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Dank: adj.

abble: v.

unpleasantly damp and cold.

dapper: adj.
~ sth splash (hands. feet. etc) around in water.

Dainty: adj.

(usu of a small person) neat and smart in

appearance; nimble in movement.

dappled: adj.

(of things) small and pretty.

Dais: n.

raised platform. esp at

one end of a room. for a having patches of different colour or shades of
speaker. etc. colour.

Dally: v. Dart: n.

small pointed missile used as a weapon or in the

game of darts.

Daub: v.

~ (over sth) waste time.

Damn: v.

~ A on ~ B (with A) put (a soft substance) on (a

surface) in a rough or careless way.

Daunt: v.

condemn (sb) to suffer in hell.

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discourage (sb); frighten.

marked by an impassive matter-of-fact manner.
Dauntless: adj. style. or expression.

Dearth: (n)

not easily discouraged or frightened.

We always feel dearth of dear one.
Dawdle: v.
Debacle: n.

Sudden and complete failure;


(A) definite agreement
(B) complete success
(C) ungrudging acceptance
(D) unquestionable assumption
(E) frank response
be slow; waste time. debar:
Daze: v. .

to exclude from a place. a right. etc.; bar.

make (sb) confused and unable to react properly. debase: v.

dazzle: v.

blind (sb) briefly

with too much light.
brilliance. etc.
lower the quality. status or value of.
deadlock: n.
debauch: v.

make act immorally by using bad influence.

complete failure to reach agreement or to settle a debilitate: v.

quarrel or grievance.


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~ sth pour (wine. etc)

from a bottle into
another container. esp
slowly so that the
sediment is left

make very weak.

decapitate: v.
debonair: adj.

cut the head off.

decelerate: v.
cheerful and self-assured.

debris: n.

slow down.

scattered fragments; wreckage. deciduous: adj.

debunk: (v)

show that the reputation of is undeserved or that loses its leaves annually. usu in autumn.
decimate: v.
debut: n.

kill or destroy a large part of (sth).

first appearance in public as a performer;
decipher: v.
decadence: n.

(falling to a) lower level

(in morals. art. literature.
etc) esp after a period at
a high level.

decant: v.

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succeed in understanding. ~ sb/sth (as sth) speak critically of sb/sth to

make him/it seem less valuable. useful. etc;
declivity: n. disparage sb/sth.

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DECORUM : Order Over SMS :

(A) constant austerity If you are from India, order this book by sending
(B) false humility SMS "Flashcard" on 09899004123 and pay by
(C) impropriety cash Rs 499/- at the time of receiving this book.
(D) incompetence
(E) petulance
deducible: adj.
decoy: n.

(real or imitation) bird or

animal used to attract others
so that they can be shot or
trapped. that may be deduced.

deface: v.

decree: n.

spoil the appearance or legibility of by marking

or damaging the surface.

order given by a ruler or an authority and having defalcate:

the force of a law.

decrepit: adj.

Made weak by age or hard

use; decrepitude: n. state
of being decrepit.

DECREPIT misuse money held in trust.

(A) popular
(B) sturdy defame: v.
(C) sterile
(D) partially complete
(E) sketchily detailed

decry: v.

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attack the good reputation of say bad things

about (sb).

default: n.

make (something) dirty or impure.

definitive: adj.

failure to do sth. esp to pay a debt or appear in


defection: n.

clear and having final authority; that cannot or

need not be changed.

deflect: v.

~ deserting a party. cause. religion. etc ..

deference: n. ~ (from sth) (cause sth to) turn from its direction
of movement.
Giving way to the
views. wishes. etc defoliate: v.
of others. usu out
of respect;

(A) aversion
(B) resignation destroy the leaves of.
(C) suspicion
(D) inattention defray: v.
(E) contempt

defiance: n.

open disobedience or
resistance; refusal to give provide money for (sth); pay for (sth).
way to authority or
opposition; defying. deft: adj.

defile: v

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~ skilful and quick. esp with the hands. delectable (adj.)

D + elect..... After getting elected
defunct: adj. as Prime Minister Man Mohan
Singh feels delectable.

adorable, agreeable, ambrosial, appetizing,
charming, choice, dainty, darling, delicate,
delightful, divine, enjoyable, enticing, exquisite,
gratifying, heavenly, inviting, luscious, lush,
palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, sapid,
satisfying, savory, scrumptious.
(of people) dead. Ant:
disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful,
degenerate: v. nauseating, offensive, sickening, unpleasant
~ (into sth) deleterious: adj.
pass into a
mental or
moral state
than one
which is
~ (fml ) harmful.
normal or
deliberate: adj.

dehydrate: v.

remove water or moisture from.

deify: v.
done on purpose; intentional.

delineate: v.

make a god of (sb/sth); worship as a god.

deign: v.

show (something) by drawing or describing;


delirium: n.
be kind or gracious enough (to do sth);

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~ in/into sth search or rummage in sth.

mental disturbance caused by illness. resulting
in restlessness and often wild talk. demagogue: n.

delude: v. political leader who

tries to win people's
support by using
emotional and often

demean: v.
~ sb deliberately mislead sb; deceive sb.

deluge: n.

~ oneself lower oneself in dignity; deprive

oneself of others' respect.


great flood or rush of water.

delusion: n.

behavior; bearing ; behavioral attributes.

demented: adj.

deluding or being deluded.

delusive: adj.

demise: n.

not real; misleading.

delve: v.


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related to population balance. claim that (sb/sth) is inferior. worthless. etc;

demoniac: adj.
denizen: n.

person or type of animal or plant living or

very evil; devilish. growing permanently in a place.

demotic: adj. denomination: n.

name. esp of a general class or type;

of or used by ordinary people.
demur: v.

meaning; distinguishing by name.

~ (at sth) (fml ) express a doubt (about sth) or an denouement: n.

objection (to sth).

demure: adj.

last part. esp of a novel. play. etc. in which

everything is settled or made clear.

denounce: v.

(pretending to be) quiet. serious and modest.

denigrate: v.

~ sb (to sb) (as sth) give information (to the

authorities) against sb.

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(D) process of evolving

depict: v. (E) process of condensing

depravity: (n)

show (sb/sth) as a picture; portray. .

state of being depraved; corruption.
deplete: v.
deprecate: v.

reduce greatly the quantity. size. power or value feel and express disapproval of (sth).
depredation: n.
deplore: v.

damage caused by an attack. accident. etc.

Derelict: adj.

be shocked or offended by (sth); condemn. deserted and

allowed to fall into
deploy: v. ruins; dilapidated.;
dereliction: n. being
(A) cautions buyer
(B) inveterate liar
(cause troops. etc to) move into the correct (C) casual bystander
position for battle. (D) pillar of society
(E) slave of habit
deport: v.
Deride: v.

~ sb/sth treat sb/sth as

funny and not worthy of
serious attention; mock
sb/sth; derision: n.
~ sb legally force (a foreigner. criminal. etc) to ridicule or mockery.
leave a country. DERIDE
(A) emulate
depose: v. (B) reward
Remove from power; (C) condone
deposition: n. removing (D) show respect for
from power; (E) extend favor to
derivation: n.
(A) process of congealing
(B) process of distilling
(C) process of eroding

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development or origin.

dermatologist: n.

treat in an unworthy or evil way.

deserts: n.
expert in dermatology.

derogatory: adj.

what one deserves.

desiccate: v.
showing a hostile or critical attitude (to sb's
remove all the moisture from to
reputation. etc); insulting.
preserve it.
derrick (n)
(A) add fertilizer to
(B) add water to
(C) cement
(D) suspend
(E) homogenize
A derrick is a lofty, portable, crane-like structure
used on land and water for lifting enormous DESICCATE
loads. They were invented in 1857 by Bishop for (A) lactate
raising sunken vessels (B) hydrate
(C) make appetizing
descry: v. (D) allow to putrefy
(E) start to accelerate

(A) reactivate
(B) squeeze
(C) calcify
(D) rarefy
(E) drench
(fml ) see (something) esp a long way away;
catch sight of. Desolate: adj.

desecrate: n.

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deserted and miserable.

~ having or showing loss of hope; wretched.
desperado: n.

(dated ) man who commits dangerous. esp

criminal. acts without worrying about himself or
other people.
An absolute and irresponsible monarch..
desperate: adj. despotism: tyranny.

feeling or showing destitute: adj.

great despair and ready
to do anything
regardless of danger.

despicable: adj.

without money. food. etc and other things

necessary for life; impoverished.

desultory: adj.
going from one thing to
another. without a
~ (to do sth) deserving to be despised; definite plan or purpose;
contemptible. unmethodical.
despise: (v) (A) highly inimical
(B) cheerfully accepted
(C) strongly highlighted
(D) lightly considered
(E) strictly methodical

deterrent: n. adj
sb/sth (for sth) feel contempt for sb/sth;
consider sb/sth as worthless.

despoil: v.

that deters or is meant to deter.

