple of existing ideas together.
Key-rings which will give out a beeping
sound when you whistle have been on the
market for a few years. It just struck me that
often when people are looking for a torch,
its in the dark, because the lights have gone
out. Also, parents with young children have
told me that the torch never stays in the
same place because the kids play with it. So
I just put the two ideas together. When the
lights go out, all you have to do is whistle
and the torch beeps and starts flashing. I
persuaded a small company to make them
and theyre selling quite well.
Interviewer: And what was the other thing? For
Oh yes, I thought of that one when I was
watching my older sister trying to give some
medicine to her baby. She was trying to hold
the baby, which was struggling and kicking,
and a medicine bottle, and a measuring
spoon well, you need three hands really.
Or you fill the spoon and hold it in one hand
then try to get the kid into position with the

Interviewer: So what did you come up with?

Its simple enough, really just a device that
fits on to the end of the bottle, and you can
set it to the number of centilitres then hold it
at the kids mouth and in the medicine goes.
Like I said, we havent got approval for that
one yet, but Im quite optimistic.
Interviewer: Sounds ingenious. Now, I understand youve
been nominated for the Young Inventor of
the Year Competition for your latest idea.
Some kind of tent, isnt it?
Yes, well, I like to go camping with my
friends and if youve ever tried to put up a
tent in the wind youll know the problem. So I
started to think about a tent that will put itself
up. Now, there are some things on the
market. Some have tubes that you fill with air
and others use spring steel. The spring steel
ones go up easily enough you just pull it
out of the bag and throw it in the air. But its
a bit more difficult, as you might expect,
when it comes to re-packing it. So I started
to think about air, and how that idea could
be developed beyond just a few thick tubes.
Interviewer: And what did you do?
Well, this is a different type of invention. The
ideas simple enough in principle; its just
getting it to work thats difficult. It took me six
months, but Ive finally got a practical
model. It works with a pump or a
compressed air capsule and it will go up
inside a minute in any kind of weather.
Interviewer: And is there a company interested in making
Ive spoken to one or two, but I want to wait
to see how I get on in the competition before
deciding anything.
Interviewer: Well, the very best of luck.
Thank you.

1 commercial production 2 ideas together 3 in the dark 4 medicine 5 three hands 6 optimistic 7 the wind
8 steel 9 work 10 deciding anything



Eating and
Q1 page 75
3a, 4b, 7b; 9b and 12a are wrong.
Q2 page 75
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,
11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Q3 page 76
1 like 2 keen 3 stand 4 d rather 5 love 6 would
7 d prefer
Q4 page 76
1 all 2 either 3 either 4 Both 5 none 6 All
7 Neither 8 both
Q5 page 76
1 have 2 is 3 was 4 Neither am 5 did 6 So do 7 did
8 So must 9 Neither have 10 can 11 do 12 So was
13 must 14 Neither can
Q6 page 77
1 turned 2 brought 3 get 4 put/set 5 take 6 gets
7 turn 8 putting 9 set 10 put

Q1 page 77


apple banana grapefruit

grape lemon orange peach
pear pineapple plum
raspberry strawberry

bacon beef chicken

chop ham lamb
mince pork
steak veal



asparagus aubergine broccoli

cabbage carrot cauliflower
celery cucumber garlic leek
onion peas pepper potato

cod crab
haddock herring
lobster plaice
prawn salmon
sardine trout

Q2 page 78
1 f, 2 i, 3 e, 4 c, 5 h, 6 g, 7 d, 8 b, 9 j, 10 a
Q3 page 78
1 e, 2 d, 3 h, 4 f, 5 b, 6 g, 7 c, 8 a
Q4 page 78
raised raised
Q5 page 78
1 laid 2 lies 3 rose 4 risen 5 lay 6 rise 7 lied 8 lay
9 raised

