Pet For Shcools - Writing Part1

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There are 6 questions in this quiz. Here are some sentences about a trip to a rock concert. For
each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the the first
sentence. Use no more than three words. Type only the missing words in the box.

1. Last weekend, my dad and I went to a rock concert.

Last weekend, I went to a rock concert _____________________________ dad.
2. The concert was held in a football stadium.
The concert took __________________________________ in a football stadium.
3. We took the bus to the stadium.
We went to the stadium _____________________________________________ .
4. The journey lasted two hours.
______________________________________________ two hours to get there.
5. We sat at the back of the stadium.
Our ____________________________________ were at the back of the stadium.
6. I could hear the music, but I couldnt see anything!
_________________________________ hear the music, I couldnt see anything!

7. The bus station is near the new shopping centre.

The bus station isn't ........................................ the new shopping centre.
8. I've never been to this shop before.
This is ........................................ I've been in this shop.
9. The choice of food here is not as good as in the market.
The choice of food in the market ........................................ here.
10. There is late-night shopping on Thursday.
The shops ........................................ on Thursday.

11. Shall we go into town this afternoon?

Would ........................................ go into town this afternoon.
12. I've never been to America.
He said he ........................................ to America.
13. The tickets were more expensive than I had expected.
The tickets weren't ........................................ as I had expected.
14. Getting a visa isn't very difficult.
It isn't difficult ........................................ a visa.
15. The hotel gave us a room with a beautiful view.
We ........................................ a room with beautiful view by the hotel.
16. My friend suggested travelling by train.
My friend said 'If I were you ........................................ travel by train'.
17. It is difficult to get a job where I live.
It is not very ........................................ to get a job where I live.
18. The company said I was too old to become a trainee.
The company said I wasn't ........................................ to become a trainee.
19. I will take the job if the pay is OK.
I won't take the job ........................................ the pay is OK.
20. The company has a great fitness centre.
........................................ a great fitness centre in the company.
21. I might get a job while I'm on holiday this summer.
I might get a job ........................................ the summer holiday.

These sentences are similar to the transformations in part 1 of the writing

section of the PET exam.

Q1 - There are three cinemas in the complex

The complex has three cinemas

The complex have three cinemas
Q2 - The doctor has three evening sessions

There is three evening sessions at the doctor's

There are three evening sessions at the doctor's
Q3 - The new supermarket is cheaper than the old one.

The old supermarket is not as expensive as the new one

The old supermarket is more expensive than the new one
Q4 - The town has two old markets

There are two old markets in the town

There is two old markets in the town
Q5 - Private colleges are more expensive than state ones

State colleges are not as cheap as private ones

State colleges are not as expensive as private ones
Q6 - There are two rugby teams at their school

Their schools have two rugby teams

Their school has two rugby teams
Q7 - Somebody took a lot of pictures at the party

A lot of pictures were taken by somebody at the party

A lot of pictures were taken at the party
Q8 - Newspapers are cheaper than magazines

Magazines are more expensive than newspapers

Magazines are as expensive as newspapers
Q9 - The policeman asked him to open his bag

'Please open your bag,' the policeman asked

'Open your bag,' the policeman said
Q10 - The new hospital has more beds than the old one

The old hospital had as many beds as the new one

The old hospital had fewer beds than the new one
Q11 - Everybody liked the film

The new film was very popular

The new film was very good
Q12 - You should take the pills before meals

The pills should be taken before meals

The pills must be taken before meals
Q13 - There are thousands of great paintings in the National Gallery

The National Gallery are thousands of great paintings

The National Gallery has thousands of great paintings
Q14 - There are five churches in the town

The town had five churches

The town has five churches
Q15 - She makes more money than her husband

Her husband makes less money than she does

Her husband makes fewer money than she does
Q16 - 'You've got an exam on Monday,' the teacher told the class

The teacher said the class that they had an exam the following Monday
The teacher told the class that they had an exam the following Monday
Q17 - She's got more videos than I have

I haven't got as much videos as she has

I haven't got as many videos as she has
Q18 - London had three million visitors last year

There were three million visitors in London last year

There was three million visitors in London last year
Q19 - The Underground is cheaper than taxis

Taxis are more expensive than the Underground

Taxis are less expensive than the Underground
Q20 - There's a supermarket in the shopping centre

The shopping centre has a supermarket

The shopping centre had a supermarket
Q21 - She has completed more courses than her brother

Her brother hasn't completed many courses

Her brother hasn't completed as many courses as she has
Q22 - The book is more interesting than the film

The film isn't as interesting as the book

The film is more interesting than the book
Q23 - There are lots of new films in the video shop

The video shop has lots of new films

The video shop have lots of new films
Q24 - He's lived there all his life

He still lives there

He no longer lives there
Q25 - She spends more than she earns

She earns as much as she spends

She doesn't earn as much as she spends
Q26 - She started work for ICI three years ago

She has worked for ICI for three years

She works for ICI for three years

PET for Schools Writing Part 2

You have lost your jacket. Write a notice to put on the wall in your school.
In your notice, say:
- what your bag is like
- where you last saw it
- how people can contact you
Write 35-45 words.

Lost Jacket
I lost a red jacket with blue buttons on Friday last week . I last saw it in the classroom at
lunchtime . If you see it , please can you call me on 07884 483774 . If you return it to me , I will
give you a reward!
Jenny Cox

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