~sth (fml ) rob (a place) of sth valuable; plunder detonation: n.

despondent: adj.

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explosion. ~ of sth without sth; completely lacking in sth.

detraction: n. devolve: v.

unfair criticism of sb/sth; belittling ;.

~ on/upon sb (of work. duties) be transferred or
detrimental: adj. passed to sb.

devotee: n.

~ harmful.
person who is devoted to sth; enthusiast.
deviate: v.
devout: adj.

~ from sth stop following. sincerely religious; pious.

devious: adj. dexterous: adj.

cunning; dishonest. skilful with one's hands.

devise: v. diadem: n.

think out (a plan. system. tool. etc); invent.

devoid: adj. crown worn as a sign of royal power.

dialectic: (n).

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(philosophy ) art of discovering and testing

truths by discussion and logical argument.

dialectical: adj. ~ (fml ) separation into or between two groups

or things that are opposed. entirely different. etc.

dictum: n.

of or relating to dialectic.

diaphanous: adj. saying; maxim.

didactic: adj.

light. very fine and almost transparent.

intended to teach.

die: n.

lengthy and bitter attack in words.

(A) encomium block of hard metal with a design. etc cut into it.
(B) epitome used for shaping coins. printing-type. medals.
(C) euphemism etc or for stamping paper. leather. etc so that
(D) epistle designs stand out from the surface.
(E) epigram
diffident (adj)
(A) complimentary description
(B) formal speech
(C) spoken reproof
(D) inaugural address
Defeat ....Defeated person behaves diffidently.
(E) humorous pun
Eg: For someone who makes a living performing
for other people, the actress is remarkably
diffident in real life.
(A) preaching
(B) oration
>> bashful, blenching, chary, constrained, coy,
(C) eulogy
demure, doubtful, dubious, flinching, humble,
(D) dissertation
insecure, meek, modest, reluctant, reserved,
(E) accusation
retiring, sheepish, shrinking, timorous,
unassertive, unassuming, unconfident,
dichotomy: n.
unobtrusive, unpoised
>> assertive, bold

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(A) wise
(B) bold
(C) cruel
(D) relaxed
(E) sloppy

diffuse: v.

~ (in doing sth) slow in acting.

dilemma: n.

spread all around; send out in all directions.

dignitary: n.

situation in which one has to choose between

two undesirable things or courses of action.


person with a high rank or position.

digression: n.

(often derog ) person who studies or does sth.

but without serious interest or understanding.
digressing. DILETTANTE
(A) communicant
dilapidated: adj. (B) defender
(C) chaperon
(D) connoisseur
(E) deviant

diligent (adj.)

falling to pieces; in a bad state of repair.

dilate: v.
If a person “dil laga kar kaam kare”
Eg: He work diligently.

diligence (n)

become wider. larger or further open.

(A) narrow
(B) strengthen
(C) bend A diligence was a French stage-coach. It was the
(D) push national vehicle on the regular routes; had four
(E) soften wheels, two compartments, a deck, and a dickey;
and was drawn by from four to seven horses.
dilatory: adj. dilute: v. ~ sth make (a liquid or colour) thinner

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or weaker (by adding water or another liquid).

diminution: n.
diminishing or being diminished; reduction.
(A) glossy
(B) energetic
song sung at a burial or for a dead person.
(C) immense
(D) adjacent
disaffected: adj.
(E) unbending

din: n.
continuing loud confused noise.
(A) resonance
(B) weakness
(C) hush discontented; disloyal.
(D) uninhabitable place DISAFFECT
(E) unobstructed view (A) win over
(B) fail to proceed
DIN (C) cause to improve
(A) silence (D) include
(B) slowness (E) reinstate
(C) sharpness
(D) essence disarray: n.
(E) repose

dinghy: n.
any of various types of small open boat.

dingy: adj.
dirty-looking; not cheerful or bright; drab.
state in which people or things are no longer
diorama: properly organized.

disaster (n)

a picture (or series of pictures) representing a

continuous scene. Dis + aster (star) when your star is not favorable
there are something that is going to happen
dire: adj. disastrous with you. Hitch your wagon to star to
avoid disaster in your life.
The dinner party was a disaster.The party was a
disaster.Hurricanes are natural disasters.
catastrophe, calamity, debacle, cataclysm,
casualty, holocaust, affliction, bane, fiasco,
blight, visitation, contretemps, exigency,
dreadful; terrible.
disband: v.
dirge: n.

stop operating as an organization; break up.

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make (sb) feel uneasy or uncomfortable.

remove from the bar; expel from the practice of disconcert: v.

law by official action.

disburse: v.

pay out (money). cause to feel confused. upset or embarrassed.

disconsolate: adj. unhappy. esp at the loss of
discernible: adj. sb/sth; refusing to be comforted.

discord: n.

that can just be discerned.; discerning: adj.

showing careful judgement.
disagreement; quarrelling.
disclaim: v.
discordant: adj.

say that one does not have (sth); renounce.

not in agreement; conflicting.

discourse: n.

[ discombobulate: ] (informal) (chiefly U.S. and

Canadian) to throw into confusion.

discomfit: v.
lengthy and serious treatment of a subject in
speech or writing.

discredit: v.

confuse or embarrass (sb).

discompose: v.
damage the good reputation of.

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discrete: adj.

separate; distinct. ~ sth throw out (food. etc) from the stomach or
throat; vomit sth.
discretion: n.

quality of being discreet; good judgement.

discursive: adj.
to make ill-humored or discontented usually
used as a participial adjective.

disheveled: [ dishevel: ]

wandering from one point to another.

disdain: n.
di'shevelment nou.

disingenuous: adj.

feeling that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve

one's respect; contempt.

disembark: v.

insincere. esp in pretending that one knows less

about sth than one really does.
(A) coherent thought
~ (from sth) (of people) leave a ship or an (B) polite conversation
aircraft. (C) acquisitiveness
(D) guilelessness
disengage: v. (E) contentiousness

disinter: v.
(fml ) dig up (sth buried).
(A) ban
(B) depress
(C) choose
~ sth/sb (fml ) free or disconnect sth/sb from (D) bury
sth/sb that holds it/him firmly. (E) link

disgorge: v. disinterested: adj.

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(C) invariable
(D) cooperative
(E) cogent

disparity: n. difference or inequality.

dispassionate: adj. not influenced by emotion;
not influenced by personal feelings or interests; impartial.
dispel: v.
disjointed: adj.

drive (something) away; cause to vanish.

dispense: v. ~ sth give sth out; distribute sth.

in which it is difficult to understand how the disperse: v. go in different directions; scatter;
ideas. events. etc follow each other and develop. break up.
(A) orderly disport: v.
(B) clever
(C) rigid
(D) flexible
(E) persuasive

disjunction: Also called: dis'juncture the act of

disconnecting or the state of being disconnected;
dislodge: v. ~ sb/sth move or force sb/sth from ~ oneself amuse oneself energetically.
a previously fixed position.
disproportion: n. ~ (instance of) being out of
dismantle: v. proportion.

disputatious: adj.
fond of arguing; inclined to argue.
(A) concede
(B) uproot
(C) win
take to pieces. (D) mute
DISMANTLE (E) misunderstand
(A) ignite
(B) arrive disquietude:
(C) assemble a feeling or state of anxiety or uneasines.
(D) reconcile
(E) condone disquisition: n.
~ long elaborate spoken or written report or
dismember: v. account.
cut or tear off the limbs of.
dissection: n.
disparage: v.
suggest. esp unfairly. that is of little value or

disparate: adj.
so different in kind or degree that they cannot be
(A) homogeneous dissecting or being dissected.
(B) cumulative

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dissemble: v. dissertation: n. ~ long essay on a particular

subject. esp one written for a doctorate or similar
degree; thesis.

dissident: n.

hide or disguise (one's true thoughts and

feelings); dissimulate.
(A) act conventionally
(B) put together
(C) appear promptly person who strongly disagrees with or opposes
(D) behave honestly official views and policies.
(E) obtain readily
dissimulate: v. hide or disguise (one's thoughts
DISSEMBLE and feelings); dissemble.
(A) be truthful
(B) act wisely dissipate: v.
(C) gather together
(D) remain the same
(E) renew relations

disseminate: v.
scatter or vanish.

dissolution: n.
~ breaking up (of sth); dissolving.
spread widely. (A) catharsis
DISSEMINATE (B) corrugation
(A) deceive (C) coagulation
(B) garner (D) distortion
(C) constrain (E) attenuation
(D) confirm
(E) conjoin dissonance: n. discord.
dissension: n. (A) concord
(B) confederacy
(C) collusion
(D) consent
(E) contract

dissuade: v. ~ sb (try to) stop sb by advice or

angry disagreement. persuasion.
distant: adj. far away in space or time.
dissent: n.
distend: v.
(cause sth to) swell by means of pressure from
(A) constrict
(B) concentrate
(C) deteriorate
(D) fold
(E) weaken
holding opinions which differ from common or
officially held ones. distill: undergo distillation; of liquids.

