Xenobiotics: Hazards Posed by Xenobiotic Compounds

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Man made chemicals present in the nature at high concentrations polluting the
environment is known as Xenobiotic compounds. These compounds are not
commonly produced by nature. Some microbes have been seen to be capable of
breaking down of xenobiotics to some extent. But most of the xenobiotic compounds are
non degradable in nature. Such compounds are known to be recalcitrant in nature.
The properties of xenobiotic compounds attributing to its recalcitrant properties are:
(i) Non recognizable as substrate by microbes to act upon and degrade it.
(ii) It does not contain permease which is needed for transport into microbial cell.
(iii) Large molecular nature makes it difficult to enter microbial cell.
(iv) They are highly stable and insolubility to water adds to this property.
(v) Mostly toxic in nature.
The recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds can be divided into different groups depending
on their chemical composition
Halocarbons: They consist of halogen group in their structure. Mainly used in solvents,
pesticides, propellants etc. They are highly volatile and escape into nature leading to
destruction of ozone layer of atmosphere. The compounds present in insecticides,
pesticides etc,. leach into soil where they accumulate and result in biomagnification.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): They consist of a halogen group and benzene
ring. They are mainly used in plasticisers, insulator coolants in transformers etc. They
are chemically and biologically inert adding on to its recalcitrant nature.
Synthetic polymers: These are mainly used to form plastics like polyester, polyvinyl
chloride etc. They are insoluble in water and of high molecular weight explaining the
recalcitrant property.
Alkylbenzyl Sulphonates: They consist of a sulphonate group which resists break
down by microbes. They are mostly found in detergents.
Oil mixtures: When oil spills occur covering a huge area the break down by action of
microbes becomes non effective. They become recalcitrant as they are insoluble in
water and some components of certain oils are toxic in higher concentrations.
The recalcitrant property of xenobiotic compound is directly linked to its complexity so
that the higher the complexity the stronger recalcitrant property.
Hazards posed by xenobiotic compounds
The hazards posed by xenobiotics are huge. These compounds are highly toxic in nature
and can affect survival of lower as well as higher eukaryotes. It also poses health
hazards to humans like various skin problems, reproductively and even known as a
trigger for causing cancer. These compounds are persistent and remain in the
environment for many years leading to bioaccumulation or biomagnification. They also
find a way into the food chains and the concentrations of such compounds was found to
be high even in organisms that do not come in contact with xenobiotics directly.

Mechanisms involved in biodegradation of xenobiotics

Xenobiotic compounds, owing to its recalcitrant nature, is hard to break down and
degrade. The complexity of its chemical composition adds to this. For breaking down
such compounds the enzymes act on certain groups present in the compound. For eg: in
the halocarbons the halogen group is targeted. Enzymes like oxygenases play a major
role. The bonds like ester-, amide-, or ether bonds present in the compounds are first
attacked leading to breaking down of compounds. In some cases the aliphatic chains
and in aromatic compounds the aromatic components may be targeted. The site and
mode of attack depends on the action of enzyme, its concentration and the favourable
conditions. Often it is seen that the xenobiotics do not act as a source of energy to
microbes and as a result they are not degraded. The presence of a suitable substrate
induces its breakdown. This substrate is known as co metabolite and the process of
degradation are known as co metabolism. In another process, the xenobiotics serve as
substrates and are acted upon to release energy. This is called gratuitous
Certain microbes on continuous exposure to xenobiotics develop the ability to degrade
the same as a result of mutations. Mutations resulted in modification of gene of
microbes so that the active site of enzymes is modified to show increased affinity to
xenobiotics. Certain mutations also resulted in developing new enzymatic pathway for
xenobiotic degradation. Use of mixed population of microbes is usually recommended as
it has been seen to yield faster results as the two different microbes attack different
parts through different mechanisms resulting in effective break down. It also creates a
condition of co metabolism. The modification of certain genes of microbes to break
down xenobiotics is also recommended and is seen to produce high level of accuracy.
Elimination of xenobiotics
Unfortunately, xenobiotics are part of human life in the modern society. Different
industries develop and produce various compounds that should improve humans life,
but most of them are highly toxic and consequences to the biomes around the globe are
usually terrible. Xenobiotics associated with production of plastics, pesticides, paints,
textile and pharmaceuticals cant be eliminated from our lives, but we should put more
effort in elimination of toxic materials before our planet turn into one big bag of waste.
Microorganisms have always been the easiest and most efficient tool used for
elimination of abundant or harmful chemicals from our environment. They can be found
all around the planet, they are easily grown in laboratory conditions, scientists are
familiar with their affinities and characteristics, they possess needed enzymes and they
enjoy eating chemical waste. They can be used for different types of organic waste,
but some artificially created compounds are simply un-digestible: microorganisms are
not metabolically equipped to break down chemical bonds in compounds of interest.
Luckily, another scientific branch, genetic engineering, allowed scientist to modify
microorganisms and turn them into organisms able to degrade xenobiotics. Genetically
modified Pseudomonas species are mostly used in the process of bioremediation.
Pseudomonas harboring TOL plasmid, for example, degrades toluene, m-xylene and pxylene. Insertion of bioluminescence gene allows researchers to monitor Pseudomonas
during bioremediation.
Another way to help nature get rid of all those waste materials could be achieved by
combining human and microbial activity. Chemicals that cant be degraded by
microorganisms directly, can be chemically altered to their smaller or easier-to-break

