Republic vs. Nolasco

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Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. 94053 March 17, 1993

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
Warloo G. Cardenal for respondent.

On 5 August 1988, respondent Gregorio Nolasco filed before the

The Republic of the Philippines opposed the petition through the

Regional Trial Court of Antique, Branch 10, a petition for the declaration

Provincial Prosecutor of Antique who had been deputized to assist the

of presumptive death of his wife Janet Monica Parker, invoking Article 41

Solicitor-General in the instant case. The Republic argued, first, that

of the Family Code. The petition prayed that respondent's wife be

Nolasco did not possess a "well-founded belief that the absent spouse

declared presumptively dead or, in the alternative, that the marriage be

was already dead," 2 and second, Nolasco's attempt to have his marriage

declared null and void. 1

annulled in the same proceeding was a "cunning attempt" to circumvent the

law on marriage. 3

During trial, respondent Nolasco testified that he was a seaman and that

he did not report the matter of Janet Monica's disappearance to the

he had first met Janet Monica Parker, a British subject, in a bar in

Philippine government authorities.

England during one of his ship's port calls. From that chance meeting
onwards, Janet Monica Parker lived with respondent Nolasco on his ship

Respondent Nolasco presented his mother, Alicia Nolasco, as his

for six (6) months until they returned to respondent's hometown of San

witness. She testified that her daughter-in-law Janet Monica had

Jose, Antique on 19 November 1980 after his seaman's contract expired.

expressed a desire to return to England even before she had given birth

On 15 January 1982, respondent married Janet Monica Parker in San

to Gerry Nolasco on 7 December 1982. When asked why her daughter-

Jose, Antique, in Catholic rites officiated by Fr. Henry van Tilborg in the

in-law might have wished to leave Antique, respondent's mother replied

Cathedral of San Jose.

that Janet Monica never got used to the rural way of life in San Jose,
Antique. Alicia Nolasco also said that she had tried to dissuade Janet

Respondent Nolasco further testified that after the marriage celebration,

Monica from leaving as she had given birth to her son just fifteen days

he obtained another employment contract as a seaman and left his wife

before, but when she (Alicia) failed to do so, she gave Janet Monica

with his parents in San Jose, Antique. Sometime in January 1983, while

P22,000.00 for her expenses before she left on 22 December 1982 for

working overseas, respondent received a letter from his mother informing

England. She further claimed that she had no information as to the

him that Janet Monica had given birth to his son. The same letter

missing person's present whereabouts.

informed him that Janet Monica had left Antique. Respondent claimed he
then immediately asked permission to leave his ship to return home. He

The trial court granted Nolasco's petition in a Judgment dated 12 October

arrived in Antique in November 1983.

1988 the dispositive portion of which reads:

Respondent further testified that his efforts to look for her himself

Wherefore, under Article 41, paragraph 2 of the Family

whenever his ship docked in England proved fruitless. He also stated that

Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209, July 6,

all the letters he had sent to his missing spouse at No. 38 Ravena Road,

1987, as amended by Executive Order No. 227, July 17,

Allerton, Liverpool, England, the address of the bar where he and Janet

1987) this Court hereby declares as presumptively dead

Monica first met, were all returned to him. He also claimed that he

Janet Monica Parker Nolasco, without prejudice to her

inquired from among friends but they too had no news of Janet Monica.

reappearance. 4

On cross-examination, respondent stated that he had lived with and later

The Republic appealed to the Court of Appeals contending that the trial

married Janet Monica Parker despite his lack of knowledge as to her

court erred in declaring Janet Monica Parker presumptively dead

family background. He insisted that his wife continued to refuse to give

because respondent Nolasco had failed to show that there existed a well

him such information even after they were married. He also testified that

founded belief for such declaration.

The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's decision, holding that

the Civil Code, an absence of only two years shall be

respondent had sufficiently established a basis to form a belief that his


absent spouse had already died.

