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Transformed by the Transfiguration of Christ

When you read the three accounts of Christ’s transfiguration on the mount
(Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9) you come away with a sense of what a tremendous
life-changing event it truly was for Peter, James and John. Days earlier Peter had
proclaimed who Jesus was when the Lord posed the question to the disciples, “Who
do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” They said, “Some say John the Baptist, some
Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” It was Peter who declared, “You are
the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered him by confirming that
“flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.”

So what happened that day when Jesus and his inner circle of disciples headed up Mt.
Hermon? It was one of the highest peaks in the mountain range that bordered much of
the promised land that Moses gazed upon (Joshua 13). We know that Mt. Hermon is
mentioned in one of the Songs of Ascent (Psalm 133) that yearly pilgrims sang on their
way to Jerusalem. This was a sacred mountain, one that was revered and held special
significance to devout Jews. Luke tells us Jesus took them up the mountain to pray.
These same three would accompany Him to the Garden of Gethsemane soon afterwards.
Our Lord was preparing them for the dark days ahead of which He revealed to them
prior to this event. Peter even attempted to prevent what Jesus Himself prophesied
regarding His suffering and pending death in Jerusalem. Now, approximately six days
later, here they were with Jesus, watching something that would transform them for the
rest of their lives.

The transfiguration was a demonstration of the glory of Christ’s human life. Jesus
was God manifest in the flesh. He was the Son of God & the Son of Man. He was the
glorified humanity, not the glory of deity. Christ deliberately limited His omnipotence,
omnipresence and omniscience in Himself. It was all to show the magnificence of His
humanity. The account of His transfiguration is stunning. Matthew 17:2 states, “and
[He] was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became
as white as the light. Mark 9:3 says, “His clothes became shining, exceedingly white,
like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. Luke 9:29 tells us, “And as
He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and
glistening. God gave those disciples a glimpse of His Son’s glory! Jesus was in
conversation with Moses and Elijah – one representing the Law, the other representing
the Prophets. Jesus stated in Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I came to destroy the
Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” The dialog centered most
likely on His pending death and resurrection.

Peter, James and John would never be the same again. James was the first of the
disciples to be martyred for Christ by Herod. Peter became the evangelist to the
Gentiles and became a pillar of the church. He learned, by the Holy Spirit’s power, to
tame the tongue that so often got him into trouble while Jesus was here on earth.
Peter was so overcome with a mixture of fear and exhilaration that he blurted out,
“Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one
for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” His exuberance was no doubt based on the
fact that if it is good now (on earth), just think how good it will be in heaven! The
disciples recognized at this moment that the Son of God was more than the Jesus they
knew as a teacher, a rabbi, reformer and leader – He was the express Glory of God in the
flesh. The Messiah. John was the youngest of the disciples, and ultimately was the last
living witness of His glory. John never forgot how precious the Lord Jesus was to him
and even omitted his own name from his epistles and gospel, because of his great love
for his savior. Both Peter and John testified to being eye-witnesses to His Glory in their

As they stood on the mount in awe, the luminous cloud spread and overshadowed them,
filling them with a sense of terror. God Almighty spoke saying, “This is My Beloved Son:
hear Him!” There was no time for comprehension as they fell on their faces in
awestruck worship. Then we see Jesus as He lovingly and tenderly touched them and
said, “Arise, and do not be afraid.” The three lifted up their eyes and beheld only Jesus.
This pivotal event was the catalyst for these disciples to live with extraordinary abandon
in the face of extreme persecution. They would live for Christ and build His church with
their own blood, sweat and tears. The transfiguration gave them, and all saints to come,
the assurance that Jesus was the God Man come to earth as a ransom for many.

How does the transfiguration transform us? It declares Jesus King of Kings and Lord of
Lords as He appeared in all of His power and glory. It gives us faith in the power Jesus
has over death and the grave. It empowers us as it did for three disciples to proclaim
how great our Savior is and change the world one life at a time.

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