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Burns Connection

Happy Birthday


Make a Right onto "Believeth Blvd. Keep straight
and go through the Green Light, which is Jesus
Christ. There, you must turn onto the "Bridge of
Faith," which is over troubled water. When you
get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep
Straight. You are on the "King's Highway" Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One
for the Father, One for the Son,
and One for the Holy Ghost.
Then exit off onto "Grace Blvd." From there, make
a Right turn on "Gospel Lane." Keep Straight and
then make another Right on "Prayer Road."
As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on
"Temptation Ave." Also, avoid SIN STREET
because it is a DEAD END. Pass up "Envy Drive,"
and "Hate Avenue." Also, pass "Hypocrisy Street,"
"Gossiping Lane," and
Backbiting Blvd."
However, you have to go down "Long-suffering
Lane," "Persecution Blvd.," and "Trials and
Tribulations Ave." But that's all right, because
VICTORY Street is straight ahead!

How often are we listening to

yesterday, when today stands
ready to speak.
Trustee On Call October 2015
Kenneth Kinney
FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns
United Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the
Good News of Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples
through worship and praise, nurture, outreach and witness.
FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United
Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to
connect with God's people through ministries that meet
human needs.


Shawn Johnson
Anne McDaniel
Alfred Richardson
Wilber Cave
Whitney Myers
Travonya Benjamin
Sigrid Wright
Sammie Mixon, Sr.
Robin Lowman
Christopher Staley
Jason Staley
Gail Hall
Rayford Richardson
Wanda Brisbon
Camille Staley
Madison Faith Gary
Ruth Richardson
Alfred Earl Doby
Lynette Robinson
Jade Jackson
Tanya Boyd


Barbara Dixon
Inez Benjamin
Patrick Cobbs
Marques Washington
Tosha Parson
James Brisbon
Solomon Burwick
Larry Wingate
Jerome Myers
Cheryl McDonald
Jonathon Phillips
Jerea Myers
Noah Williams
Isaiah Williams
Adrianne Alston
Betty Mack
Toshia Truesdale
Brenda Wingate
Gordon Alexander
Antwan Lloyd

Happy Anniversary
30 October Louie & Betty Dicks
To update your birthday or anniversary information,
contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or

One The Light Side

Burns Connection
Volume 2015 Issue 10
Francis Burns UMC
5616 Farrow Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 754-1760
Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge, Pastor

United Methodist Women Update

On Saturday, September 19, the Columbia District
United Methodist Women held its 43rd Annual Meeting
at Shandon United Methodist Church. With a theme of
"Fill My Cup with Faith, Hope and Love", more than 175
women were in attendance at the annual event. The
guest speaker was Deaconess Selena Ruth Smith who
hailed from the Hartsville District.
Her message
centered around the theme of the day and encouraged
us as women to pass on the filled cup God has given us
to other women with our work within UMW missions.
With missions in mind, more than $968 was collected in
offerings and will be split among the five mission
projects that the United
Methodist Women support.
Awards were given and
installation of officers was
made at the conclusion of
the day. Francis Burns UMW
member Marcella B. Yed was
honored as one of the 2015
Women of the Year; Rhonda
and Sharee Washington were
reinstalled as the Columbia
District Communication CoChairs; and Maeward Belk
Membership, Nurture and
Outreach Coordinator.
The 44th Annual Meeting will be held at Mt. Horeb
United Methodist Church on September 17, 2016.
Rhonda and Sharee Washington
Francis Burns UMC United Methodist Women
Communications, Co-Chairs

Hugs for Harvest

October 31, 2015
4-6 PM.

The Evangelism Ministry

will be on the
corner greeting the community.