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distinct: adj. easily heard. seen. felt or

understood; definite.

distinction: n.
~ difference or contrast between one person or
thing and another.
(A) release
(B) dilution
of the daytime; not nocturnal.
(C) implosion
(D) angularity
(E) compression

distinctive: adj. ~ that distinguishes sth by

making it different from others.

distort: v.

operatic singer; prima donna.

divagate (n)

pull or twist out of its usual shape; distortion: n.

distorting or being distorted.

distract: v. Diva + gate…If diva of Indian movie Rekha out

of gate it means she is digressed or stray from
her main cause
Eg: The major divagated into questions about
the licensing laws.
Syn: stray, digress, digress, stray, wander

diverge: v.
~ sb stop sb concentrating on sth. ~ (of lines. roads. etc) separate and go in
different directions. becoming further apart.
distrait: adj. divergent: adj. divergent paths. opinions.

diverse: adj.
of different kinds; varied.
(A) relay
(B) by pass
absent-minded; not paying attention ;. (C) enclose
(D) work quickly
distraught: adj. (E) come together

diversion: n.
action of turning sth aside or changing its
diversity: n. state of being varied; variety.

divest: v.
very troubled in mind with grief or worry. ~ sb of sth take off (sb's clothes).
diurnal: adj. (A) respond
(B) expire
(C) permit
(D) preserve
(E) furnish

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(A) acquisition (B) don
(B) promotion (C) ply
(C) subsidization (D) clasp tightly
(D) consultation (E) hide carefully
(E) monopolization
dogged: adj.
divine: adj. determined; not giving up easily.
of. from or like God or a god.
DIVINE doggerel: (n)
(A) lose
(B) neglect
(C) fail to perceive
(D) decide to begin
(E) desire to achieve
If my dog Puppy’ sing a song. How will it be?
divulge: v. Obviously doggerel doggerel; comic verse
~ sth make known (sth secret). composed in irregular rhythm badly written
DIVULGE verse or words.
(A) keep secret Eg:
(B) evaluate by oneself Many of Shakespeare’s comedies were largely
(C) refine doggerel, meant to appeal to the common man.
(D) restore Syn:
(E) copy tinkle, jangle, clank, doggerel verse, jingle
dogmatic: adj. of or based on dogma.
docile: adj. easy to control.
doldrums: n.
docket: n.

the doldrums parts of the ocean near the equator

where there is little or no wind.

dolorous: adj.
document or label listing goods delivered. jobs
done. contents of a package. etc .

doctrinaire: adj.
rigidly applying a theory with no concern for
practical problems.
doctrine: n.
set of beliefs held by a church. political party. dolt: n.
group of scientists. etc.

doddering: adj
weak and uncertain in movement.

doff: v.

stupid person.

domicile: n.

take off (one's hat).


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temporarily inactive.

dormer: n.

a person's place of residence. esp as officially

established for purposes of taxation. etc ..

dominant: adj.

upright window built in a sloping roof.

dorsal: adj.

~ most important or prominent; dominating.

domineer: v.

of or on the back of an animal or a plant.

dossier: n.

~ (derog ) try to make sb do exactly what one

wants by ordering him about. regardless of what set of documents containing information about a
he wants to do. person. an event. etc; file ..

don: n. dotage: n.

teacher at a university. esp at an Oxford or a in one's dotage confused in one's mind because
Cambridge college. of old age.

doom: n. dote: v.

death or ruin; any terrible and inevitable fate.

~ on sb/sth show (too) much fondness for
dormant: adj. sb/sth.

dour: (adj)

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doze: v.

sleep lightly.

Dour --- door drab: adj.

Selfish people keep themselves door (distance in
Hindi) from social work. If two people live door-
door, how do they live? They live rather in a
unfriendly manner that is the meaning of dour.
>> The man was dour 7 dirty The normally dour
Shilpa was smiling & joking during her marriage
>>A dour, self-sacrificing life..The proverbially
dour New England Puritan. dull; uninteresting.
bulldog, dogged, pertinacious, tenacious, draconian: adj.

douse: v.

very harsh.

draft: n.

~ sb/sth put sb/sth into (water); throw (water)

over sb/sth ;.

dowdy: adj.

rough preliminary written version of sth.

drastic: adj.

(derog ) (of clothes. etc) dull; unfashionable;


downcast: adj. looking downwards.

dowry: n.

having a strong or violent effect.

draught: n.

property or money brought by a bride to her


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current of air in a room or some other enclosed


dregs: n.

bend or hang downwards through tiredness or


dross: n.

solid particles that sink to the bottom of certain

liquids. esp wine and beer.

dribble: v.
allow saliva to run from the mouth.
scum of waste matter on melted metals.
drivel: n.
drudge: n.

silly nonsense.
person who has to do long hard boring jobs;
droll: adj.
drudgery: n.

amusing in an odd or a quaint way.

(A) lax hard boring work.
(B) colorful
(C) humorless dubious: adj.
(D) honor – bound
(E) enervated

drone: n.

~ not certain and slightly suspicious about sth;

male honey-bee. ductile: adj.

droop: v.

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that can be pressed. beaten or pulled into fine

strands without being heated; ductility: the
malleability of something that can be drawing
into wires or hammered into thin sheets.
(A) air of command
(B) tendency to inhibit
(C) harshness
(D) conciseness
(E) brittleness deliberate deception.

dulcet: adj. duress: n.

sounding sweet; pleasing to the ear.

threats or force used to make sb do sth;
dull: adj. compulsion.

dutiful: adj.

not bright or clear.

dumbfound: v.

showing respect and obedience; fulfilling all

one's obligations.

dwindle: v.

make speechless with surprise; astonish.

dummy: n.

~ (to nothing) become gradually less or smaller.

(A) accept
(B) esteem
(C) exaggerate
model of the human figure. used for displaying (D) combine
or fitting clothes. etc. (E) increase

dupe: v. DWINDLE
(A) refurbish
(B) expand
(C) reinforce
(D) frustrate
(E) involve

dynamic: adj.
~ sb deceive or trick sb (into doing sth).

duplicity: n.

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of power or forces that produce movement.

dynamo: n.

device for converting steam-power. water-power.

etc into electricity; generator ..

dysentery: n.

inflammation of the bowels. causing severe

diarrhoea. usu with a discharge of mucus and

dyslexia: n.

(also word-blindness) abnormal difficulty in

reading and spelling. caused by a brain

dyspeptic: adj. n

person suffering from dyspepsia or the irritability

that it causes.

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E armark: v.

full of energy and excitement; exuberant.

(A) blatancy
(B) ornamentation
~ sb/sth (for sth/sb) assign or set aside sb/sth (C) solitude
(to or for a special purpose). (D) impassivity
(E) ambition
earnest (adj)
(A) confusion
(B) pretension
(C) introspection
(D) absentmindedness
(E) impassiveness

Earn.... To earn big money you need earnest (A) pomposity
effort. (B) sterility
Syn: ardent, busy, devoted, diligent, eager, (C) awkwardness
fervent, fervid, heartfelt, impassioned, (D) careful organization
industrious, keen, passionate, perseverant, (E) calm restraint
purposeful, sedulous, sincere, urgent, vehement,
warm, wholehearted, zealous eclipse (n)

earthly: adj.

An eclipse is the passage

of a celestial body through the shadow of

eccentric: adj.
of this world; not spiritual.

ebb: v.

~ (of the tide) go out; recede ;. unusual; peculiar; not conventional or normal.

ebullient: adj. eccentricity: n.

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avoidance of waste (of money. strength. time.

resources. etc).

Reading comprehension for GRE.
quality of being eccentric; strangeness of
behaviour. etc. Lessons start with the basics and move
into more complex reading strategies, with each
ecclesiastic: n. lesson including several exercises and
explanations to practice the skills learned....
-Shefali, Bangalore

: Order Over SMS :

If you are from India, order this book by sending
SMS "GRERC" on 09899004123 and pay by cash
Rs 399/- at the time of receiving this book.

eclectic: (adj) ecosystem: n.

