CHN 100 Items

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Situation: The following items deals with the
Community Health Nursing personalities.
1. Purdom emphasizes:
a. Survival of the species
b. Peoples participation
c. Nursing and Public Health
d. Multisectoral approach
2. The levels of clientele were identified by:
a. Jacobson
b. Winslow
c. Freeman
d. Hanlon
3. Birth right of health and longevity is
promoted by:
a. Jacobson
b. Winslow
c. Freeman
d. Hanlon
4. Total development is a concept of:
a. Jacobson
b. Winslow
c. Freeman
d. Hanlon
5. Winslow has defined Public health as a
science of prolonging life and efficiency
which can be achieved through :
a. Partnership in health
b. Systematic
c. Organized community efforts
d. Available and accessible health
Situation: A strategy of DOH to achieve
healthy goals is increasing investments for
Primary Health Care.
6. The WHO held a meeting in this place
where primary health care was discussed?
a. Alma Ata
b. Russia
c. Vienna
d. Geneva
7. The legal basis for the PHC is the:
a. LOI 949
b. RA 7164
c. PD No. 773
d. PD 996
8. The primary components of the PHC
a. Immunization
Communicable Diseases
b. Health education
c. Environmental sanitation
d. All of the above
9. The key strategy to obtain the mission of
PHC is:
a. Partnership with the people
b. Organizations of communities arising
from their expressed needs
c. Development
d. Mobilization of people
10. Which of the following principles of CHN is
a. CHN is based on recognized needs of
individuals, groups, families, and

b. In CHN, the family is the unit of the

c. Health teaching is part and parcel of
the responsibility of the community
health nurse
d. The community health nurse works
alone even as she is a member of
the health team
11. The ultimate goal of the community health
services being provided by the government
is to:
a. Help communities cope up with
health threats and discontinue of life
b. Promote
relationship between people and
c. Increase the level of awareness for
the level of wellness
d. Raise the level of citizenry.
12. The primary focus of the community health
nursing is:
a. Health promotion
b. Health education
c. Delivery of basic nursing services
d. Maternal and child services
13. As a health educator, the primary
responsibility of the nurse is to:
a. Supervise the RHM , BHWs, and TBAs
b. Assess family and individual health
c. Conduct Parents classes on various
health subjects
d. Facilitate maternal death reviews
14. In community health nursing, which of the
following is our unit of service as nurses?
a. The community
b. The family
c. The individual member of the
d. The extended members of every
15. There are subspecialties of CHN in the
Philippines and these are:
(1) Private duty nursing
(2) Clinic nursing
(3) School health nursing
(4) Occupational health nursing
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,3,4
c. 3,4
d. 1,2
16. The goal of CHN is to, except:
a. Raise the health of the citizenry
b. Dwell on health threats and poor
c. Help communities and families to
cope up with threats and maximize
level of wellness
d. Promote
relationship between community and
physical and social environment
17. The concept that CHN is carried through a
multidisciplinary approach implies that CHN
a. Provided not only in the homes but
also in the hospitals
b. Ecologically-oriented approach
c. Community based

d. Comprehensive
health care



Situation: the Philippine Health Care Delivery

System has gone through developmental
transformations from a highly centralized
health infrastructure towards a greater
18. The delivery of basic health services was
devolved to the local government units. The
legal basis for this is embodied in:
a. RA 7305
b. EO No. 119
c. RA 7160
d. EO No. 226
19. Level of health care services rendered at
specialized national hospital using highly
technical equipments:
a. Primary level
b. Secondary level
c. Tertiary level
20. In the Philippine Health Care Delivery
System, the secondary level of health
service is provided by the:
a. Regional Medical Centers
b. Rural Health Units
c. Provincial Hospitals
d. Puericulture Centers
21. Children ages 0-12 months are scheduled
for immunization every Wednesday. This is
being done at Barangay Health Station
(BHS) manned by the midwife. This pertains
a. Primary level
b. Secondary level
c. Tertiary level
22. Esteban is a trained community health
worker in the community. At what level of
primary health worker should Esteban be
a. Intermediate level health care
b. Barangay Health Worker
c. Trained hilot
d. Volunteer
23. Which is not considered a primary level of
Case finding, cataract screening,
sputum microscopy
supplementation of 100,000 units
to infant
Stream clearing and stream
TB multiple drug therapy and ORT
a. 1,3,4
b. 1,4
c. 2,3
d. 4
24. Screening is not a diagnosis measure but a
preliminary step in the assessment of the
healthy individuals chances of becoming
diabetes screening program is:
a. Primary disease of prevention
b. Tertiary disease of prevention
c. Secondary disease of prevention
d. Both b and c

