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Al al-Bayt University

Faculty of Nursing
Maternal child Health Department
Course Title: Maternal and child Health Nursing (theory)
Course Number: 1001331
Credit Hours: Three Hours
Prerequisite: 1001222
Placement: Third year, Second semester
Faculty: Insaf Shaban, Doc. Midwifery, R.N, R.M.
Phone Number: office…..ext-2854
Office Hours: Mon.. 12-2
Thur. 12-1pm

Course Description:
This course focuses on the study of women during different cycles of child bearing and
childrearing periods concentration on family planning and the diseases of female
reproductive system from puberty until post menopausal period will be considered.
Demonstration of knowledge, attitude, and skills related to physical and psychological
concepts relevant to the health care of childbearing family. The application of nursing
process in the assessment and management of family including counseling strategies and
hazards that might face the mother and family during childbearing period.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Develop the knowledge, attitude, and skills related to normal pregnancy (prenatal
2. Know complications that occur during antenatal period in order to achieve best
care for the mother and family.
3. Recognize labour process and its management.
4. Understand knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to postnatal period and family
5. Recognize the importance of breast feeding and its benefits for the mother and her
6. Understand different methods of family planning to provide health education for
the women and families.

Unit One: Normal Pregnancy (Prenatal period) (Three weeks-from 20/2 to 8/3)
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the basic principles (four pillars of safe motherhood) that must be
delivered through primary health care.
2. Describe the anatomical of human reproductive system.
3. Identify the physiological and psychological changes that occur in the different
4. Follow the right techniques of interviewing and assessment of pregnant women in
the initial and subsequent visits.
5. Explain for the pregnant and the family the important of good nutrition during
6. Identify minor discomforts during different trimesters and provide care for each.
7. Provide health education program (general maintenance in pregnancy) for the
mother and the family related to antenatal exercise, hygiene and rest during that

1. Aims of antenatal care.
2. Principles of the four pillars of safe motherhood.
3. First antenatal visit
• Interview, history taking.
• Assessment of pregnant woman.
• Investigations done during.
4. Physiological and psychological changes during pregnancy.
5. Minor discomfort and health advice given for each.
6. Nutrition during pregnancy.
7. Factors that affect intrauterine growth of the fetus.
8. Exercises during antenatal period (Lamaze session).

Unit tow: High-risk pregnancy (Three weeks-from 15/3 to 5/4)

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Identify high risk mothers in order to minimize mortality and morbidity rates
2. Identify the main complications that occur during pregnancy to provide
appropriate care for the pregnant and her family.
3. Implement the intervention pyramid used by the international collaboration of
4. Teach women methods of prevention STDs during pregnancy, such as HIV,
syphilis and gonorrhea.

At the end of this unit, the student will able to:
1. High risk groups, such as age, socioeconomic and cultural factors.
2. Complications during pregnancy
• Bleeding during early pregnancy.
• Bleeding during late pregnancy (antepartum hemorrhage).
• Induced hypertension during pregnancy (preeclampsia).
3. Medical complications
• Cardiac disease with pregnancy.
• Diabetes with pregnancy
• Anemia with pregnancy.
4. Intervention pyramid used by the international collaboration of WHO and the
Unit Three: Labour and delivery (Two weeks-from12/4 to 24/4):
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the physiological and psychological changes during labour.
2. Assist in conducting normal delivery.
3. Provide immediate nursing care for newborn.
4. Differentiate between normal and abnormal labour and physiological changes
during labour.
5. Nursing management during normal and abnormal labour, immediate care for

Unit Four: Postnatal care (Tow weeks-from3/5 to10/5):

At the end of this unit student will be able to:
1. Identify physiological and psychological changes during puerperium.
2. Implement the appropriate care and immediate nursing care for mother during
postpartum period.
3. Prepare a health education program for mother and family after delivery.
4. Identify the warning signs that indicate complications in the period to minimize
mortality and morbidity rate.
5. Identify complication that might occur during postpartum period.

1. Immediate care for the mother after delivery.
2. Immediate care for the newborn baby.
3. Physiological changes during puerperium.
4. Psychological changes during puerperium.
5. Special advice for the mother and the family about diet, hygiene, postnatal
exercise and follow up visits.
6. Complications during puerperium
• Postpartum hemorrhage
• Puerperal sepsis.
• Mastitis and breast complications.
• Postpartum blues (psychosis) and depression.