(of people. beliefs. etc) not restricted to one ecological unit consisting of a group of plants
source of ideas. etc. but choosing from or using and living creatures interacting with each other
a wide range. and with their surroundings.
(A) cordial ecstasy: n.
(B) witty
(C) noticeable
(D) narrow – minded
(E) quick – tempered

eclipse: n.

great joy or happiness.

eddy: n.

blocking of the light of the sun or of the moon

(when the earth's shadow falls on it); ecliptic:
(Astronomy) a the great circle on the celestial
sphere representing the apparent annual path of
the sun relative to the stars..

economy: n. circular or spiral movement of water. air. fog.

dust. etc.

edict: n.

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effect; accomplish.

effeminate: adj.

order or proclamation issued by an authority.

edifice: n. (of a man or his behaviour) like a woman;



large or imposing building.

edify: v. (n.) liveliness; spirit; enthusiasm; bubbliness.

effete: (adj)
(fml or joc ) improve the mind or character of

eerie: adj.
Feet.... After six hours of rigorous exercise his
feet get affected..

efficacy: n.

causing a feeling of mystery and fear.

efface: v.

state or quality of being efficacious.

effigy: n.

rub or wipe (something) out; cause to fade.

effective: adj.

carved figure or model representing a person or



having an effect; producing the intended result;

effectual: adj. (not used of people) producing the
intended result; effectuate: to cause to happen;

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noxious smell.
(A) important examples showing (too much) feeling; too emotional.
(B) relevant theories
(C) predictable results egoism: n.
(D) controlled reactions
(E) desired products

effrontery: n.

state of mind in which one is always thinking

about oneself and what is best for oneself;
boldness or rudeness without shame; egotism: n. practice of talking too often or too
impertinence. much about oneself; selfishness ;. egotistical: [
(A) charity
(B) deference
(C) simplicity
(D) deceitfulness
(E) stupidity

(A) decorum a conceited boastful person.
(B) candor
(C) resolution egregious: adj.
(D) perplexity
(E) mediation

(A) skepticism
(B) timidity
(C) conformity
(D) serenity
(E) impartiality (usu of sb/sth bad ) exceptional; outstanding.
effulgent: egress: (n)

E (out) + gress (go)...... progress...... When you

radiant splendor:BRILLIANCE. egress from movie theatre or a building you
progress out of it.
effusion: n. EGRESS
(A) entrance
(B) decline
(C) wide variation
(D) inadequate amount
pouring out. esp of liquid. (E) lateral movement

effusive: adj. ejaculation: n.

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to sing an elegy?
"O Captain! My Captain!" is Walt Whitman's
elegy on the death of President Lincoln.
funeral poem/song, lament, dirge, plaint,
sudden discharge or ejection of fluid. esp semen. requiem
from the body.
elevation: n.
elaborate: adj.

elevating or being elevated.

very detailed and complicated; carefully (A) maintain
prepared and finished; elaboration: addition of (B) retrieve
details; intricacy. (C) widen
(D) minimize
elastic: adj. (E) depress

elicit: (v)

returning to its normal or previous size or shape

after being pulled or pressed.
(A) lack of spontaneity Elicit....... It is almost impossible to elicit the
(B) lack of tension information about someone’s illicit relationship.
(C) lack of resilience Eg:
(D) symmetry >> Qui fortiter emungit, elicit sanguinem; and
(E) permanence where the wine-press is hard wrought, it yields a
harsh wine, that tastes of the grape-stone.
elated: adj. The Essays by Bacon, Sir Francis
engender, evoke
(A) agitate
(B) protect
(C) stifle
(D) place within the law
(E) remove from influence
~ in high spirits; very happy or proud.
elixir: n.
elegy: (n)

LG… are you planning to buy a new TV. Please imaginary substance with which medieval
do not buy LG TV. Why? These days LG TV scientists hoped to change metals into gold or
owners are complaining that on LG TV only make people live for ever.
elegy song is being broadcast…. Are you going

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ellipsis: n. .

(in Greek myths) home of the blessed after

(grammar) (instance of) leaving out a word or
words from (the grammatical structure of) a emaciated: adj.
sentence when the meaning can be understood
without it/them.

elliptical: adj.

containing ellipsis.
made thin and weak.
(A) lengthen
(B) insult
(C) soothe
(D) fatten
His sister eloped with her boy friend on
(E) masticate
galloping horse
The jogger loped along, just enjoying the fresh
(A) invigoration
morning air.
(B) glorification
(C) amelioration
canter, gallop, jog, run, stride, spring, gallop,
(D) inundation
canter, lollop, leap, jump, trot, jog
(E) magnificent
eloquence: n.
emanate: v.

expressive language. esp to impress or persuade

an audience. ~ from sth/sb come or flow from sth/sb.

elucidate: v. emancipate: v.

make (something) clear; explain.

elusive: adj. tending to escape or disappear; ~ sb set sb free. esp from political. legal or social
difficult to capture. restrictions.

Elysium: n. emasculate: v.

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remove the sexual organs of (a male animal);
castrate ;. embitter: v.
embargo: n.

fill with bitter feelings.

(on sth) official order that forbids sth. esp trade.
emblazon: v.
the movement of ships. etc.

embark: v.

decorate with heraldic or other devices.

~ (cause sb/sth to) go or be taken on board a embody: v.
ship or an aircraft.


~ sth (in sth) (fml ) express or give visible form

to (ideas. feelings. etc).

to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix.
raise in a relief.
(A) induce
(A) turn over
(B) extend
(B) flatten out
(C) extract
(C) whittle away
(D) receive
(D) roughen
(E) diverge
(E) unfold
embellish: v.
embrace: close encircling with the arms and
pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of
embroider: v. ~ A ~ B (with A) decorate (cloth)
with needlework.
embroil: throw into confusion; involve in strife;
~ sth make sth beautiful by adding ornaments.
etc. embryonic: adj.

embezzlement: n.

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(C) weakness
(D) difficulty
(E) crux

emolument: n. (fml or rhet )

in an early stage of development.

emend: v.
profit made from being employed; fee or salary.

empathy: n.

remove errors from; emendation: n. action of

ability to imagine and share another person's
emetic: n. adj feelings. experience. etc.

empirical: adj.

causing vomiting.

eminent: adj.
based on observation or experiment. not on

emulate: v.

famous and distinguished.

emissary: n.

~ sb (fml ) try to do as well as or better than sb.

enact: v.

person sent to deliver a message or to conduct


emollient: n. adj

perform (a part. play. etc) on. or as if on. the

stage of a theatre.

enamored: (adj.)
that soothes and softens the skin.
(A) loss
(B) irritant

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include or comprise sth.

filled with love and desire. encroachment: n.


~ (fml ) action of encroaching.

convert ordinary language into code.

encircle: v.

to impede or hamper the function or activity


endear: (v)

form a circle round; surround.

enclave: n.

En + dear………………..My dear friends – really

you are dear to me. To endear means to become
popular with s b & well liked or loved by them;
endearment: n. word or expression of affection.
small territory of one state surrounded by that of >>The big red BEST buses endeared
another. themselves to the public. The king didn’t endear
himself to his ministers.
encomium: n. >>A couple whose kindness endeared them to
friends.her generosity has endeared her to the
attach, win, charm

endemic: n. adj

(fml ) very high praise in speech or writing.

(A) biased evaluation
(B) polite response
(C) vague description that is regularly found in a particular country or
(D) harsh criticism area. or among a particular group of people.
(E) sorrowful expression ENDEMIC
(A) exotic
encompass: v. (B) shallow
(C) episodic
(D) manifest

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(E) treatable
endorse: v. (A) recuperate
(B) resurrect
(C) renovate
(D) gather
(E) strengthen

engender: v.
write one's name on the back of.
(A) provoke criticism
(B) receive payment
(C) submit unwillingly
(D) oppose publicly
(E) perform quickly

enduring: adj. be the cause of (a situation or condition).

