Satellite System Fundamental

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APSAT 2006
Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta
May 30th, 2006
Satellite Communication Overview

Satellite Communication Overview

• Satellite may have different meanings, however in this context the

satellite means a machine that has been sent into space and goes
around the Earth, moon etc., used for radio, television, and other
electronic communication (Longman Advance American Dictionary)
• Basic concept of satellite transmission

ui t


ui t

Full two-way link = 1 circuit

Earth Station One-way link (A to B) = 1 channel Earth Station
A Two-way link (A to B) = ½ circuit B 2
Satellite Orbit

Types of Satellite Orbit

Geosynchronous • Geo = Earth + synchronous = moving at the same rate
Equatorial • 22,300 miles located directly above the equator
Orbit • Similar rotation period with earth on its axis
• So, a satellite in GEO always stays directly over the same
spot on Earth
• can also be called a GeoSTATIONARY Orbit

Orbit Advantages Disadvantages

GEO • User terminals do not have to track satellite • Transmission latency or delay of 250
• Only a few satellites can provide global millisecond to complete up and down link
coverage • Higher cost and more difficult launch
• Maximum life-time (15 years or more) deployment to GEO
• Do have to worry about Van Allen Belt Radiation • Antennas must be of larger aperture size
• Often the lowest cost system and simplest in to provide high flux density service and
terms of tracking and switching narrow beams for frequency reuse
• Poor look angle elevations at higher

Satellite Orbit

Types of Satellite Orbit

Orbit Advantages Disadvantages
MEO • Less latency and delay than GEO (but greater • More satellites to deploy than GEO
than LEO) • More expensive launch costs than GEO
• Improved look angle to ground receivers because of more satellites
• Improved opportunity for frequency re-use as • Ground antennas are generally more
compared to GEO (but less than LEO) expensive and complex
• Fewer satellites to deploy and operate and • Increased exposure to Van Allen Belt
cheaper TTC&M systems than LEO (but more radiation
expensive than with GEO) • Coverage of low traffic areas (i.e., oceans
• Longer in-orbit lifetime than LEO systems (but deserts, jungles)
less than GEO)

LEO • Low latency or transmission delay • Larger number of satellites (50 to 70)
• Higher look angle (especially in high-latitude • Not effective solution for national or
regions) regional coverage
• Less path loss or beam spreading • Extensive coverage of min. traffic areas
• Easier to achieve high levels of frequency re- • Higher launch costs to deploy
use • Harder to deploy and operate - higher
• Easier to operate to low-power/low-gain ground TTC&M costs
antennas • Much shorter in-orbit lifetime due to
orbital degradation
Satellite Orbit

Types of Satellite Orbit

• GEO is at 22,230 miles or 35,836 kilometers or a

tenth of the way to the moon (1/50 g). Exactly
one orbit of earth every 23hr 56 min. It has 250
ms delay latency
• MEO can be anywhere from 8000 to 12000
kilometers. Above van Allen belts. Some
Doppler shift concerns. 60 to 80 ms latency.
• LEO can be anywhere from 700 to 1500
kilometers. Just below van Allen Belts. Minimal

Satellite Communication Overview

Types of Satellite
• Fixed Service Satellite (FSS)
– is any satellite service where the ground station does not change
location frequently
– used chiefly for broadcast feeds for television and radio stations
and networks, as well as for telephony, data communications,
and also for Direct-To-Home (DTH) cable and satellite TV
– FSS satellites operate at a lower power than DBS satellites,
requiring a much larger dish than a DBS system, usually 3 to 8
feet for Ku band, and 12 feet on up for C band (compared to 18
to 24 inches for DBS dishes). Also, unlike DBS satellites which
typically use circular polarization on their transponders, FSS
satellite transponders use linear polarization
Satellite Communication Overview

Types of Satellite Communication

• Mobile Service Satellite (MSS)

– is a satellite system which use portable
terrestrial terminals
– The MSS terminals may be mounted on a
ship, an airplane, an automobile, or even be
carried by an individual. It will enable phone
service anywhere on the globe

Satellite Communication Overview

Types of Satellite Communication

• Broadcast Service Satellite (BSS)

