Fall2015 Week 7 Slides

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JOUR 203

Photo Week 3:
Photo Stories
Integrating Photos Into Multimedia

How did you
bring your
subject to

Comments on Last Homework

Todays Goal
More on
thinking like a

Todays Goal
Discuss how to tell
stories with multiple
pictures, and integrate
images into multimedia

Limits of a Single Image

Limits of a Single Image

Very quickly the photograph became labeled as

The Marlboro Marine, which is quite a title to

give a picture. It created a lot of conversation,
was published widely, but its not an accurate
representation of the real story. James is a
human being who as tough and macho as he
looks is dealing with incredibly severe post
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from what he
experienced in Iraq.

Telling Stories With Pictures

Telling Stories With Pictures


How Are Images Used?

Photojournalism in
Instagram Age

Sebastian Meyer, co-founder of the Iraq-based

photo agency Metrography, which aims to train

Iraqi photographers and to present them to
mainstream media so the Iraq War may be seen
from the point of view of civilians.

Through social media, ISIS has the same

publishing power that we do. It has become vital

to have first-class photographers to counteract
the ISIS propaganda.

If you dont already have one, set up an
Instagram account. Look around for
accounts from photojournalists.

Instagram Series
Take at least one (publishable) photo each day and

post it to the class blog (on draft until Thursday).

Make only one blog post for the whole week, but

dont put this off until the last minute take pictures
every day.

Just make interesting images of campus life, your

life, whatever happens to you this week. They should

be well composed, in focus (of course!) but otherwise
just capture something interesting and/or in an
interesting way.

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