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SCIN 136 Final Exam Answers
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Question 1
Which current would not be part of the so-called Wal-Mart Trade route from Asia?
Question 2
The Gulf Stream Current would primarily affect weather and climate patterns in the following
Question 3
Which of the following is the fastest, most powerful ocean current in the world?
Question 4
The best fishing in the world occurs in areas of:
Question 5
The nutrient enrichment caused by upwelling occurs because:
Question 6
The El Nino phenomenon is caused by the reversal of which of the following currents?
Question 7
Possible triggering mechanisms for tsunamis include:
Question 8
Which of these factors effects the velocity of a tsunami?
Question 9

The ocean most recently open to commercial explotitation is the:

Question 10
The highest tides that occur at the full and new moon phases are called:
Question 11
Which of the following would be an estuary on the U.S. Gulf Coast?
Question 12
Beaches can be categorized by:
Question 13
A coastal feature that was created by glaciers would be:
Question 14
Why would a coastal storm like a hurricane, typhoon or NorEaster be more destructive during a
full moon?
Question 15
Coastal wetlands are important because they:
Question 16
Estuaries are critically important because they are:
Question 17
In which estuary is the circulation dominated by tidal processes?
Question 18
Which of the following is NOT a major estuary due to the oceanic conditions there?
Question 19
Areas along the U.S. East and Gulf coasts of the U.S. have long sandbars that parallel the coastline and stick up out of the water. Many of these coastal features have become resorts like Nags
Head NC, Hilton Head SC, Pensacola FL. But they are very unstable geologically (all sand no
bedrock); thus they are very prone to storm and flood damage. These features are known as:

Question 20
Which of the following process/forces is the MAJOR cause of sand being transported and
redistributed at various beaches along a coast:
Question 21
The maximum depth of the photic zone would be:
Question 22
The base of the food chain in the oceans relies on this process:
Question 23
The limiting factor for photic zone primary productivity at HIGH LATITUDES/polar areas is:
Question 24
Primary productivity in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents depends on:
Question 25
The level of productivity of the open ocean is equivalent to this area in the U.S.:
Question 26
The most concentrated biological production in the oceans occurs in which of these areas?
Question 27
Respiration CONSUMES which of the following?
Question 28
Only about ____ percent of the available energy is transferred between each trophic level.
Question 29
The statement there are no marine/salt-water viruses is:
Question 30
Which of the following are zooplankton?
Question 31

The zooplankton group Chordata (also referred to sometimes as the meroplankton) includes
tunicates, salps and all:
Question 32
In the ocean around Antarctica is a small shrimp that forms the basis for the food chain. Its
Question 33
Many organisms that live at great depths have light-producing organs on their bodies. Organisms
that have these organs are referred to as being:
Question 34
_____________ are the only trees who can stand having their roots imersed in salt water and
grow in the Florida Keys and around most of the tropical coastlines.
Question 35
Possible triggering mechanisms for red tides include:
Question 36
Which of the following organisms is most likely to be adversely affected by red tide algae
bloom? Hint: Which of these organisms is a filter-feeder and why would that matter in this
Question 37
Which of the following is an invertebrate phylla?
Question 38
Which of the following are vertebrates?
Question 39
Crabs, and lobsters are most closely related which of the following?
Question 40
Clams, mussles, and oysters are classified as:
Question 41

Which type of feeding mechanism best describes clams, mussels,oysters, and baleen whales?
Question 42
Squid and octopus are most closely biologically related to:
Question 43
Coelenerates/Cnidarians include which of the following:
Question 44
The group mentioned above (coelenerates/cnidarians) have stinging cells called __________
which can still inject venom after the organism itself dies.
Question 45
____________ are the simplest macroscopic spicules in their tissues.
Question 46
Which of the following organisms would be most likely found in the intertidal saltmarshes of the
US Alantic coast? From Cape Cod south and around the Gulf coast to Texas.
Question 47
Corals have associated algae called ___________ which live symbiotically in their tissues.
Question 48
Mass die-offs of corals have occurred around the world. These die-offs are referred to as:
Question 49
Australia has a huge underwater feature off of its eastern coast. This is:
Question 50
Which of the following fish species is most likely found around a coral reef?
Question 51
The last geologic stage in the formation of a coral island is:
Question 52

Which of the following states has the giant kelp forests?

Question 53
The top or keystone predators of the kelp forests are:
Question 54
Organisms that are free-swimming are called:
Question 55
Fishs gills actually utilize __________ in order for the fish to breath.
Question 56
A lamprey is an member of which of the following groups?
Question 57
The family of fish that are classified as sharks is because:
Question 58
Bottom fish are typically: Think flounder vs tuna.
Question 59
Sea turtles:
Question 60
The most dangerous snake in the world (has the most toxic venom) is:
Question 61
The two families of whales are:
Question 62
Manatees are endangered because:
Question 63
Which of the following is not a toothed whale?

Question 64
Which of the following whale species are NOT endangered and are even being harvested by
nations like
Japan and Norway?
Question 65
The whale that gave rise to the legend of the unicorn lives off of Greenland. It is called a:
Question 66
If a diver comes up too quickly from depth he or she may get a condition known as the bends.
Therefore divers must __________ before surfacing.
Question 67
The basis of the food chain at the deep hydothermal vents is: _________
Question 68
Large macroscopic organisms which are also included in the hydrothermal vent ecosystems are:
Question 69
For a species to be economically viable for mariculture/aquaculture:
Question 70
Which of the following countries has the least amount of aquaculture production?
Question 71
Scientists believe that life might have been seeded in the early oceans by comets bringing
which of the following to the early oceans on Earth?
Question 72
Which of the following occurrences on Earth eventually allowed life to come out of the oceans
and onto land?
Question 73
Many species of fish have been overharvested to the point they are referred to as being:
Question 74

The MAJOR factor in sea-level rise due to global warming is:

Question 75
Oil spilled at sea may do which of the following?
Think about what happened after the B.P. oil spill. Also when looking at the choices think about
WHY many clean-up workers wore masks and got headaches cleaning up oil in the hot Sun.
Question 76
Which of the following pollutants will have the longest residence-time in the oceans: Which one
will stay around in the oceans for the longest amount of time?
Question 77
Which of the following pollutants was the primary cause of the Mississippi River Dead Zone?
Question 78
The greenhouse effect:
Question 79
Many species of marine organisms have ended up in areas where they are not native (zebra
mussels, green crabs, etc) and thus have greatly disrupted the ecosystems in the new areas they
populate. They have made these moves due to:
Question 80
Which of the following oceanographic events is most scientifically predicable ONE YEAR IN

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