For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage
The Republic, through the Solicitor-General, is now before this Court on a

under the preceding paragraph, the spouse present must

Petition for Review where the following allegations are made:

institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code

for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee,

1. The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the trial court's

without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the

finding that there existed a well-founded belief on the part

absent spouse. (Emphasis supplied).

of Nolasco that Janet Monica Parker was already dead;


When Article 41 is compared with the old provision of the Civil Code,
which it superseded, 7 the following crucial differences emerge. Under Article

2. The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the trial Court's

41, the time required for the presumption to arise has been shortened to four

declaration that the petition was a proper case of the

(4) years; however, there is need for a judicial declaration of presumptive

declaration of presumptive death under Article 41, Family

death to enable the spouse present to remarry. 8 Also, Article 41 of the Family

Code. 5

Code imposes a stricter standard than the Civil Code: Article 83 of the Civil
Code merely requires either that there be no news that such absentee is still

The issue before this Court, as formulated by petitioner is "[w]hether or

alive; or the absentee is generally considered to be dead and believed to be

not Nolasco has a well-founded belief that his wife is already dead."

so by the spouse present, or is presumed dead under Article 390 and 391 of

the Civil Code. 9 The Family Code, upon the other hand, prescribes as "well

The present case was filed before the trial court pursuant to Article 41 of

founded belief" that the absentee is already dead before a petition for

the Family Code which provides that:

declaration of presumptive death can be granted.

Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during the

As pointed out by the Solicitor-General, there are four (4) requisites for

subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void,

the declaration of presumptive death under Article 41 of the Family Code:

unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage,

the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive

1. That the absent spouse has been missing for four

years and the spouse present had a well-founded belief

consecutive years, or two consecutive years if the

that the absent spouse was already dead. In case of

disappearance occurred where there is danger of death

disappearance where there is danger of death under the

under the circumstances laid down in Article 391, Civil

circumstances set forth in the provision of Article 391 of


2. That the present spouse wishes to remarry;

the parents of his first wife, who lived in the Province of

Pampanga, for the purpose of securing information

3. That the present spouse has a well-founded belief that

concerning her whereabouts. He admits that he had a

the absentee is dead; and

suspicion only that his first wife was dead. He admits that

4. That the present spouse files a summary proceeding









absentee. 10
Respondent naturally asserts that he had complied with all these
requirements. 11

the only basis of his suspicion was the fact that she had
been absent. . . . 13
In the case at bar, the Court considers that the investigation allegedly
conducted by respondent in his attempt to ascertain Janet Monica
Parker's whereabouts is too sketchy to form the basis of a reasonable or
well-founded belief that she was already dead. When he arrived in San

Petitioner's argument, upon the other hand, boils down to this: that
respondent failed to prove that he had complied with the third
requirement, i.e., the existence of a "well-founded belief" that the absent
spouse is already dead.
The Court believes that respondent Nolasco failed to conduct a search
for his missing wife with such diligence as to give rise to a "well-founded
belief" that she is dead.
United States v. Biasbas, 12 is instructive as to degree of diligence required
in searching for a missing spouse. In that case, defendant Macario Biasbas
was charged with the crime of bigamy. He set-up the defense of a good faith
belief that his first wife had already died. The Court held that defendant had

Jose, Antique after learning of Janet Monica's departure, instead of

seeking the help of local authorities or of the British Embassy, 14 he
secured another seaman's contract and went to London, a vast city of many
millions of inhabitants, to look for her there.

Q After arriving here in San Jose, Antique,

did you exert efforts to inquire the
whereabouts of your wife?
A Yes, Sir.
How did you do that?

not exercised due diligence to ascertain the whereabouts of his first wife,
noting that:

A I secured another contract with the ship

While the defendant testified that he had made inquiries
concerning the whereabouts of his wife, he fails to state of
whom he made such inquiries. He did not even write to

and we had a trip to London and I went to

London to look for her I could not find
her (sic). 15 (Emphasis supplied)

Respondent's testimony, however, showed that he confused London for

Neither can this Court give much credence to respondent's bare

Liverpool and this casts doubt on his supposed efforts to locate his wife in

assertion that he had inquired from their friends of her whereabouts,

England. The Court of Appeal's justification of the mistake, to wit:

considering that respondent did not identify those friends in his testimony.
The Court of Appeals ruled that since the prosecutor failed to rebut this

