Neutrino Mass

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Volume 7 Number 0402 ISSN 1979-3898

Journal of
Theoretical and Computational

Neutrino Mass
M. Satriawan
J. Theor. Comput. Stud. 7 (2008) 0402
Received: ; Accepted for publication:

Published by
Indonesian Theoretical Physicist Group Indonesian Computational Society
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Studies
Journal devoted to theoretical study, computational science and its cross-disciplinary studies

A. Purwanto (ITS) J.M. Tuwankotta (ITB)
A. S. Nugroho (BPPT) L.T. Handoko (LIPI)
A. Sopaheluwakan (LabMath) M. Nurhuda (UNIBRAW)
A. Sulaksono (UI) M. Sadly (BPPT)
B. E. Gunara (ITB) M. Satriawan (UGM)
B. Tambunan (BPPT) P. Nurwantoro (UGM)
F.P. Zen (ITB) P. W. Premadi (ITB)
H. Alatas (IPB) R.K. Lestari (ITB)
I.A. Dharmawan (UNPAD) T. Mart (UI)
I. Fachrudin (UI) Y. Susilowati (LIPI)
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Indonesian Theoretical Physicist Group Indonesian Computational Society

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c 2008 GFTI & MKI ISSN 1979-3898
J. Theor. Comput. Stud. Volume 7 (2008) 0402

Neutrino Mass
M. Satriawan
Research Group on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Department of Physics, Gadjah Mada University,
Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Abstract : I present the possibility to have very small neutrino masses even if the neutrino is Dirac particles. The
very small mass of neutrinos is generated through the usual symmetry breaking of certain Higgs potential coupled with
a Yukawa terms that leads to a (type II) seesaw-like mechanism. The whole scenario is based on the old left-right
symmetry models, where the right weak current is suppressed due to a very high mass of the WR , together with a Higgs
potential employing one bidoublet and two left-right doublets.
Keywords : neutrino mass, seesaw mechanism, left-right symmetry
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Received: ; Accepted for publication:

1 INTRODUCTION type of mass that the neutrinos have? Even though it

is known that if the neutrino is a Majorana particle,
Since the positive result of the neutrino oscillation ex- then we could have a neutrino-less double beta de-
periment, it is almost certain that neutrino do have cay. But due to the smallness of the neutrino masses,
masses and that they have large mixing angles. But the probability for this decay to occur (which is pro-
neutrino oscillation experiment can not distinguish portional to the neutrino masses) is also very small.
whether the mass is of Dirac mass or Majorana mass. The current negative result on the neutrino-less dou-
The standard model, due to the non detection of the ble beta decay is not enough to exclude the possibil-
right handed neutrino, only have a left weak cur- ity that neutrino is a Majorana particle. If it turns
rent and the neutrino was assumed to be massless out that neutrino is not a Majorana particle, then the
Weyl particles. When the possibility that the neu- current seesaw mechanism model has to be revised or
trino could have a very small non zero mass, it is rejected. There has to be some other mechanism that
then natural if many physicist started to assume that can explain the smallness of the neutrino masses but
neutrino is a Majorana particle. Having a Majorana with the neutrino as a Dirac particle. Also at the same
mass, neutrino thus violates lepton number conser- time the mechanism should give explanation for a not
vation (though the smallness of the neutrino masses to small masses for the charged leptons. This paper
make this violation is also small). To explain the was intended toward that direction, and here we start
smallness of the neutrino masses, many model have with the assumption that neutrinos are Dirac parti-
been proposed, and one of them is the seesaw mech- cles.
anism. In seesaw mechanism neutrino gain a small
mass due to the existence of very heavy right handed 2 THE OLD LEFT-RIGHT SYMMETRY
neutrinos (type-I see-saw mechanism, see for exam- MODEL
ple [1]) or due to the existence of a very heavy Higgs
triplet (type-II see-saw mechanism, see for example If neutrinos are Dirac particle then we have to have
[1]). In both model, it is assumed that the neutrino is their right handed counterpart. In compensate, there
a Majorana particle. Somehow the possibility of hav- has to be some mechanism to explain the non-
ing a very small masses but with neutrino as (only) a detection of these right handed neutrinos. There are
Dirac particle, through a kind of see-saw mechanism, two explanations that have been proposed in the past
is not being considered. for this. First is by assuming that the right handed
Up to now we do not have any result from the ex- neutrinos have a very large masses, thus it does not ex-
periment that can make us conclude for certain the isted at the current energy level. Second is by assum-

