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Principal: Julie Blythe
Deputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Tristan Mackenzie
Ph: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350

Volume 17
16 October 2015

From Room 12

Last term we did the theme of Fairytale. We completed a Fairytale Challenge at home. Some of the
activities we did were dioramas, Goodies and Baddies List, Puppets, Puppet Theatres and Who Am
Is. Mrs Donaldson was so impressed with our efforts!
We dressed up for Bookweek, which fitted
beautifully into our Fairytale theme.
During class, we did lots of reading of Fairy
-tales and narratives and learned the
features of both. At the end of our theme,
we had a Fairytale Party and Fairytale
Fun Day.
The food we ate was in the theme of
Fairytale and our Fairytale Fun Day had
the following games activities:
Shadow Puppetry, Snow White and the
Poisonous Apple, Dress Up Relay, Fairytale Games (we made these up ourselves)
and a Fairytale Obstacle Course.
We had a fantastic day and really enjoyed our beautiful food. A BIG THANKS to all our wonderful
Mums and Dads who helped us on the day and all throughout Term 3.
Our Fairytale Theme was finished off in an exciting way, with our assembly. We did the Three Piggy
Opera and Mrs Donaldson was so proud of us. We hope you enjoyed it too!
We wish everyone at Yakamia a fantastic Term 4!
From the Year 2 Students of Room 12

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Yakamia Primary School

Room 12 cont...

Faction Athletics Carnival

For 2015, we are trialling having just one Faction
Athletics Carnival for Years 1-6 on Thursday 29
October, with the Year 4-6 Jumps, Throws and
800m on Tuesday 27 October. We are looking for
volunteer helpers for both days. The Tuesday will
be for the morning only, helping teachers with
measuring and recording distances. On the
Thursday we are looking for parents to help with
the judging of the team games and the running
events. If you could spare
some time either in the
morning or the afternoon,
we would be very grateful.
Please ring the Office on
9841 7533 if you can help

A program with the events in which your child is

participating, will be sent home once this
information is finalised at the year group sport
meetings. Parents are
encouraged to come on
the day to support their
child and help out with
the program.
Please ensure your child
is in his/her faction
shirt, has a hat and is
wearing sunscreen. It is also a good idea to
pack extra food and drinks as students often are
more hungry and thirsty than usual. Lunch
orders are to be marked with childs faction
not room number.

Page 3

Yakamia Primary School

From the Principals Desk

Welcome Back
Term 4 promises to be a very busy term finishing
off the year and finalising plans and organisation
for 2016.
Students have returned happy and refreshed and
settled back into teaching and learning programs.
We welcome several new students and their
families into our school community and trust you
find Yakamia Primary School to be a warm,
friendly and safe school where relationships are
valued, developed and fostered.
With the days warming up rapidly, please be
reminded that we have a
no hat, no play policy
during Term 4,. All
students need to have a
broad brimmed hat or
legionnaire cap when
playing outside. School
hats are required for excursions and can be
purchased from the Canteen Uniform Shop.

volunteers for making the program such a

If you would like to volunteer to help at the
Before School Reading Program, please contact
the Office and ask for Mrs James.
Albany Show Day
Albany public school principals would like to
inform their school communities that all public
schools will close on Friday, 13 November this
year. Staff will attend school and use this day to
plan for school improvement. Please mark this
date on the calendar and make arrangements for
your children if necessary.
Moving Schools or Locations in 2016?
It is crucial that you inform the school of any
intention to move from Yakamia PS in 2016. Our
funding and the way we organise classes is
dependent on an accurate understanding of
student numbers in each year level across the
school. From here on in, and for the remainder of
the year, notifying us if your child will not be here
in 2016 will assist greatly when it comes to
planning for the new school year.

A big well done to the Year 2 students of Room 12
Class Requests 2016
for hosting the last assembly. What talent you all
Parent requests in relation to class placement in
2016 need to be in writing and addressed to Miss
Blythe. The deadline for these is Monday 16
Next weeks assembly will be hosted by the Year
November. Please be reminded that whilst all
3/4 students of Room 16. The school looks
requests will be given due consideration there
forward to all family and friends attending.
may be a range of factors that may not allow all
requests to be granted. Parents also need to be
Before School Reading Program
Just a reminder to parents and students that the aware that once classes have been set it can be
difficult to make changes to the placements that
Before School Reading Program, which operates
in the Art Room, Monday to Thursday mornings, have been made.
will commence for Term 4 as of Week 2.
This program has gone from strength to strength
and has made significant links with literacy
improvement for participating students. The
program provides a safe environment for students
to read to an adult , access a simple breakfast and
enjoy the social benefits of participating in such a
program. A huge thank you to staff and

Term 4 Planner
Please find attached to this Newsletter the Term
4 Planner. There is lots on this term so stick it on
the fridge as a handy reference.

