Business Plan - Sun Tzu AI-BI 2015 05-V2

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Business plan

Name of the company/Project

Sun Tzu, a BI/AI technology platform
Name and surname of the entrepreneur
Jonathan Camilleri
2.0 dated 21st June 2015




1.1. Geographical context3

1.2. Identification of the main purchaseres/users
1.3. Analysis of competitors

2.1. Products /services description 3
2.2. Products life circle 4
2.3. Possible intermediaries
3.1. Market view
3.2. Marketing and sales plan 4

4.1. Main motivations in the startup company 4

4.2. Potential difficulties 4
4.3. Start-up activity strategies

5.1. Domicile 5
5.2. Logistics / administration 5



strong points 5
weak points 5
opportunites 5


7.1. 4P analysis regarding available resources
7.2. 4P analysis regarding the needs to respond to 6

Retrospective and starting framework 6

Future perspectives (incomes and expenditures) 6

8.3. Financial plan for 2 years (no VAT and with break-even
analysis) 7
The business project involves the software development,
management, maintenance and marketing of an information
systems targeted to be used for corporate strategic management,
both within the private and within the non-profit making sector,
including the public sector, which indicates an increasing
perception of the use of corporate standards to measure
organizational performance and align strategy to tactical objectives,
re-engineering the processes and resources as required to meet the
original strategic objectives.
The software project will involve designing, development and
deployment of the software within a hosted cloud service, and,
reselling it through a subscription-based administration information
Reporting and analytic capabilities are planned to be included, in
order to read 'big data' into aggregated reports in the form of
dashboards and reports that can allow trend analysis of the external
and internal factors which may affect strategic direction and
alignment within an organization. These include political factors,
environmental concerns, social responsibilities, technologies and
their impact, legal aspects and the global influence of international
diplomatic and trade agreements.
Strategic management analyzes the major initiatives taken by a
company's top management on behalf of owners, involving resources and
performance in internal and external environments.[1] It entails specifying
the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and
plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to
achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the
policies and plans, projects and programs1.

According to Johnson and Scholes (1993), it can be seen as a matter of

organisational decision making within a social, political and cultural

taken from Wikipedia, throughout this document with the kind permission to
reproduce granted under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0.


A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of

the business and its progress towards objectives. Recent studies and
leading management theorists have advocated that strategy needs to start
with stakeholders expectations and use a modified balanced scorecard
which includes all stakeholders.

We are proposing to design and implement an information system which

serves as a decision support system and an executive support system,
reading information from various external and internal sources of
information and populating a data warehouse which can be queried
through dashboards, or programmatically.
The name of the system is Sun Tzu, named after a famous Chinese military
strategist and believed to be the author of The Art of War, which has had a
significant impact on Asian history. The trademark will be registered with
the appropriate authorities.
We are seeking around 500,000 EUR up to 1M EUR as start-up capital for
infrastructure, professional consultancy, technical consultancy, architecture
and implementation and global marketing of the software product, as we
seek to compete in a saturated ICT global market, and, considerable
funding is required for brand-equity.
PROJECT COMPANY: Geographical context
We are aiming to start-up a company located in the European Union, with a
high preference for the United Kingdom and Malta, however, we might
develop business relationships for the purposes of marketing and
distribution of the software when this has been developed to good quality
standards which are fit for commercial release. However we are open to
opening up business links even beyond the European Union, having done
research on opening business in other parts of the world as well, that
would certainly require extensive research into business and culture prior
to opening up business.
Our services can potentially serve the needs of corporate customers and
retail markets in the case of using computer retail outlets such as
"computer shops" to make a household name of this venture.
We do not exclude making use of outsourcing, however, the entrepreneur
hopes that this company will be a part of a group of companies that builds

itself a brand name around the world as a multinational, with the possibility
of merging with a larger IT giant in the long-term as this is the manner by
which economies of scale are achieved in the technology industry, at least
this is the manner by which big names have prospered.
We aim high and hope to reach glorious heights of business revenues with
the continuous development, business growth and organizational restructuring that is based on the philosophy of organizational learning. We
are aware of the challenges of artificial intelligence, which are popularly
outlined within Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, and, we seek to use our
marketing and sales campaign to create additional jobs in addition to the
need for qualified technical support personnel to provide maintenance for
the software itself.

