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. This holiday season,
for every sale of Antonio
Banderas's Blue
Seduction for Women
fragrance gift set, $1 will
be donated to Broadway
Cares / Equity Fights
AIDS. The organization
supports programs that
provide treatment and
services for people with
HIV/AIDS and their
families while raising
public awareness.

. When a boy asked

Ricardo Arjona
(below) for'a guitar after
Hurricane Stan tore
through Guatemala in
2005, the singer-
songwriter decided
he'd one day create
a foundation to provide
children with hope
. BOLIVIA througp music. The
recently launched

The Great Divide Fundaci6n Adentro has

donated musical
instruments to public
COULD BOLIVIA be headed for a civil plan to give trlballeaders a say in the gov- schools throughout
war? More than 15 people have died (and ernment. Ifs an idea thafs made him hugely Arjona's native country,
touching the lives of
another 106are missing) as a result of recent popular; in an Augustreferendum, more than more than 400 children.
clashes between supporters and opponents two in three Bolivians backed him. -Dorkys Ramos
of President Evo Morales, the country's first But in the country's lowlands, four right-
indigenouspresident And in mid-September, wing governors with ambitions of autonomy
police defused a homemade bomb set out- have sparked massive protests. In turn, the
side Morales's palace in La Paz. leftist leader has expelled the American
Poor and landless indigenas- Bolivia's ambassador, Philip Goldberg, alleging he
majority-want the country's vast natural was riling up the opposition.
gas resources to be spread equally among the Clearly, reform is needed: Bolivia reaps
people. But a wealthy minority (ofEuropean $1.57billion annually in gas profits, yet has
descent) living in gas-rich areas opposes an extremely high poverty rate. Whether
Morales's use of gas revenues to pay for anti- Morales has any control over restoring peace
povertyprograms.They alsooppose Morales's remains to be seen, -Franziska Castillo

Uribe For Life?
FIVE MILLIONCOLOMBIANShave signed a petition to allow
President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term in 20l0-even
though the country's constitution would have to change,
Uribe has made strides toward ending the country's bloody
Freed FARC civil war, weakening guerrilla forces and securing the release
hostage of key hostages (including Ingrid Betancourt, at left with
Betancourt Uribe). With less strife, foreign investment has returned.
chronicled Yet, many of Uribe's closest allies have been arrested or are
her captIvIty under investigation for possible deals with paramilitary groups
In Letters to
My Mother: A involved with drug trafficking, extortion, vote-rigging and mass
Message of killings, including Sen. Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, president of
Love, A Plea Congress, and Sen, Carlos Garcia, head of Uribe's U Party.
For Freedom
(Abrams Still, Uribe's popularity is at an all-time high; a recent poll
Image, $16). pointed to a hefty 80 percent approval rating, -RC.


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