October 2015

Status And Role Of Women
By Teresa Holland
These have come so that the proven genuineness of
your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes
even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory
and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:7
Faith, In Tests and Trials A trial can be compared
to a weight barbell. Imagine yourself lying on your
back and having a heavy barbell placed on your chest.
Do you become strong by allowing it to stay on your
chest? No! You become strong when you push it up and
away from you.
Your faith works the same way as your arms. Your faith
becomes stronger when you push the trial away from
you, not when you allow the trial to stay on you. So in
the end, trials can be beneficial. This is why we can
count it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds-because the testing of our faith develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish its work so that we will be
mature and complete, not lacking any good thing-when that happens, the trial has ended!
The Status and Role of Women w as proud to host
its second Girl Talk series on August 30, 2015. We
were blessed to have in attendance ladies of all ages.
The session was facilitated by Dr. Evelyn Fulmore.
What a blessing Dr. Fulmore and all the women were
as we shared our fears and triumphs through tears,
laughter and prayer. It is good to be a woman, even
with all the challenges, trials and tests, but only God!
Dr. Fulmore challenged each of us through all phases
of our lives, and even used hand weights to demonstrate how we allow trials to weigh us down, but only
Are you FITT? Come join us as we continue to develop
this covenant of love and support. The next session will
be November 29, 2015 at 5:00pm in the fellowship hall
as we continue our theme, What You Have Is Enough
for God. Women and girls of all ages are invited to attend.
Our status and role in the world and our nation is
to be living testimonies of Christs love and com-

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on
your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge
Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

Page 2

Burns Connection

October 2015
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 4, Job 1:1, 2:1-10, Psalm 26, Hebrews 1:1-4,
2:5-12, Mark 10:2-16
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 11, Job 23:1-9, 16-17,
Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31



Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

October 18, Job 38:1-7, (34-41), Psalm 104:1-9, 24,
35c, Hebrews 5:1-10, Mark 10:35-45
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
October 25, Job 42:1-6, 10-17, Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22),
Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52

2015 Budget Information

Council on Ministries
Committee on Finance
Board of Trustees
Total 2015 Budget


Weekly Amount Needed

Monthly Amount Needed


Amount Received in August


Thank You


then shall they

call on Him in whom
believed? And how
shall they believe in
Him of whom they
have not heard? And
how shall they hear
without a preacher?
And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
As it is written:
How beautiful are the feet of those who
preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!
Romans 10:14-15
We Thank You!!
Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge
Rev. John C. Pearson

There are several tools that are

needed in human relationships.
Some of these tools are verbal
However, the most important tool
is that of communications. We
must be able to communicate with
each other well. We cannot talk
over, talk around, talk under or
talk about each other.
The United Methodist Church has a great document on
church growth: Tilted Communicate Vitality. There is a
very important statement in the introduction:
Effective communication is vital to help you grow your
church into an inviting and inspiring place to worship
and engage your congregation in mission and
outreach. (Taken from Communicate Vitality page 3)
We are people of many words. Therefore, words can
be very helpful or they can be very harmful.
Mr. Michael Stevens wrote:

The Power of a Word

The word can fill your day

With happiness
A word can end friendships
in a blink of an eye
A word can express
Love and gladness
A word can make you
Laugh or cry
A word can unite a
Woman to a man
A word can save your
Troubled soul
A word can help the
Fallen, stand
A word is welcome when
You grow old
A word from God can give
You peace
A word from Him can
Set you free
A word from Jesus
Calmed the seas
A word can save a
Sinner like me.

Burns Connection

Page 5

War Room
Members (Sharee Washington, Chair; Rhonda Washington, Shana Charles, and Octavia Wright) of the Christian
Adult Ministry at Francis Burns attended the soldout matinee screening of "War Room" at Sandhills
on Saturday September 19. "War Room", which
was #1 at the movies Labor Day weekend, is a
film for which your emotions will make you laugh,
cry, laugh again, and cry some more. It is the story of African-American couple, Tony and Elizabeth
Jordan, on the brink of divorce until prayer warrior, Miss Clara, enters their lives.
The Christian Adult Ministry will have more movie
outings and breakfast fellowship for which all
members of the church will be invited. Look for
announcements in the weekly bulletin