– A term used to refer to satellite television broadcasts intended for home
reception, also referred to as direct-to-home signals.
– It covers both analogue and digital television and radio reception, and is
often extended to other services provided by modern digital television
systems, including video-on-demand and interactive features. A "DBS
service" usually refers to either a commercial service, or a group of free
channels available from one orbital position targeting one country
– There is a terminology confusion, however ITU original frequency
allocation plan for Europe and the Soviet Union from 1977 introduced a
concept of extremely high power spot-beam broadcasting which they
termed DBS, although only a handful of the participating countries even
went as far as to launch satellites under this plan, even fewer operated
anything resembling a DBS service
Satellite Communication Overview

Types of Satellite Communication

Example : Fixed Satellite Example : Mobile Satellite

Satellite Communication Overview

Spectrum Allocation

FIXED Satellite Services FSS MOBILE Satellite Services MSS

• C-Band (6/4 GHz) • 1.6/1.5 MHz
• Ku-Band (14/12 GHz) • 2.1/2.0 MHz
• Ka-Band (30/20 Ghz) • 2.6/2.5 MHz
• Q/V Bands (48/38 GHz) • 30/20 MHz
• W-Band (60 GHz) Feeder Links in the FSS bands

BROADCAST Satellite Services BSS

• 18/12 MHz
• 2.6/2.5 MHz

Satellite Communication Overview

Planned and Unplanned Band

Based on ITU-RR, there are two groups of frequency bands:

• Planned Band is a frequency band governed by ITU and
assigned to any countries so that all countries will have
on-orbit slot with specified frequency and coverage in the
country territorial, and no requirement for coordination.
This is primarily given for developing countries.
• Unplanned Band is a frequency band provided by ITU
based on request and need from a country and treated
by first come first serve philosophy. This requires
coordination between countries and between operators.

Satellite Communication Overview

Planned and Unplanned Band

Service Planned Band Unplanned Band

BSS (App. 30 and 30 A) (Article-5 ITU)

Slot : 80.2E, 104E , 108E , 110.4E,113E , 137E dan Location used: 107. E (S-
139.5E. band) by Indostar.
Frequency band : For Region-3 (Asia including Indonesia),
11.7 – 12.2 GHz and feeder link is 17.3 – 18.1 GHz.
Disadvantage : the spot beam is pointed to various location
and difficult to implement to cover Indonesia.
FSS (App. 30B). Location used: 108E (C and
Slot : 115,4E EC), 118E (C) by TELKOM,
Frequency band : 4 500 - 4 800 MHz (downlink) & 6725 - 7 113E, 150.5E (C, EC, Ku)
025 MHz (uplink); 10.70 - 10.95 GHz and 11.20 - 11.45 GHz by Indosat & PSN, 146E (C,
(downlink) & 12.75 - 13.25 GHz (uplink). EC, Ku) by PSN.
Disadvantages : earth station and satellite are limited, non- Location not yet used: 144E
standard frequency range, frequency downlink 4500 – 4800 (C and EC) by PSN, 118E
MHz (14 transponder) interfered with terrestrial frequency, (EC) by TELKOM, 118E
and lower availability for Ku-band. (Ku) by INDOSAT
MSS None Location used : 123E (L and
EC) by ACeS.
Location not yet used: 80.5E
and 135E (L & EC) by ACeS

Components of Satellite Communication

Satellite Components

Sat Com Engineering

Mission Consideration
• Purpose of the satellite • Satellite Reflector
– Communication, Broadcast, – Shaped or Phased Array
Mobile, etc – Single or multi reflector
– Number of transponders or – Side lobe issue
• Orbital slot
• Coverage Target
– GEO vs. Non-GEO
– Global / Hemisphere
– Elevation angle from earth station
– Regional
• Design and mission life time
– Domestic
– Redundancy scheme and
– Spot area Reliability target in end of life
• Frequency operation – Suit with business plan
– S, X, L, C, Ku, Ka, etc • Launch Vehicle
– Match with ITU frequency
– Single or Dual launch
– Inclination injection
Sat Com Engineering