25. An information campaign together with

some health education program on the
importance of immunization fall under:
a. Primary level of prevention
b. Secondary level of prevention
c. Tertiary level of prevention
26. Management of AIDS patients is a service
a. Primary health care
b. Tertiary health care
c. Secondary health care
d. All of these
27. The ultimate level in a referral system that
provides specialized health services is:
a. Primary health care
b. Tertiary health care
c. Secondary health care
d. All of these
28. Complicated deliveries are handled at the
level of:
a. Primary health care
b. Tertiary health care
c. Secondary health care
d. All of these
Situation: Quality health services are the aim of
the DOH. Numerous programs have been
devised to promote such goal.
29. It is the certification program that develops
and promotes standard for healthy facilities:
a. Sentrong Sigla Movement
b. Sangmilyong Sipilyo
c. Reproductive Health
d. Expanded Program on Immunization
30. Among the pillars of Sentrong Sigla
Movement, which is not included?
a. Quality Assurance
b. Award
c. International recognition
d. All of the above
31. An expected result of SSM in every
individual is to:
a. Adapt healthy lifestyle
b. Develop policies
c. Develop a system for surveillance
d. Advocates law
maintaining the health of all Filipinos is a
primary responsibility of the DOH.
32. Which of the following is not a primary
strategy to achieve health goals?
a. Support of local health system
b. Development of national standards
for health
c. Assurance of health care for all
d. Funding
33. The National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign is
being undertaken in collaboration with the
Philippine Heart Association and Coalition of
Stakeholders composed of various medical
academe and other government agencies.
Its 5 healthy messages will specifically
prioritize the following target audiences
a. Adults to elderly for exercise
b. Mothers and daughters to watch for
c. Teenagers for Dont smoke

d. Infants for breastfeeding

34. In intrasectoral linkages, which of the
following levels of health services in the
pyramidal organization focuses on the
treatment of prevalent diseases in the
a. Rural
b. District
c. Regional
d. National
35. In the intrasectoral linkages, the prupose is
to unify health efforts of the health sector
and others concerned. Which of the
following development is expected from the
Primary Health Care approach?
a. Social and economic
b. Physical and social
c. Intellectual and emotional
d. Spiritual and Psychological
promotes the use of herbal medicine. As a
public health nurse, you implement the
program on traditional medicine in the
36. Which of the following herbal plants is used
for Aling Martha who is known to have noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus?
a. Carmona Rosa
b. Bawang
c. Ampalaya
d. Ulasimang bato
37. Mang Leopoldo has swollen gums for almost
3 days, which of the following herbal plants
will the nurse prescribe?
a. Yerba Buena
b. Tsaang Gubat
c. Niyog-niyogan
d. Akapulko
38. Which of the following reminders is not
included on the use of herbal medicine?
a. Avoid the use of insecticides on the
herbal plants
b. If allergic reaction occurs, stop giving
the herbal medication
c. Use the whole herb of plant to treat
each type of symptoms or illness
d. Consult a doctor if signs and
symptoms are not relieved after 2
doses of herbal medicine
Situation: Acupressure is being advocated as
part of the traditional and alternative health
care practice.
39. Acupressure is founded on the belief of
traditional Chinese medicine that illness is
present when theres:
a. Depleted Qi life force
b. Meridians are blocked
c. Imbalance between yin and yang
d. Qi leaves the person
40. The life life energy has 2 aspects, the one
that yields negative and feminine force
pertains to:
a. Yin
b. Yang
c. Qi
d. Ahshi
41. The following health teachings pertain to
the precautions in doing acupressure,