<<< 14

Q6 page 78
1 h, 2 d, 3 e, 4 g, 5 f, 6 a, 7 i, 8 b, 9 j, 10 c
Q7 page 78
1 up 2 off 3 forward 4 out 5 away 6 back 7 on
8 foot
Q8 page 79
1 continual 2 respectable 3 corpse 4 route
5 effect 6 lent 7 practise 8 ghostly 9 deserts
10 childlike 11 principal 12 sows 13 humane
14 prudent 15 boar 16 Consul 17 flouted 18 navel
19 chord



Paper 1, Part 1

page 80

1 D, 2 E, 3 I, 4 F, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C extra G



Q1 page 83
The spaces where that is necessary are: 3, 4, 5, 7,
8, 9.
Q2 page 83
1 We cant go on polluting the planet like this.
4 How much will they want us to pay?
6 I must advise you to clean the factory.
8 I want the new house to have solar panels.
Q3 page 84
1 with 2 at 3 about 4 for 5 in 6 about 7 with 8 on
9 for 10 in 11 on 12 at
Q4 page 84
1 bring 2 take 3 turn 4 bring 5 putting 6 get 7 set
8 turned 9 get 10 set
Q5 page 85
1 similar 2 scared 3 disappointed 4 accustomed
5 shocked 6 suspicious 7 amazed 8 pleased
9 excited 10 useless
Q6 page 85
1 allowed 2 let 3 allow 4 allowed 5 let 6 allowed

Q1 page 85
1 h, 2 m, 3 f, 4 l, 5 b, 6 k, 7 i, 8 j, 9 d, 10 g, 11 e,
12 c, 13 a

Free Time
Q2 page 86
1 calm 2 straight up 3 flags 4 rustle 5 gentle
breeze 6 flap 7 moderate breeze 8 Branches
9 leafy 10 strong breeze 11 telephone
12 moderate gale 13 trees 14 Twigs 15 strong gale
16 damaged 17 ground 18 storm 19 buildings
20 hurricane 21 destruction
Q3 page 87
1 drought 2 heatwave 3 lightning 4 hurricane
5 tornado 6 earthquake 7 thunder 8 volcanic
eruption 9 typhoon 10 blizzard 11 flood
Q4 page 87
1 rain 2 showers 3 downpour 4 drizzle 5 sleet
6 snow 7 gales 8 mist
Q5 page 87
1 up 2 out 3 forward 4 up 5 in 6 back 7 in 8 round
9 on 10 out
Q6 page 88
1 close 2 myself 3 charges 4 attention 5 tears
6 being 7 bear 8 bacon 9 head 10 senses
Q7 page 88
1 lace 2 seal 3 mate 4 chief 5 learn 6 hedge
7 ideal 8 tramp 9 member 10 swerve 11 dessert
12 conifer 13 eastern 14 revolve 15 salvage
16 varnish 17 pheasant 18 preview



Paper 1, Part 3

page 89

1 E, 2 H, 3 I, 4 G, 5 D, 6 A, 7 F extra B

Use of English
Paper 3, Part 2

page 91

1 or 2 to 3 any 4 which 5 However 6 themselves

7 with 8 are 9 where 10 that 11 if 12 that 13 the
14 until 15 even

Free Time

2 Sam got his hair cut.

3 Graham got Jeff and Mike sacked.
4 His mother has to get him dressed in the
5 Ive asked them to get the heating turned
6 Hilary told me to get the mess sorted out.
7 Ive asked them to get the tap fixed.
8 Irene wants to get her holiday arranged this
Q5 page 93
1 turned 2 set/get 3 get 4 brought 5 put
6 turned/put 7 brings 8 took