Major Subsystem of Satellite

• Bus subsystem
• Communication or Payload subsystem

Sat Com Engineering

Bus Subsystem

• The bus is the part of the satellite that carries the payload and all its
equipment into space and contains equipment that allows the satellite
to communicate with Earth.
• The bus holds all the satellite's parts together and provides :
– Telemetry and Monitoring system is used to know the health status of the
satellite. All status of module and sensors are collected using telemetry
database system and transmitted to earth station control
– Major subsystem are TCR (telemetry, command, and ranging), electrical
power, mechanical (thermal and structure), attitude control, propulsion,
and command data handling
– Highly automated system with performance alarms in case of telemetry
data out of spesification

Sat Com Engineering

Bus Subsystem
• Satellite has the electric power source from Solar Arrays and Batteries
and a power converter to provide a DC voltages to all modules
• Solar array
– Comprise of several panels
– Need to have the capability to track to the sun through Solar Array Drive
Mechanism (SADM) in order to get optimum energy
– Solar panels on body stabilized satellites more efficient that on spinners
– Comprised up to hundreds of solar cells, which has the material from
Gallium Arsenide (Ga As) and Silicon (Si)
• Battery
– Long life batteries needed to support mission life
– Required to be able to supply up to 1 hour during eclipse season
– Must be managed and discharged to perform over long lifetime
– Material of its cells are Nickel Cadmium (Ni Cad), Nickel Hydrogen (NiH2),
and Lithium Ion (Li)
Sat Com Engineering

Bus Subsystem

• The function of TCR is provided by TCR antenna, baseband

modules, on-board computer equipped with flight software, and
Database Handling.
• During operation, TCR antenna can use omni, beacon, or dish
antenna. It is depend on the design requirement of the system
• All process of commanding, receiving telemetry, and tracking are
controlled and monitored from a dedicated Ground Control
Systems. A backup is quite necessary to anticipate a failure
including force major incidents
• Attitude control is required to keep the satellite inside the ‘box’

Sat Com Engineering

Bus Subsystem

• The status of satellite attitude may be provided by Star, sun and

earth sensors or RF orientation system
• The attitude control can be provided by
– Thrusters or arc jet – to correct the inclination (North and south) and
the drift (East West)
– Momentum wheel – to maintain accurate pointing

Sat Com Engineering

Communication or Payload Components

• The payload is all the equipment a satellite needs to do its job.

• The payload is different for every satellite depend on its mission.
• Also known as transponder which has a mechanism to receives RF
signal, filters, amplifies (TWTA or SSPA) and converters it to
downlink frequency.
• Basically, two types of satellite communication :
– Analog Bent-Pipe
– Digital on-board processing
• On-board switching interconnects spot beams
• On-board processing and signal regeneration recreates signal without
distortions (signal enhancement)
• In the future - On-Board signaling can provide “intelligent
telecommunications services” (I.e. ATM switch) to support IP over ATM

Sat Com Engineering

Payload Block Diagram (Simple)

Input IMUX (Input To Output

Circuit Receiver Multiplexer) Section

From Input High Power OMUX (Output

Section Amplifier Multiplexer)

• Basically, the payload comprises of two main sections, that is the input
section and the output section
• The requirement of the mission drive the complexity of payload
component configuration
Sat Com Engineering

Satellite Communication Network

To a more complex one
Point to Multi-point
Multi-point to Multi-point

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• The field of satellite communications is based on a large

number of basic terms and concepts, and requires a
knowledge of mathematic and physical theorems that
most are straightforward
• Some terms to understand are
– Units : dB, dBm, Hz
– Ratios : G/T, C/N, Eb/No
– Constant : Boltzman, speed of light
– Terms : antenna gain, wavelength, BER, flux density, free-space
loss, link analysis/budget, back-off, linearization

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Decibel (dB)
– A decibel is a logarithmic scale measure that is used in
communications and particularly useful for satellite
communications because it allows for a significant range of
power variations. Due to the long path of Geo Satellites the
signal level is very low and, consequently the antenna gain and
power need very high numerical number. Both are easier
expressed in decibel
– Mathematical term
• From numeric to decibel numbers : a (dB) = 10·log10b , or
• From decibel to numerical numbers : b = 10(a/10
• Where a is a decibel number and b is a numerical number