a. Rooms should be warm and well

b. Contraindicated to cardiac patient
c. Dont massage pregnant women
d. Massage after a full eaten meal
Immunization (EPI) was launched in 1976 in
cooperation with the World Health Organization
to reduce the morbidity and mortality among
infants and children.
42. Which of the following is not an element of
the EPI?
a. Target setting, surveillance and
b. Presidential
c. Information,
d. Cold chain logistics management
43. When should the seven EPI diseases be
scheduled to provide immunity to children?
a. Six months to one year
b. Before childs first birthday
c. After childs first birthday
d. Newborn to six months
44. BCG is given to protect the baby from
infection. It should be administered in which
of the following?
a. At birth
b. At first birthday
c. Six months
d. Six years
45. Which of the following tetanus toxoid is
given for maternal protection for 10 years
and neonatal tetanus?
a. TT1
b. TT2
c. TT3
d. TT4
46. A fully immunized child is one who
1 dose of BCG
3 doses of DPT
Doses of OPV
3 doses of hepatitis
1 doses of measles
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV, V
d. I, II, III, IV, V
47. The original objective of the EPI was to:
a. Stop all Filipino from dying because
of communicable disease
b. To protect the whole community
rather than just the individual to
communicable diseases
c. Reduce the morbidity and mortality
of infants and children caused by six
childhood immunizable diseases
d. To immunize as many Filipino
children as possible
Situation: Diarrheal disease is a major cause
of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines.
For the past 20 years, it has ranked 1 st and 4th
leading causes of morbidity and mortality
especially among under five groups of children.
48. Which of the following is the vital role of the
nurse in the CDD program?
a. Maternal and child health
b. Sanitation and environment

c. Health education
d. Nutrition
49. It is utilized in the extensive case
diarrhea to
mortality rate in children?
a. Oral rehydration solution
b. Oral rehydration therapy
c. Proper waste disposal
d. Improved wearing particles
50. What is the primary objective of the CDD
advocated by DOH?
a. To reduce mortality from diarrhea
b. Environment sanitation
c. Maternal and child health
d. Promote breastfeeding
51. What is the primary prevention for CDD
advocated by DOH that is effective and
a. Fluid replacement
b. Breastfeeding
c. Oral rehydration therapy
d. Measles immunization
52. The objective of the CDD (Control of
Diarrheal Disease) in the under five age
group which is to reduce mortality from
diarrhea is expected to be achieved through
extensive case management utilizing:
a. ORT
b. Environmental sanitation activities
c. MCH program activities
d. Health education activities
Situation: Hearing loss and deafness is one of
the many problems that affect the Filipino
53. Other program with less cost is substituted
of cotton swab to clean ears. What is the
indigenous material used as swab?
a. Tingting wrapped cotton
b. Toothpick wrapped in cotton
c. Alcoholized banana stick
d. Sharpened stick wrapped in kapok
Situation: Each year approximately 2.3 million
approximately 2.0 million births per year.
54. When
community health nurse uses this guide in
the identification of risk factors and danger
signs, and in doing appropriate measures.
This is known:
a. Treatment record
c. Target client list
d. Nutrition record
55. In the community setting after a nurse
attended a home delivery, what should she
do to the placenta?
a. Ask parents what to do as it is
considered part of the childs life
b. Sell it to the cosmetologist and give
money to the mother
c. Bury in the banana tree with the
d. Preserve with formalin solution and
donate in a medical school
56. In the community after home delivery who
files the birth certificates in the civil
a. Nurse
b. Midwife

c. Physician
d. Social Worker
57. Pregnant
physiologic anemia. At which month of
pregnancy should Iron supplement be
a. 6th month
b. 3rd month
c. 5th month
d. 2nd month
58. Which of the following tools is provided to
newborns where vital information related to
a. Denver development screening test
b. Metro Manila development screening
c. Home based mothers record
d. Growth monitoring card (GMC)
59. What is the most important to check during
home visit of baby after delivery?
a. Jaundice
b. Breastfeeding practices
c. Sucking reflex
d. Umbilical stump
Situation: The rapid change in the eating
habits of Filipinos from cooking to fast food
establishment s particularly in the urban
centers increases in the risk of food borne
infection due to unsanitary handling and
preparation, aside from improper nutrition
related to unbalanced diet.
60. According
contribute 12% of dietary calories in the
Filipino diet. The major source of dietary
proteins in Filipino diet come from:
a. Fish, poultry, eggs, and meat
b. Vegetables sources such as soy
beans and other legumes
c. Rice, corn
d. Noodles, sardines
61. Guideline no. 2 in the Nutritional Guidelines
for Filipinos is intended to promote
exclusive breastfeeding:
a. From birth to 4-6 months
b. From birth to 2 years or longer
c. From birth up to one year only
d. From birth to 5 years
62. Vitamin A supplementation is needed to
prevent Xeropthalmia. What is the usual
dose of Vitamin A in children in
international units?
a. 400,000
b. 100,000
c. 200,000
d. 500,000
Situation: Reproductive Health (RH) is the
63. The following are goals of RH except:
a. Every pregnancy should be intended
b. Every birth should be healthy
c. All married couple should use
artificial contraceptive
d. Achieve a desired family size
64. In the international framework of RH, the
focus is on:
a. Past 40 years age group
b. Displaced people with RH problems
c. Womens health