Q1 page 93
1 Who wrote it? / What happens?
2 Whos in it? or Who does it star? / Where is it
set? / shot / Where is it on?
3 When does it open? Where is it on? or Where
can I see it?
4 Who are playing? / Whos the conductor? or
Whos conducting it?
Q2 page 94
gambling, ballet, sewing, wind-surfing, knitting,
yoga, chess, gardening, pottery
Q3 page 94
1 bungee jumping 2 wind-surfing 3 yoga 4 hiking
5 jogging 6 skating 7 mountaineering 8 cycling
9 table-tennis 10 riding
Q4 page 95
The Hardware Shop and the Stationer & Bookshop.
Q5 page 96
1 into line 2 flat 3 foul of 4 on hard times 5 to
pieces 6 short of 7 from grace 8 on deaf ears
9 victim to 10 into place
Q6 page 96
1 overboard 2 hoots 3 bare-faced 4 cat 5 alarm
6 comb 7 eyesore 8 play 9 nerve 10 bacon 11 mouth
12 rake 13 heart 14 mumbo-jumbo 15 shot

Q1 page 92
1 to meet 2 helping 3 to check 4 stealing 5
practising 6 borrow 7 telling 8 say 9 being 10 to
Q2 page 92
1 shopping 2 3 4 to hear 5 hear 6 working
7 8 arranging
Q3 page 92
1 getting 2 get 3 fixed 4 having 5 Get 6 cleaned
7 developed 8 to get 9 had 10 to have
Q4 page 93
1 I have to get this work finished today.



Paper 1, Part 4

page 97

1 C, 2 B, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C, 9 F, 10 E, 11 B,
12 F, 13 D, 14 E

Use of English
Paper 3, Part 3

page 99

be a better hotel than

is responsible for locking
if she was interested in
advised Louise to get




was ridden by
the weather was bad
is five years since
wishes (that) she hadnt taken
unless he scores
wish he lived

Work and
Q1 page 100
1 Some of the sentences which have commas
shouldnt have them.
2 His hair, which had not been cut for a long
time, was very untidy.
5 The people whom we met on Saturday are
friends of Jill.
6 Andy, who has been off sick for a week, still
isnt looking very good.
8 His coffee, which he had ignored, was now
stone cold.
10 The new TV, which we had only got the day
before, stopped working.
Q2 page 100


Q3 page 101
1 which/that 2 which/that 3 who/that 4 which/
that 5 where 6 which/that 7 which/that 8 who
Q4 page 101
An Oxford professor of English once had a strict
policy that students should finish their exams on
time. Anybody who didnt put their pen down when
he rang a little bell would be given zero. One day
there was an exam involving over a hundred
students. When he rang his bell they all stopped
except for one. He continued writing until most of
the other students had put their papers on the
professors desk and left the room. He then walked
forward to hand in his paper. The professor looked

<<< 16

at him and said, Dont bother to give me that. You

get a zero for continuing after time. The student
looked at him and said, Professor, do you know
who I am? The professor answered, No, and I dont
care if your fathers the prime minister. You get a
zero. The student then said, You mean you really
have no idea who I am? The professor answered,
None at all, and I care even less. Thats fine, the
student said. He then pushed his exam into the
middle of the pile of other papers and left the
Q5 page 101
1 is she? 2 cant she? 3 do you? 4 hasnt he?
5 arent I? 6 hadnt you? 7 could you? 8 dont
they? 9 did she? 10 wouldnt you? 11 was it?
12 will she?
Q6 page 102
1 take 2 get 3 brought 4 get 5 put 6 turn/put
7 getting 8 set 9 take 10 put

Q1 page 102
1 poor 2 rich 3 short 4 rich 5 long 6 poor 7 rich
8 poor 9 short 10 poor
Q2 page 102
1 d, 2 f, 3 e, 4 a, 5 c, 6 g, 7 b
Q3 page 102
1 part-time 2 full-time 3 freelance 4 overtime
5 shifts 6 flexi-time 7 on strike
Q4 page 103
1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a
Q5 page 103
made redundant laid off
taken on
Q6 page 103
1 d, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a, 5 a, 6 b
Q7 page 103
1 a, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 a, 6 a, 7 a, 8 a, 9 a, 10 b,
11 b, 12 a
Q8 page 104
1 no notice of me 2 taken in 3 take back 4 took
down 5 take it anymore 6 taken off 7 took after
8 take it or leave it 9 has what it takes 10 took it
out of him 11 took on 12 to take forever



