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The Slayer's Guide Co Giancs Jan Sturrock Contents Credits Editor 2 Introduction Matthew Sprange . oo Line Developer 7 The Physiology of Giants Paul Tucker 12 Giant Races 30 Giant Kings Cover Art 3. Eabline Chris Quilliams 56 Giant Society Interior Mlustrations 73 Methods of Warfare Danilo Moretti, Alejandro Villen, Tony 92 Jack the Giant-Killer Parker, Rich Longmore, Drew Langston 99 Giants’ Bags Production Manager 104 The Ice King’s Bride ‘Alexander Fennell 112. Appendix I: Giant Names Praohdtenting 113 Appendix Il: Giant Quick ‘Andrew Wilson Reference 128 OGL/D20 Licences sects Steve Mulhern Open Game Content & Copyright Information The Slayers Guide to ints n102003 Mongoose Publishing All sighs eserved:Reprodustion of on-Open Game Content ofthis wrk ‘any mcans thot the writen permission of the publisher expen Torben The layers Guide fo Gian peseted under he ‘Open Game and D20 Licences. See pages 128 forthe text of thess licences. All ex paragraphs and ables containing game meshanict and stasis derivative of Open Game Content andthe System Reference Document are considered o be Open Game Content. All ohet significant characters, ames, ples, items, at and tex Herc are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing. Alrihts reserved. Ifyou hive any questions onthe Open Game Content ofthis prt please contact Mongoose Publishing, “420 System’ and the "20 Systm’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards ofthe Coat andar used acon othe terms ofthe d20 System Licence version 3.0. A copy af this, Licence can be found at wor. sizads om, The mention of or eference any conpany or product in these pages snot a challenge tothe trademark or copyright concerned. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards ofthe Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards ofthe Coast, ‘and are used with Permission. Printed in Canad. Mongoose Publishing Mongoose Publishing, PO Box 1018, Swindon, SN3 IDG, United Kingdom the Mongoose Publishing website at www mongoosepublis we for regular updates INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION, lod re cnr [erie ry ce tity en didlo et amr ap enfevy igre ere ih ‘toes eons Ames gegen o trprc att es gs el rune yy with spar roan he fn hth wc Such cone ncn be soy igre pricy tw pe es sora matin it ‘Giants are often first encountered singly ot in small Family groups, cither menacing a local community ot preying fon travellers through mountainous country. At higher levels they may be found in larger tribes, often working with lesser creatures such as ettins, trolls and even lowly ores along with the occasional powerful enemy such asa dragon. With almost as much versaility asthe typical humanoid creature, most giant races are capable of advancing in character classes, and whether simple barbarians to capitalise on ther obvious strengths or more dangerous classes such as the much-feared giant sorcerers, depts, and clerics, these advanced giants can provide a serious boost to the challenge set by any giant encounter This present volume comprises knowledge drawn from scholarly studies alongside tactics and survival tips offered by adventurers who have tangled with giants and lived to tl the tale, Games Masters will learn many intricate details about giant life and culture, enabling them to make truly memorable encounters with this race for their players, hile the players themselves may lear a fact oF two that might just save the lives oftheir characters. THE SLAYER’S GUIDES This series of supplements, designed for use inal fantasy based 20 game systems, takes an exhaustive look at specific monster races thoroughly detailing ther beliefs society, and method of warfare. Typically, these will be races all but ignored by Games Masters and players alike who view them as litle better than cannon fodder GIANTS — CRUDE DESTROYERS Each Slayers Guide features a single race or closely related group of races, in ths case giants. You wll ind ‘etailed infomation on giant physiology, habitat, and society, pving you a fundamental level of understanding on how this race exist and interacts wit the rest ofthe work Players ean lear the types of combat tacts glamts are likely to employ agains ther characters and Games “Masters are given guidelines on how to introduce giants int their existing campaigns, and will also benefit fom ‘material demonstrating how to portray these creatures to the player. Several new giant races can change the expectations of any encounter. s do the new giant feats that alter the standard pant int something even more tetifjng. Scenario hooks and more information on gan bags round out the portrayal ofthis dangerous fo. Finally, a complete adventure, The Fie Giant's Bride, is presented to offer more ofan insight into giant culture and lars ‘There is more to giants than fist meets the eye. After reading the Slaye's Guide to Giants, you may never view these monsters in quite the same way again INTRODUCTION “Phileas, Phileas! Pack your bags I've got us another assignment!” Brandlo came rushing into the room, breathless with excitement, as usual. Tas napping afer alight mid-morning snack of pork pie, cheese, cream cake and a large cup of chocolate melted into frothy warm goats milk. “Where've you been, Brando? You missed second breakfast. 1 ordered for you, but when you never showed I had to eat it oF ‘would have spoiled” Ibelched quietly. I worry about Brandlo, I sometimes think be is less than a full-blooded halfling. I swear he must have some gnome in him somewhere. “Never mind about that now” he blustered. “There's a fellow downstairs from this village five leagues away, He says his ‘people are being threatened by a mountain giant. Was ita mountain giant, ora giant as big as a mountain? Anyway, it's some sort of giant and figured we could gt it with the old bird and cheese trick!” He ran around stuffing his belongings into his knapsack; two clean shirts, spare breeches, leather waisteoat, tool-kt, tinderbox, throwing daggers. “What do you mean, the bird and cheese tick?” “OK, he said, perching on the edge of his bed and picking up a lump of cheese from the remains of my elevenses. “Giants are notoriously short-sighted, right? Well, we challenge this giant to a contest, First, we challenge him to squeeze water from. stone. He squeezes a rock, we squeeze tho cheese. He squeezed the cheese. It crumbled to bits. raised one eyebrow at him. "So we use diferent cheese! Phileas, you're always so negative! Anyway, then we see who can throw a rock the highest ‘When he throws a rock, we throw a bird, Bird flies off and disappears forever. We win, giant goes away ina huf, village is saved, we are heroes!” “And where do we find this convenient bird?” “Oh, you can conjure something, can’t you?” ‘Why do lever listen to him? We've been adventuring together for three years now, and nearly all the money we have made ‘on our travels has been spent on patching Brandlo together again afterwards. I could mention our completely botched venture to capture the Green Hound of Budon, but | won't. ate nothing but boiled chickpeas for weeks after that. Brandlo, needless to say, has no recollection of the affair, and insists he was visiting his wealthy and very eccentric Aunt Philandea for the ‘whole time. ‘The midday sun saw us hitching a ride on an ox-cart heeding Fast, towards Brown Knowl, where this Hill Giant, or whatever, ‘was being a nuisance. The old man from the tavem who had hired Brandlo travelled with us. "So (ell me more about this giant, I said, by way of conversation. “How big did you say it was?” “Its huge!” exclaimed the old man, “Ten miles high at least!” “Ten miles, you say”” [frowned at Brandlo. He shook his head dismissively. The old man must be exaggerating. “Ivarrived last Thursday’ the old fellow continued, ‘and beyan demanding maidens in sacrifice. My daughter is the only yung woman in our village who, erm, fits his requirements, and he says he will squash us all flat by tea-time today if he tannot have her’ “Tunderstand your predicament, sir’ I sad, “T don't mean to sound ungrateful he went on, ‘But aren't the two of you a litle short for Giant-Killers?” “Nonsense!” interjected Brandlo, ‘Halfings make perfect Giant-Killers! We are used to fighting creatures so much larger ham ourselves. What is a few extra feet?" “Indeed: muttered the old man, GIANT LORE GIANT LORE vith my ft rae epic A titans inser iw henge Gorey ren cheapo ope te trod ond wT ape oes ‘Sev thon tran yi loving Cane Mutu patna ns Spdng e ocho Tisch il xine ac be This chapter can also be used ifthe Games Master's world has any cultures roughly based on real-world ones, He ean easily define certain areas as being home to very specific lant races, so that any Viking-analogue races i his game- ‘world can border on the lands ofthe fost, ime and fire Biamts, whereas his anakim and nephilim hold great tracts of land near to desert regions. Specific literary or folkloric sources ar listed where relevant, so thatthe Games Master ‘ean easily plunder them for his own games, perhaps creating myths for his game-world that echo the myths of | various earthly cultures. [Note that this chapter also introduces certain new siant types fr the fist time. Full game statistics and descriptions of the new giant races can be found in the Giant Races chapter. HILL GIANTS, LAND GIANTS AND MOUNTAIN GIANTS ‘These are the generic big, ugly, thick-witted giants ‘of medieval and later European folklore, whose main ‘Purposes in life seem to be ravaging the countryside, {estroying towns, and being killed by the easy trickery of ‘human boys and other heroes. They often quarrel amongst ‘themselves, and can be conned into so doing by simple ticks such as ventriloquism (a technique made famous in modern times by Gandalf when dealing with the tolls in The Hobbit, but derived from European giant folktales such as The Valiant Tailor). Thus the deadliest enemies ‘ofthis type of giant ae offen one another, since even their {hick skulls eannot withstand repeated attacks from their Fellows’ clubs, Land giants are mentioned in both folklore and myth, Many villages have tales of giants so huge