Articles of Union

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Articles of Union

Article I- Administrator
The primary regional government shall consist of four members,
known as Administrators. Each member shall have control over their own
departments and may enact policies in these departments only. These
departments are:
Department of Defense
This Department manages
the regional military. It sets standards, limits, and
all policies regarding the regional military.
Department of the Treasury
This Department manages
the regional funds. They must advise the Chief
Administrator on budget creation and create
records for regional statistics.
Department of Education
This Department is one of
the only two department with the power to affect
the nations of the region directly. This Department
sets educational standards for all schools in the
region. This Department has the authority to create
standardized tests for the entire region and set
passing standards. They cannot create curriculum,
but this department can declare what cannot be in
a curriculum.
Department of State
The Department of state
may also affect individual nations. This department
sets expansion limits and policies for neutral
territories. This department also is tasked with
keeping peace between nations. This department
may mediate all peace conferences and may
enforce treaties. This Department also has control
over regional embassies and foreign relations.

Article II-Upper Echelon

The upper echelon of the Regional government shall consist of two
members. These members shall be the Chief Administrator and the Prime
Executor. These two positions are in the upper echelon, however the Chief
Administrator is above the Prime Executor.
Chief Administrator Powers
Remove and replace Dept.
Administrators with just cause.
The Power of Veto to strike
down Administration Council Policies
The Power of Line Item Veto
(the power to veto a certain clause of a policy)
Chief of State Powers, such
as founding embassies and representing the
Regional Government.
Budget control, such as
setting department funds on advise of the Treasury
The Powers of CommanderIn-Chief of Regional Forces. This includes the ability
to deploy forces within the region to any neutral
location or any base at any time. The Chief
Administrator may deploy forces into a nation's
territory for only two months without
Administration Council approval, unless a base
exists in that nation.
The Power of Negotiation,
such as with trade deals and so forth on behalf of
the Regional Government.
The Power to issue policies
to Departments and override the policies of
Administrators in their departments.
The Chief Administrator
shall have the authority to require troops be sent

to the Regional Security Army, on advise of the

Defense Administrator.
Chief Executor Powers
The Power to enforce
policies issued by the Chief Administrator.
The Power to enforce
Education Dept. and State Dept. Policies on the
The Power to act as the
Chief Judge of the Region, and judge all trials
between nations.
The Power to enforce the
rulings they make in trials.
The Power to enforce the
policies of Administrators within their departments
if they are unable to enforce the policies
The Power to assume all
powers of the Chief Administrator in the case that
they are missing, dead, or otherwise unable to
carry out their duties. They shall hold these powers
until the Chief Administrator is able to return, or
the Chief Administrators term expires.

Article III-Administration Council

The Administration Council serves one primary purpose- To limit the
extensive powers of the Chief Administrator and Prime Executor. The
Council also has power to limit Administrators within the Council.
Powers of the Council
The Council may override
any Chief Administrator action with a vote.
The Council may override
any Chief Executor Ruling with a Vote.
The Council can strike down
any Administrators policy with a vote.

The Council can approve a

motion to have an impeachment trial if of
Administrators vote for it. In order for a conviction,
4/4 votes are needed. They may Impeach any
Administrator, the Chief Administrator, or the Chief
Executor. If an Administrator is on trial, the Chief
Executor shall take that Administrators place in
voting so there may be four votes.
The Administration Council
may pass policies to replace policies of individual
Administrators or the Chief Administrator. Any
policy passed requires vote.
The Council is not a
legislative body. They can not pass laws to affect
every nation in the region. They can, however, pass
a tax that must be proposed by the Chief
Administrator. They may also override the Chief
Administrator's budget and replace it or demand a
new one be made, but only with a 4/4 vote. With a
vote, they can make an official suggestion to
change the budget. Once the budget is set, it
cannot be changed until the next election.
The Council can pass
regulations only on the Environment for the entire
region with a vote. The Council may also require
nations to send troops to the Regional Security
Army, as can the Chief Administrator unless the
Council overrides his decision.

Article IV-Term Limits

Each official is elected by the public, except the Chief Executor who
is appointed by the Chief Administrator. These officials hold office until
the Chief Administrators term reaches ninety days, no matter when they
took office. One the ninetieth day, elections must begin and be concluded
by the ninety-third day of the Chief Administrators term.

Article V-Rights of Nations

Each nation has virtually no restrictions on it. They may do a
number of things free of any Regional interference.
Each Nation may:
Wage wars with other
Possess a Military and Police
Possess any Economic
System they desire
Possess any Political System
they desire
Pass laws, regulations,
policies, taxes, budgets, and court rulings affecting
Claim territory within
Regional Policy Limits
Run for Office in the
Regional Government, unless forbidden to for
policy violations
Establish trade with any
nation in the region
Establish embassies with
any nation in the region
Petition the Regional
Restrict rights of its citizens
to the bare minimum these Articles permit, or
extend them well beyond what is required
Conduct acts of
international espionage at will
Do all other things a normal
nation may in right due, unless it violates the
policies the Regional Government is allowed to

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