Paper 1, Part 3 page 105

1 F, 2 I, 3 H, 4 A, 5 G, 6 B, 7 E extra C


Paper 4, Part 3

page 107

Britain and the World

1 Im due to leave school in two years time but I
dont want to go to university. Im going to go to
London and Ill try to get a job with a finance
company. Then I want to become a dealer
trading on the floor of the stock market. Its a
tough job. You have to work long hours and the
stress is tremendous, and most people are burned
out by the time theyre thirty. But thatll be fine
because by that time I expect to be rich.
2 Even when I was at school I was interested in
antiques. I started buying and selling a few things,
then my boyfriend and I would take a stall at
markets. All the time I was learning more about the
business. Hes my husband now and we opened
this shop ten years ago. He doesnt work here but
he takes an interest in the business. Im very happy.
The shop doesnt make a lot of money but I spend
my time working with the things I like antiques.
3 Five years ago I was a senior executive in an
international company. In many ways I enjoyed it,
but I seemed to have less and less time for the
things I wanted to do. So I went to the boss and
said I wanted to take a step down. Now Im

Britain and
the World
Q1 page 108
1 He apologised for missing the meeting.
2 He promised to/that he would call me soon.
3 He accused me of insulting his best friend.
4 She refused to go out with Bert.
5 He recommended the new Mexican
6 She denied telling/that she had told Helen
I was at home.
Q2 page 108
1 Norman said that Alison would be here today.
2 Diana said (that) she would see me/us here
this morning.
3 Irene said (that) the garage is/was near
here/this junction.
4 Her mum said (that) Vivien would be back last
5 His manager said that Neils contract will end
next month.
6 Barbara said that she would be off school
Q3 page 109
1 for starting 2 to meet 3 to pay 4 of breaking

working part-time at a lower grade. I get paid a lot

less but I enjoy the work much more. And I also
have more time to spend with my family and
friends. I think it was a good move.
4 The biggest company I run makes sportswear, but
Ive got a number of other businesses on the go. I
like to buy up companies that arent doing too
well, get them working properly and then, as often
as not, Ill sell them at a profit. Of course, I make a
lot of money out of it and if I wanted to I could
spend the rest of my life on my yacht, but the
money isnt really the main thing. I just enjoy the
challenge, buying and selling things.
5 Im in my second year at university at the moment.
When I finish I want to go and work in Africa. I
dont know why, but its always fascinated me. Ill
probably join one of the voluntary organisations
and teach in a school. Its not that I feel I have a
great mission to help others but Id like to live
there and get to know the local life. Thats the sort
of thing you dont lear n when you just travel
through a place.
1 B, 2 C, 3 F, 4 A, 5 D extra E

5 to take 6 that he would do 7 that she had made

8 not to go 9 speaking
Q4 page 109
1 suggested that I (should)
2 offered to lend me
3 insisted on
4 invited me to have
5 realised (that) he had been
6 congratulated Nicola on passing
7 encouraged me to give
8 explained that he was
Q5 page 109
1 turn 2 take 3 bring 4 set 5 turned/put 6 put
7 take 8 get 9 set 10 put

Q1 page 110
1 note 2 coppers 3 loan 4 deposit 5 cheque 6 in
credit 7 credit card 8 withdrawal 9 statement
10 overdrawn
Q2 page 110
1 borrow 2 cost 3 hire 4 earn 5 lend 6 afford 7 let
8 invest 9 waste 10 rent
Q3 page 111
1 spend 2 earned 3 won 4 gained 5 won 6 lose
7 lost 8 gain 9 lost 10 gaining
Q4 page 111
1 out for 2 into 3 through 4 at 5 up to 6 around
7 through 8 down on



