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Nama : Fathia

High Intermediate 3
As we know, china ranks since 2010 as the world's second largest
economy after the United States. It has been the world's fastest-growing
major economy, with consistent growth rates of around 10% over the past
30 years. China is also the largest exporter and the second
largest importer of goods in the world. Over the past generation, since
launching market-oriented reforms in 1978, china has made impressive
gains in overall development. Growth performance with real annual GDP
growth rates averaging at 9,4 % during 1979-2004. If we compare Chinas
economic growth with economic development in Indonesia, its certainly
very far. But I personally believe that Indonesia stands a good chance of
having as tremendous economic growth as China does.
First, Indonesia has the potential of rich natural resources, so it is
not surprising that Indonesia usually called as the Emerald of the equator.
According to the data, Indonesia has 60 oil fields (basins), of which 38
have been explored, with reserves of around 77 million barrels of oil and
332 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas. The capacity of production until the
year 2000 is only 0,48 million barrels of oil and 2.26 trillion of TCF. This
shows that the volume and fuel capacity is big enough and very capable
of satisfying the needs of the people in the country. Natural resources is
one of the major capital construction. As the authorized capital, natural
resources should be used to the fullest, but in such a way that is not
destructive. The methods should be selected that can maintain and
develop the capital base that is more advantageous for future
Second, tourism has a major effect on economic growth in
Indonesia. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded the number of
foreign tourists who visited Indonesia in September 2011 reached 650.071
people. This means an increased of 16.01 percent. Based on data
obtained from the BPS is known that tourism sector was able to make
immediate income in the year 2004 amounted to U.S. $ 4.8 billion. In
addition, notice the impact of tourism on employment in 2002, 2.3 million
jobs, or 2.5% of national employment. One of the types of growing tourism
in Indonesia is a type of marine tourism. This is because Indonesia is the
world's largest archipelago country with 17.508 Islands with a long
coastline of 8.000 km and has the potential of coastal and sea resources.
In short, there are some reasons why Indonesia stands a good
chance of having as tremendous economic growth as China does. The
natural wealth and beauty that can only be imagined to another country is
already available. If human resources can be more educated and have
good manners, theres a huge possibilty that Indonesia could have higher
economic growth than China,

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