parts and then degraded using already known microorganisms. Combination of human
and microbial activity could be a life savior in the case of accidental oil spills that have
devastating consequences on the marine organisms. Large oil spill cant be degraded
solely by microorganisms due to large quantities of spilled oil and because oil contains
some toxic ingredients. Newly invented chemical could solve this problem.
SOT 11 (SOT stands for solid oil treatment) is an inorganic solid absorbent that consists
of nontoxic mineral granules, which are chemically inert. This chemical is developed by
Oil Treatment International (OTI), a Swiss based company, over a period of 20 years.
How this mineral mixture works? Since it acts as strong absorbent, once it is deposited
over the spill, oil will compact in small particles that will (because of the gravity) sink to
the bottom of the sea. Due to firm bond between oil and SOT 11, oil cant leave this
complex and enter the water or water surface again. Elimination of the superficial oil
film allows animals to come in contact with oxygen and establish normal breathing
again. Also, removal of the spill will allow sunlight to reach underwater photosynthetic
organisms (without light, they cant produce food), and prevent animals that spend their
life both on the land and in the water to end up covered in oil. Birds cant fly if their
feather is glued in oil, and it has toxic effect when animal swallow it. What is happening
with oil-absorbent particles once they precipitate on the bottom of the ocean? Closer
examination showed that living creatures on the marine floor don't change their normal
life activities during this process. Once on the bottom, shredded in small pieces, oil-SOT
11 will become food for the oil-digesting organisms such as fungi, algae, protozoa and
bacteria. Digestion includes several species that are active in different stages because
chemical degradation of oil happens in cascades. Low level of oxygen on the bottom is
not a problem, because oil degradation can happen both under aerobic and anaerobic
conditions. Whole process happens really quickly and end products are water and
carbon dioxide. Since this method is still new and needs to be assessed for both safety
and efficacy, regulatory body requested regular checks of the underwater processes
that are happening after the SOT 11 is added. Sampling of the sand from the sea
bottom showed that almost all oil-SOT 11 particles vanished (digested by the sea
microorganisms) within a week. This result is amazing and when compared to absorbent
non-treated area, it showed 99% more success in oil removal and its final degradation &
elimination from the ecosystem.
Oil spills are dangerous and unfortunately, often ecological disasters. Although there
isnt a way to prevent them from happening, at least we can help ecosystem recuperate
after oil is spilled.
Xenobiotics are toxins and there are various ways to neutralize the effect of these
Detoxification is a process that decreases the negative impact of xenobiotics or toxins,
on the body.
Practicing detoxification cleanses the body from within and reduces the side effects of
xenobiotics. The best practice is to plan detox diet. The first action of such practices is
on the accumulated toxins within body. The good detox plan is that which contains 60
per cent liquids and 40 percent solids. Solid food means the one that contains phyto
chemicals such as indoles flavonoids, nutrients and enzymes. Example are Bromalain
which is found in Pineapple. Papain which is in papaya which act as colon cleanser and
helps in improving the digestive system.
Apart from above mentioned things, the detox diet may involve periods of fasting,
consuming only fluids and eliminating heavy foods. Sometimes syrups are also used.
Example Maple syrup provides energy that can be absorbed easily in the body while it
also cleanses the toxins found within the body. This way it obliterates cravings for junk

food, alcohol and other toxins.

