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20918 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

77 / Friday, April 22, 2005 / Notices

having its full effect if OMB receives it DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND process for voluntarily acknowledging
within 30 days of publication. Written HUMAN SERVICES paternity under which the State must
comments and recommendations for the provide that the mother and putative
proposed information collection should Administration for Children and father must be given notice, orally and
be sent directly to the following: Office Families in writing, of the benefits and legal
of Management and Budget, Paperwork responsibilities and consequences of
Reduction Project, Attn: Desk Officer in Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request acknowledging paternity. The
ACF, E-mail address: information is to be used by hospitals, Title: Required Elements for birth record agencies, and other entities
Dated: April 15, 2005. Voluntary Establishment of Paternity participating in the voluntary paternity
Robert Sargis,
Affidavits. establishment program.
OMB No.: 0970–0171.
Reports Clearance Officer. Description: Section 466(a)(5)(C) of Respondents: State and Tribal IV–D
[FR Doc. 05–8051 Filed 4–21–05; 8:45 am] the Social Security Act requires States birth record agencies.
BILLING CODE 4184–01–M to pass laws ensuring a simple civil


Average bur-
Number of
Number of den Total burden
Instrument responses per
respondents hours per hours
respondent response

None ........................................................................................................... 862,043 Variable ............ .166 143,099

Estimated Total Annual Burden DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND 1. On page 10656, in the table, the
Hours: 143,099 HUMAN SERVICES entry for ANDA 76–214 is removed.
Additional Information: Copies of the Dated: April 14, 2005.
Food and Drug Administration
proposed collection may be obtained by Steven Galson, Acting Director.
writing to the Administration for Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
[Docket No. 2005N–0058]
Children and Families, Office of [FR Doc. 05–8049 Filed 4–21–05; 8:45 am]
Administration, Office of Information Hospira, Inc. et al.; Withdrawal of BILLING CODE 4160–01–S
Services, 370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW., Approval of 76 New Drug Applications
Washington, DC 20447, Attn: ACF and 60 Abbreviated New Drug
Reports Clearance Officer. All requests Applications; Correction DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
should be identified by the title of the HUMAN SERVICES
information collection. E-mail address: AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. Food and Drug Administration
ACTION: Notice; correction.
OMB Comment: OMB is required to
The Eighth Annual FDA–Orange
make a decision concerning the SUMMARY: The Food and Drug County Regulatory Affairs Educational
collection of information between 30 Administration (FDA) is correcting a Conference; ‘‘Reality of Regulatory
and 60 days after publication of this notice that appeared in the Federal Affairs’’
document in the Federal Register. Register of March 4, 2005 (70 FR
Therefore, a comment is best assured of 10651). The document announced the AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration,
having its full effect if OMB receives it withdrawal of approval of 76 new drug HHS.
within 30 days of publication. Written applications (NDAs) and 60 abbreviated
comments and recommendations for the new drug applications (ANDAs). The ACTION: Notice of meeting.
proposed information collection should document inadvertently withdrew
be sent directly to the following: Office approval of ANDA 76–214 for Sotalol The Food and Drug Administration
of Management and Budget, Paperwork Hydrochloride Tablets, 80 milligrams (FDA) is announcing its eighth annual
(mg), 120 mg, and 160 mg, held by educational conference cosponsored
Reduction Project, Attn: Desk Officer for
TorPharm, c/o Apotex Corp., 616 with the Orange County Regulatory
ACF, E-mail address:
Heathrow Dr., Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Affairs Discussion Group (OCRA). The
FDA confirms that approval of ANDA conference is intended to provide the
Dated: April 15, 2005. 76–214 is still in effect. drug, device, and biologics industries
Robert Sargis, EFFECTIVE DATE: April 4, 2005.
with an opportunity to interact with
Reports Clearance Officer. FDA reviewers and compliance officers
[FR Doc. 05–8052 Filed 4–21–05; 8:45 am] from the centers and district offices, as
Florine P. Purdie, Center for Drug well as other industry experts. The main
BILLING CODE 4184–01–M Evaluation and Research (HFD–7), Food focus of this interactive conference will
and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers be product approval, compliance, and
Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, 301–594– risk management in the three medical
2041. product areas. Industry speakers,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In FR Doc. interactive question and answer and
05–4158, appearing on page 10651 in workshop sessions will also be included
the Federal Register of Friday, March 4, to assure open exchange and dialogue
2005, the following correction is made: on the relevant regulatory issues.

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