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

(Cont’d dB)
– Examples : an amplifier has 3 dB gain means it can amplify the
input power as many as two times
• dBm and dBW
– A dB measurement in mili Watt or Watt
– 0 dBW = 1 Watt and 30 dBm = 1000 mW = 1 W, thus 0 dBW = 30 dBm
– Examples : 5 Watt = 7 dBW and 5000 mW = 30 + 7 = 37 dBm
• Hertz (Hz)
• Hertz is a unit of frequency (f) and can be expressed as the number of
cycles per second
• Speed of light (c) equals to 2.997925 x 108 m/s
• f = c / λ, where λ is a wavelength in meter

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Gain of (a Parabolic) Antenna

– A key performance parameter of an antenna
– The larger the aperture of an antenna the more concentrated the beam
and the higher the gain
– Also as you go to higher frequencies, the antenna can send or catch
more of the transmitted or received signals
– Mathematical terms : G = η·(4πA)/(λ2), or if the aperture is circular can
be expressed as G = η·(πD/λ)2
– Where : G = Gain of parabolic antenna ; η = antenna aperture efficiency
; A = antenna aperture area (m2) ; λ = radiation wavelength (m) ; c =
speed of light (m/s) = 2.997925 x 108 m/s ; f = radiation frequency in Hz

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)

– Isotropic refers to a signal sent in all directions equally
– It is simply the power generated by the high power amplifier (HPA)
multiplied by the antenna gain and taking into account the transmission
line that connect the output of HPA to the antenna feed
– Mathematical term : EIRP = Pt·Gt/Lf or in dB terms : EIRP = Pt + Gt - Lf
• G/T
– It is simply as the ratio of receive antenna gain divided by the noise
temperature of the receiving system
• Boltzman Constant (k)
– It is used extensively in calculating a noise power bandwidth
– Equals to 1.38 x 10-23 J/K or in dB terms is -228.6 dBJ/K

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Carrier Signal to Noise Ratio (C/N)

– Carrier Signal to Noise is a measure of the transmitted power of a
carrier in relation to the noise or interference in the carrier band
– Unit is in dB
– In satellite communication, C/Nuplink is usually higher than C/Ndownlink ,
so the C/N total is close to C/N downlink or said to be downlink limitted.
• Eb/N0
– Eb/N0 is the ratio of the power per data bit to the noise power density
per Hz. This is the basis for determining the quality of a digital channel
– N0/2 is a white noise power spectral density which is uniform across the
– N0 equals to Boltzman constant multiplies to noise temperature of the
noise source measured in Kelvin (1º Kelvin = 273 ºC), or N0 = k·Ts
Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Bit Error Rate (BER)

– Bit Error Rate is the determination of Quality of Service in a digital
– An error over a million bit means the BER has 10-6
• Free Space Loss (L)
– While the signal propagates toward the space, it will experience an
attenuation and a change in amplitude, phase, or frequency due to
traveling distance and atmospheric condition
– Mathematical terms : L = (4πd/λ)2, where d is a slant range

Sat Com Terms

Satellite Communication Terms

• Power Flux Density (PFD)

– The flux density is the power flow per unit surface area. The greater the
distance travel the flux density decreases by the square of the distance
– The power flux density is thus a vector quantity determined by how little
of a sphere’s surface it illuminates. The tighter the antenna beam the
higher the received power flux density
– Mathematical term : PFD = EIRP/(4πd2L), expressed in dBW/m2
• Basic Link Budget
• C/N total = [ (C/N uplink)-1 + (C/N downlink)-1 ]-1
• C/N uplink = EIRPes – La - Lu + G/Tsat – k – B
• C/N downlink = EIRPsat – La – Ld + G/Tes – k – B

where La is antenna tracking loss and atmospheric attenuation, sat is from satellite, and es is from earth station
Sat Com Terms

Multi Carrier Operation

• Multi carrier Operation

– Multi carrier operation in a single amplifier creates an inter-modulation
– The input level of an amplifier is required to be reduced (back-off) to
certain level, typically until linear region, until the inter-modulation
interference is not a significant contribution to the overall link system
– In the non-linear region, the amount of Input Back-Off (IBO) is more
than the amount of Output Back-Off (OBO). It will depend on each
characteristics of each amplifier
– SSPA is typically more linear than TWTA. Nowadays, almost all TWTAs
are equipped with a linearizer in order to extend the linear region