d. Barren couple
65. Which of the following is not an element
of RH?
a. Prevention and management of
b. Violence against women
c. Self-employed
d. Mens Reproductive health
66. In the Philippines, the focus of RH is on:
a. Men and women
b. Men only
c. Women only
d. Women and children
Situation: The overall goal of Family Planning
is to provide universal access to family
planning information and services wherever
and whenever these are needed.
67. A Family planning (FP) Counselor is any
individual who is responsible for helping a
client make an informed decision about
fertility and contraception. This is a
reflection of what FP pillar?
a. Responsible parenthood
b. Respect for life
c. Child spacing
d. Informed choice
68. The following Family Planning methods work
by suppressing ovulation and mainly
thickens the cervical mucus to inhibit sperm
penetration except:
a. Low-dose
b. Progestin only injectables
c. Intrauterine Device (IUD)
d. Subdermal implants
Situation 1.Community Health Nursing is
a unique blend of nursing and public
health practice woven into a human
service that properly developed and
applied has a tremendous impact on
human well being.
69. The primary goal of Community Health
Nursing is to:
a. Support and supplement the efforts of
the medical professions in the promotion
of health and prevention of illness
b. Enhance the capacity of individuals,
families and communities to cope with
their heath needs
c. Increase the productivity of the people
d. Raise the level of health of the citizenry
70. The context of Community Health Nursing is
based on the nurse's evaluation about the:
a. Existing health problems and needs of
the people
b. Current health status of the people
c. Department of Heath (DOH) goals
d. Devolution of health
71. Community Health Nursing is a specialized
field of nursing that follows the basic
principles in Community Development work.
Which of the following statements best
described Community Development as a
process of empowering people in the
a. Community development may allow
women to discover and strengthen their
innate capabilities to enjoy and utilize
equal opportunities in all aspects of

development work
b. Sustainability aspects of development
c. Community
confined to the meeting of the day to
day survival of the people
d. Community development is a learning
process where both women and men
participate to improve their lives
72. If a particular health service fails, the most
basic question is:
a. Is this what the people demanded?
b. What went wrong?
c. Is this what the people need?
d. Who is responsible for the failure?
73. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. If people are not attending to the
services offered by the health staff, the
team must reassess the needs of the
b. In participatory approach, the nurse
must devotedly adhere to what the
people want
c. In a peasant community where people
are fighting for land ownership, the
nurse must not participate as this is not
a health concern
d. Nurses must not join protest actions as
nurses should always be neutral at all
Situation 2. Nurse Sid, a public health
nurse, prepares a community health
nursing care plan utilizing the nursing
process, which is responsive to the health
promotion needs of the community.
74. To obtain a 100% population count of the
community, Nurse Sid should need to do a:
a. Survey
b. One to one interview
c. Census
d. Sampling of the population
75. Which of the following is a well-stated
objective in a community health nursing
care plan?
a. To increase the number of mothers
coming for prenatal check-up by 25% in
6 months time
b. To increase the number of home visits
by 50%
c. To
immunization in 1 year time
d. To increase the number of children
receiving food assistance
76. Identification of health risks in the
community is a step in formulating a
community health diagnosis. Which of the
following methods Nurse Sid should do to
best facilitate the identification of health
risks threatening the community?
a. Assess
industries available
b. Familiarize with the prevalent lifestyle of
the people within the community
c. Study health center records and reports
d. Review of vital statistics available
77. The community health diagnosis is an
important input to the formulation of a
community health nursing care plan. In
order to assure a successful implementation