PROJECT COMPANY: Identification of the main purchaseres/users

In addition to our initial research that has involved availing from consultancy
from "big four" firms and various entrepreneurs based both in Malta and in
other European and non-European countries, we have continued to confirm
that the most appropriate target sectors for the enterprise include companies
offering corporate services, accountancy services, financial services, motion
picture production, manufacturing and defence/security, and IT Services. The
project was also endorsed by a high ranking government official Hon. Jose
Herrera, Minister for the Economy Investment and Small business, who
claimed that he was interested in this project, after having read the business
Although the iGaming industry in Malta appears to be an attractive businessto-business market, we are only seeking to create a project where we create
an application programming interface that allows people to donate winnings
for philanthropic reasons to registered charity institutions, and, we are not
seeking to compete directly within the iGaming industry, but rather to remain
available for providing technology services should they be requested of us,
and, to use the application programming interface as a way to allow iGaming
operators to promote a socially responsible betting platform that allows their
software developers to make use of existing programming functionality using
programmable objects available through a web service. This would also reassure the people who are betting that their winnings are actually being
administratively channelled to registered charity institutions rather than being
stolen by organizations who might steal the monies that were originally
intended as a charity donation, as the risk of spam has multiplied in the last
decade and research shows that many citizens are still gullible. We have
named this project "DonateTo".
PROJECT COMPANY: Analysis of competitors
Industry leaders in big data include IBM, Intel, Hewlett Packard, Oracle,
Teradata, Fujitsu, and others, whilst local IT industry leaders include
Computime, Megabyte, Intercomp, and, Scan Computers (UK/Malta). Within
the UK competition gets even more intense as the UK economy is a leader in
electronic commerce and the majority of IT industry leaders have significant
portions of their offices.
We believe that through the design of bespoke software that includes business
intelligence based on industry research, best practices, and, continuous
involvement of industry leaders, we are able to create a collaborative
discussion within the industry that not only does not disrupt or cause
disruptive competition, but seeks to merge and create business partnerships
where we are not seen as competitors but as corporate services providers
acting in the best interests of all the stakeholders involved in the initial
analysis and design, that is then the basis for continuous improvement and

integration of the software platform.

PRODUCTS, SERVICES: Products /services description

The enterprise shall provide the following products and services through a
team of computer experts who are experts in their area of technical know-how
and business communication, and, we shall seek to provide the following
services and products:
Import and export of computers, networking and computer equipment
and accessories and installation/configuration services to personal and
corporate customers, making use of electronic commerce, mobile
commerce and other forms of intermediation to ship our products and
services which are marketed at affordable prices within the global
market. Training and other technology services in partnership with
bigger IT companies will be considered.
Custom building of software mainly focusing on business enterprise
software and customization of software that is provided including
programming functionality with a view to customize the software based
on the needs of corporate or personal clients.
PRODUCTS, SERVICES: Products life cycle
Software products goes through typical life cycle of analysis, design,
implementation, and, maintenance.
It is possible that a software product is phased out and re-designed after the
expected decline in sales indicate that it might be losing market share, or
alternatively re-branding and modification of the product itself is used by a
team of intelligent software engineers to market the product using up-to-date
features that continue to meet the changing information needs of the target
industries and the original clients for whom the software was built, without
excluding new ideas to make the product more appealing in view of acquired
organizational knowledge, trends within the global market and the perceived
or actual needs of new entrants within potential target markets as market
research would indicate business feasibility to the enterprise.
The business process for procurement includes purchasing, possible
modification based on the order made by the client and delivery.