thei strides ‘were six miles long or more. In Norse legend, the clay ‘lant Mokerkialfi was nine miles tall, and proved a tricky foe for Thor's attendant, Thali, to defeat ina due Breeding tn ikea eh hn es hr ein as though they reproduce by breeding with the Earth Is Shc Sceocty Bn Mi a a (ie noo na prolder en ppence Tarlo mal. A fo arly the ad ges may fain ove with moral women bach ver ty cboma before bein. Te cosa! panned {aia in phat lira Gat Gert ak Sesser te Case sepa or tnd, ‘When families of hill or mountain giants are depicted itis ‘offen as degenerate humans. This is common in Scottish _myth, wth two famous savage cannibal families that were also sometimes called giants being Sawney Bean and the ‘oerish family in the novel The Yellow Frigate. FIRE, FROST AND RIME GIANTS ‘These savage and dangerous foes are not just firmly based ‘on Norse mythology, they form the very core of much of that mythology, which revolves almost entirely around the epic battles between the gods and giants. Rime and Frost Giants Frost and rime giants are primal forces, representing ice, snow, hail and winter, which in northern lands are the ‘main killers, A child or elderly person died of exposure ‘or simply froze to death, andthe frost giants were blamed (Oda-looking ice formations, caused by melting and re- freezing, might resemble figures and be named rime giants ‘Rime giants as well as being simply tougher, scarier versions of frost giants, also had a role in the beginning ‘ofthe world. Inthe Norse creation myth, a primal rime sian, Yi, was the fist lving eeature on Midgard, the {equivalent ofthe material plane in d20 System tems. ‘Ymir was slain by the god Odhinn and his brothers Vili and ‘e,all three of whom were also descended from an ancient frost giantess, Bestl, as well asa divine being called Buri, Ymir's blood washed away all the frost and rime giants save fora smal, select few (which has echoes of the Babylonian and Judaic flood mythology ~ sce the entry later in this chapter on anakim and nephilim. “Ymir’s corpse was so huge thatthe three gods chopped it ‘up and used it to make the continents ofthe world, Giants @ GIANT LORE ofthis incredible size are perhaps better covered hy the land giant race in game terms, though its made clear in the tales that Ymir was the first ofthe rime giants, “Ymir's descendants were the frost and rime giants, though itmight also be considered that al the giant races save the fre giants descend fom Ymir. Yiir's brood soon ‘multiplied once more after the cataclysmic flood, setting i the far northern region ofthe world in a land known 4s Jotunheim, literally “Home of the Giants’ From here they regulary raided the lands of men and journeyed forth to atempt various schemes against the gods. Physically ‘more powerful than most gods, the giants were kept in check only by the god Thor and his magic hammer. Thor was stronger even than the giants, du to being part giant himself indeed, his name is related tothe word thurs, which means “giant” Fire Giants ie giants are even worse than their cold-spected |, cousins, being almost demons atc than earthly rT creatures, Their place in the myths is to wait on the (erred ofthe wnt beyond even Joti, \ Sst ey fort cet tha ead (to Ragnarok, the end of the world, when they can sweep forth ogo to war with the gods a ast Hiall-Giants Half-giants are quite prominent in Norse mythology, With even deities often mating with giants to produce particularly powerful offspring. The goddess Gefjon is a classic case ~ she took the form of an ox and mated with a nt to give birth to four supemnaturally large and mighty ‘oxen, which she later used 0 claim a vast tract of Sweden as the fulfilment of a bargain. ‘The deal was that in return for pleasuring the King of Sweden, she could take as much land as she might plough ina day. By using these astonishingly strong ox-sons to pull her plough, she was able to stake a claim on the entire island of Zealand, which at that time was part of Sweden, and tow it away to sea FOMORIANS ‘Mentioned several times inthe Irish Baok of Invasions, the fomorians are classi giants that are probably another of the sources forthe later folk-talegiamts, being brtish ly and stupid. They area necessary foi for the reat Irish heroes, a personification of pure evil and tyranny with ‘whom the bards and their audiences had no sympathy Balor one of the legendary fomorian kings, was suid to have one baleful eye that killed his enemies from a distance, like a bolt of lightning. All fomorian kings ‘were noted for their eruelty and punishing, domineering nature, More and Conan, two kings who reigned together ‘over the fomorians in an ealier age than Balor, led their forces to conquer all of Ireland and then taxed two-thirds ‘of all the milk and two-thirds of ll the children produced by the humans living there. The humans final up in desperate rebellion and thtew off the evil yoke of their conquerors, very nearly dying out themselves inthe process, ‘Another fomorian king, Cenchos the Footless, was atypical example ofthe deformed omorian race, Unlike the lsh of myth, who required their kings to be physically perfect, the fomorians seemed to revel in having kings even ‘more freakish and misshapen than the rest of them. Fora somewhat different 420 System interpretation ‘of the fomorians, see the Sldine RPG of Ceti Heroes, also from Mongoose Publishing ANAKIM, NEPHILIM, AND SPIRIT NEPHILIM Bak these ce pint aces at al derived rom Middle Easter ‘mythology, with Judaic, Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, @ GIANT LORE Ammonite and Babylonian legends having tales of mighty and often noble giants. At one time it was sai the whole ‘of Canaan was occupied with savage giants, Neghilim In some versions ofthe myth, the nephilim were the sons of god, semi-divine manlike creatures of great stature, ‘tid to be ‘the heroes of old” They found human women highly atractive and mated with them, both by rape and by marriage, until a great many crossbreeds resulted, These ‘were the anakim, In other versions, the nephilim themselves were the result of cross-breeding between the sons of god and the daughters of man. In either case, their mame means “the fallen’ and so they are sometimes equated with allen ‘angels, though given their clear place inthe material orld rather than in Hel, itis clear they have not fallen far Ithey are fallen angels, they might be equated with later Christian Celtic faerie tradition, which indicates ‘thatthe elves or faeries are those angels who sided with ‘neither God nor Satan and were banished to earth for their inability to make a decision, Spirit Nephilim ‘The spr opm are the ghosts ofthe nepilim who icin th fat great loo that i noted in both Jae and Babylonian myth, The Babylonian version of hiss sven in the Giant Races chapter as partof the description ofthe spit nepilim. Inthe beter-nown Judai version, the nop were destroyed fr thir "wickedness though there ia hin that his wickedness may have been more to do with hi breeding vith human women than anything tise Anakim ‘The anakim are firmly based on Judaic mythology, with Goliath and King Og of Bashan being the wo most famous ‘members ofthat ace. The Isactites made many long wars against the anakim, finally defeating them by killing all ther heroes, then taking thei land to settle in. The Hebron region where the anakim cities and tribes were most concentrated was a highly fertile land, very much coveted by the Ismactites. Pomegranates, figs and grapes were said to grow enormous size it for anakim mouths and stomachs but aso highly appealing to humans looking fora new place to farm. Judaic texts bear witness tothe excellent defences ofthe anakim settlements, andthe high ml Le ST ey ic) 4 ‘a “cs teers, oe GIANT RACES, ‘A luman-shaped creature of Large size could potentially ‘de this hal-giant as though it were an ordinary hrse, using the Ride skill Combat ‘This particular halfgiant attacks much as would any ‘other horse, usualy in conjunction with a powerful ride. Against clearly evil foe, it will attempt a smite attack, either with a hoof or trample, ‘Trample (Ex): This ha giant ean trample Medi size or smaller creatures for 246+12 points of damage. ‘Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the half-gian can attempt a Reflex save (DC 23) 0 halve the damage. LAND GIANT Colossal Giant Hit Dice: 20048 +2,000+60 (3,960 hp) Initiative: ~4 (Dex) Speed: 5 miles* AC: 98 (8 size, 4 Dex, +100 natural) ‘Attacks: Unarmed strike +182/+169/+164/+159 melee; or rock +139/+126/+121/+116 ranged Damage: Unarmed strike 34840; rock 3410-40 Space/Reach: 5 miles or more. (5,000 or more)5 miles or smote. (5,000 or more) Special Attacks: Rock Throwing, Stamp, Roar, Terror Special Qualities: Rock Catching Visibility Saves: Fort +112, Ref +62, Will +66 Abilities: Str90, Dex 2, Con 30, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha IS Skills: Listen +82, Spot +126 Feats: Aleriness, Combat Reflexes, Fndurance, Toughness 320, Dichard, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Critical (rock), Improved Unarmed Strike, ron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, ar ‘Shot, Precise Shot, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Run, Skill Focus ‘spot, Skill Focus (listen), Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Focus (rock) Amy land, Solitary 90) “Treasure: Sce below ligament: Usually neutral Advancement: 201-600 HD (Colossal) ‘These tray enormous creatures resemble far larger versions of both mountain giants and stone giants, with thick, rocky skin and internal organs that seem to be made from massive precious gems and metals. Their features ae savage and primeval, like those of mountain giants. “Most go naked, due to the dificulty of finding any form of covering large enough, though when just awoken they will still usually have at least a litle soil and even foliage clinging to them, Land giants are said to be the ultimate ancestors of both ‘mountain giants and hill piants, in the days when giants really were giant, The smallest are around ten miles high, right, and the largest several hundred, Their weight {s toll intents and purposes incalculable, but somehow their feet