Marriage Enrichment 2016 Retreat

The Couples Ministry is a component of the Family
Ministry of Francis Burns United Methodist Church. Its
mission is to provide opportunities for husbands and
wives in our faith community to create, nurture and
sustain Godly relationships through becoming and
remaining one in love, spirit, and purpose. To
accomplish this mission, the ministry committee plans
activities throughout the year. One of the goals of the
ministry is to sponsor the annual marriage
enrichment retreat.
The Francis Burns Marriage Enrichment Retreat will
be held February 19-21, 2016 at the Courtyard by
Marriott, 1251 Woodland Avenue, Mount Pleasant, SC
29464.The Theme is Express Yourself You Can Be
Happily Married.
The retreat will be an opportunity to
relationship, communications and
understanding one another. It will be
a time of fellowship, fun and
The registration deposit is due
October 15th. Information and registration brochures
are in the lobby and Fellowship Hall.

Save The date

United Methodist Men Update
Saturday, October 10th
8:30 AM
Fellowship Hall

Married Couples Fall Social

November 20, 2015

Page 4
This year, Francis Burns
Sabbath on October 11th.
Childrens Sabbath is a day
set aside by churches all
over the world for the
purpose of spotlighting and
affirming the children in our
midst. This day, also, draws
attention to the needs of
children at risk in our world. Some of the ways that the
youth ministry supports Childrens Sabbath year-round is
by engaging in mission projects that specifically target
children and youth. Many of you know about our Kelly
Mill Middle School Back Pack program where we sponsor
10 kids from the school monthly to provide weekend
food. But in addition to that, we also have volunteered at
the Hannah House, which is a place where women and
their children can go if they have no place to live. We
started the month of October by working with the Family
Promise ministry to feed homeless families at
Northminister Presbyterian church. Some of our youth
have even volunteered at the Freedom School summer
and after-school reading enrichment program to help
children who might otherwise not have access to books.
Deuteronomy 14: 28-29 states that "At the end of every
third year you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce
in that year, and shall deposit it in your town. The
Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance among
you, and the alien, the orphan and the widow who are in
your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order
that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of
your hand which you do." This scripture makes me
realize that no matter what I am giving whether it is my
time, money, clothes, or even food, I should not half do
it because I never know how my actions may affect and
help someone else. God calls all of us to bring what we
have to Him so that it can be used to take care of the
needs of those around us. So on October the 11th I invite
you all to come celebrate as we honor God's children
through Childrens Sabbath.
Since Children's Sabbath is a day for churches to come
together to make life better for children and families in
our communities, we decided that there was one teen in
particular that we want to help. During the month of
October, the Youth Ministry will host two fundraisers to
help make life better for a local teen, Mr. Mark
Mickens. Mark "MJ" Mickens is a high school junior at
Westwood High School, and he suffered a severe neck
injury during a tackle at his football game a few weeks
ago. The 4:12 youth ministry wants to make a
contribution to the $20,000 that his team is trying to
raise for his recovery.
We set a goal to donate $750,
and we hope to raise the money by hosting a bake sale
and a spaghetti dinner. We will host the bake sale on
Children's Sabbath which is Sunday, October 11th after
church and the spaghetti dinner on the evening of
Tuesday, October 13th , just in time for Bible Study. We

Burns Connection
ask for your support in our efforts to help Mark
Mickens and his family as they endure this difficult
Rachel Forrest

Stewardship Reflections
On September 11, 2015, Rebecca W. Eleazer was one
of 22 honorees inducted into Africa Universitys
Richard E. Dick Reeves Legacy Society at its 15th
Annual Recognition Dinner in Nashville Tennessee.
These honorees have named Africa University as the
ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts
might include a bequest and/or charitable income
gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable
remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity
trusts, or gifts of life insurance. AU also defines a
planned gift as a current gift of cash, securities, real
estate, or other assets of at least $10,000 in value
and designated for the endowment.
Africa University is the only United Methodist
supported institution of higher education on the
Continent of Africa. Students from more than 60
African countries attend AU.
For more information on the Dick Reeves Society,
Click on Meet Our Donors to greet the 2015