(A) condemn
(B) purloin
(C) assuage
(D) extinguish
(E) detach

(A) enumerate
continuing in existence; lasting. endue: v. ~ sb (B) emulate
with sth provide or supply sb with a good (C) exculpate
quality. ability etc. (D) eradicate
(E) encapsulate
engross: v.
occupy all the time or attention of (sb).

engulf: v.
(of the sea. flames. etc) surround (something) or
cause (something) to disappear; envelop.

enigma: n.

invigorate; make forceful and active.

enervate: (v)

question. person. thing. circumstance. etc that is

difficult to understand; mystery.

enigmatic: adj.
difficult to understand; mysterious.
cause to lose strength or energy. ENIGMATIC
enfranchise: v. give (sb) political rights. esp the (A) stirred by emotion
right to vote at parliamentary elections. (B) free of ambiguity
ENERVATE (C) fraught with danger
(A) grant permission (D) held in esteem
(B) provide assistance (E) laden with guilt
(C) make restitution
(D) irritate enjoin: v.
(E) fortify ~ sth (fml or law ) impose (an action or

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prohibition) on sb; order.

enlist: v.
~ (in/for sth); ~ (sb) (as sth) enter or cause (sb)
to enter the armed forces.

enliven: v.
make more lively or cheerful. capture; make slave.

enmity: n. entice: (v)

condition or feeling of being an enemy; hostility.

ennui: n.
weariness of mind caused by lack of anything
interesting or exciting to do; feeling of boredom.

enormity: n.
To entice my girl friend, I have just bought an
enticer bike of Bajaj. Are you going for Bullet?
>> The promise of higher pay enticed me into
the new job.
>> Every commercial seemed to be for some
tempting snack specifically designed to entice
great wickedness. me from my diet.
enrapture: v. lure, allure, attract, fascinate, seduce, tempt,
fill (sb) with great delight or joy. inveigle, invite, solicit, tantalize

ensconce: v. entity: n.

thing with distinct and real existence.

~ oneself/sb in sth establish or settle oneself in a
safe. secret. comfortable. etc place. entomology: n.

ensue: v.

scientific study of insects.

~ happen afterwards or as a result; follow. entourage: n.
entail: v.
make necessary; involve.


all those who accompany and attend an

important person.

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entrance: n. enunciate: v.
say or pronounce clearly.

eon: n.

~ opening. gate. door. passage. etc by which one

enters sth. an indefinitely long period of time.

entreat: (v) epaulet:

an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder.

ephemeral: adj.
living. lasting. etc for a very short time.

Treat..... Treat someone in anxious or serious epic: n.

manner. long poem about the deeds of one or more great
Eg: heroes. or a nation's past history.
The entreated the king to grant him one wish.
I am to entreat you request you, and desire you, epicure: n.
to con them by person who takes a special interest in and gets
sb (fml ) ask sb (for sth) earnestly and feelingly; great pleasure from food and drink.
epicurean: n. adj
entree: (n) fond of pleasure and luxury.
(A) ignorant about art
(B) dedicated to a cause
(C) motivated by greed
Entry..... The right to get entry a place or social (D) indifferent to food
group. (E) insensitive to emotions
An entrée into fashionable society. epigram: n.
artless, bumbling, bungling, butterfingers,
gauche, halting, maladroit, undexterous,
unfacile, unhandy

entrepreneur: n.

short poem or saying expressing an idea in a

clever and amusing way.

epilogue: n.

person who starts or organizes a commercial

enterprise. esp one involving financial risk.

enumerate: v.

part or section added at the end of a book. play.

film. programme. etc. as a comment on the main
name one by one; count.
episodic: adj.

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occurring irregularly; sporadic. moderate.

epistemologist: [ epistemology: ] equanimity: n.

episte'mologist nou.
calmness of mind or temper.
epitaph: n.
(A) exaggeration
(B) foolishness
(C) excitability
(D) notoriety
(E) capability
words written or said about a dead person. esp
words inscribed on a tombstone. EQUANIMITY
(A) uncharitable ness
epithet: n. (B) agitation
(C) predisposition
(D) disinterest
(E) loquacity

equestrian: adj.

adjective or descriptive phrase that refers to the

character or most important quality of sb/sth eg
Alfred the Great. Attila the Hun ..

epitome: n.

of horse-riding.

equilibrium: n. state of being balanced.

equine: adj.

thing that shows on a small scale all the

characteristics of sth much larger.
of or like a horse or horses.
epoch: n.
equinox: n. either of the two times in the year

equipoise: n.
balanced state. esp of the mind; equilibrium.
(A) lack of balance
(B) inability to grow
period of time in history. life. the history of the (C) failure to accomplish
earth. etc. esp one marked by notable events or (D) inability to learn
characteristics. (E) lack of emotion

equable: adj. free from extremes of heat or cold; equitable: adj. fair and just; reasonable.

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equity: n.
fairness; right judgement.
(A) uncleanness
(B) unfairness Error...... Erroneous acts contain errors.
(C) unskillful ness
(D) unreadiness erudite (adj)
(E) unlettered

equivocal: adj. having a double or doubtful

meaning; ambiguous.
equivocate: v. speak in an ambiguous way to
hide the truth or mislead people. E+ reedited….. Are you rude or erudite?
Obviously erudite that is why I am reading these
erode: v. lines. So erudite means free from rudeness,
therefore very learned or scholarly.
>> My English teacher one of the most erudite
linguistic of his age.
>> Erudite works of Prince, COER, Roorkee.
>> An erudite scholar.
destroy or wear (something) away gradually. >> The most erudite people in medical research
attended the conference.
erotic: adj. >> An erudite lecture on the latest discoveries in
savant, learned, scholarly, learned
escapade: n. daring. mischievous or adventurous
act; prank.

eschew: v.
of or arousing sexual desire.
keep away from (sth); abstain from; avoid.
ergonomics (n) (A) invest
(B) consume
(C) maintain
(D) condemn
(E) seek

Erg + economics……Ergonomics is economics esoteric: adj.

of people’s efficiency in their working likely to be understood by only those with a
environment. special knowledge or interest; mysterious;
The team, which included agronomist Sober obscure.
Das, under took extensive research in the fields ESOTERIC
of existing designing. (A) unsophisticated
Eg: The ergonomics of the new office were felt (B) worthless
to be optimal. (C) lasting
Syn: bioengineering, biotechnology, (D) generally known
errant: adj. doing wrong; misbehaving. (E) well expressed

erratic: (adj) espionage: n.

irregular or uneven in movement. quality or

behaviour; unreliable.

erroneous: (adj)
practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret

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information. science of the different human races. their

characteristics. relations to one another. etc.
espouse: v.
ethos: n.
characteristic spirit. moral values. ideas or
beliefs of a group. community or culture.

etymology: n.

give one's support to (a cause. theory. etc).

esteem: v.

study of the origin and history of words and their

(not used in the continuous tenses ) have a high meanings.
opinion of (sb/sth); respect greatly.
estranged: pertaining to the improvement of race.

eulogistic: adj.
full of high praise.
(A) denigration
(B) oscillation
(C) portrayal
[ estrange: ] [usually passive; often foll by from] (D) imagination
to separate and live apart from (one's spouse). (E) poverty
(A) devour eulogy: n.
(B) ensure
(C) raise
(D) impel
(E) unite

(A) reconciliation
(speech or piece of writing containing) high
(B) dissemblance
praise of a person or thing.
(C) consolation
(D) chaotic situation
euphemism: n. use of pleasant. mild or indirect
(E) continuous negotiation
words or phrases in place of more accurate or
direct ones.
ethereal: adj.
euphony: n. pleasantness of sound. esp in
euphoria: n. intense feeling of happiness and
pleasant excitement.
euthanasia: n. gentle and painless death for a
person suffering from a painful incurable
disease. extreme old age. etc.

evanescent: adj.
of unearthly delicacy and lightness; seeming too quickly fading; soon disappearing from memory.
spiritual or fairy-like for this world.
evasive: adj. having the aim or intention of
ethnic: adj. avoiding capture. of not giving a direct answer.
of a national. racial or tribal group that has a etc.
common cultural tradition. evenhanded: without partiality.
eventual: adj. happening at last as a result;
ethnology: n. ultimate.

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evince: v.
show clearly that one has (a feeling. quality. etc);
(A) perturb
(B) incriminate
(C) forbid
(D) subjugate irritate or annoy greatly.
(E) conceal
evocative: adj. ~ that evokes or is able to evoke
memories. feelings. etc (of sth).

evoke: v.

prep ~ ~ (that...) not including (sb/sth); but not.

bring to mind (a feeling. memory. etc); summon exceptionable: adj.

up. that sb can object to.

ewe: n. excerpt: n.

female sheep.
~ passage. extract. from a book. film. piece of
exacerbate: v. music. etc.

exchequer: n.

make (pain. disease. a situation) worse;

the Exchequer government department in
charge of public money.
exact: adj.
excise: n.
correct in every detail; precise.
government tax on certain goods manufactured.
sold or used within a country.
(A) deny
(B) judge
exclaim: v.
(C) deprive
(D) forgive
(E) establish

exacting: adj.
making great demands; requiring great effort.

exalt: v. cry out suddenly and loudly from pain. anger.

make (sb) higher in rank or greater in power. surprise. etc.

exasperate: v. excommunicate (v)

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maker of a will to carry out the terms of the will.

