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National Survey

March 9-11, 2010

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee

The following national survey was conducted

by OnMessage Inc. Telephone interviews
were conducted March 9-11, 2010. This
survey consists of 1200 likely voters and
interviews were stratified by previous election
results to reflect historic voter trends. The
margin of error for this survey is +/- 2.8%.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Generic Ballot – Congressional

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Image: Obama

•President’s image has fallen to 1

to 1, favorable to unfavorable for
the first time in his Presidency.

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Image: Pelosi

•Speaker Pelosi remains

very unpopular with a net
image rating of -27.

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Image: Reid

•Leader Reid’s total image

has risen to 63% with a
net image rating of -23.

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Very Fav No Opinion
Image Tests Somewhat Fav
Somewhat Unfav
Never Heard Of

Pres. Obama’s HC Reform Very Unfav

Net: -19


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Image – POTUS HC Reform
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
23% 13% 20% 16% 21% 27% generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Image Tests
Pres. Obama’s HC Reform
•The image of President Obama’s health
care reform has fallen to a net rating of -19,
with 44% of all voters holding a VERY
unfavorable opinion of the measure.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Job Approval: Obama Overall

•President Obama’s overall

job approval is now just +2.

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Job Approval: Obama Health Care
•As this chart demonstrates, the fall of
Obama’s overall job approval is being
driven in large part by his handling of
the health care issue.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Do you favor or oppose the health care reform bill currently
being considered in Congress?

Note: Asking a favor/oppose of health care reform in Congress

Paid forthe
yields by the
results National Committee
as asking the favorable/unfavorable of the
Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee
President’s health care reform. 12
Health Care Legislation
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 13
Concerning the current health care bill being pushed by President Obama
and the Democrats in Congress, which of the following comes closest to your
1.Some people say Congress should scrap the current health care bill altogether and focus on
the economy.
2.Other people say Congress should scrap the current health care bill and start over with a new
3.Still other people say Congress should pass the current health care bill as soon as possible.

•63% Scrap and start

over or Scrap and move
to economy
•Only 27% pass now

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Scrap HC Bill
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Health care reform in Congress has gotten out of
control. Congress is spending too much, cutting Medicare
too much, raising taxes too much and growing the deficit too
much. They should scrap what they have done so far and
start over.



Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who
voted for President Obama’s health care bill?

•41% of the voters saying this vote

would make them MUCH less likely to
vote for them is significant but ...


Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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More/Less Likely to Vote For Candidate that voted for HC
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 18
Recent news reports state that the current health care reform
bill proposed by President Obama and the Democrats in
Congress will result in $400 billion dollars in cuts to
Medicare and Medicaid. Knowing this, would you be more
or less likely to vote to re-elect your current member of
Congress if they voted for this bill?
•Voting for a reform that
results in cutting Medicare by 65
$400 billion is downright


Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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More/Less Likely to Vote For Candidate/ Medicare $400 Billion Cut
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 20
Would you be more or less likely to support the re-election of
a Congressman or Senator if you knew that they made a
backroom deal to trade their vote for President Obama’s
health care bill in exchange for more Federal money for their

•The backroom deals

Democrats have pursued are 74
as deadly as the bill itself.


Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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More/Less Likely to Vote if you knew of backroom deals
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 22
Thinking about the elections this year, which of the
following candidates for Congress would you most
likely vote for?

A Republican candidate who A Democratic candidate who

would be a check and balance to OR would help President Obama
President Obama and the and the Democrats in
Democrats in Congress. Congress pass their agenda.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Check & Balance vs. Help Obama
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 24
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I
would consider voting for a Republican for Congress to send a
message to President Obama and the Democrats and make
them listen to the concerns of voters like me.


Paid for by the Republican National Committee

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Send A Message
Party Affiliation/Undecided Generic Ballot

UGB = undecided on
generic ballot

Paid for by the Republican National Committee

Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee 26

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