Q5 page 111
1 ageing 2 aeroplane 3 aluminium 4 anaesthetic
5 behaviour 6 cancelled 7 catalogue 8 centre
9 cheque 10 counsellor 11 defence 12 draught
13 enrol 14 fibre 15 jewellery 16 licence
17 marvellous 18 pyjamas 19 plough 20 sceptical
21 speciality 22 tyre 23 travelling 24 woollen
Q6 page 112
1 puncture 2 waistcoat, trousers 3 handbag
4 underground 5 university 6 crisps 7 petrol
8 toilet

Q7 page 112
1 facts and figures 2 odds and ends 3 bits and
pieces 4 collar and tie 5 sick and tired 6 tooth
and nail 7 sticks and stones 8 women and
children 9 pure and simple 10 pins and needles
11 ladies and gentlemen 12 to and fro 13 rules
and regulations 14 nice and easy 15 kiss and tell


Use of English Paper 3, Part 5

page 113

1 another 2 consciousness 3 worldwide 4 according

5 variation 6 pronunciation 7 established
8 development 9 boarding 10 ironed


Paper 4, Part 4

page 114

Interviewer: So, Clara, you moved to London was it
three years ago?
Thats right, just over three years ago. And
Ive heard it said that it takes three years
to learn how things really work in a new
country, so maybe Im getting there.
Interviewer: And which part of the States are you
Texas. I grew up in a small town in west
Texas, which maybe isnt the best
preparation for living in a place like
London, though I did go to college in New
York and worked there for a while after I
Interviewer: And what are the things you find different
about London?
Well, there are so many its difficult to
know where to start. I think the biggest
change is in the relationships you have
with your neighbours. In the town where I
come from, everybody knows everybody
else and theyre always popping in and
out of each others houses, and that was
true to a cer tain extent in my
neighbourhood in New York as well. But in
London its different. Now dont get me
wrong, Im not saying that people are
unfriendly. Theyre nice enough and
usually very polite but you can go for
weeks without seeing your neighbours.
Interviewer: And did you find this difficult to adjust to?
Well, yes. At the beginning, I was quite
lonely, but maybe thats true of anybody
in a strange city in a new country. After a
while I made friends and that was OK,
and then later I began to see the
advantages of the English way. You see,
back home, people take much more
interest in what youre doing so you have
less freedom to be yourself, and Texas is
quite a conservative place, really. Here,
you get more chance to live how you

<<< 18






want to live.
OK, now a lot of Americans say they find
British food difficult to adjust to. Did you
have problems?
Ill say. I spent the first few months walking
around thinking, These people cant make
coffee and their food is so bland and they
dont know how to put a sandwich
together and their beer is warm, and so
And do you still feel that way?
Yep its all still true, but I guess Ive
found a few ways round it. You can find
good coffee if youre prepared to look for
it, though the average cup of coffee can
be awful. The sames true of sandwiches
if you get them from a sandwich shop
theyre fine. But this is still a country
where a cheese sandwich can mean just
that cheese. Not even a bit of salad to
go with it. The food, generally, is less
spicy that the stuff we eat back home
because theres a lot of Mexican influence
on food in Texas, but Ive found I can buy
these things in the supermarket, or go to a
Mexican or Tex-Mex restaurant. Thats one
thing I like here. English food is quite plain
but I find the people are quite
adventurous eaters. Theres a huge range
of restaurants selling foreign food and
even a local supermarket will carry a wide
And the beer?
Well, just the same you can get cold
beer if you look for it, but Ive realised that
ice-cold beer isnt always a good idea in a
climate like Englands.
So you havent managed to adjust to the
No thats one thing Ill never get used to.
Well, you cant have everything. Clara,
thank you very much for talking to us today.