Page 3

Burns Connection

The Health & Welfare Ministrys/Healthy Eating And

Living in the Spirit (H.E.A.L.S) vision for the Francis
Burns church family is to become A Healthier
Going Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.. As I
pondered what could be said about breast cancer this
month, it came to me. Why not have members Go
Pink for the month in support of a cure for breast
cancer? It would be educational and fun. Besides pink
is my favorite color.
Since 1991 Palmetto Baptist (at that time Baptist
Medical Center) has held an annual breast cancer walk
or run to raise funds for a cure. In fact the Walk for Life
as it is called is celebrating 25 years this year. So, as a
part of our own Francis Burns Health and Wellness
Challenge members are asked to join the Go Pink
movement by participating in the 2015 Walk for Life/
Race for Life Saturday Oct. 17, at Finlay Park. Lets
show our support for members who are breast cancer
survivors and those who are in treatment. To register
for the walk or run, visit or
members can form teams.
In 25 years the walk has grown from 200 walkers to
11,000 plus registered walkers and runners. With funds
raised by the walk the Breast Center has replaced five
mobile mammography units. Annually one of those
mobile mammography units provides screenings for
women of Francis Burns as well as the community. The
mammography screenings this year will be held on
Tuesday, October 27 from 8 am-4:30 pm.

Thessalonians 5:17. The prayer
of faith will save the sick, and the
Lord will raise him up. ...The
effective, fervent prayer of a
righteous man avails much.
James 5:15, 16.

Mr. Jerome Devlin (the brother of Ida Wideman & Lizze

Reeves) Mr. Glentis Wyre Mr. G. B. Williams (friend
of Joe Williams) Mrs. Vernell Haire (cousin of Preston
Cobbs) Mrs. Johnnie Johnson Mrs. Brenda Wingate
Mr. Tommie Whetstone Mrs. Tena Walker Mrs.
Jasmin Perez (friend of Denise Watkins) Mrs. Angela
Mister (friend of Denise Watkins) Ms. Daisy Block
Ms. Severena Aaron Mrs. Bernice Kinney Mrs. Daisy
Block Ms. Robin Duarte (friend of Denise Watkins)
Mrs. Carrie Murray Mr. Charles Kinney (brother of
Kenneth Kinney) Ms. Rhonda Washington Mrs.
Jennie Hunter Mr. Jimmy Grate Mr. Willie Howard
Ms. Pauline Davis Mrs. Fannie Carson Mr. Wes
Furgess Rev. Otis Scott, Jr. Mrs. Ila Cobb
(grandmother of Rachel Bourke) Mrs. Ethel Kinney
(sister in law of Kenneth Kinney) Mrs. Patricia Squire
(sister of Bernice Kinney Mrs. Mary Hennegan (sister
of Gladys Gaillard-McBride}

Meet the Choir

The walk or run challenge is onso come on itll be fun!

Mark your calendar for once a month breast selfexams on the 15th.
Information obtained from Palmetto Health Foundation

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S Updates &

Monthly Meeting is scheduled for M onday,
October 19th from 6-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Persons desiring to embrace a healthier lifestyle are
invited to come and join this on-going health ministry.
Free monthly blood pressure screenings w ill be
available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship
services in the Fellowship Hall.
Pictured left to right: Bishop Marcus Matthews, Resident
Bishop, Washington Episcopal Area, and Vice-Chair AU
Board of Directors; Rebecca; Dr. Munashe Furusa, ViceChancelor, AU; and Jim Salley, Associate Vice-Chancellor
for Institutional Advancement, AU.

Aim for Wholeness,

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.