exegesis: n. (fml ) explanation and
interpretation of a written work. esp the Bible ..
exemplary: adj. serving as an example; suitable
for imitation.
Ex + Communicate…As human beings, we live exemplify: v. be a typical example of (sth).
in communication with our near or dear ones exempt: adj. ~ free from an obligation. duty or
and we like to live in communication. How our payment; not liable.
life does becomes hell within the walls of a
prison. When a Roman Catholic is exertion: n.
excommunicated, he is officially excluded from
participation in the sacrosanct & services of the
Christian church.
Mufti had excommunicated 12 people for
praising national song ‘Vande Mataram’.
expel, oust, anathematize
action of applying influence. etc.
excoriate (adj.)
exhale: v.
breathe (something) out.

exhilarating: adj. very exciting; causing

Sadistic king excoriated the skin of opponent by exhort: v. ~ sb (fml ) advise sb strongly or
punishing with kore. earnestly; urge sb.
EXCORIATE exhume: v. take from the ground (for
(A) improve examination).
(B) absorb
(C) extol exigency: n.
(D) admit (condition of) urgent need or demand;
(E) yield emergency.
exculpate: (v) (A) unprepossessing
(B) inquisitive
(C) devoted
(D) absurd
(E) deferrable
Ex + culpable..... Free someone from culpability.
exiguous: adj. very small (in amount); scanty.
execrable: adj. verybad; terrible. existential: adj. of or relating to (esp human)
execrate: to declare to be evil or existence.
execute: v. carry out. perform (what one is exodus: n.
asked or told to do). ~ (to...) (fml or joc ) departure of many people at
executioner: n. public official who carries out a one time.
death sentence. EXODUS
(A) search
executive: adj. (B) retraction
(C) influx
(D) application
(E) meeting

exonerate: to relieve of a responsibility.

obligation. or hardship.
exorbitant: adj. (of a price. charge. etc) much too
high or great; unreasonable.
concerned with the management and carrying
out of plans. decisions. etc. exorcise:
executor: n. person who is appointed by the

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expletive: n.
violent (often meaningless) exclamation said in
anger. pain. etc; swear-word.

explicate: v. explain and analyse (esp an idea. a

drive out evil spirits. statement or a work of literature) in detail.
explicit: adj. (of a statement. etc) clearly and
exotic: adj. introduced from another country; fully expressed.
not native. exploit: n. brave or adventurous deed or action.
expansive: adj. able or tending to expand. expository: serving to expound or set fourth.

expatiate: v. expostulation: n.
~ on/upon sth write or speak at great length or
in detail about a subject.
(A) state tersely
(B) quell promptly
(C) replace protest; reasoned persuasion. etc.
(D) infuriate
(E) palpitate exposure: n.
action of exposing or state of being exposed.
expatriate: n. person living outside his own
country. expound: v. ~ sth (fml ) explain or make sth
expedient: adj. useful. helpful or advisable for a clear by giving details.
particular purpose. though not necessarily fair or expropriate: v. ~ sth (from sb) take away
moral. (property. etc) for public use without payment to
the owner.
expedite: v.
help the progress of (work. business. etc); hasten expunge: v.
or speed up. ~ sth (fml ) remove or wipe out (words. names.
etc) from a list. book. etc.
expenditure: n. EXPUNGE
action of spending or using. (A) preserve
EXPEND (B) laud
(A) proceed toward (C) insinuate
(B) take away (D) desiccate
(C) place upon (E) devaluate
(D) hold to
(E) store up expurgate: v. remove improper or objectionable
parts from (a book. etc).
expertise: n. expert knowledge or skill. esp in a exquisite: adj. extremely beautiful or delicate;
particular field. finely or skilfully made or done.

expiate (V) extant: adj.

still in existence.
(A) extensive
(B) extraneous
(C) extricable
Ex+ pi+ ate………….Each time when I drink a (D) desiccate
lot of vodka and eat meat of rarely extinguished (E) extra
animals. I expiate what I have done.
Eg: extemporaneous: adj.
>> Expiate his wrongdoingPermission to spoken or done without preparation; extempore.
expiate their offences by their assiduous labors -- EXTEMPORANEOUS
Francis Bacon. (A) additional
>> Expiate one's sins by acts of penance. (B) skillful
>> Yom Kippur is the holy day on which Jews (C) planned
are expected to expiate sins committed during (D) confined
the past year. (E) calm
Syn: atone

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extenuate: v.
make (wrongdoing) less serious (by providing an extrinsic: adj. ~ (fml ) (of qualities. values. etc)
excuse). not belonging to or part of the real nature of a
EXTENUATING person or thing; coming from outside.
(A) justifying extrovert: n. person more interested in what is
(B) caustic happening around him than in his own thoughts
(C) disobedient and emotions.
(D) aggravating extrude: v. ~ sth (fml ) force or squeeze out sth
(E) international under pressure.
exuberance: n. state or quality of being
extirpate: v. remove or destroy (something) exuberant.
completely. exuberant: adj. overflowing with happiness and
excitement; very lively and cheerful.
extol: v.
exude: v.

~sb (as sth) (fml ) praise (sb/sth) highly.

extort: v. ~ sth obtain sth by violence. threats. ~ (something) (from/through sth) (of drops of
etc. liquid. etc) come or pass out slowly; ooze out.
extradition: surrender of prisoner by one state to
another. exult: v.
~ (at/in sth) get great pleasure from sth; rejoice
extraneous: adj. greatly.
~ not belonging to or directly connected with the
subject or matter being dealt with.
(A) fruitful
(B) expeditious
(C) neutral
(D) relevant
(E) precipitous

extrapolation: n. ~ (fml ).

extricate: v.

~ sb/sth (fml ) set sb/sth free; release sb/sth.

(A) complicate
(B) absorb
(C) induct
(D) entice
(E) entangle

(A) enmesh
(B) demolish
(C) enliven
(D) make similar
(E) allay anger

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F abricate : v.

easily obtained or achieved (and so not highly


facilitate : v.


facade : n.

(of an object. a process. etc but not of a person)

make (something) easy or less difficult.
(A) remove anxiety
(B) incur expense
front (of a building). (C) express anger
(D) make harder
facet : n. (E) find boring

(A) evict
(B) thwart
(C) define
(D) make excuses for
(E0 call attention to
any of the many sides of a cut stone or jewel.
facetious : adj. (A) hallow
(B) hamper
(C) hurdle
(D) hide
(E) hold

facsimile : (n)

Facs + similer..... My friends, as you know when

you fax your documents how does it look? Just
similar to your original one. You can call it
Facsimile is an exact copy, especially of written
or printed material.
Eg: Don sent a facsimile of the CAT paper to
intended to be amusing. often inappropriately. his clients.There is a facsimile signature of
Chandrababu Naidu at the end of letter.
facile : adj.
faction : n.

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fallacious : adj.

small united group within a larger one. esp in

politics. misleading; based on error.
(A) excessive (A) safe
(B) undistinguished (B) valid
(C) disdainful (C) energetic
(D) disinterested (D) diverter
(E) disparate (E) persuasive
factitious : adj. fallible : (adj)

Fall+................A fallible person can falls while

deliberately created or developed; unnatural; doing thing correctly.
artificial. Eg: experts can be fallibleHumans are only
FACETIOUS fallible.Fallible hypotheses.
(A) uncomplicated Syn: frail, imperfect, faulty, error-prone,
(B) prideful mistaken, uncertain, erring, unpredictable,
(C) earnest unreliable, frail, imperfect, weak
(D) laconic Ant: infallible
(E) forbearing
fallow : adj.
factotum : n.

ploughed but left unplanted to restore its

person employed to do all kinds of work. fertility.
faculty : n. (A) abundant
(B) valuable
(C) necessary
(D) in use
(E) in demand

falsify :

any of the powers of the body or mind.

fake : n.

make false by mutilation or addition; as of a

message or story.
object (eg a work of art) that seems genuine but
is not. falter : v.

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move. walk or act hesitantly. usu because of wild and strange.

weakness. fear or indecision.
farce : n.
fanatic (adj)

Fan+ kinetic........ All fans of Sachin purchasing

the kinetic, really this is fanatic.
Eg: A fitness fanatic……….
They’re fanatic about politics. funny play for the theatre based on unlikely
Football fanatics are pretty much booked up for situations and events.
weekends from Labor Day to Super Bowl
Sunday. far-fetched : adj.
His vandalism was blamed on fanatics within
the environmental movement.
Syn: zealot, devotee, extremist, fanatical,
overzealous, rabid

fanaticism : n. (of a comparison) strained; unnatural.

farouche (adj)

great or obsessive enthusiasm.

fancied :
Farookh Mia is fearful shy person.
Eg: an artist who was farouche even in everyday

fashion : n.
imaginary; unreal.; fancier : n. person with a
special interest in and love for sth.; fanciful : adj.
using the imagination rather than reason.; fancy
: n. power of the mind to imagine.

fanfare : n.

manner or way of doing sth.

fastidious : adj.

short ceremonial piece of music. usu played on


fantastic : adj.