Eating raw food is another way of detoxification. It is natural way of eating and it avoids
processed food and preserved foods intake. Examples of raw food are sprouts, nuts,
dried fruits, raw milk, carrots, and various fruits. This food contains antioxidants and
other essential substances which strengthens immune system. Another method is to eat
only one type of fruit. Examples are Apple, Grapefruit, Bananas and Melons. Other such
fruits can also be considered. The fruit supply organic water and helps in cleansing. Fruit
consumption can be easily digested and this helps body to repair the internal system.
These are various detoxification methods and should be followed as per doctors
recommendations only.
Most notorious persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are called as dirty dozens: these are
1. DDT
2. Toxaphane
3. PCB's
4. Dioxins & Furans
5. Hexachloro Benzene
6. Chlordane
7. Dieldrin
8. Endrin
9. Aldrin
10. Mirex
11.HeptachlorXenobiotic compounds are man-made chemicals that are present in the
atmosphere at unusually high concentrations. Microorganisms are able to digest most of
the naturally occurring xenobiotic compounds and this property is called as microbial
infallibility. Those xenobiotic compounds that resist digestion from even microbes are
called recalcitrant.
General Features of Xenobiotic Degradation:
Since xenobiotics consist of a wide variety of compounds, their degradation occurs via a
large number of metabolic pathways.
Degradation of alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons generally occurs as follows:
1. An oxygenase first introduces a hydroxyl group to make the compound reactive
2. The hydroxyl group is then oxidized to a carboxyl group
3. The ring structure is opened up in case of cyclic compounds
4. The linear molecule is degraded by beta oxidation to yield acetyl-CoA, which is then
utilized in the usual manner to carbon dioxide.
Similarly, an alicyclic hydrocarbon e.g. cyclohexane is oxidized as follows:
1. First an oxygenase adds a OH group in the ring
2. Then another oxygenase forms an ester in the form of a lacone
3. The lactone is then hydrolyzed to open the ring structure to give a linear molecule
In both these oxidations, mono-oxygenases are involved, which add oxygen to a single
position in the molecule. In contrast, oxidation of benzene ring may involve a dioxygenase, which adds oxygen at two positions in the molecule in a single step.
Both mono- and di-oxygenases are of a variety of types: some react best with short
chain alkanes while others act on cyclic alkanes. But these enzymes are not very

specific and each enzyme oxidizes a limited range of compounds. Thus xenobiotics are
degraded by a wide variety of microorganisms, each of which degrades a small range of
compounds. Frequently, oxidation of xenobiotic compounds involves cytochrome P450
or rubredoxin. In addition, the halogens and/or other substituent groups are either
modified or removed usually as one of the initial reactions or sometimes it is achieved
later in the process.
Chemicals that are foreign to the biosphere are known as xenobiotic compounds.
Release of chemical substances due to rapid industrial progress has now become a
serious problem causing environmental pollution. Pollutants resembling structural
features of xenobiotics mostly include organic sulfonic acids, halogenated aliphatic and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, s-triazines, nitroaromatic compounds, azo
compounds and synthetic polymers. Over the years huge quantity of hazardous waste
sites is being generated throughout the world due to accumulation of xenobiotic
compounds in soil and water. Polycyclic aromatics, nitroaromatic compounds (NACs),
and other hydrocarbons (PAHs) constituting crude oil, are among the diverse group of
xenobiotic chemicals responsible for immense environmental pollution. The
conventional physico-chemical strategies for remediation of xenobiotics to clean up
contaminated sites are not quite costly and adequate. Therefore, research focused on
biodegradation and elimination of these hazardous compounds are gaining importance.
The process of biodegradation wherein Xenobiotic contaminated sites are remediated by
means of bacteriological actions, utilizes the capability of microorganisms in reducing
the toxicity and concentration of a large number of Xenobiotic pollutants. This is an
ecofriendly and economical and efficient treatment technique that is developing quite
rapidly in the field of environmental restoration. Bacteria and fungi can utilize the
xenobiotic compounds as substrates, by mineralizing or converting them into less toxic
products. Microorganisms gain access to xenobiotics pollutants depending on the
availability of these compounds in air, water, soil various environmental compartments.
Transformation and degradation of xenobiotic residues are mostly carried out by
microorganisms. Bioremediation is a major mechanism in aquatic and terrestrial
environments, and provides the very foundation of the modern wastewater treatment
plants. Biodegradation performance in the natural habitat is affected and controlled by
the physicochemical properties of the environment. Micropore entrapment as well as
soil accumulation are the major causes xenobiotic persistence. Both aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria, and fungi are effectively involved in the biodegradation of
xenobiotics. These microbial transformations are sometimes fortuitous, a phenomenon
quite common in microbiology. Xenobiotic compounds are often utilized as a source of
energy, nitrogen, carbon, or sulfur by various microorganisms. But few xenobiotics are
there that are resistant to microbial attack. Therefore, research should focus on
understanding mechanism of the interaction between microorganisms and xenobiotic
compounds in the environment that must include biochemical as well as genetic
engineering areas. Such effective strategies then can play a pivotal role for successful
environmental clean up by a diverse group of microorganisms for efficient remediation
of toxic xenobiotic compounds.

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