. . . Well, while the cognoscente (sic) would readily know

evidence during trial, it is good evidence. But this kind of evidence



cannot, by its nature, be rebutted. In any case, admissibility is not

Liverpool, for a humble seaman like Gregorio the two

synonymous with credibility. 18 As noted before, there are serious doubts to

places could mean one place in England, the port

respondent's credibility. Moreover, even if admitted as evidence, said

where his ship docked and where he found Janet. Our

testimony merely tended to show that the missing spouse had chosen not to

own provincial folks, every time they leave home to visit

communicate with their common acquaintances, and not that she was dead.





relatives in Pasay City, Kalookan City, or Paraaque,

would announce to friends and relatives, "We're going to

Respondent testified that immediately after receiving his mother's letter

Manila." This apparent error in naming of places of

sometime in January 1983, he cut short his employment contract to

destination does not appear to be fatal. 16

return to San Jose, Antique. However, he did not explain the delay of nine
(9) months from January 1983, when he allegedly asked leave from his

is not well taken. There is no analogy between Manila and its neighboring

captain, to November 1983 when be finally reached San Jose.

cities, on one hand, and London and Liverpool, on the other, which, as

Respondent, moreover, claimed he married Janet Monica Parker without

pointed out by the Solicitor-General, are around three hundred fifty (350)

inquiring about her parents and their place of residence.

kilometers apart. We do not consider that walking into a major city like

respondent failed to explain why he did not even try to get the help of the

Liverpool or London with a simple hope of somehow bumping into one

police or other authorities in London and Liverpool in his effort to find his

particular person there which is in effect what Nolasco says he did

wife. The circumstances of Janet Monica's departure and respondent's

can be regarded as a reasonably diligent search.

subsequent behavior make it very difficult to regard the claimed belief that



Janet Monica was dead a well-founded one.

The Court also views respondent's claim that Janet Monica declined to
give any information as to her personal background even after she had
married respondent 17 too convenient an excuse to justify his failure to locate
her. The same can be said of the loss of the alleged letters respondent had
sent to his wife which respondent claims were all returned to him.
Respondent said he had lost these returned letters, under unspecified

In Goitia v. Campos-Rueda, 20 the Court stressed that:

. . . Marriage is an institution, the maintenance of which in
its purity the public is deeply interested. It is a relationship
for life and the parties cannot terminate it at any shorter


make. . . . .




(Emphasis supplied)




By the same token, the spouses should not be allowed, by the simple

. . . the basic social institutions of marriage and the family

expedient of agreeing that one of them leave the conjugal abode and

in the preservation of which the State bas the strongest

never to return again, to circumvent the policy of the laws on marriage.

interest; the public policy here involved is of the most

The Court notes that respondent even tried to have his marriage annulled

fundamental kind. In Article II, Section 12 of the

before the trial court in the same proceeding.

Constitution there is set forth the following basic state


In In Re Szatraw, 22 the Court warned against such collusion between the

parties when they find it impossible to dissolve the marital bonds through

The State recognizes the sanctity of family

existing legal means.

life and shall protect and strengthen the

family as a basic autonomous social

While the Court understands the need of respondent's young son, Gerry

institution. . . .

Nolasco, for maternal care, still the requirements of the law must prevail.
Since respondent failed to satisfy the clear requirements of the law, his

The same sentiment bas been expressed in the Family

petition for a judicial declaration of presumptive death must be denied.

Code of the Philippines in Article 149:

The law does not view marriage like an ordinary contract. Article 1 of the
The family, being the foundation of the

Family Code emphasizes that.

nation, is a basic social institution which




a special

contract of permanent

public policy cherishes and protects.

union between a man and a woman entered into in


accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and

governed by law and no custom, practice


or agreement destructive of the family



an inviolable


the foundation




institution whose nature,

and incidents are






shall be recognized or given effect. 24


and not subject to stipulation, except that marriage

In fine, respondent failed to establish that he had the well-founded belief

settlements may fix the property relations during the

required by law that his absent wife was already dead that would sustain

marriage within the limits provided by this Code.

the issuance of a court order declaring Janet Monica Parker

(Emphasis supplied)

presumptively dead.

In Arroyo, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 23 the Court stressed strongly the need to

WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 23 February


1990, affirming the trial court's decision declaring Janet Monica Parker

presumptively dead is hereby REVERSED and both Decisions are

hereby NULLIFIED and SET ASIDE. Costs against respondent.
Bidin, Davide, Jr., Romero and Melo, JJ., concur.

Gutierrez, Jr. J., is on leave.

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