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measure of the depth of water . 61.8.; fathomless :

adj. too deep to measure.

selecting carefully; choosing only what is good. fatuous : adj.

(A) coarse
(B) destrucurve
(C) willing
(D) collective
(E) secret

(A) detached
(B) laconic
(C) indiscriminate stupid and silly; foolish.
(D) sluggish FATUOUSNESS
(E) helpless (A) sensibleness
(B) courage
fatalism : n. (C) obedience
(D) aloofness
(E) forcefulness

fauna : (n)

belief that events are decided by fate(1); Fox…….……..Fox represents animals so fauna
acceptance of all that happens as inevitable ;. means animals
Syn: animal, animate being, beast, creature,
fatigue (adj) brute

favoritism : [ favouritism: ]

Fatty…………A fatty person feels the fatigue

very easily.
Eg: He was nearly dead with fatigue…………..
The fatigue of a long hike.The day-long battle
against the blaze left firefighters in a state of
utter fatigue.
Syn: weariness, lassitude, exhaustion, tiredness, the practice of giving special treatment to a
languor, enervation, debilitation, weakness, person or group.
feebleness, faintness, anoxia, exhaustion,
lassitude, prostration, tiredness, weariness faux pass (n)
Related Words: debilitation, enervation,
feebleness, languor, lethargy, listlessness;
sluggishness, slumber, stupor, torpor; apathy,
inertia, passivity
Near Antonyms: energy, go, liveliness, pep,
vigor, vitality; might, potency, strength
Antonyms: refreshment, rejuvenation,
By entering in the meeting of parliament Fox
fathom : n. created faux pass.

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mouth. eyes) which together form its

fawning : appearance.

febrile : (adj)

February is a month of fever.

His febrile state of the creativity.
Syn: feverish, fevered, delirious, hysterical, and
[ fawn: ] a young deer of either sex aged under
one year. feckless : adj.
(A) abhor
(B) proceed
(C) serpentine
(D) continue
(E) Snub inefficient; irresponsible ;.

faze : v. feign : v.


feint : n.
To disrupt the composure of; disconcert.

feasible : adj. that can be done; practicable;


feat (n)

pretended attack to distract an opponent's

attention from the main attack.
Feat........feet........After achieving something, we
need to touch the feet of our father. felicitous : adj.
Washington's legendary feat of tossing a silver
dollar across the Rappahannock River
Famously rich, the oil magnate is today
remembered less for his feats than for his

feature : n.
(esp of words) well-chosen; apt.

felicity : n.

one of the named parts of the face (eg nose.

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substances (esp yeast).

(A) kiss
(B) purity
(C) docile
(D) transparency
great happiness. (E) tranquility

feline : adj. n ferocious : adj.

fierce. violent or savage.

ferret : n.
animal of the cat family.

felon : n.
person guilty of felony.

fend (v)

small animal of the weasel family. kept for

driving rabbits from their burrows. killing rats.
To fend is to defend the self. etc.
>> He fended off the awkward questions. ferry (v)
>> Had to fend for ourselves until we were
>> Fend against the cold.
>> Fend off an attack.
>> Fend off an invader.
>> Had to fend for themselves.
>> Several bystanders rushed to help the woman Feri wallah (hawkers) carry so many things.
fend off the mugger. Eg: Riverboats ferried weekend picnickers to the
Syn: parry, repel park.
There are shuttle buses to ferry visitors from the
feral : adj. parking lots to the fairground.
Syn: passage boat, barge, packet

fertile : adj.

(of animals) wild or savage. esp after escaping

from captivity or from life as a pet. able to produce much; rich in nutrients.

ferment : v. fervent : adj.

change chemically through the action of organic showing warmth and sincerity of feeling;

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enthusiastic; passionate.
fetid : adj.
fervid : adj.

smelling foul or unpleasant; stinking.

= fervent. (A) luminous
Fervid (B) dense
(A) restrained (C) having a pleasant smell
(B) unexpected (D) having a balanced structure
(C) delectable (E) unable to be imitated
(D) undistinguished
(E) cowardice festal (adj)

fervor :

India is country of festival.

Eg: He appeared in festal array.
Syn: genial, jovial, companionable, hearty,
festive, gala, merry, gay

fetish : n.
intensity of feeling or expression.
(A) meek
(B) testimony
(C) apathy
(D) outrage
(E) hatred object that is worshipped. esp because a spirit is
believed to live in it.
fester : v.
fetter : n.

chain put round the feet of a person or animal to

limit movement.
become infected and filled with pus.
feud : n.
festive : adj.

long and bitter quarrel between two people.

families or groups.

fiacre (n)
of or suitable for a feast or festival; joyous.

fete : n. outdoor entertainment or sale. usu to

raise money for a special purpose.

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fidelity : n. ~ loyalty; faithfulness.

fiend : n.

The fiacre was a French. small four-wheeled

horse-drawn carriage. usually with a folding roof
invented by Sauvage in 1640 and named evil spirit; devil.
after the Hotel de St Fiacre. Paris where these
hackney-carriages were first hired out. figment : n. thing that is not real but only
AchieversPoint.com’s figurative : adj. (of words) used in an imaginative
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figure : n. written symbol for a number. esp 0 to
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fiasco : n.
small ornamental statue. esp of a person.

filch : v.

complete and ridiculous failure.

fiat : n.
steal (esp sth of small value).

filial : adj.

of or expected from a son or daughter.

formal authorization. order or decree. filibuster : n. person who tries to delay or prevent
the making of decisions in (esp parliamentary)
fickle : adj. meetings by making long speeches.

filigree (n)

Filigree is fine ornamental work of gold or silver

often changing; not constant. wire closely interlaced. The ancient Greeks were
famous for their fine filigree work. Malta
fictitious : adj. imagined or invented; not real. produced so much filigree work that it became
known as Maltese work though other countries

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(notably Norway) produced far superior

examples. Fine ornamental work using gold. finicky : adj. too fussy about food. clothes. etc.
silver or copper wire. finish : v. come or bring (something) to an end.
finished : adj. ~ (informal ) in a state of having
filth : n. completed sth or no longer dealing with sb/sth.
finite : adj. having bounds; limited; not infinite.
firebrand : n. piece of burning wood.
fissure : n. long deep crack in rock or in the
fit : adj. ~ for sb/sth; ~ to do sth suitable or
suited for sb/sth; well adapted for sb/sth; good
enough for sb/sth.
fitful : adj. occurring in short periods. not
regularly and steadily.

disgusting dirt. flaccid : adj.

finale : (n)

The conclusion of test match will be in the

Eg: The festival ends with a grand finale……… soft and weak; loose and limp; not firm;
The finale to the festivities was a grand display
of fireworks. flag : n. piece of cloth with a particular design.
Syn: close, denouement, finish, close, finis, last, that can be attached by one edge to a rope. pole.
stopping point, conclusion, finish, close, closing, etc and used as a symbol of a country. party. etc
conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finis, or as a signal.
finish, windup flagrant : adj. particularly bad. shocking and
Related Words: apex, climax, crescendo, obvious.
culmination, peak, summit, zenith; aftermath, flail : n. tool consisting of a stick swinging from
anticlimax, coda, epilogue, postscript; tag end, a long handle. used esp formerly to separate
tail end grain from chaff ..
Near Antonyms: introduction, overture, prelude, flair : n. ~ for sth natural ability to do sth well.
Antonyms: beginning, dawn, opening, start flamboyant : adj.

finery : n.

gay and elegant clothes or decoration.

showy. very confident and extravagant.
finesse : n. FLAMBOYANT
(A) competent
(B) independent
(C) aloof
(D) subdued
(E) unafraid

flashy : adj. attractive but usu not in good taste;

flaunt : v. show (sth considered valuable) in
order to gain the admiration of other people.
skill in dealing with people or situations cleverly flay : v. remove the skin from (a dead animal).
or tactfully. fleck : n. ~ very small patch or spot of a colour.

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fledgling :
flirt : v.
~ behave (towards sb) in a romantic or
suggestive way but without serious intentions.

flit : v.
fly or move lightly and quickly from one place to
inexperienced. another.
(A) seek (A) complete slowly
(B) call (B) balance carefully
(C) mate (C) focus accurately
(D) emit (D) stress
(E) molt (E) plod

FLEDGLING floe : n. sheet of floating ice. usu on the sea.

