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25th July, 2015

Jayson John Apora

Essay letter A
Which Philosophers support which?

Mans distinct capability to enter and view different summation of

experiences are the primary reason why philosophy exists. As one of the
definition would say Philosophy is the love for wisdom. Wisdom on the
other play as our backbone of guiding principles in what we want to achieve
in life. In what we want to accomplish and contribute to the incoming
generation. In point of this, several key philosophies were established and
served as the guiding principles to our very existence. The key-point to our
personal version of truth.
Naturalism by its nature is simply defined as any circumstance,
phenomena or activity that deals with the natural occurrence of things. It is
also considered as the oldest existing philosophy. Scientific approach towards
the 3 sides of truth are the only tool used in this perspective. Any
unimaginable things are considered invalid. There are also evolved in what
we called Modern Naturalism that are subdivided into three forms 1.
Biological (Man towards understanding of human thought) 2. Psychological
(brain and mental aspect) and 3. Sociological (Man towards other being).
Iconic persons who supported this philosophy are the following: Thales,
Anaximander, Anaximenes (Physics, cosmology) Democritus and Leucippus
(space and atoms), Epicurus and Lucretius (Simple rhythm of man and
nature, atoms and other planets).
Idealism that Plato as we all know premiered was observed as any
specification, traits, characteristics etc. we desire to view in a particular
person, object, situation phenomena. It disregarded the idea of science and
depicted a suitable depiction of external and internal factors. Other iconic
persons who supported this philosophy are the following: 1. Saint Agustine
and his knowledge of Neo-Platonic doctrine, 2. Rene Descartes and the ergo
sum, 3. Benedict de Spinoza others.
On the other perspective, Realisms core values circle around some
views of naturalism which recognizes the visual truth but also accepts the
idea of supernatural order. It is more on the present terms, the what we
see and what we feel. Aristotle, Joseph Butler and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Pragmatism and progressivism lies with the version of different
experiences, data gathering and revolutionizing previous thought to a more
tangible sense. It includes rational perspective on occurrences and finding
data that serves as the basis of the said thought. Charles Darwin (theory of
evolution), John Stuart Mill are some of the pillars of these two philosophies.

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