do not sink into the earth, so perhaps itis not ‘0 great as might be imagined given their obvious bulk and apparently solid nature, Land giants ate often said to be immoral, though infact their lifespan is many tens of thousands of years, In this late era ofthe world, the surviving land giants are ‘almost entirely dormant. They began to fall asleep many thousands of years ago, lying wherever they happened to ‘be. Over the centuries they were gradually covered over ‘with earth and rocks, and today are usually mistaken for islands or even small continents, “Today the most common reason fora land giant to become roused is unwise delvings and diggings on the part of “dwarves or other ereatures, who occasionally begin mining’ a stil-living land giant's body, not realising what they have discovered. Only when the land giant rises up and begins devastating the surrounding countryside does it ‘become clear quite why that particular area had such a rich seam of gems and gold One of the most notable psychological features of land ‘lant i that they Frequently fll madly, obsessively in Jove with smaller humanoids, such as mortal humans oF ‘even gods. Such passions are almost invariably doomed to disaster, but are occasionally exploited by a land giant's ‘enemy. In most cases the land giant captures the object of its love and destroys it in the process, by erusing it with ‘ahug or other attempt to demonstrate its affection. A bit of fas talk can often convince the and giant that the only honourable and poetic course of action for it after such a tragedy is suicide. Altemativey, ifthe land giant is able to restrain any desire for immediate physical contact, it ‘may be possible forthe object ofits affections to demand. “proof” of love that will kill or at least greatly weaken the sant, See the Jack the Giant Killer chapter (p92) for more ‘ideas along the same lines Unlike almost all smaller giant, land giants ae rarely found with a bag, both due to ther tendency to have just awoken when encountered and the simple near impossibility of fashioning a bag large enough to be w@ GIANT RACES, useful to a creature ten mils tall Other than the value of its own body (see below, any treasures or other objects gained from slaying a land giant are mos likely tobe the possessions of those who have fled the area or been killed by the giant, though these possessions are likely settered ‘over several miles and quite possibly squashed fa ‘Note that although a land giants size is listed as Colossal and indeed is treated as Colossal for most purposes, due {oits truly enormous stature and proportions its reach and the amount of space it takes up are far larger than for most Colossal creatures Advanced Land Giants For every fll 10 hit dice a land giant advances, it grows in height by 1d6 miles, and its Strength increases by +2. As it rows, its reach, thrown rock range inerement, and several ‘other game statistics increase as follows: Speed= % total height Space = Ys total height Reach = total height ‘Thrown Rock Range Increment fotal height (multiplied by 1.5 as usual for Far Shot) Roar Range ~ 1/10 total height ‘Stamp Area of Effect ~ 1/20 total height x 1/40 total height Total height x10 Visibility Distance stony, dozens-of-yards- thick skin to shrug off most attacks. Kicking, slapping and stamping, a land giant can overcome most opponents within ts enormous reach. Against any who escape, or against very lange targets such as castles or cities, land giants prefer to stand off several miles away and hurl {enormous rocks. A thrown rock froma land giant has ‘range inerement of 10 miles, though this is usually {increased 10 15 mils for the Far Shot feat, Roar (Ex): The volume ofan angry land giant's roar can be astonishing, with sufficient noise being c or even kill creatures unused tothe effects. The giant may roar once per round, instead of making any other attacks, All creatures within | mile must make Fortitude saving throws (DC 120) or be dealt 4410 damage, stunned for a ‘number of rounds equal tthe points of damage sustained, to stun GIANT RACES ‘and deafened for a number of minutes equal to the points ‘of damage sustained. A creature which successfully saves takes only half damage and is unaffected by the stun, Stamp (Ex): Once per round, instead of making any other attacks, a land giant may stamp. A stamp from a land giant {isan area attack which affects all creatures and objects within aS mile by & mile area. They must make Reflex saving throws (DC 140) or be dealt 2042040 damage, “Terror (Ex): The sheer size ofa land giant is utterly terrifying to more normal-sized creatures. Any creature of | less than Colossal size which sees land giant must make Will saving throw (DC 110) or become panicked for 206 rounds. A creature which succeeds on its saving throw is immune to that particular land giant’ Tetror special attack forthe remainder of the day. A. creature which fails to save will gradually become habituated tothe size and scale of the giant, and ifafter recovering he looks atthe land giant ‘once more and again fails his saving throw he will only be shaken, rather than panicked Visibility (Bx): Ignore the usual rules for spotting and ‘encounter distance when dealing with an upright land giant. Any non-prone land giant ean be seen from a distance of 100 miles, and can see a similar distance, Skills: A land giant's incredible height advantage and sharp senses combine to ive ita +30 racial bonus to all Spot checks Land Giant Sociely ‘Today land giants are so scarce that they do not even, have a society. Even in the days when the gods walked {he earth and land giants were more common, they rarely showed interest in others oftheir kind. They seem to be extraordinarily long-lived, and theit enormous size and foughness renders them almost invulnerable to swords and ‘other weapons to. For this reason they seem to have litle inthe way of reproductive urges usually the basis of most society (this i regarded asa good thing by those morals and other beings on whom land giants occasionally fixate), Land Giant Hoards A land giant's body resembles a vast chunk of roc, taller than the tallest mountains and filed with precious gems and metals, However, its no easier to extract this king's ransom of treasure than t would be to mine forthe stuf? inthe earth. The only factor that land giant miners will not need to contend with, at leas to begin with is other ielligent life infesting their tunnels. Even the, if mining ittakes years and even centuries as is likely, creatures of every sort may burtow up into the giant's corpse from beneath From an adventurer’s perspective, digging away at mines is unlikely o prove an attractive way of life, though if an imerested dvarf clan or other group of dedicated miners could be found, the mining rights toa land giant corpse would be worth something along the lines of 10d10 million gold pieces, This assumes that is slayers are powerful enough, or sufficiently well connected, to protect their own claim on the giants corpse against rival claimants such a local and national governments, or former owners of squashed farmland MOUNTAIN GIANT Huge Giant 2548178 (290 hp) Initiative: -2 (Dex) Speed: 40 ft. (hide), base 50 AC: 25 (2 size, -2 Dex, +15 natural, 4 thick hide) Attacks: Greatclub +32/+27/422/+17; of rock +15/+10/ 45/40 Damage: Greatclub 248+24; rock 24816 Space/Reach: 15 8 (3/15 1. 3) Special Attacks: Rock Throwing Special Qualities: Rock Catching Saves: Fort #21, Ref #6, Will 46 Abilities: Ste43, Dex 6, Con 25, Int 5, Wis 6, cha 13 Skills; Climb +24, Jump +16, Spot +14 Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Sunder, ‘Combat Reflexes, Aleriness, Toughness Climate/Terrain: Any mountains and underground Organisation: Solitary, pair, or family (2-4 plus $0% non- combatants) Challenge Rating: 21 ‘Treasure: Standart Alignment: Usually chaotic evil ‘Advancement: By character cass Mountain giants closely resemble hill giants, but are far larger. If anything they are even stockier of build and more apelike in proportion than their smaller cousins. Ther hair is usually dark and shaggy, and their features crude, rugged sand bulbous, wit sloping foreheads, protruding eyebrow ridges and great ham-lke fists. They dess in many layers of extremely thick hides, which are usually le untanned and replaced periodically once they rot completly “Mountain giants seem to be ravenously hungry all the time, eating vast quantities of mountain goats oF other wild herbivores when they cannot get their ands on their preferred food, human travellers, @ GIANT RACES Mountain giants average some 30 feet tall and $0,000 to 60,000 pounds weight. They can live considerably longer ‘han their ill giant cousins, upto 300 years, (Other than their size and primitive appearance, moun giants’ primary notable characteristic is their inordinate stupidity. Whether due to many generations of strength ‘making them unsuited to solving any problem that cannot be dealt with by afew blows of a great tree-trunk club, oF simple laziness, mountain giants ae even less willing and able to think than most other giants ~ even hill giants. One ‘of the reasons they are so seaee is that they are such easy prey for anyone with even a few more wits than the norm ‘many a clever child has outhought a mountain giant, usual fo the point of causing laters death Many mountain giants carry bags, holding around 246 rocks and d-4 mundane items plus the giant’ personal \woalth, though those who live in family groups ma ‘much oftheir wealth in the home cave or other lair we Combat “Mouniin giants are somewhat cowardly and prefer to avoid combat if outnumbered. Self-preservation is important to them, and they have atleast some Undetstanding oftheir own stupidity in comparison to that most cunning of foes, mankind, For this reason a mountain giant or family will prey on Tone travellers or groups of two or three, but will rarely make a deliberate attack on such a potentially formidable foe as a party of adventures. Their cavernous underground lars though will usually be protected with mighty barriers and provided with large caches of throwing rocks for easy defence Rocks thrown by mountain giants have a