Sat Com Terms

Multi Carrier Operation

Linear Region
Power Output Relative to Saturation (dB)

12 dB
Onput Backoff
-10 1 dB Compression Point

Input Backoff


-30 -20 -10 0

Power Input Relative to Saturation (dB)
Sat Com Terms

Multi Carrier Operation

Inter-modulation product from f1 and f2 carriers

3rd order inter-modulation

(2f1-f2) f1 f2 (2f2-f1)
(3f1-2f2) (3f2-2f1)

5th order inter-modulation

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Multiple Access Technique

FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA are the most common way by which multiple
user share the use of a satellite or even share a transponder

FDMA - transmit in frequency slots :

• most often used with analog systems
• allows many users to share a transmission bandwidth by assigning each of
the users a specific part of the transponder’s bandwidth such that the sum
of all user bandwidths is allocated except for needed guard-bands between
the carriers
• Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) and Pre-Assigned Multiple
Access (PAMA)

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Frequency Division Multiple Access

Different channels use some of the bandwidth all of the time


1 2 3 4 5

• Allows smaller receiver bandwidth (less noise power)

• Smaller maximum transmit power requirements
• Operates both in star and mesh topologies

Satellite Communication System Engineering

FDMA – Implementation Options

• PAMA (Pre Assigned Multiple Access) - implies that the VSATs are pre-allocated a
designated frequency. Equivalent of the terrestrial leased line solutions, PAMA
solutions use the satellite resources constantly. Consequently there is no call setup
delay which makes them most suited for interactive data applications or high traffic
volumes . As such PAMA is used typically to connect high data traffic sites within an
organization. SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier) refers to the usage of a single satellite
carrier for carrying a single channel of user traffic. The frequency is allocated on a pre-
assigned basis in case of SCPC VSAT's. The term SCPC VSAT is often used
interchangeably with PAMA VSAT.
• DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access) - network uses a pool of satellite channels,
which are available for use by any station in that network. On demand a pair of
available channels are assigned so that a call can be established. Once the call is
completed, the channels are returned to the pool for an assignment to another call.
Since the satellite resource is used only in proportion to the active circuits and their
holding times, this is ideally suited for voice traffic and data traffic in batch mode. DAMA
offers point to point voice, fax, and data requirements and supports video conferencing.

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Multiple Access Technique

TDMA - transmit in time slots :
• most common form of digital systems
• users are separate by being assigned a particular time slot rather than a
particular frequency. Larger users can be assigned longer time slots (even
though these time slots are measured in milliseconds). This approach is
useful for satellites since it allows for processing time for on-board
processing and interconnection of the uplink and down link beams
appropriate for each user
• Fixed Assigned TDMA, ALOHA & Slotted ALOHA, and Dynamic

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Time Division Multiple Access

Different channels use all of the bandwidth some of the time.

Predictable time assignments.



Satellite Communication System Engineering

Multiple Access Technique

CDMA - in a combination of time slots and code :

• the newest form of multiplexing and this is used for satellites and for mobile
terrestrial wireless systems as well.
• CDMA uses a combination of time slots and code to separate out multiple
users of a satellite transponder. With very efficient coding techniques a
large number of users can share the available spectrum with coding being
used to pick out the signal meant for each user.
• More immune on interference and multipath effect compared to other MA
techniques (FDMA or TDMA)
• Implementation Choices are Direct Sequence and Frequency Hopping

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Code Division Multiple Access

Different channels use all of the bandwidth all of the time.


Channels use different codes.

Other channels cause
noise-like interference.