PRODUCTS, SERVICES: Possible intermediaries

We are targeting to market our software product, Sun Tzu AI/BI through our
own computer retail shops and by making use of existing retail outlets who
would be willing to resell our product off the shelf, based on a business-tobusiness agreement where the reseller earns commission on sales or
commission on introductions. This potentially makes the sales process
repeatable as we endeavour to create the product training and other
marketing material to enable sales and marketing agents to reach new
potential clients who might be interested in acquiring our main software
product or to avail from other IT/business consultancy services offered by the

MARKET: Market view

The IT industry is highly saturated, and competitive, but nevertheless has not
failed to impress business advisors with record profits and business growth, as
the products themselves remain within reachable prices particularly with the
popularity of cloud services - except for those clients who prefer to have a
standalone implementation housed within their own data centre as this option
is also possible in the design of our software product.
We target mainly corporate clients to take up the flagship product i.e. Sun Tzu
AI/BI, however, we do not exclude developing mobile sub-set prototypes with
the intention to use them as social media marketing platforms for smart
phones having different platforms including Android, Apple IOS and possibly
others that we are yet to discover in our research.
Unfortunately the dot-com bubble has taught IT entrepreneurs not to forget
the essentials of marketing based on creating feasible and realistic
expectations from the market, and, that aiming too high has to be taken in a
prudent series of steps leading to prudent and slow business growth.

MARKET: Marketing and sales plan


We are targeting to approach large corporates engaging them with the notion
of contributing to their requirements from a business intelligence and artificial
intelligence platform, and, at the same time investing in its development as
the end product is targeted to meet their specific business needs.
We are also targeting to avail from technology products that are available offthe-shelf in order to engage business and personal customers as we sell dayto-day computer items for cash or 'quasi-cash' with minimum terms of credit.
MOTIVATIONS: Main motivations in the startup company
We are aiming to achieve business growth in a steady fashion, starting from a
business that can offer products on the shelf of any retail store, and, further
expanding into custom software development as we develop our flagship
product, Sun Tzu AI/BI.
This will increase our technical expertise, organizational knowledge, and, is
hoped to achieve business growth and expertise in the IT fields of business
intelligence, artificial intelligence and business reporting that appears to have
a speculatively optimistic demand according to research based on industry
We also hope to create career opportunities for computer professionals and
professionals-to-be which gives them the opportunity to work within an
enterprise that provides a long-term career and a stepping stone for junior
technical advisors who might want to work for our firm as their summer

MOTIVATIONS: Potential difficulties

Competition is intense, particularly if we consider the business intelligence
market, however, artificial intelligence is only optimally catered for by "big
boys" within the international field, and we are thus optimistic in our ability to
build business partnerships to support our competitors rather than to attempt
to engage in competition wars, as we are aware of the difficulty posed by
market barriers created by the existing entrepreneurs themselves and those
which are yet to create considerable market presence to be considered a
threat within the local and the global markets.
Unfortunately, even local entrepreneurs use strategies that deteriorate
competition, and, quoting a company entrepreneur "a small fish does not
dictate terms and conditions to a big fish", that appears to highlight their
power-centered approach to gaining market share. They tend to use

strategies which can be compared to making unfair offers to their providers,

in order to remain in a more advantageous position within the market. We
are re-assured by local competitors that they are not threatened by the
presence of this product in the local market at least in the business research
done so far.
We are slowly gaining a bad reputation of playing "big boy" games, even
though our enterprises are noticeably smaller than those in Italy and the
United Kingdom, and, thus this forms the basis of my desire not to collaborate
with Maltese based entrepreneurs, as I have slowly lost my trust in the
authenticity of their proposals, having done business research over a number
of years, as a business student with the London School of Economics and
Political Sciences. Nevertheless I am willing to attempt to build profitable and
mutually convenient win-to-win relationships with industry leaders who want
to avail from the services that I am willing to offer including taking on
outsourcing of some of the services that they might yet not cater for in a
professional manner.
IT outsourcing has in fact been penetrated by many foreign-based and localbased investors in the Maltese islands and beyond, and there appears to be
further business opportunities as many clients seek the services of
professional providers who can service their computer-based needs upon
request and in a professional manner. Larger IT firms are in a stronger
position to maintain market share and we seek to compete and collaborate to
achieve synergies and to be able to provide software that can be sold without
having an undesirable impact that may be seen as a threat. Authorities
intervene when there are cases of unfair competition, however business
strategies such as mergers and acquisitions are still legitimate business
strategies adopted by the larger IT firms.
The Government of Malta and its authorities adopt a good blend of controlled
regulations without intervening in unnecessary or unethical negotiation with
the business leaders, as the current public sector administration has declared
itself publicly to be "business friendly" and therefore one expects bureaucracy
to leave less impact on business entrepreneurs and business entrepreneurs
are increasingly expected to abide with legislation and corporate social
responsibilities as their business strategies and policies have to be kept
current with the times.
It is envisaged that a fine balance between a controlled economy and a
liberalized market is hard to achieve and this requires the management team
to constantly review its strategies, tactics and day to day operations and align
them to the needs of the market, without foregoing necessary change
management processes. Our view is to become self reliant to the point that
we can move between one jurisdiction and another with little effort as we
expand our marketing plan, however we do recognize that it is human to abide
by norms of stability in order to keep professionals employed in permanent
jobs that provide an attractive workplace for people to stick with for a number