rang to their long years of exper lambering up and down their rocky homes, Mountain Giant Sociely fay ep Sag MASE Sig a tui, plaineo ter serous os. Aos all lve in some sot of xv, hh fora ew hs may belie more hans ock overang, They exit the lac ia fashion, bushacking lonely tel and eng te evidence, Occasionally hey wile service wth an evi oer, ong the reiement fo combat minimal Meuntain Giant Characters Mountain giants are most often warriors, their favoured class. A significant minority are barbarians, rogues or rangers, using their stealth to ambush ther favourite eligent prey, despite the fat that their size i a serious disadvantage in this regard. Mountain giants are generally very non-spritual, preferring the most pr superstition to any organised form of worship. Despite this, around one in fifty is an adept, cleric or occasional sorcerer. Mountain giant clerics may select two ofthe following domains: Chaos, Evil, and Trickery. NEPHILIM Large Giant Hit Dice: 84824 (60 hp) Initiative: +4 (Dex) Speed: 30 (chainmail, base 40 8, AC: 23 (-1 size, +2 Dex, 12 large wooden shield, GIANT RACES, natural, +5 ehainmail) Attacks: Longsword +10/+5 melee; o longbow (+5) 110/45 Damage: Longswond 2d6+5; mighty composite lnigbow 24645 Space/Reach: 10. (2/10 8.2) Attacks: Rock Throwing, Spell-Like Abilities Qualities: Rock Catching For +6, Ref +6, Will 4 jehty composite ha 17 Bluff +11 or Diplomacy +11, Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Expertise, Dodge ate/Terrain: Any warm land and underground Organisation: Solitary, or family (2-4 plus 1-3 humans or elves), or tribe (41-50, plus 1-3 sorcerers of 3°46" eve, plus 1-4 greater nephlim including one 6-10" level fighter leader, plus 25% chance of 3-12 humans or elves) Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: No coins; double goods; double items ‘Alignment: Usually chaotic good or chaotic evil Advancement: By character class Legend has i that the nephilim area people of divine, ‘magical origin. Some say they were the children of one of the gods but fll from grac is demonic. In any case, when others that thie true ancestry i ancestors came to the ‘material plane they turned their backs on gods and devils alike. The only exceptions are the greater nephilim (see below) who hearken back to their celestial or fiendish origins, [Nephiim stand 8 feet to 8 fet tll but are wiry of build, with few weighing much more than 350 pounds, Their facial features and skin, hair and eye colour vary as much 8s those of humans, but most have what has been described 288 lustrous, almost shining quality to ther skin anda fiery light in their eyes. Nephilim are extremely long lived, with some of them being aid to reach 1,000 years ol. The nephilim area people of extremes ~ strong ‘emotions, strong loyalties, strong beliefs. Very few are content to st around and wait {or something to happen to them. They go out actively seeking adventure, and in the areas they are encountered they will often find their ‘way to positions commanding hurnan armies ‘or leading human mercenary groups Most are fighters, and while the equipment Portrayed here is typical, they will purchase or otherwise acquire for themselves the best armour and weaponry available, They take & delight in beauty, and so their wealth is almost always in the form of jewellery, at objets, oF masterwork and other fine-qualty weapons. “Mundane objects willbe carted i large belt pouches, or occasionally backpacks i need be. Combat Nephilim are expert tacticians and will use whatever weapons and other advantages are available to them. When they have decided on war, they attack unconpromisingly, rarely taking prisoners o showing mery in battle. Though they will accept an honest and complete surender, they will not usually be willing to negotiate or parla within a combat, and woe betide the foe that feigns surrender ‘only to later betray the nephilim, Nephilim are courageous tothe pint of heroism and wil have no hesitation infighting to the death i it will achieve their ends, but they have no wish GIANT RACES, to throw their lives away unnecessarily and will use the ‘Combat Expertise feat and defensive fighting if need be to keep themselves alive against hard-hitting opponents. The ‘outsize composite longbow favoured by nephilim have a range increment of 140 fet. Nephilim occasionally make use of war chariots, though they are not so famed for this as their anakim cousins. Full {information on anakim and nephilim war chariots can be ‘ound on p76 SpellLike Abilities: 3/day: comprehend languages, ‘harm person; 2/day: daze monster, eagle splendour; day: heroism, daylight, These abilities are asthe spells cast by a [Okh-levelsoreeter (save DC 13 + spell level. ‘Skills: Nephilim ate excellent and persuasive public speakers and gain a +8 racial bonus to all Diplomacy ‘checks. Certain nephilim of less honest character instead. ain a +8 racial bonus to all Bluff checks, though mo nephilim gains both bonuses. Todlics Reund-by-Reund [Nephilim feel no qualms about using their innate magical powers to hit a hard and a fast as possible, Round 0: Heroism. Round I: Charm persom against the most powerful- looking opponent if facing mors than three enemies, oF daze monster if not. Alternatively, daylight if facing an ‘enemy likely to be badly affected by it Round 2: Full attack in melee or ranged combat depending ‘on range either attacking the dazed opponent or attempting to combine forces with the charmed opponent to lank another character Round 3; Full attack against an injured enemy. Round 4: Repeat from round I, using a diferent spel-ike ability ifthe initial one proved entirely ineffective, Greater Nephilim sav 0% pli i ce eats foetirthein sala Tier n ‘be treated as half-celestial or half-fiend, respectively, by. secs tn prorononpon fem Cae Rt Sear en coommtedeeeeehe Sion saris ep pire ugh er peeps any rc aS gy ga ep rane amie aed In characte, greater nephilim are very much lke their lesser counterparts though with still more extreme personality traits if that is possible. Once their passions are roused, they may dedicate their entire lives to achieving particular goal or fulillin a prophecy. Nephilim Secily Many nel oer gether in tbe or ce unaly fu hes bana comes int wakie wares of tn dass Ragman beard os arrlgr at Se uss eps. Thee Kc at sage pore perpeminnrreyrertnts imac ate tephlm ace sbove et do tena fobunans fen hee fo human ave berome doped by tube tag hs ae etd more ie imetigen var pets han fl member he te. ‘Tribes are usually not quite so spontaneous in their actions as are the individval nephilim heroes and villains, but ‘occasionally a new idea, religion or quest wil still sweep through an entire tribe or group of allied tribes, This «can lead to great numbers of nephilim uprooting their ‘communities and travelling to the ends of the earth to Fulfil their new destinies. Though such events are relatively rare, they are usually world-changing when they do occur. ‘Many nephilim do not participate in nephilim society per se, Their affection forthe “sons and daughters of men" is well-known, and a great many interbreed with humans ‘or oceasionally elves. The offspring of these unions, ‘through some quirk of fate, are usually even larger than the ‘nephilim, and itis said thatthe anakim and other warm- climate giants ae all descended ftom the first nepilim ‘who discovered the beauty of humans. Nerhilim and Greater Nephi Characters date! ber nell ee gc ea vowed clan, and teva major of them follow is caer Che due tn erie maleate never em 0 tise aman thm sone alert the eal Tz et tt pc Srv eg ea thar rnc td Sec ‘aaa ts i gu Gg Ta spo nin coer sn hee ou a hl cam de magi an renter nein cerca fave domain section depen on ht align chun gon chi ry hose fom Choe, God, Haag tnd Sun wl chante ev clerics may chewe fen Chon, Dei Ei nd ie GIANT RACES, RIME GIANT Huge Giant (cold) Hit Dice: 2268154 253 hp) Initiative: -1 (Dex) Speed: 40 (chainmail AC: 27 (2 size, 1 Dex, +13 natural, +7 heavy chainmail) Attacks: Greataxe +27/+22/+7/+-12; or ranged speat 13832 Damage: Greataxe 446+18 + icicles; spear 24818 + cles Space/Reach: 15 f. (3VIS A.) Special Attacks: Rock Throwing, Spel Ieicles, Control lee, Spear Returning ‘Special Qualities: Rock Catching, Spear Catching, Cold Empathy, Cold Subtype Saves: Fort +20, Ref +8, Will +8 Al ‘ir 35, Dex 8, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 1S Skills: Climb +12, Jump +11, Listen +11, Spot +11 Feats; Weapon Focus (greataxe), Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes ce Abilities, CClimate/Terrain: Any cold land and underground Organisation: Solitary, pair, family (2-4 plus 50% non- combatants) or clan (21-30 led by a $°-10 level barbarian, plus an adep, cleric or sorcerer of 4°-8" level, plus 35% non-combatants, plus 1-4 juvenile white dragons plus 75% chance of 5-50 frost giants, plus 50% chance of 2-20 hill slants, plus 50% chance of 3-30 tolls, plus 25% chance of 2-12 ogres, plus 25% chance of 2-12 etins) (Challenge Rating: 19 Standard Often chaotic evil ‘Advancement: By character class Rime giants consider themselves tobe the earthly servants of certain grim and evil deities of the ce and snow, They are uitery opposed to the gods ofthe humans and other ‘creatures from the warm lands, regarding slaying such folk ~ and, if possible, their gods ~ as a sacred duty. The more the rime giants can spread both ther ful doctrines and the physical presence of the vast glaciers they inhabit, the ‘mote their gods will favour them, ‘Rime giants closely resemble their smaller cousins the frost giants, with snow-white skin and iey blue hair and ‘eyes. Rime giants though are an older, mightier and more ‘magical race. Adult males stand fully 22 feet tall, weigh "upwards of 14,000 pounds and are strongly built, yet without the savage and brutal appearance of frst or hill, ‘iants. They can live to be up t0 700 years ol. ‘Most rime giants are heavily armed and armoured to ‘wishes, Their armour is usually a very thick hauberk of riveted iron mail so close-set that the links appear to stand ‘out almost perpendicular to the wearer's body, making him very nearly impregnable to attack from human blades and arrows. They bear massive