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

Data Data
(T) Carrier (T)
Modulator Channel Recovery Demod

Spreading Synch Spreading

(PN) Code (PN) Code
Tc << T

Transmitter Receiver

Narrowband Narrowband
Interference Filter

Data Signal
Data Signal
with Spreading ISI Other ISI
Other SS Users
SS Users

Modulated Receiver Demodulator

Data Input Filtering

+1 Received +1 +1 +1 +1 time
(9 Kbps) time Signal
-1 • If the proper source is 27 Kcps -1 -1
Spreading +1 +1 +1 time • ...and the receiver has the Despreading +1 +1 +1 time
Signal correct despread sequence... Signal
27 Kcps 27 Kcps
-1 -1 -1 • ...and the sequence is properly -1 -1 -1
Recovered +1
+1 +1 +1 +1 time • ...the original message is Traffic time
9 Kbps
Signal recovered. -1
27 Kcps -1 -1

Satellite Communication System Engineering

More Technique for Frequency Re-Use

SDMA – using different space

• The simplest way to have multiple access by just keeping beams
apart and then reuse frequencies by spatial separation.
• Implemented by using a Multi-beam antenna which creating
separate beams that do not overlap
– Very large scale antennas with a complex feed system can create
many beams for frequency re-use. The Iridium system, for instance,
created 48 different beams
– A phased array antenna uses a number of different elements that are
controlled by a processor to “electronically shapes” the beam. Thus it
can “electronically track” a satellite but a parabolic antenna must
physically track or constantly point directly at the satellite.

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Space Division Multiple Acces

Satellite Communication System Engineering

More Technique for Frequency Re-Use

Circular and Orthogonal Polarization

• The two ways to polarize signals to allow the re-use of frequencies in
adjacent or overlapping beams are circular and orthogonal polarization
(much like polarized sunglasses).
• Orthogonal or cross pol: Signals at 90° angles
• Circular pol: Signals in right hand circular and left hand circular directions
(in 26 to 32 dB discrimination)

Linear / Orthogonal Circular

Satellite Communication System Engineering


• Modulation is a technique used to transmit baseband information

(modulated signal) over a bandpass channel (modulated signal) in a
manner suitable for transmission
• The frequency of the bandpass is much higher that the frequency of the
baseband signal

Baseband Bandpass
V(f) V(f)

f f
0 B fc - B/2 fc fc + B/2

Satellite Communication System Engineering

• Modulation can be done by varying either the Amplitude,
Frequency, and Phase, or the combination of those
• Demodulation is the reversing process to extract the original
• In satellite communication, the far distance and hostile environment
require a robust modulation technique to achieve the best possible
quality and consider an efficient use of resource (power and
• Two types of modulation
– Analog Modulation : the input is a continuous signal and has 3
fundamental types, i.e. Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency
Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation (PM)
– Digital Modulation : the input is time sequence of symbols or pulses
and has 3 fundamental types, i.e. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK),
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
Satellite Communication System Engineering

Amplitude Modulation

Transmitter Site Transmission Receiver Site


Modulator Demodulator

fm fc fm

Baseband Bandpass Original Signal

Modulating and Carrier Signal Carrier Signal : Ac cos( 2πf c t )

Modulating Message Signal : m ( t )

The AM Signal : s AM (t ) = Ac [1 + m (t )] cos( 2πf c t )

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Amplitude Modulation

Conditions and Relationship

• Frequency : fc >> fm
 na 2 
• Power relationship : Pt = Pc ⋅ 1 + 

 2 

The ideal would be that most of the signal power is used to transmit
information (na >> 1), however, na must remain < 1 to avoid loss of

Notes :
fc is the frequency of carrier fm is the frequency of baseband signal
Pt is the transmitted power in s(t) Pc is the transmitted power in the carrier
na is known as the mod index, the ratio of amplitude of the input signal to the carrier
Satellite Communication System Engineering

FM and PM Modulation

In practice, a good approximation to the bandwidth in angle modulation

is known as the Carson’s rule

BT = 2 ⋅ (β + 1) ⋅ B
n p ⋅ Am for PM

β =  ∆f n f ⋅ Am
 B = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ B for FM

Both FM and PM require greater bandwidth than AM

Where : Np is the phase modulation index

Nf is the frequency modulation index

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Comparison of FM and AM

• FM is better dealing with noisy and multipath environment

– not very sensitive in amplitude variation
– atmospheric or impulse noise cause rapid fluctuations in the
amplitude of the received signal
– small-scale fading cause amplitude fluctuations as we have seen
• FM is able to trade between SNR ratio to occupied bandwidth
• The relationship between received power and quality is non-linear
– Rapid increase in quality for an increase in received power
– Resistant to co-channel interference (capture effect)