Name: W anda Beatty

Choir Section: Tenor
Occupation: Semi-Retired Educator (40 years)
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, listening to gospel
and R&B, traveling, playing cards, doll collecting,
football and tailgating; President of the Greater
Columbia Alumni Chapter of S. C. State University

Page 4
This year, Francis Burns
Sabbath on October 11th.
Childrens Sabbath is a day
set aside by churches all
over the world for the
purpose of spotlighting and
affirming the children in our
midst. This day, also, draws
attention to the needs of
children at risk in our world. Some of the ways that the
youth ministry supports Childrens Sabbath year-round is
by engaging in mission projects that specifically target
children and youth. Many of you know about our Kelly
Mill Middle School Back Pack program where we sponsor
10 kids from the school monthly to provide weekend
food. But in addition to that, we also have volunteered at
the Hannah House, which is a place where women and
their children can go if they have no place to live. We
started the month of October by working with the Family
Promise ministry to feed homeless families at
Northminister Presbyterian church. Some of our youth
have even volunteered at the Freedom School summer
and after-school reading enrichment program to help
children who might otherwise not have access to books.
Deuteronomy 14: 28-29 states that "At the end of every
third year you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce
in that year, and shall deposit it in your town. The
Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance among
you, and the alien, the orphan and the widow who are in
your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order
that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of
your hand which you do." This scripture makes me
realize that no matter what I am giving whether it is my
time, money, clothes, or even food, I should not half do
it because I never know how my actions may affect and
help someone else. God calls all of us to bring what we
have to Him so that it can be used to take care of the
needs of those around us. So on October the 11th I invite
you all to come celebrate as we honor God's children
through Childrens Sabbath.
Since Children's Sabbath is a day for churches to come
together to make life better for children and families in
our communities, we decided that there was one teen in
particular that we want to help. During the month of
October, the Youth Ministry will host two fundraisers to
help make life better for a local teen, Mr. Mark
Mickens. Mark "MJ" Mickens is a high school junior at
Westwood High School, and he suffered a severe neck
injury during a tackle at his football game a few weeks
ago. The 4:12 youth ministry wants to make a
contribution to the $20,000 that his team is trying to
raise for his recovery.
We set a goal to donate $750,
and we hope to raise the money by hosting a bake sale
and a spaghetti dinner. We will host the bake sale on
Children's Sabbath which is Sunday, October 11th after
church and the spaghetti dinner on the evening of
Tuesday, October 13th , just in time for Bible Study. We

Burns Connection
ask for your support in our efforts to help Mark
Mickens and his family as they endure this difficult
Rachel Forrest

Stewardship Reflections
On September 11, 2015, Rebecca W. Eleazer was one
of 22 honorees inducted into Africa Universitys
Richard E. Dick Reeves Legacy Society at its 15th
Annual Recognition Dinner in Nashville Tennessee.
These honorees have named Africa University as the
ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts
might include a bequest and/or charitable income
gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable
remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity
trusts, or gifts of life insurance. AU also defines a
planned gift as a current gift of cash, securities, real
estate, or other assets of at least $10,000 in value
and designated for the endowment.
Africa University is the only United Methodist
supported institution of higher education on the
Continent of Africa. Students from more than 60
African countries attend AU.
For more information on the Dick Reeves Society,
Click on Meet Our Donors to greet the 2015

Page 3

Burns Connection

The Health & Welfare Ministrys/Healthy Eating And

Living in the Spirit (H.E.A.L.S) vision for the Francis
Burns church family is to become A Healthier
Going Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.. As I
pondered what could be said about breast cancer this
month, it came to me. Why not have members Go
Pink for the month in support of a cure for breast
cancer? It would be educational and fun. Besides pink
is my favorite color.
Since 1991 Palmetto Baptist (at that time Baptist
Medical Center) has held an annual breast cancer walk
or run to raise funds for a cure. In fact the Walk for Life
as it is called is celebrating 25 years this year. So, as a
part of our own Francis Burns Health and Wellness
Challenge members are asked to join the Go Pink
movement by participating in the 2015 Walk for Life/
Race for Life Saturday Oct. 17, at Finlay Park. Lets
show our support for members who are breast cancer
survivors and those who are in treatment. To register
for the walk or run, visit or
members can form teams.
In 25 years the walk has grown from 200 walkers to
11,000 plus registered walkers and runners. With funds
raised by the walk the Breast Center has replaced five
mobile mammography units. Annually one of those
mobile mammography units provides screenings for
women of Francis Burns as well as the community. The
mammography screenings this year will be held on
Tuesday, October 27 from 8 am-4:30 pm.