1 F, 2 F, 3 T, 4 T, 5 F, 6 T, 7 F

Part 1

Part 3

page 115

page 118

1 B, 2 H, 3 G, 4 A, 5 F, 6 I, 7 C extra D

16 H, 17 A, 18 E, 19 I, 20 D, 21 G, 22 F extra C

Part 2

Part 4

page 116

8 D, 9 C, 10 A, 11 A, 12 C, 13 D, 14 A, 15 B

page 119

23 C, 24 D, 25 A, 26 B, 27 E, 28 A, 29 C, 30 B, 31 E,
32 B, 33 A, 34 C, 35 E


Part 1

page 121

1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B, 6 D, 7 B, 8 A, 9 B, 10 B, 11 D,
12 B, 13 A, 14 A, 15 B

Part 2

page 121

16 from 17 It 18 has 19 to 20 for 21 and 22 those

23 have 24 except 25 that 26 be 27 were 28 being
29 there 30 what

Part 3

35 apologised for dropping/having dropped

36 had the house decorated by
37 if it had not been
38 still remember every
39 without finishing his
40 did not cost as much

Part 4

page 123

41 to 42 again 43 the 44 had 45 46 of 47 48 than

49 50 would 51 but 52 53 it 54 up 55 will

page 122

31 used my make-up

Part 5

32 being unable to drive

33 would like to meet
34 is a year since

Paper 4 LISTENING Part 1

56 varied 57 limited 58 locations 59 surgery 60

operation 61 helping 62 reassurance 63
arrangements 64 basis 65 assistance

page 124

1 Woman

page 123

Look, I only left the car here for five

minutes while I took the kids into
Warden: Im sorry. Youre not allowed to park
here at all during the day.
Woman: Yes you are. You can leave a car here
for a short time while you take a child
into the playground. You should know
Warden: Well, Ive written the ticket. Theres
nothing I can do about it now.
Woman: Well, Im going to appeal against it
and Ill win. Its time you people were
properly trained.
2 The thing that annoys me is the hypocrisy. I
mean, the most common drugs which are both
addictive and can kill you are tobacco and

alcohol, and these are the two that you can buy
legally. And then there are calories. Have you
ever gone to the cinema and asked for a small
cola? They give you about three-quarters of a
litre. Half the kids today are overweight and
theyll die younger because of it, but nobodys
trying to stop people filling them up with sugar
and fat. Id just like to see some serious thought
about all dangerous substances, not just the
illegal ones.
3 Right, Alison look, can I call you back later?
Ive got to go and pick up Bridget. Yes, shes
arriving at three oclock. Yes, I know its only five
minutes in a taxi from the city centre to here but
I thought Id be nice to her. Its the end of her
first term at university, after all.
4 I w a s a l w a y s a b i t s u s p i c i o u s o f c o rd l e s s
phones. My mum has one and she has a lot of
trouble with it the sound isnt at all clear. But



the phone we have is quite old now and it was
giving us a bit of trouble so I went to the phone
shop. The salesman said that cordless ones are
much better now than they used to be - and if I
didnt like it I could take it back. I must admit its
been fine I can walk around the house and
5 Woman: Well, hello there. You havent been in
for a couple of weeks.
No the firm sent me to look after the
Glasgow office for a while. I must
admit, its good to be back. Hows
Woman: Well, Ive had some staffing problems.
Two of the waiters left, then the chef
l e f t t h e n e x t w e e k . I re p l a c e d t h e
waiters but I had to do the cooking
myself for a few days. Everythings
fine now the new chef is very good.
Glad to hear it. So, what would you
6 Now listen, you can believe this if you like, but it
really happened. A guy left the office one day to
go home and some time later one of his
colleagues wanted to speak to him so she rang
him at home and he answered the phone. But
then he said he was in a public call box. The