Unit Five: Breast-feeding (One week-from15/5 to17/5):

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the physiology of lactation.
2. Identify benefits of breast-feeding for mother and infant.
3. Educate the mother about proper techniques of breast-feeding.
4. Recognize the international initiative regarding promotion of breast feeding.
5. Identify barriers against breast feeding.
1. Physiology of breast-feeding.
2. Advantages of breast-feeding.
3. Methods of expressing milk.
4. Benefits of breast-feeding for the mother and baby (attachment and bonding).
5. Barriers for breast-feeding.
6. Nursing care management for minor and major problems related to breast-feeding
(engorgement, inverted nipple, mother’s illness such as AIDs).
7. Counseling on breast-feeding.
8. Updated data regarding breast-feeding behavior nationally and internationally.

Unit Six: Family Planning (One week-from 22/5 to24/5):

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Define the different methods of family planning.
2. Discuss the action of each method.
3. Explain the side effects and complications that arise from each method.
4. Identify contraindications of each method.
5. Explain the instructions that should be given for the client according to the
method used.
6. Identify the national strategy for birth spacing, population control programs in
7. Learn about national policy on family planning and national and international
8. Explain the mechanism and effectiveness of LAM (Lactational Amenorrhea

1. Define of family planning.
2. Family planning in Jordan
3. Methods of family planning
• First choice non hormonal methods
1. LAM
2. Condoms
3. Diaphragms
4. Spermicides
5. I.U.D
6. Natural family planning
7. Vasectomy
8. Tubal ligation
• Second choice progestin-only methods
1. Mini pills
2. Injectables
3. Implants
Third choice methods containing Estrogen
1. Combined oral contraceptives
2. Combined injectables.
4. Mechanism and effectiveness of LAM
5. Advantages and disadvantages for LAM method.
6. Recommended breast-feeding behaviors for optimal child survival and

Unit Seven: Reproductive Health (Mon.29/5):

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Define genetic counseling.
2. Identify the importance of routine screening.
3. Discuss the available screening facilities in Jordan.
4. Explain for couples the benefits of attending classes related to parenthood and
gender issues.

1. Definition of genetic and premarital counseling.
2. Aims of genetic counseling.
3. Screening for breast cancer (routine breast exam).
4. Pap smear (for cervical and uterine cancer).
5. Pre-marital screening.
6. Parenthood and gender issues.

Unit Eight: Gynecology (Wed.31/5)

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
1. Identify all gynecological disorders which occur during various stages of
maternity cycle.
2. Provide proper management for the women having gynecological disorders.

1. Disorders that occur during maternity cycle:
• Uterine prolapse
• Uterine fibroid.
• Ovarian cyst
• Infertility.
• Carcinoma of female reproductive system.
Teaching Strategies and Learning Resources
1. Interactive lectures
2. Group discussion
3. Handouts.
4. Audiovisual materials: data show, videotapes, overhead
projector, slides.
5. Pamphlets and relevant materials from WHO and UNICEF.

Student Activities
1. Case studies.
2. Application of health education projects in different clinical areas

Methods of Evaluation
1. First Exam 25% 13/3
2. Second Exam 25% 26/4
3. Final Exam 50% 5 or 7/6

1.Bobak, I. And Jensen, M.(1993), Maternity and Gynecologic care. The nurse
and the family, fifth edition, Mosby.

2. Pillitteri, A.(2003) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the

childbearing and childrearing family, fourth edition. J.B. Lippincott company.

3. Mayles Midwifery (1991) Textbook for Midwives, eleventh edition. English

Language book society Baillier Tindall.

4. Miller, A and Callander, R. (1989) Obstetrics illustrated, fourth edition.

Churchill Livingstone.

5. Reeder, S.and Martin, L. Koniak, D. (1997) Maternity Nursing: Family,

Newborn and Woman’s Health Care, 18th ed, J.B. Lippincott company.

6. Olds, S.(2000) Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family centered approach, 6th

edition. Addison-Wesley publishing company.

7. Pamela, J. (1994) A Basic Maternal and Pediatric Nursing. Delmar publishers


8. Burroughs, A. and Leifer, G.(2001) Maternity Nursing: An Introductory Text,

eighth edition. W.B. Saunders.

9. Enkin, M., Keirse, M., Chalmers, I. (2000) A Guide to effective Care in

Pregnancy and childbirth, 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University.

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