Thessalonians 5:17. The prayer
of faith will save the sick, and the
Lord will raise him up. ...The
effective, fervent prayer of a
righteous man avails much.
James 5:15, 16.

Mr. Jerome Devlin (the brother of Ida Wideman & Lizze

Reeves) Mr. Glentis Wyre Mr. G. B. Williams (friend
of Joe Williams) Mrs. Vernell Haire (cousin of Preston
Cobbs) Mrs. Johnnie Johnson Mrs. Brenda Wingate
Mr. Tommie Whetstone Mrs. Tena Walker Mrs.
Jasmin Perez (friend of Denise Watkins) Mrs. Angela
Mister (friend of Denise Watkins) Ms. Daisy Block
Ms. Severena Aaron Mrs. Bernice Kinney Mrs. Daisy
Block Ms. Robin Duarte (friend of Denise Watkins)
Mrs. Carrie Murray Mr. Charles Kinney (brother of
Kenneth Kinney) Ms. Rhonda Washington Mrs.
Jennie Hunter Mr. Jimmy Grate Mr. Willie Howard
Ms. Pauline Davis Mrs. Fannie Carson Mr. Wes
Furgess Rev. Otis Scott, Jr. Mrs. Ila Cobb
(grandmother of Rachel Bourke) Mrs. Ethel Kinney
(sister in law of Kenneth Kinney) Mrs. Patricia Squire
(sister of Bernice Kinney Mrs. Mary Hennegan (sister
of Gladys Gaillard-McBride}

Meet the Choir

The walk or run challenge is onso come on itll be fun!

Mark your calendar for once a month breast selfexams on the 15th.
Information obtained from Palmetto Health Foundation

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S Updates &

Monthly Meeting is scheduled for M onday,
October 19th from 6-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Persons desiring to embrace a healthier lifestyle are
invited to come and join this on-going health ministry.
Free monthly blood pressure screenings w ill be
available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship
services in the Fellowship Hall.
Pictured left to right: Bishop Marcus Matthews, Resident
Bishop, Washington Episcopal Area, and Vice-Chair AU
Board of Directors; Rebecca; Dr. Munashe Furusa, ViceChancelor, AU; and Jim Salley, Associate Vice-Chancellor
for Institutional Advancement, AU.

Aim for Wholeness,

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.

Name: W anda Beatty

Choir Section: Tenor
Occupation: Semi-Retired Educator (40 years)
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, listening to gospel
and R&B, traveling, playing cards, doll collecting,
football and tailgating; President of the Greater
Columbia Alumni Chapter of S. C. State University

Page 2

Burns Connection

October 2015
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 4, Job 1:1, 2:1-10, Psalm 26, Hebrews 1:1-4,
2:5-12, Mark 10:2-16
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 11, Job 23:1-9, 16-17,
Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31



Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

October 18, Job 38:1-7, (34-41), Psalm 104:1-9, 24,
35c, Hebrews 5:1-10, Mark 10:35-45
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
October 25, Job 42:1-6, 10-17, Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22),
Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52

2015 Budget Information

Council on Ministries
Committee on Finance
Board of Trustees
Total 2015 Budget


Weekly Amount Needed

Monthly Amount Needed


Amount Received in August


Thank You


then shall they

call on Him in whom
believed? And how
shall they believe in
Him of whom they
have not heard? And
how shall they hear
without a preacher?
And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
As it is written:
How beautiful are the feet of those who
preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!
Romans 10:14-15
We Thank You!!
Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge
Rev. John C. Pearson

