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Tentative D. Arch Project Topic

Use of Mobile structures in residual urban spaces in order to revitalize the city at
a social, economic, and cultural level.


Annotated Bibliography

Beck, Ulrich. 1992. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage Publications.
The book establishes a sociological theory of contemporary Western societies
within environmental politics. Beck also makes important points about risk and
the overlapping of class positions(social importance) on a national and
international scale. In other words, the production of wealth goes hand in hand
with its risks and the society has become a distribution of risk rather than goods.

Bonnemaison, Sarah, and Ronit Eisenbach. 2009. Installations By Architects.

New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
This book is mainly about the creation of art installations and its importance
within the architectural field as a tool for education within public spaces. It also
argues that installations promote viewers to actively engage with each other in
dialogue about issues they believe are relevant to them. These, essentially, are
experiments in which challenge the experience and perception of the
environment as an art form for others to touch, enter, and experience no matter
where the installation may be.
Carr, James H., and Lisa J. Servon. 2008. 'Vernacular Culture And Urban Economic
Development: Thinking Outside The (Big) Box'. Journal Of The American Planning
Association 75 (1):
This journal article addresses the growing homogeneity of urban commercial
and retail areas and the loss of local culture it brings with it. It also seeks to
identify strategies to combat this trend while still promoting urban economic
development. By identifying tools that advance cultural preservation, it argues
that it would be easier to promote development as an asset. This articles uses
case studies and interview in five cities.

Florida, Richard L. The Rise of the Creative Class, Revisited. New York: Basic Books,
This book looks at the idea of creativity and the rise of the knowledge economy.
Florida focuses on the systems of technological creativity and entrepreneurship
as effective models for producing goods and services. Florida aims to capitalize
on creativity by demonstrating that the creative class makes up more than thirty
percent of the workforce. He address the phenomenon such as areas in which
rank highest in the creativity index and but also have the highest level of
Girard, Monique, and David Stark. 2002. 'Distributing Intelligence And Organizing
Diversity In New-Media Projects'. Environ. Plann. A 34 (11): 1927-1949.
This paper examines how web-based firms focus on collaborative engineering
rather than competition to survive. It also shows the importance of both
collaboration and competition to allow for change and adaptation over time. It
focuses more on creative classes as a whole and how these users could
collaborate across disciplines, giving value and shape to new economies.

Haydn, Florian. Temporary Urban Spaces: Concepts for the Use of City Spaces. Basel:
Birkhauser, 2006.
In a wider perspective, all function and programs within a city is merely temporary,
but formally, the temporariness is often spurred by the legal mandates made by an
organization. Temporary is often only possible on the basis of the illegal act. This
book illustrates the potential of alternate ways of thinking and intervening in a
social, political, legal, emotional and spatial dimension of urban spaces.
Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackwell, 1991.
This reading mainly focuses on the analysis of form, structure, and function of
social space and its configuration in time. Space is given an active operational role
making it a producer of space. Space has power and if powerful enough, nothing
can be done but be obedient to it. Lefebvre iterates that space is concerned with
the reproduction of social relationships through the cost of creative works over

Koolhaas, Rem. "Junkspace." October 100 (2006): 175-90.

Koolhaas gives warning to the ever growing expansion of globalization, its effect on
architecture and the spaces around it. Rather than a research document, it is more
of manifesto or lamentation of what modern illness or virus has attached itself onto
modern architecture and cities today.

Neff, Gina, Elizabeth Wissinger, and Sharon Zukin. 2005. 'Entrepreneurial Labor
Among Cultural Producers: Cool Jobs In Hot Industries'. Social Semiotics 15 (3):
307-334. doi:10.1080/10350330500310111.
This paper seeks to identify the differences between the world of fashion and
social medial in order to highlight the processes of entrepreneurial labor within
culture industries. Based on data, the paper identifies the forces that give rise to
the phenomenon of entrepreneurial labor.

Schoales, J. 2006. 'Alpha Clusters: Creative Innovation In Local Economies'.

Economic Development Quarterly 20 (2): 162-177.
This paper seeks to identify a set of industries that tend to take focus within a city
and based on this data, seeks to show how these industries are cluster dependent
due to the rapid pace of product innovations. This shows that fostering innovation
with within these industries require different approaches from that of those
deployed in other technological industries.
QUESTIONS'. J Urban Affairs 28 (1): 1-17. doi:10.1111/j.07352166.2006.00256.x.
This article seeks to define the concept of creative cities. It then goes on to find
examples of them and trace out the connections of these phenomena that allow
them to happen. It tries to show how the structures of this new economy works
and how it effects the cultural innovation within cities.
Servon, L. J. 2006. 'Microenterprise Development In The United States: Current
Challenges And New Directions'. Economic Development Quarterly 20 (4): 351367. doi:10.1177/0891242406289355.
This paper argues that the microenterprise field needs to make significant
changes if it wants to sustain itself. Much of small business and start-ups are
classified as microenterprise.

Zukin, Sharon. Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places. S.l.: OUP
USA, 2011.
Zukin focuses on the gentrification of the city. It also focuses on culture consumption
and the branding of neighborhoods as an act of redevelopment in that area. It has
become to follow the phenomenon of shared spaces and the rapid growth of high- end
commercial attractiveness in order to spur property values and how this effects the
surrounding spaces.

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