greataxes that look to be capable of slicing through several foes at one stroke, and this turns out to be true in practice also. For long-range ‘combat they hurl similarly enormous spears, up t fifteen feet long and over two inches wide, with the spearhead alone often being longer than the arming swords of lesser Rime giants usually wear several large belt-pouches or satchels, rather than shouldering sacks lke their frost ‘lant cousins. Most carry between four and eight spears under one mighty arm and the enormous axe over the other shoulder. Other than these, one large satche! will contain ‘3d4 mundane items and one or more belt-pouches will hold ‘the giant's treasure hoard Combat ‘Rime giants attack with a deadly combination of melee ‘combat, thrown weaponry, and spell-lke abilities. They ill happily use ambushes, trickery and other supposedly unscrupulous tacts, taking a great delight in defeating an ‘opponent any way possible, though they do not shirk from toe-to-toe melee combat when necessary. The massive spears these creatures favour havea range increment of. 140 feet when thrown by a rime giant. If they ever have need of rocks, their thrown rocks likewise have a range increment of 140 feet and do similar damage tothe spears, but without the Icicles effect (ee below). (Cold Empathy (Ex): A rime giant may attempt to ‘change the attitude of other creatures that are of the Cold subtype, due to the rime giants readily apparent role as an archetype of the powers of cold and ice, along ‘ith training since childhood in the particular modes of communication of every Cold-subtype creature, This works exactly like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a Non-Player Character. Addl the rime giant's hit dice and Charisma bonus toa 420 roll. determine the cold empathy check result. Cold empathy works on animals and intelligent creatures alike, so long as they are ‘of the Cold subtype. ‘Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save, ‘Control fee (Su): Rime giants have an astonishing degree ‘of control over fallen snow and ie, including the capability to melt, e-feeze, and shape it selectively and more or less twill. In game terms, this is very much lke the eects ‘of either sofien earth and stone or stone shape (as cast by 12° level druid), depending onthe rime giant's intent, ‘ensure they willbe effective in carrying out thei gods" we GIANT RACE} but targeting ice and snow rather than stone or earth. For example, the rime giant could sofien ice into nearfreezing ater or slush, causing anyone standing on i to sink in; or hh could use ice shape to seal off or create an iey tunnel. Inthe righ place, atthe Games Master's discretion, this ability could also be used to star an avalanche of great Jy boulders, doing 6d6 damage to any teatures in 30 fect wide section of mountainside or hillside (Reflex save halves), Used gradually, over many months and even ‘years, control ice can extend the boundaries of tundra terrain or even glaciers over more human-friendly trans, slowly covering the world with ice just asthe rime giants ‘wish, Using Control Ice isa standard action, but it can be performed an unlimited numberof times per day Icicles (Su): Any piercing or slashing weapon wielded or hurled by a rime giant deals addtional, painful damage, as jagged, stabbing icicles spread out throughout the wound fom its ice-cold blade. The target of any such attacks must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or be dealt an ‘addtional 2410 cold damage and be paralysed with cold for 146 rounds. A target who saves successfully is dealt only half damage and is not paralysed Spear Catching (Ex): A rime giant war traning allows him to cate spears, axes, or other weapons hurled at him. Once per round, a rime giant that would ‘normally be hit by any thrown weapon can catch itasa free action. The giant must be aware ofthe attack, Returning (Ex): With the which he eaught a ‘weapon hurled at him, rime giant may spin round, ‘throwing it back at its original \wielder. Ones per round, a rime ‘lant who has just caught a thrown weapon may use i to make an attack at his highest attack bonus as a free action, Spell-Like Abilities: Rime giants have a number of spell-tike abilities, but these may be used only when the with a temperature of below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius), At will: chill ouch, obscuring mist; 3 lay: fog cloud, gust of wind; day: ice storm, wall of ie, control weather. These abilities are asthe spells cast by a level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level, ‘Skis: Rime giants gain a4 racial bonus to all Climb chooks, as they spend much oftheir time in mountain fasnesses or mult-levelled underground ice caves. Furthermore, they gain a +4 racial bonus to Hide and “Move Silently checks when in cold land regions, as a result of their snowy colouration and familiarity with the ‘errain, Rime giants have EHD as though they were Large creatures Toadies Reund-by-Reund a i at gl aig ged tpt, same Spas gh crit iamore per elt tle hy show ico tei i al aa pam, Oba time gat wl se so lou scaring ms ene conta begin. it has spoted is oponeats before thy puted and indeed may heb of msig conte sd kind il ilage do ot li at suas le ling dBc pis VA) ne nota ict ie pit ce "Note thatthe tactical summary below assumes that the rime giant is in a ‘environment below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so as to have the full use of its spell-like abilities; GIANT RACES, if nt, it will concentrate on thrown javelins and melee attacks as appropriate, Round 0: Fog cloud or obscuring mist if undetected bby opponents, or wall of ice and retreat if faced with ‘overwhelmingly powerful opposition, Round 1: Volley of spears. Round 2: Gust of wind to knock opponents to their deaths, ifon appropriate terrain (eg. a icy mountainside), iff no, ice storm against as many foes as possible, ready another spear. Round 3: Second volley of spears ifavailable, otherwise g0 straight to round 4 tactics, Round 4: Additional spel-tke bility as appropriate — ice storm if sll available, gust of wind if not Round 5: Hall of ice to either reeat or divide front rank of opponents from their comrades, then close to melee range, Round 6 and beyond: Full melee attack Rime Giant Seciely Rime gians often dominate smaller creatures, particularly fost giants but slso Bll giants, tll, ogres and tins They use ther cold empathy special quality, along with thee itimidating physical presence, to develop symbiotic relationships with retures such as white dragons and frst worms, not necessarily commanding them but lating ‘sth hem, sometimes hunting with them, nd working together to repel mutual threats. Though rime giants all plot to destoy humanity and encase the work! with a great sheath oiee, they are quite poor a working together and rarely co-operate for ong enough to havea chance at tly achieving their goal Rime Giant Characters Rime gan charactors have barbarian shir favoured clas. Those who are not barbarians are sometimes sorereso sequently wizards, enhancing he inbom magical powers wilh amore dedicated taining programms. As might be expected of race dedicated toni gods, cis are slo common song ime giants Their domains maybe selected from the flowing Destin, Evi, War, and Water SEA GIANT Gargantuan Giant (aquatic) 2 324832 (176 hp) Initiative: -1 (Dex) Speed: 40 ft, swim 60 1, AC: 26* oF 28" (4 size, -I Dex, +15 natural, +6 conch: shell armour o +8 silvery fishscale armour) Attacks: Trident ~40/+35/+30/+25; or ranged trident +20) +15/410/45; or trident +38/433/428/"23, and net +18/+13) oF ranged trident +18+13/¢8/+3, and net 18/1 Damage: Trident 446+19, thrown trident 446419 Space/Reach: 20 8 (4)/ 20 f (4) Special Attacks: Rock Throwing, Net Fighting, Siren Song (females only) Special Qualities: Rock Catching Saves: For +19, Ref +9, Will +10 Abilities: Str48, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12 Skills: Climb +19, Jump +19, Listen +12*, Move Silently HII, Spot +12" Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (trident), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved ‘Two-Weapon Fighting, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (net) rate/Terrain; Any aquatic ‘Organisation: Solitary, pai, family (2-4 plus $0% non- combatants) or tribe (21-30 led by a 3-5" level ranger, plus a druid or cleric of *4* level, plus 35% non- ‘combatants, plus either 2-12 sharks, 1-2 giant squid, oF 2-4 ‘oreas, plus 25% chance of one kraken, plus $0% chance of 2-12 sea lions, plus 30% ehanee of 1-4 humans) Challenge Rating: 15 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually neutral ‘Advancement: By character class Sea giants are distant, imposing, and often silent in demeanour. On the rate occasions when they have business with sling vessels or land-awellers, they will rise slowly out from the waves, speaking not a word to begin with, simply staring at those they would deal with to ensure such fol have every opportunity to see just how terrifying the sea giants ate. Most prefer to have litle to do with non-aquatic creatures unless absolutely necessary, 0 when they do, they lke to make certain the occasion is treated with suicent gravity by all parties concerned ‘before they commence any negotiation. ‘Sea giants are huge, with blue-green skin, bright green eyes and brown seaweed for hair. Indeod! thee whole bodies are offen draped with weeds, Their skin sometimes resembles fis-scales, but jus as often is more like sea- adapted mammalian skin such a that of a dolphin or whale, ‘Sea wants stand some 32 to 35 feet tll, but are oF normal ‘human proportions rather than having the broad and savage build of some ofthe other giants, They typically weigh 40,000 to 50,000 pounds. A sea giant ca live to be up to 1.200 years old. Sea giants an breathe air or water with equal fa @ GIANT RACES are at home i both salt and fresh water. However, they are poorly adapted for life on land and begin to | May) | Net 7 Aiites Rock Hard | Anow of 17 | Toughness | Bonus Feat Defence (wall ofice | PF s lightning Say cen (a0) ; Spotike | Spelbtite te | iss | Nein amet | Whitpoot | abies Abilities acerstanding | Say (eartiquake | (persisiem image Vay) aay) we GIANT KINGS Avalins Kings ‘Asma ng ely cao open Gea al te cco ey na Wenger ac ier hemseles king icles i sy iosvery ease bts hih edad rasa pans beanie) Amakiim kings are most commonly barbarians, as this, ‘enhances their addtional abilities extremely well, However, anakim king fighters and sorcerers are also ‘common, and the rare anakim king eleric ean be very ‘dangerous indeed. (Chariot Control: A 1" jevelanakim king gains a +2 ‘circumstance bonus to all Handle Animal checks made to avoid overturning his chariot AL 9® level this bonus rises to 4, and ‘This isan extraordinary ability 17 evel to 6, Rage: A 3% and 11Jovel anakim king gains the ability to rage once per day, as though he were a barbarian, with all the benefits and drawbacks of raging. If he is already barbarian, this addtional rage ability also benefits from any relevant barbarian class features such as greater rage, ‘Thisis an extraordinary ability (Chariot Weaponry: A 5® level anakim king gains an ‘empathic link with his two prefered chariot-pulling dire Hons, much lke a druid or rangers link to his animal ‘companion. The anakim king may handle his dre lions as a free action, or push them as a move-equvalent action, Pushing them can include causing them to pull the chariot at +10 feet speed that round, just as ifthe anakim king \were whipping them to make them go faster. He need not hold the reins or whip, or otherwise physically control the Aire lions, and so is fre to wield two-handed weaponry oF ‘one-handed weapon and shield if desired. Anakim kings often pride themselves on thei archery, and once they have {his special quality they can use bows and simultaneously ‘move at high speeds, This isan extraordinary ability and does not provide any ofthe other special qualities enjoyed by animal companions, special mounts, familiar or ther linked ereatures. Desert Familiarity: A 7® level anakim king gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silent, Spot and Survival checks when in any desert terain. This is an extraordinary ability AL LS® level this bonus rises to +. ‘Mass Rage: At 198 level the anakim king can take a full- ound action to induce a rage (as per the barbarian class feature) in up to 10+ Cha modifier anakim, Mass rage isa supernatural ability that can be used once per day. Cloud Giant Kings All cloud giant kings gain spel-like abilities as though they lived on enchanted cloud islands, no matter where they live Ther spel/-like abilities are enhanced as they rise in level, and they gan special bonuses to their Listen skill due to ther contro ofthe air and wind ~ itis as ‘though the winds themselves conspire to cary the sound ‘of anything untoward straight to the ears of the eloud giant king, making him almost impossible to sneak up on Many cloud giant kings are sorcerers, complementing ther innate spell-like abilities with arcane lore. Others specialise in missile use, using their mobility to evade close combat while they rain down rocks or arrows on their enemy. These ranged combat specialists are usually rangers, fighters, or cleric. Listen: tI level the cloud giant king gains a +2 luck ‘bonus to all Listen checks. This bonus increases by +2 ‘every four levels thereafter. This sa supernatural ability. Spell-tike Abilities: A cloud giant king gains new or improved spell-like abilities a 3" level and every four levels thereaer. AL 3" level, he can eas flv onee por day, as 220° level sorcerer, at 11® level this inereases to throe times per day, and at 19® level can be cast an unlimited ‘number of times per day. At 7® level, he can cast como! winds once per day, asa 20" level druid. At 15® level, he ‘can cast whirlwind once per day, as 220” level druid, Fire Gian! Kings Fie ian kings ae highly rgd and mak excl em eigen oer tbe Tiy ken vy based pach othr in yen fir wd yd ag tha ea nen ao redig pb une ila Samoa li oi care canveigm Pe it oa ala has song samen ot ‘nda! mal powso nd hepa Kngs lee! aang combat, Thine pei tacks ad lies fet both hs india iin xpereadhilat ep Most fre giant kings ae fighters, though barbarians and clerics have also been known, along with the very ‘occasional sorcerer. Fighters or barbarians can make the ‘most effective use of the powerful melee combat qualities associated with fire giant kings. w@ GIANT KINGS, S Flameskin: At 1" level, fie giant king's very skin begins to give off lames, making him appear more like a demon cor devil than a giant. Any creature approaching within S feet ofthe fire giant (i. into an adjacent square) is dealt 146 fire damage per round he is within range. This isa supernatural ability ‘AL 9 level the damage inereases to 246, and the range to 10 feet; at 17 level, the damage increases to 346, and the range to 15 feet. Heat Craft Bonus: From 3* level, a fre giant king becomes. a master of smithcraft and any other erafts that require the use of precise quantities of heat, such as glassblowing and pottery. The fre giant king gains 241 innate bonus to all Craft (blacksmith), Cra (weaponsmithing), Craft (armoursmithing), Craft (goldsmith), Craft (glassblowing) and similar skills atthe ‘Games Master's discretion. This bonus increases by +1 ‘every four further levels. This isan extraordinary ability Flery Blade: At5™ love, the fre giant king becomes ‘capable of heating up any weapon he holds toa deadly red heat, which causes it to deal +1d6 fire damage. This is & fee action but the weapon must be inthe giant king's hand. for at least one full round before it becomes hot enough to ‘do addtional damage. Ifthe he wields a weapon in each hand, he may heat both up. This isa supernatural ability. Femorian Kings A fomorian king will always be selected from among the 10% mi in het unl. as Egy hp apd aac fot iting oe hang Oo Ms eps tomo Kings feed. Fomorian kings are almost always fighters, Though fomorians do not have the kind of formalised military training organisations so useful for teaching fighters the skills of their trade, fomorian kings generally have an irom self-discipline and the brains to devise their own, practical fighting techniques, even without the help of others. ‘Neutral evil fomorian kings are usually barbarians rather than fighters. Occasionally a spelleastng fomorian king arises, almost invariably a sorcerer, but these are scarce in the extreme, Ray Attack: At level, fomorian king gains a ray attack in the form of elemental damage, such as a frost ray or lighining ray. The ray appears to be flowing out ofthe fomorian king's eyes, but isnot classed as a gaze attack, The fomorian selects one damage type when he first gains this special atack, from the following list: acid, cold, ‘we electrical, ire, poison. Once this damage type is selected it ‘may not be altered. To begin with this ray attack does 206 ‘damage and can be used once per day as a fee action, AL 3" level, it may be used twice per day, and one addtional time per day for every four levels beyond that, but it may still never be used more than once per round. At 5* level and every four levels thereafter the damage increases by 4246. This isa spell-like ability Frest Giant Kings Treo giant ngs que crn tre i ings nly ve wide teary th inclaes many fos ‘Stress una, When foe! pat King ova, Fe tcns tor by er eo anand mig ton tly ter tas aon of mata ‘adage lle bees ya A = Zz ra ' | i - : Frost giant kings are almost always barbarians or fighters by profession, and are in most cases of sufficiently high level that even the local rime giant king will respect the teritory they carve out, due to sheer practicality if nothing else, Frost giant kings have nothing against spellcaters and most have a retinue of clerics and sorcerers, but very few take up spellcasting themselves. Intimidate: At I*Jevel the frost giant king gains a +2 ‘competence bonus to all Intimidate checks. This bonus increases by 42 every four levels thereafter. This is an cextrordinary ability. Mighty Blow: At" level the fost giant king gains a new special attack, the mighty blow. Once per day he may designate one of his attacks a mighty blow. He takes a-2 circumstance penalty to his attack roll, but ihe hits he deals +1d6 damage. This is an extraordinary ability. ‘The bonus damage increases by +1d6 every four levels beyond 34. Furthermore, from 11® level onwards the frost ‘gant king may do two mighty blows per day, and from 19° level onwards three per day Hill Giant and Mountain Giant Kings Hill giants and mountain giants almost invariable rely on their simple strength and staying power to deal with almost any problem. The kings are no different, with even more rusele and fortitude than their brutal subjects Like ordinary ill and mountain giants, cheir kings are usually warior, barbarians, rogues, rangers or a dual-lassed combination such as warrior/rogue or rangerfbarbarian. Few have the self-discipline or access to taining requited forthe more specialised fighters, GIANT KINGS However, the oceasional hill or mountain giant king has ability, usually asa cleric or sorcerer, Might: At bill giant or mountain giant king ‘ins a +1 enhancement bonus to all Strength checks oF Strength-based skill checks. Note that this extraordinary ability does not affect attack or damage rolls. This isan ability this bonus increases to 2; at 119 level, to +3; at 15 level, to 4; and at 19* level, ‘Toughness: At 1” lvel and every four levels thereafter, « Dill giant or mountain giant king gains a bonus Toughness feat. This is an extraordinary a Neghilims Kings lle ing wy ph phi hr halen o alee oma topline The ei quales ty pan or be tape streerhance hr gecrally beri plies, tndean be wh both ual an magic opin Kings should have [Nephilim kings ae often either fighters sorcerers, wizards, (ora mult-classed arcane spellcaster and fighter, peshaps going to spellsword ora similar prestige class ata higher level. Multiclassed fighter cleries are also effective, if Bonus Feat: At level and every four levels thereafter, a nephilim king gains a bonus feat tobe selected from the following list Greater Spell Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Item Creation Feat (any), Skill Focus, Metamagic Feat (any), Spell Focus, Weapon Focus, This is an extraordinary ability