c 2008 GFTI & MKI 0402-1
2 Neutrino Mass

ing that the right handed weak current is suppressed For this to be really left-right symmetry, then µL =
due to the very large right handed weak gauge bo- µR and λL = λR . The bidoublet and the doublets
son, WR ’s masses. Both explanations need some kind could have vacuum expectation values given by,
of mechanism that gives different masses for the left (a
and right handed particles. Because we have assumed 0) (e) (f )
Φ= , ϕL = , ϕR = , (5)
that neutrinos are Dirac particles, then the first as- 0 d 0 0
sumption can not be used, neutrinos could not have
where a, d, e, and f in general are complex numbers,
different left and right handed masses. Thus we use
but we can choose it to be real. The absolute mini-
the second assumption, which means we have to have
mum of the Higgs potential is attained if,
two different W ’s, the WL and the WR for the left
and right current respectively. As gauge particles, the µ µL µ2
W ’s only gain masses through the symmetry breaking a=d= √ , e= √ , f=√ R , (6)
2λ 2ΛL 2ΛR
mechanism. We are then led to the old left-right sym-
metry model, SU(2)L ×SU(2)R ×U(1)B−L , introduced In this form, certainly the upper and lower part of
by Pati, Salam and Mohapatra (for reference on this the √
fermion doublets will obtain the same mass m =
ole model you can see [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]). In this gµ/ 2λ. This could be the case for the (first gener-
model we have the leptons and quarks each comes as ation) up-down quark, but it is not the case for the
left and right handed doublets, leptons.
(ν ) (u ) In order to give the right masses for the leptons
ψL/R = i q
, ψL/R = j
. (1) (especially the neutrino) we, some how has to make
li L/R dj L/R a = 0, d ̸= 0 and generate the neutrino masses not
directly form the Yukawa term. We thus add the fol-
where i denotes the e, µ, τ and j = 1, 2, 3 is the quark lowing term to the Higgs potential in (4)
In order to gain masses for the fermions, we cannot ηϕ†L ΦϕR + h.c . (7)
use the usual term mψ̄ψ because it is not invariant
under the gauge. Thus we need a Yukawa terms to Certainly, once we change the potential, the vacuum
generate masses for the fermions. Thus we have to expectation values in Eq. (6) is no longer valid. The
introduce a bidoublet Higgs that transform under the additional term will add the value of the potential.
gauge as (2,2,0) (where the last term is the B − L For a certain range of the value of the parameters
number) and the Yukawa term for generating fermion in Eq. (4) the absolute minimum of the potential is
masses, given by, attained when a is vanishes but d remains not zero.
This could be understood as follows: the additional
−g ψ̄L ΦψR + h.c. . (2) term will increase the potential, so when a ̸= 0 we have
a negative contribution from Eq. (4) but a positive
To give different masses for the WL and WR and to contribution from the additional term. But when a =
break the gauge down to the U(1)EM , there has to 0 we have zero contributions from both. Thus there
be at least two doublet Higgs ϕL and ϕR that trans- is a certain range of parameters in which the second
form as (2,1,-1) and (1,2,-1) respectively (It is for a case has lower absolute potential than the first case.
certain reason that will be clear later, why we choose Thus we can have a = 0 and d ̸= 0. Moreover, now
the doublets to have B-L equal -1). The bidoublet this term together with the Yukawa term in Eq. (2)
and the doublets, with their charge assignment, are will give the following effective term, if µ is very large,
denoted as follows,
( Φ0 ) ( ϕ0 ) (ϕ0 ) ϕ†L ϕR
Φ+ ηg ψ̄L ψR + h.c. . (8)
Φ= 1 2 , ϕL = L1 , ϕR = R1 , (3) µ2
Φ4 ϕ−
L2 ϕ−
This effective terms, which is a kind of type II seesaw-
A Higgs potential is then being introduce to insti- like mechanism, will give - upon the symmetry break-
gate a symmetry breaking. First we will just put the ing - the following very small masses for the neutrinos
Higgs potential in its simpler form without interaction
between the bidoublet and the doublets, ef
ηg . (9)
V (Φ, ϕL , ϕR ) = −µ2 Tr|Φ|2 − µ2L |ϕL |2
To give different mass for the WL and WR we have
−µ2R |ϕR |2 + λTr|Φ|4 to make e ≪ f , but neither of both should be zero.
+λL |ϕL |4 + λR |ϕR |4 . (4) Otherwise the neutrino masses will be zero. Without