of years, with an underlying assumption of business continuity. Nevertheless

software projects are commonly seen to last a number of years, and, therefore
the software management arm of our firm must strive to develop innovative
products that the market is willing to purchase, thus contributing to our
bottom line, essentially.
It is noteworthy that Internet connectivity does not reach all potential
customers and therefore we hope to make use of personal selling and to
collaborate with existing technology partners that are working on the
expansion for the provision of Internet infrastructure even in under-developed
We feel that expanding our business scope to include Internet services would
require additional capital investment that would be part of a different business
plan, and, we are only willing to engage in discussions with existing internet
service providers as far as Internet service provision goes, also in view of
various technical limitations - such as the proliferation of IoT and IpV6 are
concerned which appear to be still being discussed by the authorities that set
the standards for the Internet itself. The current policies set by the European
Banking Authority and the Malta Financial Services Authority which are
prudish against the use of virtual currencies might further decrease
opportunity for cross-border trade over the Internet.
We would not be surprised if someone comes up with Internet 2.0 as an
alternative to the existing network that is based on ARPANET, however, we do
not consider this to be a penetrable business that aligns with our scope at this
point in time.

MOTIVATIONS: Start-up activity strategies

We intended to find suitable business partners who are willing to invest
suitable capital in our enterprise that allows us a "slow but sure" business
growth, although this is considered a luxury that only "big boy" firms can
afford in the opinion of business consultants who focus on providing
consultancy to retail firms in the Maltese islands. This is the reason for
seeking foreign markets to ship our various products and to outsource our
services abroad as similar IT firms based in Malta (and abroad) have done.
Our products and services will be available to all international markets,
particularly in countries where there is a high level of computer literacy and
where computer accessories are considered consumer goods, although we are
more than happy to take advantage of the advantageous customs tariffs
(TARIC) made available for trade within countries within the European Union
to enhance the economic cycle of consumption.

We are currently considering the Republic of Malta or the United Kingdom as

the basis for starting a company, notwithstanding having reviewed the
considerable taxation in both countries, which are higher than that in
Montenegro, that is reported to have a corporate income tax rate of 9%.
See, and, for relevant information on opening business in the United
Kingdom and within the Republic of Malta.
Notwithstanding that Singapore is rated as the topmost business destination
for opening business in various business circles, we still have not carried out
sufficient business research to enable us to start-up companies immediately.
We are also open to consider having business partners, particularly for
business venture, venture capital and marketing and distribution in any part
of the commercialized and industrialized world (and beyond, as some
companies regularly send spacecraft for outer-space voyages).
Although the saying goes that there is no place like home, we do hope to
expand business in different jurisdictions should our flagship product indicate
potential business opportunities beyond the shores, as this will increase our
business expertise dealing in international markets and different jurisdictions.
Nevertheless we hope to do this very prudently, as business research precedes
any opening of a business.
LOCATION / LOGISTICS: Logistics / administration
Administration of logistics such as preparation of merchandise, checking of
imports as they are received, packaging of products which are not already in a
package for preparation shall occur at the office from which they are shipped.
Software does not require extensive packaging that cannot be provided
through service providers already available in most industrialized countries,
including the Republic of Malta.
Preparation of advertising material, design of artwork and marketing material
and its publishing are thought to be made by any advertising agency who
understands the business concept and is able to transform the concept into
printable material or material that is available on the world wide web. We
might make use of other forms of advertising in the future as well, not at all
discounting a heavy use of social media marketing due to the ease of use and
reachability of social networks.
SWOT ANALYSIS OF PROJECT COMPANY: Project company strong points
IT industry makes year on year multi-billion revenues and the expansion
of the industry globally and particularly in India as one of the preferred
outsourcing providers for various other countries provides and
optimistic promise for business opportunity that is available to start-ups