There are several tools that are

needed in human relationships.
Some of these tools are verbal
However, the most important tool
is that of communications. We
must be able to communicate with
each other well. We cannot talk
over, talk around, talk under or
talk about each other.
The United Methodist Church has a great document on
church growth: Tilted Communicate Vitality. There is a
very important statement in the introduction:
Effective communication is vital to help you grow your
church into an inviting and inspiring place to worship
and engage your congregation in mission and
outreach. (Taken from Communicate Vitality page 3)
We are people of many words. Therefore, words can
be very helpful or they can be very harmful.
Mr. Michael Stevens wrote:

The Power of a Word

The word can fill your day

With happiness
A word can end friendships
in a blink of an eye
A word can express
Love and gladness
A word can make you
Laugh or cry
A word can unite a
Woman to a man
A word can save your
Troubled soul
A word can help the
Fallen, stand
A word is welcome when
You grow old
A word from God can give
You peace
A word from Him can
Set you free
A word from Jesus
Calmed the seas
A word can save a
Sinner like me.

Burns Connection

Page 5

War Room
Members (Sharee Washington, Chair; Rhonda Washington, Shana Charles, and Octavia Wright) of the Christian
Adult Ministry at Francis Burns attended the soldout matinee screening of "War Room" at Sandhills
on Saturday September 19. "War Room", which
was #1 at the movies Labor Day weekend, is a
film for which your emotions will make you laugh,
cry, laugh again, and cry some more. It is the story of African-American couple, Tony and Elizabeth
Jordan, on the brink of divorce until prayer warrior, Miss Clara, enters their lives.
The Christian Adult Ministry will have more movie
outings and breakfast fellowship for which all
members of the church will be invited. Look for
announcements in the weekly bulletin

Marriage Enrichment 2016 Retreat

The Couples Ministry is a component of the Family
Ministry of Francis Burns United Methodist Church. Its
mission is to provide opportunities for husbands and
wives in our faith community to create, nurture and
sustain Godly relationships through becoming and
remaining one in love, spirit, and purpose. To
accomplish this mission, the ministry committee plans
activities throughout the year. One of the goals of the
ministry is to sponsor the annual marriage
enrichment retreat.
The Francis Burns Marriage Enrichment Retreat will
be held February 19-21, 2016 at the Courtyard by
Marriott, 1251 Woodland Avenue, Mount Pleasant, SC
29464.The Theme is Express Yourself You Can Be
Happily Married.
The retreat will be an opportunity to
relationship, communications and
understanding one another. It will be
a time of fellowship, fun and
The registration deposit is due
October 15th. Information and registration brochures
are in the lobby and Fellowship Hall.

Save The date

United Methodist Men Update
Saturday, October 10th
8:30 AM
Fellowship Hall

Married Couples Fall Social

November 20, 2015

Page 6

Burns Connection

Happy Birthday


Make a Right onto "Believeth Blvd. Keep straight
and go through the Green Light, which is Jesus
Christ. There, you must turn onto the "Bridge of
Faith," which is over troubled water. When you
get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep
Straight. You are on the "King's Highway" Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One
for the Father, One for the Son,
and One for the Holy Ghost.
Then exit off onto "Grace Blvd." From there, make
a Right turn on "Gospel Lane." Keep Straight and
then make another Right on "Prayer Road."
As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on
"Temptation Ave." Also, avoid SIN STREET
because it is a DEAD END. Pass up "Envy Drive,"
and "Hate Avenue." Also, pass "Hypocrisy Street,"
"Gossiping Lane," and
Backbiting Blvd."
However, you have to go down "Long-suffering
Lane," "Persecution Blvd.," and "Trials and
Tribulations Ave." But that's all right, because
VICTORY Street is straight ahead!

How often are we listening to

yesterday, when today stands
ready to speak.
Trustee On Call October 2015
Kenneth Kinney
FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns
United Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the
Good News of Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples
through worship and praise, nurture, outreach and witness.
FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United
Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to
connect with God's people through ministries that meet
human needs.