Nephitim Understanding: At 3 level and every four levels thereafter, a nephilim king may choose a ski that was previously ross-class skill for him and teat it asa class skull from that point onwards, Furthermore, he immediately gains 2 ranks in that skill, so long as this does not somehow take him over the usual limit of ECL +3 ranks, Exclusive skills may not be selected, This i an extrondinary ability, Rime giant kings become powerful earthly representatives oftheir grim and frosty deities, able to bring down the ful force ‘of winter upon the world, Though they are disorganised, and as likely to goto war with val rime giant oF fost giant tribes as with more civilised nations, their hatred ofthe inhabitants of temperate climes is implacable. Every o often a rime giant king will assemble a great horde of giants, white dragons, frost \Worms and other cold subtype ereatues, sweeping GIANT KINGS, down out of the tundra and bringing a great wintry ice sheet with ther, ‘Almost all rime giant kings are clerics, usually with the Destruction and Water domains. These are no gentle hnealers and preachers, but terifying priests of evil, bringing down death to all who oppose them, Mos relish melee combat as much as they love destroying their foes from a distance, A few multiclass as cleriifighters ‘or clerc/barbarians, so as to gain access to Weapon ‘Specialisation and rage respectively, though even these usually have most of their levels in the cleric clas. Enhanced Control lee: From 3" level onwards a rime ‘giant king’s ability to control ice becomes enormously ‘enhanced, a8 he becomes more and more an embodiment ‘of winter, an avatar ofthe gous of cold and frost. This isa supernatural ability just like a rime giant's innate contol ice special attack. ‘An ordinary rime giant king, without any levels in a character class, can contro ie as though it were stone and. Ihe was casting a stone shape or soften earth and stone as ‘an 18° level druid (see the Rime Giant entry inthe Giant ‘Races chapter). Thus, used as Soften Ice, this would affect eighteen 10-foot squares, or a total of 1,800 square fet, to a depth of | to4 feet depending on how densely packed the jee is. Used as Ice Shape, it would affect up to 28 cubic feet, Alternatively it could cause a 45-Foot-wide stretch of ‘mountainside to be affected by an avalanche. [At level, the area that can be affected is doubled, to either 3,600 square feet (withthe depth unaffected remaining a | to 4 feet depending on the ice), $6 cubic fect, Fa 90-foot-wide mountainside. At level, itis {quadrupled to 7,200 square fect, 112 cubic fet, or a 180- foot-wide mountainside. At 11" Jevel it is multiplied by six, to 10,800 square feet, 168 cubic feet, ora 270-Foot- ‘wide mountainside. At 15® level itis multiplied by eight, to 14,400 square feet, 224 cubie feet, or a 360-Foot-wide ‘mountainside, Finally at 19 level it is multiplied by ten, {018,000 square feet, 280 cubic eet, or a 450-Foot-wide stretch of mountainside, Improved Kcicles: At 3" level, the rime giants Ieicles special attack does +3410 cold damage instead of +2410, and a characte who fails to save is also paralysed for 246 rounds rather than 1d6, AA 11 level the damage inreases further, (04410, andthe duration ofthe paralysis increases to 346 rounds, This isa supernatural abil Spelltike Abilities: A rime giant king gains improved spell-like abilities at 1 level and every eight levels therealer. At I" level, his control weather spell-like ability ‘cam be used upto three times per day. At 9® level, his ice storm spel-like ability canbe used up to three times per ‘day. AUI7® evel, his wut of ice spell-tike ability can be used up to thre times per day. Sea Giant Kings Seu gat ings eco ep et hissing ee pon nnn a a rey ip astra a a Rg ins acacia camisetas ages sy do being epee ipsa sar ae te erty oe he Sea giant kings are usually druids, cleries, bards or sorcerers, though the occasional sea giant ranger or fighter also reaches the heady heights of monarchy. Water Breathing: A sea giant king of 5* level or higher may at will grant any creature the power of water ‘breathing, asthe spell cast by 820° level sorcerer. The siant king may end the water breathing effect at any time, even ifthe subject is not present. This isa spell-tike ability Net Defence: From 1" level, a sea giant king’s net provides him with a 43 shield bonus to AC on any round Ihe doesnot attack with it rather than the usual +2, This is an extraordinary ability. ALO" Level, the AC bonus inereases to +4, and at 17" level tot5. Net Fighting: At 3" level asea giant king learns to fold a net asa standard action, rather than as a full-round action, ‘This isan extraordinary ability. Water Door: A 7 level sea giant king who is underwater ‘may instantly transfer himself from his current location fo any other spot that is also underwater within | mile ‘The giant king always arrives at exactly the spot desired; whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction, such as 900 fee straight downward, or upward {o the northwest, 4S-degree angle, 1,200 feet. This isa supernatural ability and may be used once per day. From 15 level onwards, he may use his Water Door ability three times per day. Whirlpoot: A 3" level sea giant king may ereate a \whislpool as a full-ound action once per week. This is ‘more powerful than the minor whirlpoo! that can be created with the contol water spell, and operates as follows. The ‘@ GIANT KINGS siant king designates a circular area of ocean up to $00 fet wide and within one mile of him. A whitlpoo! fills the affected area, toa depth twice its width (for example, a 400-foot wide whirlpool is 800 feet deep). The giant king. ‘an concentrate to move the whirlpool upto 100 feet per ound, so long as it remains within the ocean and within | mile of him, The whirlpoo! lasts for 20 rounds or until the giant king chooses to end it. Creating a whirlpool is a supernatural ability ‘Any Gargantuan or smaller creature that comes in contact ‘withthe whirlpool must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 1/2 sea giant king's HD + sea giant king's Wisdom bonus) ‘or take 3410 points of damage, Creature that fail the first save must succeed ata second one or be sucked down, into the whirlpool. creature that has been sucked down takes 3410 points of damage each round forthe duration of the whirlpool with no save allowed, and descends 100 fet per round. When the whirlpool ends, or when the creature Is sucked down tothe lowest extent of the whinipoo, the creature remains at its current depth under the sea, possible beginning to drown and suffer water pressure damage (see Core Rulebook 1 ifnot adapted for underwater existence From 11* level onwards the sea giant king may create a ‘whirlpoot once per day, and from 19° level upto three times per day. Stone Giant Kings Stone giant kings capitalise on the stony skin and special ovirnmentl abilities of ii rce, Noe tha all stone lan kings gain the pelle abilities of stone git elders (see Core Rulebook I). These spel ables are further enhanced and complemented by the ne ple abilities gained for being giant ings listed below. Stone giant kings are commonly either sorcerers o multiclassed sorcererflerics at low levels. At higher levels, many take the loremaster or mystic theurge prestige lasses. Stone giant king clries have the Earth domain and either the Protection or Srength domain, Rock Hard: At I" level and every four levels thereafter, a stone giant king’s natural AC increases by +1. This isan extraordinary ability Spell-ike Abilities: A stone giant king gains new or ‘improved spel-like abilities at 3” level and every four levels thereafter. At 3" level, he can east spike stones once per day, asa 15 level cleric. At7 level, his stone tell spell-lke ability may be used up fo thre times per day, and at 15* level an unlimited numberof times per day. At 11 level he ean cast wall of stone once per day, asa 15 level sorcerer. At 19® level, he cam cast earthquake once per day, asa 15® level cleric: Slow Citact Kee Mot frat ings Ic itt someiiog ot ined dnd an oa it ned Std tei home andes inclination ata oer, Howes, ‘henner ley oe een deli an ray ser neared ba lipaig he tis Mor commonly yen amen lng ond iran a ee Bain eae ‘met oon, Vr ln ecm banda witha vari ladon, ‘Storm giant kings are most commonly sorcerers, though «good many clerics, fighters and rangers are also knovn, Sorcerers usualy specialise in spels of illusion and spells ‘with an electricity” descriptor, Arrow of Lightning: At 1Jevel A storm giant king can ‘cause an arrow he fires to become a 10d6 lightning bolt in ight, once per day asa froe action, If this is done ‘outdoors during a storm, the lighting bolt does 10d damage instead of 1046. This is a supernatural ability ALS* level and every four levels thereafter, the storm giant king gains one additional arrow of lighting per day. ‘Spelllike Abilities: A siormn giant king gains new spell- like abilities at 3" level and every fou levels thereafter, all of which are cast as 20" level sorcerer. At 3 level, Ihe can cast inisibility once per day. At level, he ean ‘ast major image once per day. At LI Ievel, he can cast ‘hallucinatory terain once pet day. At 15* level, he can cast seeming once per day. At 19" level, he can cast persistent image once per day. ww HABITAT HABITAT; his chapter covers the habitat and lis fr each | sant type separately, giving prefered defences, typical layouts, and guard creatures or ther allies ‘Armed with the information and maps given here along ‘with the sample giants provided in Apper Master will be able to set up whole case, Pl ‘on the typical defences ofthe different types of giant. ix I, the Games sof giants with ers will also benefit from the chance to read up ANAKIM Anakim live in hot areas, often occupying the most favourable grazing and hunting land close to desert regions. They rarely live in the deserts themselves, though, they are well adapted for such habitats and can survive reasonably successfully therein, Some scholars belive them fo have originated ina desert land, but found the nearby plains and hills to be more comfortable o ive i, Anakim enjoy open spaces, and so are almost never