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Digital Modulation

• The information is consisting of discrete signal and assumed to be

binary, that is, 0 and 1, or in more complex ones is in M-ary form
• Digital modulation has extensive advantages compared to analog
modulation :
– Less usage in bandwidth and power
– More immune to channel impairments
– Easier multiplexing of various sources of information: voice, data, video.
– Be able to reduce error by error-control codes
– Enables encryption of the transferred signals to provide more secure

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Digital Modulation

• The modulating signal is represented as a time-sequence of symbols or

• Every symbol can have many states and the relationship can be drawn as
follows :
M=2k or k = log M 2

• For example :

M k M States
(bits / symbol)
2 1 0;1

4 2 00 ; 01 ;10 ; 11

8 3 000 ; 001 ; 010 ; 011 ; 100 ; 101 ; 110 ; 111

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Digital Modulation and Demodulation

Mathematical representation of any modulated signal

s(t) = + A(t) cos [ωct + φ(t)] represents binary digit “1”

s(t) = - A(t) cos [ωct + φ(t)] represents binary digit “0”

Or if it can be expanded by using simple mathematic rule

= A(t) cos φ(t) cos ωct - A(t) sin φ(t) sin ωct

in-phase quadrature

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Digital Demodulation

• Optimum demodulator can detect one out of M possible transmitted

signals in an M-ary signaling with minimum probability of error
• The coherent demodulation is synchronized with the transmitter and
can only occurred when the initial phase of the transmitted signal is
known perfectly at the receiver
• The implementation of coherent demodulation
– difficult to obtain in a rapidly fading environment
– increases receiver complexity
• Differential detection uses the previous symbol for the reference
– eliminates need for coherent reference
– entails loss in power efficiency (up to 3 dB)
– Doppler causes error floor, however typically small for high bit rates

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Efficiency of Modulation
• Efficiency in any transmission involves two main parameters that
are power and bandwidth
• Power efficiency is the ability of the modulation technique to
preserve fidelity of the message at low power levels
Power Efficiency : ηP = f (Eb/No for certain PER)
• Bandwidth efficiency is a parameter to show how efficient the
allocated bandwidth is utilized

Bandwidth Efficiency : ηB = R/B

• Trade-off between power and bandwidth efficiency
– Add error control code Æ ηP increase ; ηB decrease
– Increase M-ary modulation Æ ηP decrease ; ηB increase

where : Eb/No = ratio of signal energy per-bit to noise density B = occupied RF bandwidth in Hz
R = data rate in bps PER = probability of error 55
Satellite Communication System Engineering

Data Rate and Bandwidth

• In a noiseless (ideal) environment, Nyquist theorem provides the
the relationship between the channel bandwidth and maximum
data rate

C = 2 B log 2 m

• Shanon theorem provides the relationship between channel

bandwidth and maximum data rate that can be transmitted in
Gaussian noise present Probability

p(y0) p(y1)

η B max = = log 2 (1 + )
B N P(e|0)

-V 0 V y, receiver input

where : C = channel capacity or maximum data rate (bps) S/N: signal-to-noise ratio
M = number of finite states in a symbol of transmitted signal 56
Satellite Communication System Engineering


• Amplitude Shift Keying is a linear (non-constant envelope) modulation
• The difference between bit “0” and “1” are indicated respectively by low and
high amplitude.
• On Off Keying is the same form as ASK, except the bit “0” is represented only
by no voltage

Figure : example of ASK Figure : example of OOK

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Binary Phase Shift Keying

• The phase of the carrier changes between two values (state “0” and
state “1”) separated by π radians or 180º
• The carrier can be turned on and off by a carrier on/off signal to
determine when the modulator will emit the PSK signal
• Simple to implement, however inefficient use of bandwidth
• Very robust and used extensively in satellite communication
S1(t) = A cos(wct + θ) represents “1”

S1(t) = A cos(wct + π + θ) represents “0”

0 1
= - A cos(wct + θ)

Satellite Communication System Engineering


• BPSK example : 1 1 0 1 0 1

• Differential Phase Shift Keying

The presence or absence of a transition can be used to encode data, in
which a 1 is represented by the presence of a transition (180º phase shift),
and a 0 is represented by the absence of a transition (0º or no phase shift)