Shawn Johnson
Anne McDaniel
Alfred Richardson
Wilber Cave
Whitney Myers
Travonya Benjamin
Sigrid Wright
Sammie Mixon, Sr.
Robin Lowman
Christopher Staley
Jason Staley
Gail Hall
Rayford Richardson
Wanda Brisbon
Camille Staley
Madison Faith Gary
Ruth Richardson
Alfred Earl Doby
Lynette Robinson
Jade Jackson
Tanya Boyd


Barbara Dixon
Inez Benjamin
Patrick Cobbs
Marques Washington
Tosha Parson
James Brisbon
Solomon Burwick
Larry Wingate
Jerome Myers
Cheryl McDonald
Jonathon Phillips
Jerea Myers
Noah Williams
Isaiah Williams
Adrianne Alston
Betty Mack
Toshia Truesdale
Brenda Wingate
Gordon Alexander
Antwan Lloyd

Happy Anniversary
30 October Louie & Betty Dicks
To update your birthday or anniversary information,
contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or

One The Light Side

Burns Connection
Volume 2015 Issue 10
Francis Burns UMC
5616 Farrow Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 754-1760
Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge, Pastor

United Methodist Women Update

On Saturday, September 19, the Columbia District
United Methodist Women held its 43rd Annual Meeting
at Shandon United Methodist Church. With a theme of
"Fill My Cup with Faith, Hope and Love", more than 175
women were in attendance at the annual event. The
guest speaker was Deaconess Selena Ruth Smith who
hailed from the Hartsville District.
Her message
centered around the theme of the day and encouraged
us as women to pass on the filled cup God has given us
to other women with our work within UMW missions.
With missions in mind, more than $968 was collected in
offerings and will be split among the five mission
projects that the United
Methodist Women support.
Awards were given and
installation of officers was
made at the conclusion of
the day. Francis Burns UMW
member Marcella B. Yed was
honored as one of the 2015
Women of the Year; Rhonda
and Sharee Washington were
reinstalled as the Columbia
District Communication CoChairs; and Maeward Belk
Membership, Nurture and
Outreach Coordinator.
The 44th Annual Meeting will be held at Mt. Horeb
United Methodist Church on September 17, 2016.
Rhonda and Sharee Washington
Francis Burns UMC United Methodist Women
Communications, Co-Chairs

Hugs for Harvest

October 31, 2015
4-6 PM.

The Evangelism Ministry

will be on the
corner greeting the community.

October 2015

Status And Role Of Women
By Teresa Holland
These have come so that the proven genuineness of
your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes
even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory
and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:7
Faith, In Tests and Trials A trial can be compared
to a weight barbell. Imagine yourself lying on your
back and having a heavy barbell placed on your chest.
Do you become strong by allowing it to stay on your
chest? No! You become strong when you push it up and
away from you.
Your faith works the same way as your arms. Your faith
becomes stronger when you push the trial away from
you, not when you allow the trial to stay on you. So in
the end, trials can be beneficial. This is why we can
count it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds-because the testing of our faith develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish its work so that we will be
mature and complete, not lacking any good thing-when that happens, the trial has ended!
The Status and Role of Women w as proud to host
its second Girl Talk series on August 30, 2015. We
were blessed to have in attendance ladies of all ages.
The session was facilitated by Dr. Evelyn Fulmore.
What a blessing Dr. Fulmore and all the women were
as we shared our fears and triumphs through tears,
laughter and prayer. It is good to be a woman, even
with all the challenges, trials and tests, but only God!
Dr. Fulmore challenged each of us through all phases
of our lives, and even used hand weights to demonstrate how we allow trials to weigh us down, but only
Are you FITT? Come join us as we continue to develop
this covenant of love and support. The next session will
be November 29, 2015 at 5:00pm in the fellowship hall
as we continue our theme, What You Have Is Enough
for God. Women and girls of all ages are invited to attend.
Our status and role in the world and our nation is
to be living testimonies of Christs love and com-

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on
your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge
Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

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