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Progress report for last 4 weeks (Sep 1st week to October 2nd week)

Project area: Development of systemic framework for holistic living

by: Thirumalai Renganathan
M.Tech in "Holistic Development - Systems and Technologies", II year
International Resource Centre for Universal Human Values & Ethics, IKG- Punjab
Technical University, Punjab
Guide: Dr. Sukhbir singh Ahluwalia
The following are the time-wise progress of this project till now.
Month / Year

Prgress made in my project

September (week Evaluation of project vision and project basis at Kanpur all of our M.Tech
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students had sessions by Ganesh Ji, Rajul Ji, Shyam Ji and Gopal babu Ji. The
sessions are focused on alignment of our project ideas with Holistic human goal
and targets. We had few sessions on all the five dimensions through which we see
the systems around us in living. At the end of the week each of us presented our
project idea, process of the project and timeline. We received much guidance from
the weeklong stay that helps in our project progress.
September (week Field visit to Jeevan vidya Prathishtan, Bijnor (U.P) As my project involves
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developing a framework for holistic living, health system happens to be one of the
predominant factors that can help us in developing, nourishing the body to achieve
the Human goal. I got enough inputs being there in the health camp as one of the
participants. Ransingh Ji, with patience and happiness guided me and gave an
September (week overview on how to view Health as a natural process in life. I, after the ten day
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holitic health shivir, could feel the improvements that my body and mind. The
interaction with all other participants were also enriching as that gave me an idea
of how people view health from different angles. I hope I can really connect
health in the system project that I am evolving this year.

September (week I visited Dr.Charu as adviced by Ganesh Ji to understand health from a doctor
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who is practicing Ayurveda in current health system in Vivekanandha
panchakarma center, Delhi. Dr.Charu has written a book on Comprehending
Holistic health and the topics vary from very basic aspects of ayurveda that one
needs to know to understand health to how one can start relating health parameters
in ones living. She is eager to help one who would like to go deep into integrated
approach on health. I express my gratitude for meeting her. Both these visits gave
me an overview of health through first person perspective.
October (week 1) Literature review - Searching documents published in International journals and
/ 2015
relevant books written by renowned thinkers, visionaries, reformers and

Literature that I have read so far are

1. Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows
2. 73rd amendment of Constitution of India to understand provisions for
decentralised democracy in India
3. Local Exchange Trading System by Makoto Nishibe
October (week 2)
/ 2015
I have got access to many articles written on the topics of Human Nature, Quality
of Life Research, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Human Ecology, Journal
of Happiness Studies, Health & Justice, International Journal of Politics, Culture,
and Society, Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
I am in the process of filtering them, reading and learning to swim through lot of
information that is available and get to crisp of information that I need with
scientific evidence. Looks like getting to the exact literature that we look for is an
art that I have to learn much. I am in this phase right now.

Concept note of project that was submitted before

The need for this project:
As my living involves interaction within myself, my relationships around, with the
current social systems in place, I feel a detailed organized study and analysis of the
current systems and to be systems that will provide completeness to human needs and
human living is essential. I feel this study and analysis not only will be helpful for me as
an individual to understand and implement my role in this existence, also will be
beneficial to relationships connected to me through my participation. I am doing this
project as a primitive exercise which will help me develop a base work upon which I can
lead a life which is happy, prosperous, beneficial and purposeful to me and all.
Base survey and review:

Geographical options

A social space of (say) 100 families in a village or city or both

Institution(s) which are intending towards holistic system building

Current systems in the selected geographical space (options) - Public systems,

private systems, Governance system, production systems, service systems, any
dimension(s) of a system

Systemic studies (aspects for consideration) technical, political, people,


Achievements realized with local systems which can be exemplary for larger


Studying the social space by being one of the citizens

Studying successful models that can be applied for current scenario

Enumerating the factors influencing the living space, that addresses human needs
of the community

Exploring the reality in depth towards evolving helpful yet realistic systems

Bringing together understanding, potential and evolution towards holistic social

living systems


Surfacing the interconnectedness - Projection of individuals, families to system

Elevating the attention to human consciousness to promote mutually enriching,

non-exploitative humane systems

To promote human journey towards achieving human needs with completeness

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