Course Outline - Network Security-BESE-3AB-Fall15 - 2 PDF

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Computing

CS-381 Network Security

Course Code:
Credit Hours:
Prerequisite Codes: ISE 101 Fundamentals of ICT
Mr. Ubaid Ur Rehman
B-204, IAEC Building
Telephone: --
Lecture Days:
Tuesday to Friday E-mail:
Class Room:
CR-20 (IAEC), Lecture Hall (IAEC), IBM Lab Consulting Hours: Monday (1400 to 1700) or Appt
Lab Engineer:
Ms. Maryam Sajjad
Lab Engineer Email:
Knowledge Group: Information Security (IS)
Updates on LMS: After every lecture

Course Description:
The Network Security course is the combination of techniques and tools, which is used to secure
networks, applications and resources of an organization. This course will help students to u nderstand the
building blocks of security such as cryptography, security protocols and tools.

Course Objectives:
The successful completion of this course enables students to practically use cryptographic algorithms and
protocols to secure local resources, network traffics, and distributed applications. Also, identify the
vulnerabilities in the network and patch them.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

PLO BT Level*

C-1, C-2
Understand the concepts of security and privacy
2. Design and development of Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptographic 3
3. Use cryptographic techniques in designing security protocols for authentication, 3, 5 C-3, C-5
authorization, confidentiality and integrity
4. Develop small and medium scale security enabled application using modern 3,5 C-5
tools and technologies
5. Apply and compare different security tools by configuring and deploying in a 2, 5 C-3, C-4
network environment with the main purpose of protecting network resources
* BT= Blooms Taxonomy, C= Cognitive domain, P= Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing
Mapping of CLOs to Program Learning Outcomes


PLO 1 (Engineering Knowledge)

PLO 2 (Problem Analysis)
PLO 3 (Design/Development of Solutions)
PLO 4 (Investigation)
PLO 5 (Modern tool usage)
PLO 6 (The Engineer and Society)
PLO 7 (Environment and Sustainability)
PLO 8 (Ethics)
PLO 9 (Individual and Team Work)
PLO 10 (Communication)
PLO 11 (Project Management)
PLO 12 (Lifelong Learning)






Mapping of CLOs to Assessment Modules and Weightages (In accordance with NUST statutes)

To be filled in at the end of the course.


Quizzes: 8.5%
Assignments: 4%
OHT-1: 12.5%
OHT-2: 12.5%
End Semester Exam:37.5%
Total : 100 %


Text Book:

1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Fifth Edition,
published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Prentice Hall, 2011.
Reference 1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security, Second
Books: Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Bruce Schnier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C, Second Edition,
3. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, Fourth Edition,
published by Pearson Education, Inc., 2011.

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing
Topics to be Covered:
Overview of Cryptography: Information Security, Network Security, Computer Security, Internet Security
Classical Cryptology: Simple Substitution Ciphers, Transposition Ciphers, Poly-Alphabetic Ciphers
Block Ciphers: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Public Key Cryptography: RSA Algorithm
Integrity and Authentication: Hash Functions (MD5, SHA1), MAC, Digital Signatures
Key Management and Distribution: Public Key Distribution, X.509 Certificates, PKI
Secure Virtual Networks: VPN, IPSec, Ecommerce Security (SSL, SET)
Email Security: PGP, S/MIME
Intrusion Detection and Prevention System: Signature based, Anomaly based, Stateful based
Firewalls: Packet Filter, Dynamic Packet Filter, Application Level, Software vs Hardware Firewalls
Mobile & Radio Networks Security
Week Topic
Overview of Cryptography

Classical Cryptology

Block Ciphers

Block Ciphers

Public Key Cryptography

Integrity and Authentication


Integrity and Authentication

Key Management and Distribution

Lecture Breakdown
Introduction to Network Security Course
Introduction to Network Security
Difference between Computer, Information, Internet,
& Communication Security, Security Architecture.
Lab 01
Basic Terminologies and Concepts of Crypto
Encryption & Decryption using Classical Ciphers
Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers
Overview of Symmetric and Asymmetric
Lab 02
Block Cipher vs Stream Cipher
Fiestel Cipher
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
DES Avalanche Effect
Lab 03
Advance Encryption Standard (AES)
Modes of Operation
Lab 04
Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems
The RSA Algorithm
Lab 05
Hash Functions
Authentication Functions
Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
Hash Function
Lab 06
Digital Signatures
Lab 07
Public Key Distribution and Infrastructure
X.509 Certificates
Lab 08
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

Secure Virtual Networks


Secure Virtual Networks


Email Security


Intrusion Detection and Prevention System




Mobile and Radio Networks Security



Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
Lab 09
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
Lab 10
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Lab 11
Signature based
Anomaly based
Stateful based
Lab 12
Packet Filter
Dynamic Packet Filter
Application Level
Software vs Hardware Firewall
Lab 13
Difference between 2G, 3G, 4G, HSPA, LTE, EvDo, GPRS,
Radio Networks
Threats and Countermeasures
Lab 14

End Semester Exam (ESE)

Lab Experiments:
Lab 01: Implementation of Active and Passive Attacks: Man-In-The-Middle Attack
Lab 02: Encryption and Decryption using Classical Ciphers
Lab 03: Implementation of DES: Encryption, Decryption, Key Generation
Lab 04: Implementation of AES: Encryption, Decryption, Key Generation
Lab 05: Implementation of RSA: Key Pair Generation, Encryption, Decryption
Lab 06: Implementation of Hash using Message Digest Function
Lab 07: Kerberos Implementation
Lab 08: Implementation of Public key Distribution: Web based Scenario
Lab 09: Setup of Virtual Private Network
Lab 10: SSL Configuration: Tomcat
Lab 11: S/MIME Implementation: Thunderbird and Outlook
Lab 12: Intrusion Detection Systems: Snort
Lab 13: Firewall Implementation: Policy and Rules setting
Lab 14: Penetration Testing Part-I
Lab 15: Penetration Testing Part-II

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing
Tools / Software Requirement:
Java SE (JDK 8), Eclipse (Indigo) or NetBeans 8.0, Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 8.1, Kali Linux Version 2.0,

Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes will be announced as well as unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The
question framed is to test the concepts involved in last few lectures. Number of quizzes that
will be used for evaluation is at the instructors discretion.
Assignment Policy: In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be given.
Late assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count towards the total
(No best-of policy). The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of
assignments is highly discouraged and violations will be dealt with severely by referring any
occurrences to the disciplinary committee. The questions in the assignment are meant to be
challenging to give students confidence and extensive knowledge about the subject matter
and enable them to prepare for the exams.
Lab Conduct: The labs will be conducted for three hours every week. A lab handout will be given in advance
for study and analysis The lab handouts will also be placed on LMS. The students are to
submit their results by giving a lab report at the end of lab for evaluation. One lab report per
group will be required. However, students will also be evaluated by oral viva during the lab.
Plagiarism: SEECS maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. While collaboration in this course
is highly encouraged, you must ensure that you do not claim other peoples work/ideas as
your own. Plagiarism occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures, images,
programming codes of others are presented as your own work. You must cite and
acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Failing to comply with the SEECS
plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments and referral
to the academic coordination office for disciplinary action.

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