Part 2

thing is, shed rung the wrong number. It was the

number of a call box and he just happened to
be standing next to it at the time - and he picked
up the phone.
7 Student: I just havent been well enough to do
any work this week.
Woman: Well, thats more or less what youve
been saying for some time. Look, I
cant really do anything about your
health. But the fact is that youre falling
further and further behind the rest of
the class. Of course, were prepared to
make allowances, but the exams are
less than a month away and Im afraid
the exam board wont listen to any
8 A: So what did this place used to be?
B: It was just a cellar that was used for storage
and Dad said we could have it if we did it
up. So we cleaned the whole place out got
rid of all the junk. Then we painted and
papered it and we managed to get these old
chairs and a table and things. Its great we
can come in here and drink coffee and play
music really loud and nobody complains.
1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B

page 125

The sport I do is karate and there were various
reasons why I took it up. I think the main one was
that I finally realised I was never going to be any
good at football or basketball. In fact, I dont think
team sports are for me really. But I wanted to keep
fit so I started looking for something I could do on
my own. I mean, even things like squash and
tennis, you have to have a partner. And I suppose,
yes, Id seen some martial arts films and fancied
myself doing all that stuff. So about a year and a
half ago I started going along to the local karate
club. In fact, in this city, taekwondo and even kung
fu are more popular, but, I dont know, somehow
karate appealed to me more. Well, the first thing I
realised is that its a lot harder work than it looks.
You get this image from the films of people leaping
up into the air with no effort and smashing wood
and stuff like that, but it isnt like that at all. You
have to be very flexible and very fit. We dont do a
lot of running, but we spend the first part of every
session doing stretching exercises which can be
quite painful and at different times youre doing
other exercises to make you stronger press-ups
and things like that. In fact, in many ways, if you
watched a karate class, you might find it quite
boring. All the eastern martial arts are based on the
idea that theres a perfect way to do every move

and you have to do it again and again till you get it

right. So the whole class might do one move lets
say stepping forward and blocking a kick with your
arm you sort of sweep it down across your body.
So then were all in the same finishing position and
you have to hold that while the instructors come
round and check everybody moving an arm or a
leg here and there. Then the whole class will do
another move stepping forward and punching
perhaps, then its all checked again. Thats not all
we do, of course. There are things called katas,
which are sequences of around twenty moves
blocks and punches and kicks, moving around the
floor. And you have to learn these, perhaps one
every couple of months or so, and you practise
them again and again. We do some free fighting, of
course, but not a lot really which is fine by me
because that can be quite scary but we dont
break wood. As the instructor said, when are you
ever going to be attacked by a piece of wood?
There are nine grades up to black belt, and we
have a grading every three months. Thats like an
exam, and a higher level black belt will come along
to watch you. Im about more that half way now I
wear a purple belt and I expect to have my black
belt in another eighteen months. Of course, thats
only the beginning really

9 team 10 eighteen 11 films 12 it looks 13 flexible 14 boring 15 move 16 twenty 17 scary 18 beginning

<<< 20

Part 3

page 125

1 I didnt do the expected thing I mean I didnt
do a film or drama course after school. In fact, I
studied engineering at university, but I got
involved with the drama group and acted in a
few plays, and then we were all asked to be
extras in a film they were making near here.
After that I kept trying for more work, and then I
got my first speaking part in a crime movie. It
was only a couple of lines, but it led to some
more parts and things are going fine now.
2 I wouldnt say I hate actors, but some of them
can be really annoying to work with. Like, when
everythings going fine on the technical side,
were all in place and ready to shoot, and some
actor decides they dont like the script, or
theyre not sure how they want to play the part,
and youre standing there behind the camera
just waiting for them to do what theyre being
paid to do that can be really boring. Thats why
a good directors so important someone who
can say, Look, just get on with it.
3 I didnt really have much choice about the kind
of job I was going to do. This has been a family
business since the 1930s and now were the last
independent in the city. It isnt easy, because
youre up against the big chains, but we try to