Julie Blythe

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Yakamia Primary School

School News
First Aid Course
During Week 10 of Term 3, students from Pre
Primary to Year 6 participated in a basic first aid
course. Each class completed a 50 minute
session provided by St John Ambulance and were
taught basic first aid and what to do in an
All classes thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and
the presenter praised the children for their
exemplary behaviour.
Well done to all!!

Honour Certificate Recipients25 September 2015






Archie Clarke


Mitchell Russ

Charlotte Jozwiak

James ONeill

Frankie Burke


Finn Robinson

Izayah Roberts

Ethan Jones


Ruby Young

Brodie Childs


Amy-Lee McKeaig


James Candeloro

Ebony Belfield


Jaime Sanford

Miles Grace


Seb Lewis
Luella Edwards


Sharni Ralston

Lily Lapthorne
Isabelle Bemben

Jack Ditchburn

Sebastian Lawler
Jye Weedon

Tyler Saunders

Nicole Atienza
Reece Simpson

Emily Crannage

Cayden Batchelor-Barton
Liam Taylor

Isabelle Maher

Breanna Bruce

Juzarah Phillips
Emma Stokes

Jada Lee


Saxon Horton

Beck Wrightson


Tillie Bartley

Cadee Di Maulo

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Yakamia Primary School

P&C News
Volunteers Needed!
The P&C are asking for volunteers for the school Disco being held next Thursday and for the Faction
Athletics Carnival being held in Week 3, Thursday 29 October. On the day of the carnival the P&C
will need volunteers to help with the coffee/tea and cake stall. They are also asking for donations of
cakes, slices and biscuits (no cream). If you can help please leave your contact details for Catherine
Bramley, at the school office, on 9841 7533.

Page 6

Community News

Yakamia Primary School

Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by the school. We provide
this space for community groups to advertise to the school community. It is up to parents to
scrutinise the activity and organisers for their child.

Year 6 Scoliosis Information

Pamphlets on scoliosis are being sent home soon
and parents are asked to read them and seek
assistance from a health professional if there are
any concerns.
Scoliosis is a condition where the spine is curved
sideways. It is more common in girls but boys can
also have this condition. It becomes noticeable in
early adolescence (9-13years) and parents are
asked to follow directions in the pamphlet to check
their child for this condition. If you find any of the
signs listed, get a re-check from your family
doctor, as treatment may be required.
Karen Johnston, School Nurse

Weetbix SurfGroms
Weetbix SurfGroms the exciting kids surfing
program starts again in Term 4. This term we are
offering MINIGroms 5 8yo and SUPERGroms 9
12 yo.
This national surfing development program
encourages kids to get involved in surfing all
around Australia, and its available exclusively
through licensed Surfing Australia Surf Schools.
Lessons that are dynamic and fun, teaching water
safety, building confidence and making new
Tuesdays 3.30 5pm is available on line now at

Ph9842 7564

Taking expressions of interest for Wednesdays

after school.

Bedwetting (Enuresis) Program

For extra lesson options and further information,

call Roz 0427 413 627

Do you have a child who wets the bed and would

like to be dry? Bedwetting is a common childhood
problem and it can be resolved. Children will not
necessarily grow out of it and left untreated,
bedwetting can continue into adulthood.

Little Seeds Surf Coaching

Please contact Great Southern Population Health

on 98427500 or alternatively contact the
Community School nurse Karen on 98427564 for
more information/referral pack.

The centre provides nutritious home-cooked

meals in a comfortable home environment.

YMCA Albany Early Learning Centre is a not

-for-profit early learning centre located on 35
Beaufort Road (opposite Yakamia School). We are
In the past 30 years, 1000s of WA children have a highly accredited centre with staff that is
become dry through the Princess Margaret
enthusiastic, dedicated and highly educated. As a
Hospitals (PMH) enuresis program. This
team we have developed a program that reflects
program is available locally through the Great
the interests of the children, based on the Centres
Southern Population Health (Community Health) philosophy and the belief and commitment to the
and provided by school health nurses.
YMCAs Approach to Learning. The program
encourages spontaneity and reflects the childrens
The enuresis program is available for your child
curiosity. By taking the learning journey with
the child, we hope to facilitate their learning. We
They are aged 6 years to 13years but not older
believe the learning process that the children go
than 13 and 9 months
through is important to the childs holistic
Have 2 or more night occurrences of a wet bed development. We also believe in a close
in a week
relationship with all families attending our
Child wants to become dry

We are open Monday to Friday between

7.30am to 6pm. There are vacancies available in
all age groups most days. For more
information please come and visit us or call
Anneli on 9842 5580.

Page 7

Community News

Yakamia Primary School

Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by the
school. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to the
school community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity and
organisers for their child.

Junior TennisTerm 4
Group Coaching Squads Private Lessons
Junior Club Fast Four League Kids Cardio
Hot Shots..and more
We have various junior tennis classes for all ages of players across several venues in the Great
Contact Albany Tennis Academy
David Kerr 0414 608 523 or Bryce McLean 0429


8.30 9.00am

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