Notice: Environmental Statements Notice of Intent: Fairfield County, CT, Et Al.

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18454 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Notices

We will consider all communications Comments Invited DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

received on or before the closing date
for comments. We may change the The proposed policy is available on Federal Highway Administration
proposed policy because of the the Internet at the following address:
comments received. If you do Environmental Impact Statement:
not have access to the Internet, you can Fairfield County and New Haven
Background obtain a copy of the policy by contacting County, CT
The proposed policy provides a the person listed under FOR FURTHER AGENCY: Federal Highway
method of demonstrating compliance INFORMATION CONTACT.
Administration (FHWA), Department of
with the lumbar load criteria of The FAA invites your comments on Transportation (DOT).
§ 25.562(c)(2). It is based on an FAA this proposed policy. We will accept ACTION: Notice of Intent.
funded research project that developed your comments, data, views, or
a component test methodology for arguments by letter, fax, or e-mail. Send SUMMARY: The FHWA is issuing this
demonstrating that a replacement your comments to the person indicated notice to advise the public that an
bottom cushion would not produce a in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. environmental impact statement will be
higher lumbar load than a certificated Mark your comments, ‘‘Comments to prepared for proposed transportation
bottom cushion for a seat certificated to Policy Statement No. ANM–115–05– improvements to 32 miles (52 km) of
§ 25.562(c)(2). The proposed method 10.’’ Interstate Route 84 (I–84) in Fairfield
provides a simplified means of County and New Haven County,
Use the following format when
demonstrating compliance with Connecticut.
preparing your comments:
§ 25.562(c)(2) and will streamline the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
seat certification process by reducing • Organize your comments issue-by-
Bradley D. Keazer, Division
the costs and time associated with seat issue.
Administrator, Federal Highway
certification. • For each issue, state what specific Administration, 628–2 Hebron Avenue,
Issued in Renton, Washington, on March change you are requesting to the Suite 303, Glastonbury, Connecticut
25, 2005. proposed policy. 06033, telephone (860) 659–6703, ext.
Ali Bahrami, • Include justification, reasons, or 3009; or Edgar T. Hurle, Transportation
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, data for each change you are requesting. Planning Director, Bureau of Policy and
Aircraft Certification Service.
We also welcome comments in Planning, Connecticut Department of
[FR Doc. 05–7196 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am] support of the proposed policy. Transportation, 2800 Berlin Turnpike,
BILLING CODE 4910–13–M P.O. Box 317546, Newington, CT
We will consider all communications 06131–7546, telephone: (860) 594–2920.
received on or before the closing date SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for comments. We may change the FHWA, in cooperation with the
proposed policy because of the Connecticut Department of
Federal Aviation Administration comments received. Transportation (ConnDOT), will prepare
Background an environmental impact statement
[Policy Statement No. ANM–115–05–10] (EIS) on a proposal for transportation
The FAA has issued Amendment 25– improvements to I–84 in the towns of
Replacing Restraint Systems on 64 to provide an increased level of Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, Newtown,
Forward and Aft Facing Seats safety to seated occupants. Seat Southbury, Middlebury and Waterbury,
performance, including the restraint Connecticut for a distance of
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
system, under dynamic conditions as approximately 32 miles (52 km).
Administration (FAA), DOT. Improvements to the I–84 corridor are
defined in § 25.562, is an important
ACTION: Notice of proposed policy; consideration of this amendment. considered necessary to improve safety
request for comments. Replacing a restraint system on a seat and to provide for increases in projected
certified under § 25.562 requires new traffic volumes. Alternatives under
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation consideration include, but are not
dynamic test(s) to be conducted using
Administration (FAA) announces the the actual seat. These dynamic tests can limited to: (1) Taking no action; (2)
availability of proposed policy on be costly and time-consuming. The FAA transit operation service; (3)
Replacing Restraint Systems on Forward conducted research and found an transportation system management; (4)
and Aft Facing Seats. acceptable new method of certifying addition of a third travel lane in each
DATES: Send your comments on or restraint systems using a rigid seat direction; (5) addition of a third travel
before May 11, 2005. fixture instead of the actual seat during lane in each direction with congestion
ADDRESSES: Address your comments to dynamic tests. This method will pricing; and (6) addition of a third travel
the individual identified under FOR significantly reduce the cost and time lane in each direction for use as
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. associated with certifying replacement managed travel lanes.
restraint systems. This policy Letters describing the proposed action
memorandum presents this new means and soliciting comments will be sent to
Mike Thompson, Federal Aviation
of compliance. appropriate Federal, State, and local
Administration, Transport Airplane
agencies, the I–84 Corridor Deficiencies/
Directorate, Transport Standards Staff, Issued in Renton, Washington, on March
Needs Study Project Advisory
Standardization Branch, ANM–113, 25, 2005.
Committee, and to private organizations
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, WA Ali Bahrami, and citizens who have previously
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–1157; Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, expressed or are known to have an
fax (425) 227–1232; e-mail: Aircraft Certification Service. interest in this proposal. Public scoping [FR Doc. 05–7194 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am] meetings, public hearings and public
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BILLING CODE 4910–13–M informational meetings will be held.