found in rainforests or other overgrown terrain types. When anakim tribe moves into a new area, i tends to displace other, lesser sentient creatures such as humans or or, forcing them into less fertile ground such asthe deep deserts themselves. Few creatures or even small nations will ater to stand upto determined anakim tribe, particularly bocause said tribe will often only be th wave of a mass movement consisting of several tribes. Perhaps fortunately, anakim migrations are not very ‘common, though a tribe or alliance of tribes defeated in war with other tribes for prime grazing land will often strike out for somewhere new to live. Villages Anakim villages are usually small, with most consisting of litle more than fifteen families of perhaps fifty anakim in total, including the children, However every village will be well-frtfie, as will every house within it, and the anakim themselves are distintly more powerful than smaller creatures allowing them to put up a far mone Vigorous fight in defence oftheir homes than could many larger human tribes ach village will have a central hall which is the dwelling and his ps \War, but functions asthe village meeting-hall in peacetime. This is typically a circular roundhouse some 80 to 100 feet in diameter, of Solid stone construction. The walls ar thick, imegular blocks of stone fited together using a crude composed of overlapping stone slabs. In areas where a small amount of wood is available, the roof may be of place ofthe war-chi sonal retinue in times of tar and a numberof smaller rocks, witha 100! HABITAT ‘timber construction, though ths is not a favoured solution due to the relatively inflammable and weak nature of wooden roof, ‘The chieftain typically has a separate house for use in peacetime, and in many villages this wil be the second-grandest building, hough some more modest \war-chiefs may prefer to live in an ordinary, unadorned structure, The village elders wil also have slightly larger accommodations than ordinary villagers. Both chieftain and elders usually dwell in one- oF two-storey stone houses around 30 to 40 feet in diameter. ‘Most anakim families will have homes little more than 20 fect in diameter, or longhouses of perhaps 15 feet by 35, feet. Fortunately family sizes ae usually small, Like the larger buildings, these will often be constructed of local stone, for anakim usually do not live in regions with a good, supply of wood: however, adabe walls and thatched roofs ‘may also be used where stone is scarce. Since most anakim are wary towards religion (if til respectful of ts power), the tribal adept or occasional village cleric will generally select a hut close tothe edge ofthe village or even just outside it, A particularly well- respected spleaster may rate a powerful place among the village elders, though even then he often chooses to live somewhat apart from his fellow villagers, perhaps taking & lean-to against the inside ofthe wall Also outside the village willbe the pens for any livestock the villagers may herd, usually goats, sheep or cows. ‘These can be driven within the walls in ime of war if ime permits. When a village ons one or mote war chariots, these and the dire ions to pull them will usually be kept within the walls, close to the main gates so a8 to allow for {heir use in counterattacks. Delences ‘Anakim villages are usually built onthe high ground, either on hilltops or for preference on rocky outcrops, ‘hich can provide both a powerful defence in itself and strong building materials forthe village wall and houses. (On soft ground, a pit will be dug and the earth piled up to form earthworks, which wil then have a stone wall built ‘on top. A ten-foot-deep pit, ten-foot high earthworks and twelve-foot-high wall atop them would be faitly typical, though some walls are taller stil, If there is a forest nearby, outwand-loping stakes wil be placed as a further defence just beyond the pt. These too usually prod some ten fee ou fom the ground, and ae made from strong saplings that are not too wide, s0 as to make it difficult for attackers to prise out or destoy a single stake and then force a way through the gap. Most villages add occasional watehfowers for use by archers, and line the walls with throwing rocks and arrow quivers forthe defenders Furthermore, every house within the village will be made ‘with atleast one addtional defensive feature, be ita walled roof area that can be used asa platform for archers, windowless room surrounded by arrowslits, or an easily disassembled wall for use as throwing rocks Guards and Allies ‘Other than ther chariotpulling dire lions, anakim rarely ‘use additional animals o bolster ther power, though some ‘tribes may havea few guard dogs. Most prefer to rely on their own keen senses and mighty limbs, simply repelling any serious opposition with loosed arrows, thrown rocks, ‘or devastating blows in melee. CLOUD GIANTS ‘Cloud giamts favour mountainous regions, even when they live on cloud islands. Rather than raising food animals, they hunt birds, mountain goat, sakes, wild horses, bears and any other game that may be available. Cloud giants are omnivorous and also cultivate fruit trees, favouring ‘grapes, apples, and pears, especially those who dell on ‘loud islands where they can find litle or no game, ‘Mountain-dwvelling cloud giants build castes, more out ‘of habit and aesthetic preference than because there is anything in most mountains that ean pose a serious threat tothem. Their predilection for easly defended homes thas proved worthwhile on the few oceasions when a ‘major enemy has arisen, usually rival cloud giant group, ‘extremely well-equipped band of adventurer, or the army ‘of an evil overlord ‘Those cloud giants who live on cloud islands also prefer castles, perhaps with even les reason ~ though humans ‘who have heard the legends of rich silver mines may pose a threat. Fora detailed look at cloud islands, see the sidebar ‘on pss. Castles Most cloud giants lve in smallish castles atop high ‘mountains, in either extended families or small ries. “These appear tobe castlesized to humans, though in reality because there wil likly be only ten os giants to a caste each one is more like a border fort or wizard’s tower in tems of relative size and numberof rooms @ HABITAT The typical cloud giant fortress isa square structure with round, solid-looking tower on each comer. There is no separate keep, though often one ofthe towers will bel that this isthe place for any final stand if enemies have yr and thicker than the others, with the intention gained the courtyard. This stronghold tower will be the least accessible one from the outside, usualy being situated on the edge ofa precipitous drop. Some fortresses, have a separate square gatehouse ina wall far fom the stronghold, while others use the tower diagonally opposite the stronghold asa gatehouse, Salted meat and dried fruits wall be kept inthe stronghold for use in an extended siege, while larger quantities of ‘unprepared food will be stored under wooden lean-o roofs within the courtyard, Other courtyard buildings will include a lair for any dite lions owned by the group, kitchen, anda large workshop suitable for smithing, carpentry and other tasks, Ifthe group thas any griffons, these will be given an ceyrie atop one ofthe smaller towers. The leader ofthe group and his immediate family wil live in the stronghold tower, with the others rooming either within the towers or ima large hall on the ground floor of the stronghold Defences Ay cloud giant sorcerer or cleric within the group willbe given a protected position close to the front ofthe castle, usually on one of the upper floors of the gatehouse, One or two other cloud giants will occupy each tower, hurling rocks at any foes insight. Most cloud giant castles are amply supplied with great piles of throwing rocks, with at least one oom in each tower being devoted to rock storage to replenish the piles as and when needed, Any remaining cloud giants usually ‘occupy the gatehouse, hurling rocks in suppor of the spelcaster's magic and ready to fight hand-to-hand ifthe ‘opposition breaks down the massive doors. If the gatehouse is too small to hold all the remaining cloud giants, some may be given stations on the walls, though many cloud giant castles are 100 crude to have wal-top crenellations, walkways and other means of protecting defenders on the walls Guards and Allies Cloud giant castes usually have dite lions, griffons or both as additional scouts, hunters and defenders. ‘They may occasionally have one of two humanoid o giant allies ‘or quests around, who might not be contracted to defend the castle but will til likely lend hand if they happen tobe present, These can include storm giants, elves, and ‘humans, depending largely on the alignment of the cloud siants who own the castle Daring siege dre Hons will be used in support of any melee combat inthe gatehouse, though usually a favoured breeding pair will be retained for absolute last-ditch defence ofthe stronghold. Any griffons available will be ‘employed to seek out and attack enemy spellcasters, or will sometimes be trained to drop rocks on siege engines from directly overhead, HABITAT FIRE GIANTS Fire giants will dwell anywhere where there isa source of extteme heat. This need not be natural, and in some ‘cases it may even be in the middle ofan otherwise cold and few will range far from their sth only on brief raiding or em to ensure they kept warm through the cold desert nights Alternativ dup by mundane un by an evil i ironworks, might suflce. the giant highly elficient ints themselves, or soon-to-be Atypical fire and they will endeavour to keep open the possibility of expansion ps of fire giants are of vast size, with n spaces and highly defensible entrances temporary alliances HABITAT though these deals are rarely seen as anything more than convenient stopaaps, because the long-term plan is almost invariably to take the ostensible alles over completely as slaves or subject peoples. (Often a surface-dwelling fire giant tribe will excavate ceaverns beneath their castle, for rocks, building materials, additional living space and boltholes. Likewise, ‘underground-