3 Neutrino Mass

additional term in the Higgs potential, we always get mass if we want to have asymmetric mass for the WL
e = f . Let’s add the following term and WR are resolved by choosing the solution where
both the asymmetric and the symmetric VEV of the
ζ|ϕL |2 |ϕR |2 . (10) doublets occur. The extension to the case of quark
masses is also possible.
This term will increase the Higgs potential, thus sim-
ilar to the previous addition, there will be a certain JTCS

range of the value of the Higgs potential parameters in

which the solution will have absolute minimum when REFERENCES
one of the doublet has vanishing vacuum expectation
value (VEV). Unfortunately it is not possible, either [1] M. Fukugita and T. Yanagida, Physics of Neutri-
by this addition or any modification of the Higgs po- nos, Springer (2003).
tential, to make asymmetric VEV for doublets with- [2] J. C. Pati and A. Salam, Phys. Rev. D10 (1974)
out one of them being zero. 275.
But there is a certain value of the Higgs poten- [3] R. N. Mohapatra and J. C. Pati, Phys. Rev. D11
tial parameters, in which both the symmetric and the (1975) 566.
asymmetric VEV of the doublets lead to the same [4] R. N. Mohapatra and J. C. Pati, Phys. Rev. D11
minimum value of the potential. I will assume that (1975) 2558.
this is the case, where the doublets has two possible [5] G. Senjanovic and R. N. Mohapatra, Phys. Rev.
VEV’s, that is either, D12 (1975) 1502.
(0) (f ) [6] R. N. Mohapatra, F. E. Paige and D. P. Sidhu,
ϕL = , ϕR = , (11) Phys. Rev. D17 (1978) 2462.
0 0
[7] G. Senjanovic, Nucl. Phys. B153 (1979) 334.
with f =, or [8] P. Duka, J. Gluza and M. Zralek, Ann. Phys. 280
(f ) (f ) (2000) 336.
ϕL = , ϕR = . (12)
0 0

The first one will be used to break the left and right
symmetry, and give different mass for the WL and WR ,
while the second one will be used to generate neutrino
masses through the above mechanism. I would not
go into details about how the W ’s can obtain their
masses, because this has been covered in many papers
about left-right symmetry model.
Lastly, the same above mechanism can be used also
to explain the quark masses, only this time we may
need the case when the Φ has the following VEV,
(a 0)
Φ= . (13)
0 d

where additional term similar like in (7) will make a ̸=

d. A seesaw-like mechanism also could take place to
give differences in masses for the up and down sector
of the quark masses.


I have elaborate the possibility to explain a very small

mass for the neutrino, but with the neutrino as just
a Dirac particle. In the same time, the mass of the
charged lepton is not very small. The mechanism is
based on an old model, the left-right symmetry model,
but with slightly different Higgs sector and potential.
A possible problem of having a vanishing neutrino


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