of the care plan, the diagnosis must be

carried out in a manner where:
a. An outside consultant determines what
data to collect
b. The community is directly involved in
data collection and analysis
c. The nurse delegates the collection of
data to the barangay health workers
d. All the members of the rural health unit
participates in data collection
78. Which criterion in priority setting of health
problems is used only in community health
a. Magnitude of the health problem
b. Preventive potential of the health
c. Nature of the problem presented
d. Modifiability of the problem
79. There are several risk factors associated
with developing cancer. The following are risk
factors except:
a. Age
b. Race
c. Ordinal position in the family
d. Lifestyle
80. The two most important modes recognized
in the reduction of cancer incidence are
prevention and early detection. How can colon
cancer be prevented?
a. Intake of high fiber diet
b. Minimal alcohol intake
c. Avoid moldy foods
d. Avoid smoking
Situation: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI)
especially pneumonia is the leading causes of
illness and death among Filipino children
claims by DOH.
81. Which of the following is the main factor
that contributes to the problem of getting sick
of pneumonia among children below 5 years
a. Poor follow-up of compliance to
b. Lack of advocacy to gain local
government support
d. Failure of mother to recognize early
signs and symptoms
82. What is the program mandated to reduce
mortality of acute respiratory illness?
a. Pneumonia control program
b. Ask, look and listen
c. Control of Acute Respiratory Infection
d. STOP: Pneumonia
83. Which classification of pneumonia has the
child if 3 or more danger signs are present?
a. Severe
b. Pneumonia
c. No Pneumonia
d. Very Severe
84. Which of the following is your topic for
health teaching to mothers of children with
a. Breastfeeding
b. Family planning
c. Use of assess card
d. Proper nutrition
85. Poor environmental sanitation predisposes
the people to the following diseases except:

a. Cholera
b. Xeropthalmia
c. Hepatitis A
d. Parasitism
Situation: Nurse Phong is involved in
community organizing activities at Barangay
86. Conducting an initial ocular survey is a part
of this phase of community organizing:
a. Entry/ integration
b. Area of selection
c. Community study
d. Mobilization
87. As a new PHN in the community, Phong
needs to establish rapport with the people and
establish mutual trust among them. As an ideal
community organizer, it is important for Jessica
to live with the people and imbibe community
lifestyle. This is part of process known as:
a. Social preparation
b. Community Integration
c. Networking
d. Community diagnosis
88. In order to gain support of the community,
community participation which is the following,
a. It encourage dependence on the
health workers and representatives
of other government agencies
b. It gives the feeling of ownership to
the community
c. It provides the community the
opportunity to assume responsibility
and leadership
d. It creates awareness and interests
89. A step in organizing the community that
Phong will do in order to have an overview of
the demographic characteristics of the
community and community health related
services is:
a. Form core group
b. Community profiling
c. Integrate with the people
d. Area selection
90. The basic approach in applying CO in
Health is
a. Primary health care
b. Community development
c. Community-oriented organizing
d. Public Health
91. Which of the following characteristics will
best describe the potential leaders?
a. Should be highly educate
b. Should belong to affluent family in
the community
c. Should have wide influence to the
rich people
d. Should have effective planning skills
92. Which of the following best defines the role
and functions of the core group?
a. Mobilize the community residents to
act on their own immediate health
b. Facilitate team building activities and
informal education
c. Assigning of task for the different
d. Directing the people on what they
need to do

93. Identification of the potential leader is done

for which of the following reason?
a. Social preparation
b. Core group formation
c. Community Profiling
d. Project proposal
94. During spotting and developing potential
leaders, the community organizers should be
able to perform which of the following?
a. Assess the abilities and determine
willingness of each potential leader
for change
b. Administer
examination prior to
c. Validate the recommendation letter
given by the municipal mayor
d. Ascertain the authenticity of the
requirements submitted
95. How will you develop a potential leader?
a. Organize the activity for them
b. Refer them to Brgy Chairman
c. Directly recommend a rich member
of the community
d. Engage them in actual organizational
activities like meetings
Situation: identify the phases of COPAR based
on the following situations.
96. Training of core group members about prenatal care is done.
a. Pre-Entry
b. Entry
c. CO-Capability Building
d. Sustenance and Strengthening
e. Termination Phase
97. Self- reliance has been achieved by the
community people.
a. Pre-Entry
b. Entry
c. CO-Capability Building
d. Sustenance and Strengthening
e. Termination Phase
98. Spotting and developing potential leaders.
a. Pre-Entry
b. Entry
c. CO-Capability Building
d. Sustenance and Strengthening
e. Termination Phase
99. Recognize the roles of local authorities by
paying a visit to inform the organizers
presence and activities.
a. Pre-Entry
b. Entry
c. CO-Capability Building
d. Sustenance and Strengthening
e. Termination Phase
100. Core group created a working committee
on the different project for the health program.
a. Pre-Entry
b. Entry
c. CO-Capability Building
d. Sustenance and Strengthening
e. Termination Phase
--------------------GOOD LUCK and
GODBLESS--------------Bryan Dimen, RN,MAN
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

- Albert Einstein
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay
with problems longer.
- Albert Einstein



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