Part 4




19 E, 20 A, 21 B, 22 F, 23 D extra C

page 125


provide a more homely atmosphere and make

people feel welcome. When Im working, I
always stand outside to greet people when they
arrive and say goodbye when they leave. We
think it makes a difference. It must have some
effect because were still in business.
4 A lot of people think this is an easy job because
you get to see all the new films for nothing. Well,
I love the cinema and most of the time I enjoy it.
But I dont get any choice over what I go to see,
and there are some films I just hate. Sciencefiction bores me to death. And I hate horror films
- some of them keep me awake for nights
afterwards. But I have to see them all, and try to
find something interesting to say about them.
5 Its just the thing I enjoy most. Other guys of my
age, they go to clubs or they get involved in
sport but Ive never been too attracted to either.
Ive had one or two girlfriends, and occasionally
theyre managed to drag me somewhere else,
but what I really like doing is sitting there in the
dark in front of the big screen. I dont know if Ill
end up working in the business or not its too
early to say, but that would be great, to get paid
for what I like doing best.

Nanette and Roger, come in. Very good

of you to come did you have time for
some lunch?
Sure, no problem. Whats this all about,
Well, as you know, this is the schools
centenary year and were organising
various events. Now, one of them is a
Christmas concert and, as the music
t e a c h e r, I v e b e e n a s k e d t o p u t i t
together. I thought you two might be
able to give me a hand.
Thanks a lot, but, can I ask, why us?
Well, youre both senior pupils; both of
you are very musical and well, youre
popular with the others. I thought you
might be able to help persuade people
to do things.
We can try, I suppose. What sort of
stuff did you have in mind?
Well, lets start with what we can rely
on. Theres the school orchestra. They
could do some light classics.





Yes, or what about some film themes?

Theyre always popular.
Yes, thats a good idea.
You mean, like, music for idiots?
R o g e r, y o u re s u c h a s n o b . J u s t
because you play leading violin. People
a re n t g o i n g t o c o m e t o a s c h o o l
concert to hear heavy classical music.
I think Nanettes got a point there,
Roger. Now, weve also got the school
choir. Im sure they can do a few pieces
that people will enjoy but we have to
think beyond that. What else is
We l l , t h e re s D a v e B a t e s , C h a r l i e
Adams, Alan whathisname and Marie
you know, the tall one. Theyve got a
rock group going.
Yes, Ive heard that are they any
Its difficult to tell. They play so loud it
just sounds like white noise to me.
There you go again. Actually, I think
theyre great, and Dave especially hes a very good guitarist.







I know I taught him some of it. You

know, I think he could do a solo spot as
well, if hes interested. On acoustic
guitar I know he still plays it.
Mmm, possibly.
OK, Ill tell you what, why dont you
have a word with him?
Thats no problem. Theyll certainly play
as a group. As to the solo well, Im
sure hell do it if I ask him nicely.
Im sure he will.
N o w, w h o e l s e d o w e k n o w ? W h a t
about you, Nanette? Youre probably
the best singer in the senior school.
What kind of stuff do you do? I havent
heard you sing solo.
Oh, jazz and blues numbers, mainly.
But Ive never sung in a concert and I
c a n t d o i t w i t h o u t s o m e s o r t o f





Well, I know there are a few people in

the orchestra who like to play that sort
of stuff.
Yes, Danny plays jazz on the clarinet,
a n d y o u c o u l d h a v e Tre v o n t h e
saxophone and
OK, could you ask around, Roger? See
if you can get four or five together as a
backing group for Nanette.
Me? I hate jazz.
Oh, come on, Roger. You have to do
All right, Ill do what I can.
Thats good. I think were beginning to
get somewhere. Now, Mr Andrews has
promised that the drama group will do
a couple of things, but we need a bit
more. Any other ideas?

24 J, 25 R, 26 N, 27 J, 28 N, 29 N, 30 R

2004 Black Cat Publishing, an imprint of Cideb Editrice, Genoa, Canterbury

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