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I(EN Known as the Great Imitator (;)fdiseases,

lupus can be difficult to detect, and if

[[ TITY left untreated can gofrombad

to worse. ByDorkys Ramos


A SPOT SECURED on the U.S.Junior

,pic Taekwondo team, a teenage Vivian
I, who already led an active lifestyle, had
ts set on vigorous training and break-
'l1!itall came to a painful halt when
" d f~ti~e madeit astruggle
'fi): outines. She spent
twQ yea "', .. ~~toid arthri-
tis until discovering that a cousin had lupus. Not 10 if17,she
learned that she, too, had developed the illness. "1t was scary,"
30-year-old. "1had no idea exactly what lupus did to me, since it
new disease."Allthese years later, researchers are still trying to learn everyt
they can about this painful condition.
What we do know is that lupus is a chronic autoimmune disea!>ein which
a haywire immune system attacks the body, causing pain, inflammation and
--- --
II organ damage. It's not contagious, still unknown. Doctors believe that
and the severity of symptoms can run some of us are predisposed to it, and
from mild to severe depending on what triggers, such as pregnancy, certain COULD
organ isbeing affected. "Lupus is a very medications, stress and UV rays (yup,
heterogeneous condition," says Carlos the sun), can set it off. YOUHAVE
Alonso, M.D., a rheumatologist who Unfortunately, when it comes
specializes in diseases of joints and to prevention, there's not much we LUPUS?
muscles at Mercy Hospital in Miami. can do. "Even if it's in your family, if RHEUMATOlOGISTS DIAGNOSE
"If it affects the lungs or heart, the it's going to happen, it happens," Dr. the disease by identifying at
person can have shortness of breath least four of the following 11
Alonso says. Once you experience
criteria. Keep in mind that
or chest pains. If she has kidney dis- unexplained and persistent symptoms, in addition. lupus patients have
also experienced fever. hair
loss, extreme fatigue and blue or
CANAFFECTPRETIYMUCHANY white fingers when cold.
For more info. visit
1 Butterfly-shapedrash
ease, her legscan swell.If it affects the it's important to head to the doctor on cheeksandnose
brain, she can get seizures. Lupus can as soon as possible to minimize risks
affect pretty much any organ, so it's to any vital organs. "The earlier you f Rashin red.raised,
different in every patient." At least 1.5 treat it, the less chances you'll have of disk-shapedpatches
million Americans have lupus, 90 per- complications later on," he adds. In ;! Photosensitivity
cent of whom are women. And while the two years Nagel spent with the 1 Oralulcers
the disease is colorblind, it is much incorrect diagnosis of rheumatoid
more common in women of color: arthritis, she developedlupus nephritis. § Arthritis
we're two to three times more likely Her kidneyswere severelyaffected,and ~ Serositis
to get the disease. treatment involvedchemotherapy and inflammationaround
While genetics playa major role in dialysis, along with a diet of 14 pills the lungsor heart)
developing lupus, its exact causes are a day. By the time she was 27, she'd . I Kidneydisorder
suffered two strokes-after which the
left side of her body was paralyzed for !! Seizuresor psychosis
NUMBERS a month. ~ Blooddisorder
Lupus treatments are as diverse
DON'TLIE as the symptoms its patients carry.
10 Immunologicdisorder

Those with milder forms of the dis-

11 Abnormal
ease are often prescribed medication antinuclear
such as steroids or anti-malarials,
which treat inflammations, ulcers
and joint pains. When steroids fail cific drug that will control the lupus
to calm down an overactive immune but won't cause any harm."
system, immunosuppressives might be Today, Nagel has taken on a differ-
used to control the lupus. Then there's ent type of active lifestyle-by teach-
90% OFAMERICANSDIAGNOSED chemotherapy and, ifit comes down ing the Latino community about this
to it, organ transplants. According illness. Nagel serves as a volunteer for
to Dr. Alonso, the options are fairly the Lupus Foundation of America and
LATINAS ARE limited and there's been very little chats up senators and congressmen
in terms of new treatments-until every year as an advocate. "My goal
now. A drug called Benlysta is cur- is to create more awareness and tell
2m3 rently awaiting approval and would people what lupus is," she says, "and
TIMES MORE LIKELY be the first new lupus medication in let them know that anyone can be
50 years. But this isn't due to lack of affected." She's specifically trying to
research. "It's a very difficult disease reach Latinos who either don't have
to treat," Dr. Alonso explains. "If you health insurance or simply avoid the
knock out the immune system, then doctor at all costs. "We tend to just
you're making the patient more sus- take Tylenol for the pain," she says.
HAVEA PARENTOR SIBLINGWHOALREADY ceptible to infections and to cancer. "But that's making the disease worse
HAS OR MAYDEVELOPTHE DISEASE That's why it's so hard to make a spe- in the long run."

78 lATINA.COM . APRil 2010

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