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Phase Shift Keying

• PSK is also a linear modulation technique

• Easier to understand the concept by using constellation diagram
– Bandwidth occupied by the modulation increases as the dimension
of the modulated signal increases
– Bandwidth Bandwidth occupied by the modulation increases as the
dimension of the modulated occupied by the modulation decreases
as the signal points per dimension increases (getting more dense)
– Probability of bit error is proportional to the distance between the
closest points in the constellation, that is Bit error decreases as the
distance increases (sparse)

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Quaternary Phase Shift Keying

• 1 symbol is represented by 2 bits, or said 2 bits per symbol

• Two times bandwidth efficiency with the penalty of more complex

sin(wct + θ)
Corresponding transmitted signal
“01” “11”
5π/4 7π/4
S1(t) = s10(t) = A cos(wct + π/4 + θ)

S2(t) = s00(t) = A cos(wct + 3π/4 + θ)

cos(wct + θ)
S3(t) = s01(t) = A cos(wct + 5π/4 + θ)

“10” S4(t) = s11(t) = A cos(wct + 7π/4 + θ)

3π/4 π/4

Satellite Communication System Engineering

M-ary PSK Modulator

I signal
cos ωct
Binary Serial- 2 OSC
data I&Q
to- M-ary PSK
signal Σ
converter m
sin ωct

Q signal

Satellite Communication System Engineering

M-ary PSK Demodulator

Low- I signal
¯ pass
filter 1
r(t) Carrier
recovery Parallel- Binary
cos ωct Clock Digital to- data
generation logic serial
¯ pass
filter Q signal

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Spectrum of M-ary PSK

Power spectral density (dB)



fc fc+ 1/2Tb fc+ 1/Tb fc+ 3/2Tb fc+ 2/Tb
f - fc
Satellite Communication System Engineering

Frequency Shift Keying

• FSK has a constant envelope regardless of the variation in

modulating signal which has characteristics as follows :
– Better deal with random noise and fluctuations due to fading
– More power efficiency, but less bandwidth efficiency
• The frequency of the carrier in Bi-FSK is changed according to the
message state, for example high is state “1” or low “0” :
s 1 ( t ) = A cos( 2 π f c + 2 π ∆ f ) t 0 ≤ t ≤ T b (bit = 1)
s 2 ( t ) = A cos( 2 π f c − 2 π ∆ f ) t 0 ≤ t ≤ T b (bit = 0)

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

• QAM transmits two signals simultaneously on the same frequency

with one shifted 90º with respect to the other
• QAM is a combination of amplitude and phase modulation

s(t ) = d1 (t ) ⋅ cos(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f c ⋅ t ) + d 2 (t ) ⋅ sin (2 ⋅ π ⋅ f c ⋅ t )

2 amplitudes, 8 phases

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Forward Error Correction

k symbols Each symbol contains a

predefined number of bits
Data block

FEC encoding

Data Redundant

k n-k
Code rate= k/n
Noisy decoding
Data block

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Forward Error Correction

• Many protocols operate by only detecting errors and ask for retransmitting
• The problem with retransmission in GEO satellite communication is the
round trip delay that may be too long for high speed and real-time
• To overcome this problem, it is better to transmit enough additional data to
allow receiver to correct some errors
• Example: data with m × n bits:
Row parity
d1,1 … d1,m–1 d1,m
d2, 1 … d2,m–1 d2,m
… … …
dn–1, 1 … dn–1,m–1 dn–1,m
Col. parity dn, 1 … dn,m–1 dn,m

data checksum
(n–1)(m–1) bits m + n – 1 bits

Satellite Communication System Engineering

Forward Error Correction

Data transmitted
m=4 and n=3

0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 error
1 1 1 1 0 0
Noisy 1 1 1 1 0 0 ok

0 1 1 1 0 1
channel 0







1 0 1 0 1 1
error ok ok ok ok ok

Add Redundant Data

in rows and columns

• For even parity, each row and column should have an even number of 1’s
• The row and the column together indicate where a single error occurred
• This scheme can correct a single error, and detect other combinations of errors
• Much more powerful error correcting codes exist



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