Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC)

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Normalized Cross Correlation is even more complex to both SAD and SSD algorithms as it involves

numerous multiplication, division and square root operations.

Normalized cross correlation (NCC) tem sido usado

como uma mtrica para avaliar o grau de semelhana ( ou
dissimilaridade ) entre duas imagens em comparao .
A principal vantagem do NCC atravs da
ordinary cross correlation que menos sensvel
mudanas lineares na amplitude de iluminao em comparao com as duas
Alm disso, o NCC estabelecido no intervalo entre -1 e 1. O ajuste de
valor de limiar de deteco muito mais simples do que NC. O NCC no tem uma
expresso domnio da frequncia mnima. Ele no pode ser diretamente calculado
utilizando a FFT mais eficiente ( Fast FourierTransform ) no domnio espectral . O seu
tempo de computao aumenta dramaticamente medida que o tamanho da
janela do molde fica corpulento .

They found that pattern intensity was one of the two similarity measures
that were able to register accurately and robustly, even when soft tissues
and interventional instruments were present in the X-ray images.
Unfortunately, pattern intensity was designed by using some heuristic rules
pattern intensity was designed by using some heuristic rules
Padro de intensidade diferenas de quadrados entre valores de intensidade
transformado por uma funo do tipo $ \ frac { 1} { 1 + x } $ e resumiu -los. Esta
mtrica tem a vantagem de aumento simultaneamente quando mais amostras
esto disponveis e quando os valores de intensidade so perto .

E. Pattern Intensity Pattern intensity [22] operates on a difference image as

explained in the entropy measure of Section III-B. If the images are
registered then, when is subtracted from to give , the structure from the
vertebrae will vanish and there will be a minimum number of structures or
patterns within the difference image . Pattern intensity considers a pixel to
belong to a structure if it has a significantly different intensity value from its
neighboring pixels. All the pixels within a radius are considered in this
calculation. The form of (5) is such that as the number of structures tend to
zero, the measure tends to a maximum value and as the number of
structures increase the measure asymptotically tends to zero. A constant is
used to weight the function, so that small deviations in intensity (such as
those caused by noise) result in the measure remaining near to its
maximum value. Due to the asymptotic nature of the measure, large
differences in intensity have the same effect on the measure regardless of
their magnitude. This makes the measure robust to large differences in pixel
intensity (5) (6) The regional nature of pattern intensity is able to reduce the
effect of differences between the images which are on a larger scale than .
Differences with a low spatial frequency, such as soft-tissue structures are
filtered out, leaving the highfrequency bony detail on which the registration
is based. The values chosen for the constants were and pixels, as used in

[22], though was increased to five pixels when coarse images (see Section
IV-C) were used as this was found to increase the robustness of the

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