which are seeking not to compete solely on retail products but also
through innovation and "big data" software that caters for a selective
niche of business customers willing to engage in having the advantage
of the first mover.
The business model is flexible and promises a wide range of typical
products and services offered within the IT industry, which makes it
easier for the brand to reach visibility as cusotmers' expectations might
have been standardized in the European Union.

SWOT ANALYSIS OF PROJECT COMPANY: Project company weak points

Competition might be tough as we fear that competitors seek to create
market barriers to new entrants, however we hope to compete in a fair
level playing field in a manner that attempts to engage competitors as
potential business partners avoiding those which have exclusive
agreements for particular brands, as these might be monitored by
authorities that monitor unfair market competition practices. A list of
competitors can be drawn from business research firms, such as Gartner
and detailed competitor analysis would entail professional market
research to be commissioned.
Investors need to engage in a strong belief that short term profits might
be smaller than long-term profitablity if they persist in expecting highpaying dividends since the year of inception and therefore we would like
to follow the business strategies used by Amazon and Google to have the
opportunity to create and tap markets which go beyond the typical retail
markets through continuous research and innovation. We are effectively
forecasting a payback period that might extend beyond the second year
of operation for Sun Tzu BI/AI the flagship software product, however
this is a common business model in software production, the problem is
the drive for cash that some shareholders have that lead them to engage
in practices that might deteriorate the financial performance of a
company if they are not knowledgeable investors or have been informed
sufficiently of the consequences of the investment. A survey amongst
investors has to be carried out prior to an initial public offering and
other forms of capital financing.

SWOT ANALYSIS OF PROJECT COMPANY: Project company opportunities

Corporate services are increasingly popular as many companies seek to

make the best use of analysed information as they can interpret it to
actionable strategies, and, we are aiming to provide a software platform

that allows their analysts to store, retrieve and query information using
various ready-made interfaces and application programming interfaces
that allow for object-based programming retrieving information from the
platform. It also allows the user of information to make the best
possible use of the latest data mining and querying techniques, thereby
increasing job opportunities or opportunities for IT outsourcing within
the same companies that require this technology which in turn allows
the companies to publicly claim that they are increasing and creating job
opportunities for professionals. We are also considering the possibility
of having the clients agree to sharing information on an aggregate basis
in a similar manner that business research firms collect business
information from their customers and translate it to reports which are
then sold again to industry leaders.
Artificial intelligence does not necessarily replace the human, however,
it is our belief that if artificial intelligence is programmed using
established mathematical models, there is a higher probability of
intelligence that can be programmed and reprogrammed as the machine
learns new patterns of knowledge acquisition and translation of that
knowledge to analysis or else reporting it.


High dependence on the flagship product Sun Tzu AI/BI, which creates
the impetus of brand building to pilot test the market. This in itself
needs considerable capital funding.
Business risks include market barriers to entry, generation of leads and
translating leads to sales, this depends on the skill of the marketing
team, demand in the market and the disposability of income to purchase
the products and services that we have to offer.


All customers will pick and choose the product or service of their choice
when reviewing our promotional material and when discussing their
needs with our helpful sales team. The sales team will be briefed with
product updates and provided with samples that they can distribute to
customers, including a free trial version of the Sun Tzu AI/BI platform
which would be a minimal sub-set of functionality that allows the user to
interact with the software platform.
Products and services shall be marketed through personal selling, e2