(A) experienced practitioner
(B) successful competitor flora : (n)
(C) reluctant volunteer
(D) recent convert
(E) attentive listener

fleece : n. woolly hair of a sheep or similar Flora - flower - floral………………..Flower

animal. represents plants so flora means “plants”
fleet : n. group of warships. submarines. etc Eg: Fossil flora.Intestinal flora.Loved the flora of
under one commander. the South.
flick : n. quick light blow. eg with a whip or the Syn: vegetation
tip of a finger. florescence : the process. state. or period of
flicker : v. (of a light or flame) burn or shine flowering.
unsteadily. FLOURISH
flighty : adj. (esp of a woman or her behaviour) (A) lack of consistency
changeable and unreliable; not serious. (B) lack of embellishment
(C) lack of sense
flinch : v. (D) lack of spontaneity
(E) lack of substance
move or draw back
suddenly. from shock. florid : adj. elaborate and ornate; excessively
fear or pain. decorated or colourful.

flip : v. toss (something) flotsam : (n)

with a sharp movement
of the thumb and forefinger so that it turns over
in the air.

flippancy : n.
being flippant. parts of a wrecked ship or its cargo found
FLIPPANCY floating in the sea.
(A) temperance
(B) reliability flounder : (v)
(C) seriousness Founders of all big companies
(D) inflexibility flounder in their lives.
(E) reticence Eg:Many firms are
flippant : adj. Unprepared choristers who
not showing sufficient respect or seriousness. floundered helplessly through
FLIPPANT the musical number.
(A) evenly distributed Syn: struggle, wallow, blunder, fumble…, limp,
(B) well coordinated lumber, plod, stumble, trudge
(C) inflexible
(D) sane flourish : v.
(E) earnest

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fluted :

be successful. very active. or widespread;


flout : v.
disobey openly and (esp. of the shaft of a column) having flutes.
flutter : v.
fluctuate : v.
~ (of a price. number. rate.
etc) rise and fall; change
(A) lack motivation
(B) fly over
(C) infer from
(D) be steady
(E) live together (of the wings of birds. butterflies. etc) move
lightly and quickly.
fluke : n.
(informal ) thing that is accidentally successful; flux : n.
lucky stroke in a game.
(A) reexamined opinion
(B) expected occurrence
(C) observed experiment
(D) burst of insight
(E) lack of judgment

flush : n.
continuous change or succession of changes;
unsettled state.

fodder : n.

flow of blood to the face that causes a red

colouring; blush.

fluster : v.

dried food. hay. etc for horses and farm animals


foible : n. small. usu harmless. peculiarity or

weakness in a person's character.
foil : n. metal rolled or hammered into a very thin
flexible sheet.
make nervous and confused. foist : v. foist sth on sb force sb into accepting
FLUSTERED sth not wanted.
(A) mute
(B) calm foliage : n.
(C) heavy leaves of a tree or plant;
(D) ingrained leaves with their stems
(E) courageous and branches.

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foment : v.
arouse or increase.
(A) inhibit
(B) instigate
(C) reduce
(D) retreat shallow place in a river where one can walk or
(E) pose drive across.

FOMENT forebears : n.
(A) squelch
(B) kindle
(C) emaciate
(D) free
(E) purify

FOMENT person from whom one is descended; ancestor.

(A) attract
(B) assay foreboding : n.
(C) allay
(D) transcribe
(E) communicate

foolhardy : adj.
foolishly bold or rash; reckless.

foppish : adj. ~ strong feeling that danger or trouble is


foreshadow : v.

of or like a fop.

foray : n.

be a sign or warning of.

foresight : n.

sudden attack. esp. to obtain sth; raid.

forbearance : n.

ability to see what one's future needs are likely to

be; careful planning.

forestall : v.
If you want to put your
You should keep yourself from four bears.
stall in education fair.
Meaning: patient self-control; tolerance.
You need to book your
place before anyone else
ford : n.
do it..
Meaning: act before so
as to prevent him from
doing sth.

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(A) announce
(B) equivocate
(C) prolong
(D) precipitate
(E) steady

forfeit : v.
lose or give up
(something) as a (fml ) give (something) up; renounce.
consequence of or
punishment for having forswear : v.
done sth wrong. or in
order to achieve sth.
(A) excel
(B) reveal
(C) retain
(D) grant approval
(E) defy regulations

forage : (n)
(promise to) give up (sth); renounce.

forte : (n)
Red fort is forte of Indian
>> Small talk was not his
>> Doing funny impressions of people has
workshop with a fire and an anvil where metals always been my forte.
are heated and shaped. esp one used by a smith Syn: strong point, talent, bent, métier
for making horseshoes.
forthcoming : adj.
forgo : v.
give up or do without (esp sth
(A) put together
(B) indulge in
(C) certify about to happen or appear in the near future.
(D) waver
(E) accuse forthright : adj.
forlorn : adj.

lonely and unhappy; uncared for.

forsake : v. clear and honest in manner and speech;


fortitude : n.

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fracas : n.
(usu sing)noisy quarrel. fight.
or disturbanc.
(A) mutual trust
(B) unbiased judgment
(C) friendly discussion
(D) improved version
courage. endurance and self-control in facing (E) academic approach
pain. danger or difficulty.
fortuitous : adj. (A) glee
(B) artifact
(C) unusual experience
(D) peaceful situation
(E) expected praise

fractious : adj.

happening by chance or coincidence.

forum : n.

irritable; bad-tempered.

frail : adj.

place where important public issues can be


forward : adj.

physically weak or delicate.

frailty : n.

directed or moving towards the front.

foster : v.

physical weakness.

franchise : n.

help the growth or development of (sth);

encourage or promote.

foul : adj.

right to vote at public elections.

frantic : adj.
having a bad smell or taste; dirty and disgusting.

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in an extreme state of emotion. esp fear or

anxiety. picture painted in water-colour on a wall or
ceiling before the plaster is dry.
fraught : adj.
fret : v.

~ with sth filled with sth; charged with sth.

fray : n. ~ (about/at/over sth) (cause sb to) become

unhappy. bad-tempered. or anxious about sth;

friction : n.

the fray fight. contest or argument; lively or

challenging action. rubbing of one surface or thing against another.
freebooter : frieze : n.

buccaneer. band of sculpture or decoration round the top of

a wall or building.
frenetic : adj.
frigid : adj.

very excited; frenzied; frantic.

frenzied : adj. very cold.

fringe : n.
(US bang) front hair cut
so that it hangs over the
wildly excited or agitated; frantic. FRINGE:
(A) center
fresco : n. (B) proximity
(C) breadth

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(D) outlet
(E) continuity

frisk : v.

leaf-like part of a fern or palm.

fructify : v.

pass one's hands over (sb) in a search for hidden

weapons. drugs. etc.

fritter : v.

(fml ) (cause sth to) bear fruit or be fruitful.

frugality :

fritter sth away (on sth) waste (esp one's time or

money) foolishly (on small useless things).

frivolous : adj.


fruition : n.

not sensible or serious; foolish and light-hearted.

frock : n.

fulfillment of hopes. plans. etc; getting what one

wants or has worked for.

fuddle : v.

dress worn by women or girls.

frolic : v. confuse (sb/sth). esp with alcoholic drink.

fugitive : n.

~ (about) play about in a lively happy way;

frolicsome : adj. merry; playful. ~ person who is running away or escaping.

frond : n.

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fulcrum : n.

suitable for a funeral; gloomy; dismal.

furore (n)

point on which a lever is supported. Roar........ A Roaring lion

entered in the city that created
fulminate : v. a lot of furore in the city; furor :
~ protest strongly and A general commotion; public
loudly. disorder or uproar.
(A) repetition >> The article raised a furor
(B) addition among mathematicians.
(C) ratification >> The store's going-out-of-business sale
(D) praise caused such a furore that security guards had to
(E) escape be called in to restore order.
>> Baseball fans in a furore as the game
fulsome : adj. stretched to 11 innings.
Syn: tumult, excitement, craze, fad, furor, cult,

furrow : n.

excessive and insincere.

long narrow trench cut in the earth. esp by a
fumble : v. plough.
touch or handle awkwardly or
nervously. furtive : adj.
(A) reply promptly
(B) articulate clearly
(C) imitate accurately
(D) perform skillfully
(E) interpret truthfully

functionary : n.
done secretly and quietly so as not to be noticed.

fusillade : n.

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continuous or simultaneous shooting of guns.

fusion : n.
the blending or
uniting of different
things into one. by
melting. etc.
(A) clarity
(B) malleability
(C) predictability
(D) differentiation
(E) impermanence

fulgent (adj)

Full + detergent --- we can bring shine using a

full detergent cake.
Eg.: tower searchlights . . . as fulgent as half a
billion candles.
Syn: blazing, glaring, glary, dazzling.

fuss : n.

(esp unnecessary) nervous excitement or activity;

fussy : adj. (usu derog ) nervously active or
excited about small things.

futile : adj.

producing no result; useless; pointless.


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