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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Notices 18455

Public notice will be given of the time comments must include a self- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
and place of these meetings and addressed, stamped postcard/envelope.
hearings. The draft EIS will be available National Highway Traffic Safety
for public and agency review and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Administration
comment prior to the public hearings. Yvonne Griffin, Office of Budget and
To ensure that the full range of issues Policy, (202) 366–1727. Reports, Forms and Record Keeping
related to this proposed action are Requirements Agency Information
addressed and all significant issues Collection Activity Under OMB Review
parties are invited to send comments
identified, comments and suggestions regarding any aspect of this information AGENCY: National Highway Traffic
are invited from all interested parties. collection, including: (1) The necessity Safety Administration, DOT.
Comments or questions concerning this and utility of the information collection ACTION: Notice.
proposed action and the EIS should be for the proper performance of the
directed to either the FHWA or functions of the FTA; (2) the accuracy SUMMARY: In compliance with the
ConnDOT at the addresses provided of the estimated burden; (3) ways to Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
above. U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance announces that the Information
of the collected information; and (4)
Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning Collection Request (ICR) abstracted
ways to minimize the collection burden below has been forwarded to the Office
and Construction. The regulations
implementing Executive Order 12372 without reducing the quality of the of Management and Budget (OMB) for
regarding intergovernmental consultation on collected information. Comments review and comment. The ICR describes
Federal programs and activities apply to this submitted in response to this notice will the nature of the information collections
program.) be summarized and/or included in the and their expected burden. The Federal
Authority: 23 CFR part 771. request for OMB approval of this Register Notice with a 60-day comment
Issued on: March 31, 2005. information collection. period was published on December 10,
Bradley D. Keazer, Title: Customer Service Surveys (OMB 2004, Vol. 69, No. 237, Pages 71871–
Division Administrator, Hartford, Number: 2132–0559). 71872.
Connecticut. DATES: Comments must be submitted on
Background: Executive Order 12862,
[FR Doc. 05–7232 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am] or before May 11, 2005.
‘‘Setting Customer Service Standards,’’
requires FTA to identify its customers
and determine what they think about Filbert at the National Highway Traffic
FTA’s service. The surveys covered in Safety Administration, Office of Injury
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Control Operations & Resources (NTI–
this request for a blanket clearance will
Federal Transit Administration provide FTA with a means to gather 200), 202–366–2701. 400 Seventh Street,
data directly from its customers. The SW., Rm. 5125, Washington, DC 20590.
[FTA Docket No. FTA–2005–20892] information obtained from the surveys SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
will be used to assess the kind and National Highway Traffic Safety
Notice of Request for Extension of a
quality of services customers want and Administration
Currently Approved Information
Collection their level of satisfaction with existing
Title: Highway Safety Program Cost
services. The surveys will be limited to
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration, data collections that solicit voluntary OMB Number: 2127–0003.
DOT. opinions and will not involve Type of Request: Extension to a
ACTION: Notice of request for comments. information that is required by previously approved collection of
regulations. information.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Abstract: The Highway Safety Plan
Respondents: State and local
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this identifies State’s traffic safety problems
notice announces the intention of the government, public transit operators,
Metropolitan Planning Organizations and describes the program and projects
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to to address those problems. In order to
request the Office of Management and (MPOs), transit constituents, transit
manufacturers, and private transit account for funds expended, States are
Budget (OMB) to revise the following required to submit a HS–217 Highway
currently approved information operators.
Safety Program Cost Summary. The
collection: Estimated Annual Burden on Program Cost Summary is completed to
Customer Service Surveys Respondents: .50 hours for each of the reflect the state’s proposed allocations
911 respondents. of funds (including carry-forward funds)
DATES: Comments must be submitted Estimated Total Annual Burden: 456 by program area, based on the projects
before June 10, 2005. hours. and activities identified in the Highway
ADDRESSES: All written comments must Safety Plan.
Frequency: Annual. Affected Public: 50 States, District of
refer to the docket number that appears
at the top of this document and be Issued: April 4, 2005. Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Territories,
submitted to the United States Ann M. Linnertz, and Tribal Government.
Department of Transportation, Central Deputy Associate Administrator for Estimated Total Annual Burden:
Dockets Office, PL–401, 400 Seventh Administration. 5570.
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. All [FR Doc. 05–7200 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am] ADDRESSES: Send comments, within 30
comments received will be available for days, to the Office of Information and
examination at the above address from Regulatory Affairs, Office of
10 a.m. to 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through Management and Budget, 725–17th
Friday, except Federal holidays. Those Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503,
desiring notification of receipt of Attention NHTSA Desk Officer.

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