commerce and other advertising means along with contacting existing

retail shops asking them to put our software product on their shelves.
Products that are imported are sold on a mark-up basis.
Sun Tzu BI/AI will be available on a subscription based model and it is
planned to be installed on the cloud. A standalone version shall be
available for clients who prefer not to use cloud services, at a higher
installation price, which is based on cost + mark-up.
Advertising shall include electronic commerce, mobile commerce, SMS
marketing, participation in trade fairs, and, placing our products and
services on shelves of computer shops based on commission agreement.
Computer equipment and accessories such as computers, peripherals,
laptops etc respond to our addiction for technology and the typical need
to use the latest version of the smartphone, it is usually not a necessity
although students and people who regularly use computers consider
computer equipment a basic need these days.
Sun Tzu AI/BI meets the need for intelligent analysis of information
where you do not have to be a mathematician to read simplified
information that can be interpreted by a literate business executive with
degree level or diploma level business knowledge to understand the
business terminology.
It is our philosophy to engage in soft selling as this is seen to be polite
and a prudent manner of approaching new customers.
Products and services which have a tariff that is published can be
reviewed by authorities and customers prior to making an order.
A subscription based model allows for a lower cost of purchase of a
software product, and, allow the enterprise to create a dependency
between the client and the enterprise where the client becomes engaged
and locked in to the technology offered by the enterprise. Thus the
enterprise will operate in a professional manner that respects de
minimis confidentiality, privacy and data integrity for the data that is
hosted and processed on behalf of its clients.
Advertising shall include electronic commerce, mobile commerce, sms
marketing, participation in trade fairs, and, placing our products and
services on shelves of computer shops based on commission agreement.
FINANCES: Retrospective and starting framework

We are looking for an initial 500,000 EUR up to 1M EUR in funding to help us

through the seeding of the enterprise and to have sufficient reserves to pay
the running costs and to cater for contingencies.
We might also avail from banking facilities in times where the cash flow is
negative and these can be supported through the services made available by
financial institutions in the short term usually for about 1-2 months.

FINANCES: Future perspectives (incomes and expenditures)

Tax (35%)
Net profit





750,000.00 712,500.00

-500,000.00 -500,000.00

250,000.00 212,500.00 400,000.00

End of life between 2017 and 2018 before major

The above are the sales forecasts for Sun Tzu BI/AI in EURO and are based on
a corporate income tax rate of 35%. Nevertheless we plan to include
shareholding in EURO, USD and GBP for foreign investors who which to retain
capital in these currencies, and, subject to the approval of the company-listing

FINANCES: Financial plan for 2 years (no VAT and with break-even)
Project: Development of strategic
information system

Employment costs
Water and electricity
Audit fees
Stationery and office equipment
Communication expenses
Travelling expenses
Insurance on building and professional
Business partnerships and branding
Health and safety
Training and certification
Other research costs
Accounting and administration
Servers for development
Doubtful debts (20%)

Yearly operating costs

Gross salaries estimated at
around 20,000 for every
professional yearly
excluding performance
bonuses and these might
be reviewed according to
labour market rates, based
on good performance.
Job descriptions are to be
200,000.00 drawn up.
Not yet estimated
Not yet estimated
Not yet estimated
Research indicates that late
payment are still a current
business risk which can
have a considerable
influence on the cash flow
of the organization, thus
creating further reliance on
facilities provided at the
discretion of financial
institutions, law firms and

specialized agencies in
certain cases.
Software licenses

Not yet estimated

Project management theory prescribes that

initial estimates can vary by +/- 50% on
project-based software development
projects, due to the software development
lifecycle model being used.

Target market

5,000 per installation excluding customization

Copies (est.)
management consultancy worldwide

Appendix A: Target customers




(blank if there is
no business

Foster Clarks Limited



UB50, Industrial
Estate, San Gwann
SGN 3000, Malta,
Tel: ++356 2279
All local banks and
other companies
with industries that
will be analyzed
g, we will robocall
and make
appointments with
interested in
investing in this
venture and in
participating in its

Appendix B: Competition
[ all IT Providers] and this requires a professional market research to be carried out,
planned to be done post-funding.

Appendix C: Organigram

Chief Executive Officer

and Architecture
Marketing Operations
and Development
Office Administration

Chief Executive Officer may be supervised either by a Chairperson or else through

the services provided by the audit firm that offers professional audit services that
includes IT Audit and financial audit - to our organization, and, since the CEO is
thought to be the founder of the company, we will review top management
contracts on a five yearly basis or have them independently reviewed by a
professional management consultancy firm.

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